A prescription medication called Carbatrol (carbamazepine) is used to treat seizures and nerve pain. Both an immediate-release and an extended-release tablet are offered. Only those who take carbamazepine twice daily for epilepsy are eligible for the extended-release form. If you take other medications, herbs, or vitamins, there may be interactions with cabotrol. When a substance modifies how a drug functions, there is an interaction. This could be harmful or stop the medication from working properly. If you take certain medications along with carbamazepine, it might not control your seizures or reduce your pain as well. To achieve the same effect, you might need to take more carbamazepine. Your doctor will closely monitor you if you are taking carbamazepine along with any of these medications. Before beginning carbamazepine, let your doctor know if you're taking any of these drugs. As long as you are taking carbamazepine, you should let your doctor know if you start or stop taking any other medications. Birth defects may result from taking carbamazepine. If you're a woman of childbearing age, discuss using another method of birth control while taking carbamazepine with your doctor. Other negative effects of carbamazepine are also possible. This article is written to provide information to Welzo users so they can better understand Carbatrol.