
The skin of red fruits like grapes and other berries contains a substance called resveratrol. Additionally, mulberries, peanuts, and a few other plants contain it. Red wine drinkers may have a lower risk of heart disease in part because of resveratrol, according to researchers.Resveratrol has gained popularity as a dietary supplement recently. People take it for a variety of reasons, such as heart health, cancer prevention, and life extension. Even some people use it to assist in weight loss.

How Does Resveratrol Work?

The physiological actions of resveratrol in the body are still largely unknown to scientists. They are aware that it appears to have a favorable impact on the blood vessel lining. Additionally, it might lessen inflammation and stop cell deterioration.

A protein called SIRT1 can be activated by resveratrol, according to some studies. It is believed that this protein contributes to long life. Additionally, resveratrol might shield the body from the negative effects of obesity and a high-fat diet.

Does Resveratrol Have Any Side Effects?

Few negative effects of taking resveratrol supplements have so far been documented. Mild headaches, diarrhea, and upset stomach have all been reported by a few people. Additionally, there is some worry that resveratrol use over an extended period of time may cause liver issues.

Consult your doctor before taking resveratrol if you're thinking about it. He or she can assist you in weighing the advantages and potential risks.

What the Research Says

According to some studies, resveratrol may have health advantages.However, rather than using humans, a lot of the research has used animals.If resveratrol provides the same advantages in people, more investigation is required.According to one study, type 2 diabetics with resveratrol supplements had better blood sugar control.The study also discovered that the supplements reduced levels of inflammation and cholesterol.In a different study, resveratrol's effects on obese individuals without diabetes were examined.Resveratrol was found to help prevent weight gain and fat buildup, according to the study.Additionally, it enhanced blood sugar regulation and insulin sensitivity.

Dosage and Preparation

There are dietary supplements with resveratrol.It is also available as liquid or powder.Consuming grapes and other red fruits is another way to get resveratrol.There is no established resveratrol dosage.Your age, weight, and overall health condition will all affect how much is appropriate for you.The ideal dosage for you should be discussed with your doctor.


There is little knowledge of the pharmacokinetics of resveratrol.Resveratrol is believed to be poorly absorbed when taken orally.As soon as it is absorbed, the body quickly metabolizes and excretes it.Because of this, it is challenging to research resveratrol's effects on people.

Possible Interactions

Some medications and resveratrol may not interact well.Before taking resveratrol, discuss with your doctor any other medications you may be taking.He or she can aid you in determining whether the supplement is suitable for you.Some people worry that resveratrol might exacerbate bleeding disorders.Before taking this supplement, discuss with your doctor if you have a bleeding disorder.Additionally, resveratrol and drugs that lower blood sugar may interact.Consult your doctor before taking resveratrol if you take diabetes medication.He or she can support you in controlling your blood sugar.

Alternatives to Resveratrol

There are numerous other supplements that are said to have positive effects on health.Green tea, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber are a few of these.Consult your physician about the supplements that might be best for you.


Resveratrol is not known to have any toxic effects.On its safety, though, not much research has been done.Consult your doctor before using this supplement if you have any questions.