Healing Crystals: Benefits and Uses

Healing crystals are popularly used since centuries for its ability to heal, protect and enhance spiritual wellness. The use of healing crystals is traditional, and many cultures believe in its authenticity to provide the said benefits. However, it is still important to understand the properties and uses of healing crystals in the light of scientific evidence and its health benefits from the perspective of medical knowledge. In the article below, we will discuss healing crystals and understand its benefits and uses from scientific perspective.
The historical use of healing crystals started from the ancient civilisations. The Egyptians used crystals like lapis lazuli and turquoise to adorn themselves and had a strong belief in receiving healing and protection by possessing these. The traditional medicine followed by the Chinese used jade for its purported healing benefits. The Ayurvedic Medicine followed by Indians used to include these crystals into healing practices to balance the body’s energies.
In present times, the healing crystals has regained its popularity and that too in the field of alternative medicine to improve the overall wellness. The use of healing crystals is widely promoted by celebrities, health and wellness influences and holistic health practitioners claiming its ability to enhance mood and heal the body.
There are many varieties of crystals. Enlisted below are only some of the popularly known healing crystals along with its purported health benefits and scientific point of view.
Amethyst is an enchanting crystal that is known to promote clarity of mind, calmness and a sense of spiritual awareness. The use of amethyst is often associated with its ability to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress. Some cultures also use amethyst to recover from substance addictions.
Amethyst is a visually appealing crystal that exerts calming effects when used to practice meditation in a relaxing surrounding. However, its purported health benefits are not claimed or proven by the scientific studies. There is no scientific evidence that can be used to claim the positive mental health effects of amethyst crystal or its ability to recover the addicts from their addictions. It is also important to note that the placebo effect associated with amethyst due to its cultural and traditional use may play its role in perceiving and receiving the mentioned health benefits.
Also known as “Merchant’s Stone”, Citrine is a healing crystal known to bring success, wealth and prosperity. It has the ability to protect against negative energies and laziness by enhancing the mental capability and creativity.
There is no scientific evidence to prove that Citrine brings wealth and prosperity along with enhancing mental powers to overcome negative energies. The positive health benefits of Citrine can have visually and psychologically appealing effects due to its bright appearance. The sunny and shiny appearance of Citrine crystal may be pleasing to the eyes, uplifting the mood to work for the prosperity that this crystal shall bring anytime soon.
Rose quartz is associated with emotional healing and improvement in feelings of self-love. It is believed to bring love, improve and nurture the relationships and provide calming support during times of emotional distress such as sorrow and grief.
The calming colour of rose quartz is the only contribution to the temporary mood betterment. There is no scientific evidence that can confirm the lovey dovey effects of rose quartz on emotional health. The positive effects of rose quartz on health are likely due to the placebo effects and strong belief in traditional practices of healing.
Also known as the “Master healer”, clear quartz is known historically to amplify the energy and thought processes. Clear quartz has the ability to create a balance between the various bodily functions and revitalise the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life.
It is often said that clear quartz has ability to impart piezoelectric phenomenon. Piezoelectric phenomenon means that clear quartz can create a spark in response to stress that could be mechanical or emotional. The piezoelectric property is present in various technological products such as electronics and watches. There is no such scientific evidence to prove that clear quartz crystal has the ability to dodge stress by amplifying the wellness energy.
There are various uses of crystals depending upon their type and properties. Enlisted below are some of the uses of healing crystals.
People often get the type of crystal that resonate most with their inner self, needs and intentions. Individuals often fit the chosen stone in jewellery and accessories to benefit from its psychological effects throughout the day.
Crystals are often placed on shelves or in fancy utensils that add to the décor and aesthetics of the home. Rose quartz crystals are often placed in the bedroom that indicates peace, love and harmony. Similarly, people driven by ambitions and those with intense desire to win often keep a clear quartz or citrine crystal in their workplace that reminds them of harmonious balance in their bodily functions that is adding to their creativity and mental clarity.
Crystals are often used as a core item during meditation and practicing other mindfulness techniques. Individuals are supposed to focus on the healing crystal while deepening their meditation. It helps them with achieving greater sense of tranquillity along with an enhanced sensory experience to sooth their senses.
A crystal grid is a sort of arrangement of healing crystals in a specific geometric pattern with the aim of amplifying the benefits and energy from each crystal. The scientific studies and evidence to prove the idea of crystal grids are lacking but individuals with strong belief in the powers of healing crystals have strong beliefs and considers it a powerful tool. It is known to improve the concentration and makes individuals focus on their goals or intentions and manifest the high outcomes.
Scientific studies and evidence do not support the benefits and intended uses of healing crystals. Despite knowing this fact, the use of healing crystals in the modern practices of achieving wellness is still growing. Enlisted below are the factors that contribute to its growth.
An individual’s belief in a particular practice holds great power. Our minds and its pattern of thinking shapes our perspective and thus decides the quality of life for us. Even though healing crystals do not offer benefits, as per science, but the belief system associated with these crystals gives all the expected health benefits, including those related to our mental health. Believing in healing crystals and possessing them in a pendant or a ring cause great comfort in the sense of being protected from evil and negative energies that enhances the mood and mental wellness by thinking of positive outcomes every day.
Crystals often has enchanting colour with mysterious lines inside it. It looks aesthetic and expensive that adds to the visual appeal. Healing crystals are often placed on a bookshelf that enhances the environment and adds to the aesthetics of a room by creating a calming, receiving and positive atmosphere.
Crystals can be placed alongside while doing mindful practices such as yoga and meditation. The presence of crystals works similar to aromatherapy in which the scents of essential oils are used to promote healing while practicing such mindful techniques.
Crystals are often passed to the next generations within a family that has strengthened beliefs in the powers of healing crystals and have benefitted now and again from its healing properties. Such individuals often take great care of such family heirlooms and pass on their belief since it is deeply rooted in their cultural and spiritual practices. Possessing these crystals provide a sense of connection and purpose to their ancestors who advocated the use of healing crystals for various purposes in life.
What are the risks associated with the use of healing crystals?
Healing crystals are generally safe for use; however, it is important to be aware of its possible risks. Certain crystals, such as malachite or cinnabar, release dust that is toxic upon inhalation. Individuals with strong belief system associated with healing crystals often rely solely on it and delay the process of seeking medical help for their health conditions, posing a significant threat to their deteriorating health. The placebo effect associated with healing crystals also cause a false sense of being healed or treated that masks the underlying health condition. However beneficial, healing crystals are not above the proven scientific research and medical knowledge. It is important to seek medical help for health conditions and rely on healing crystals only for its visual appeal and calming effects during mindfulness practices.
Is there any difference between natural and synthetic healing crystals?
Yes, there is a difference of origin and energy between natural and synthetic healing crystals. Natural healing crystals are made through geological processes that extends over a period of millions of years in which crystallisation of minerals occur under specific pressure and temperature in the Earth’s crust to form a natural crystal. Humans mine these crystals that are valued for its unique formation and enchanting varieties. On the other hand, synthetic crystals are formed in laboratories with attempts to mimic the appearance and properties of a natural crystal. The two often look similar but differ at large by origin, formation and obtaining process, and their natural energies. While most people may not care much for the kind of crystal they have as long as its aesthetically pleasing, however, individuals with strong beliefs and psychological attachments to the healing crystals always prefer the natural crystals as it strengthens their connection to Earth’s natural mechanisms.
Healing crystals are popularly used since centuries for its ability to heal, protect and enhance spiritual wellness. Ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Indians have used these crystals into healing practices to balance the body’s energies. The use of healing crystals is widely promoted by celebrities, health and wellness influences and holistic health practitioners claiming its ability to enhance mood and heal the body. Amethyst is an enchanting crystal that is known to promote clarity of mind, calmness and a sense of spiritual awareness. Citrine is a healing crystal known to bring success, wealth and prosperity. Rose quartz is associated with emotional healing and improvement in feelings of self-love. Clear quartz is known historically to amplify the energy and thought processes. Healing crystals are often used in jewellery, ornaments, accessories, home décor, meditation practices and incorporating into crystal grids. The use of healing crystals is popular in both ancient and modern practices that advocate its health benefits, however, science do not prove these benefits through various research, and it concludes that the healing effects of crystals are purely due to placebo effects. It is important to seek medical help for health conditions and rely on healing crystals only for its visual appeal and calming effects during mindfulness practices.
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