Turkey Neck: Best Ways to Get Rid of It

Turkey Neck: Best Ways to Get Rid of It

Turkey Neck – What is it?

Sagging or loose skin around the neck, sometimes referred to as “turkey neck,” is a problem that may afflict anybody, particularly as we age. You’re not the only one who has ever wished for a more youthful appearance when standing in front of the mirror and pulling back your skin. This region often sees a decrease of muscle tone and skin suppleness, which can result in the dreaded “turkey neck.”

Are you trying to get rid of turkey neck and having trouble with it? Do you feel older than you are because of drooping skin on your neck? This is a common problem as individuals get older, but the good news is that there are many techniques to get rid of it and seem firmer and younger again.

In this article, we will discuss about turkey neck and the most effective ways to get rid of it and maintain a firmer, more youthful neck appearance.

At what age does turkey neck start to appear?

Turkey neck refers to the sagging of the skin around the neck and jawline that occurs as we age. This condition is characterized by loose skin and excess fat that gathers under the chin and along the neck, creating a wrinkled or droopy appearance.

As we age, the skin loses its elasticity, and fat that was once evenly distributed on the face and neck may shift downward due to gravity, further contributing to the sagging around the jaw and neck area. Turkey neck is often a natural result of aging, weight loss, and a reduction in collagen production, which weakens the skin’s structure and leads to sagging.

Turkey neck begins to appear at about 40 years old, yet this age varies depending on a lot of factors, including exposure to sunshine, lifestyle choices, and food, as each of these things affects premature ageing differently. Turkey neck may not become apparent until a person is in their 50s or 60s, however fine lines and wrinkles usually start to show around age 25.


What are the Causes of A Turkey Neck?

Turkey neck can result from several factors:

1.  Ageing

The two proteins that maintain our skin firm and elastic, collagen and elastin, are naturally lost as we age. The neck is especially susceptible to this process since its skin is thinner than that of other body regions.

2.  Sun Exposure

The sun's UV rays increase the ageing process of skin by breaking down collagen and elastin fibres. Prolonged sun exposure can cause the neck region to wrinkle and sag rapidly.

3.  Weight Loss

Losing a lot of weight quickly might make it harder for the skin to "snap back," which can lead to sagging or loose skin, particularly around the neck.

4.  Genetics

A genetic predisposition to sagging skin exists in certain individuals. You could be more prone to have turkey neck if your parents or grandparents experienced it.

5.  Muscle Weakness

With time, the platysma muscle, which runs from the shoulders and chest to the mouth, may become weaker. This causes the skin around the neck to lose support, which causes sagging.

What are some of the Best Ways to Get Rid of Turkey Neck?

Non-Invasive Methods

For those who need to maintain a strategic distance from surgery, there are different non-invasive medicines accessible that can successfully treat turkey neck. These medications extend from at-home cures to in-office strategies performed by dermatologists

  1. Skin-Firming Creams and Serums
There are many products that claim to fix and firm the skin. Explore for creams containing fixings like Revision Nectifirm one of the best product because it has ingredients to dissolve the fat cells, you can explore more products like retinoids, hyaluronic corrosive, and peptides. Whereas these creams can progress the appearance of the skin over time, they for the most part offer subtle results and work best as a preventive measure.
  1. Laser Treatments
Laser treatment may be a well-known non-invasive strategy of treating crow's feet by fixing the free skin and fortifying collagen generation. The two sorts of lasers used for this reason are Fraxel lasers and CO2 (carbon dioxide) lasers, both of which target the more profound layers of the skin without harming the surface. Fraxel lasers work by micro-impacting the skin, starting the body's characteristic recuperating prepare. This prepares increments collagen generation and makes a difference to fix and restore the skin.

Fraxel is exceptionally viable in progressing skin surface and decreasing fine lines and wrinkles, which is why it is best for treating crow's feet. CO2 lasers, on the other hand, are more intrusive and are ordinarily utilized for patients with more touchy skin. These lasers evacuate the external layers of damaged skin and invigorate collagen generation within the more profound layers. CO2 laser treatment can lead to more sensational comes about, but requires a longer recuperation time.

NOTE  Laser treatments can final longer, but numerous times are required to realize the specified comes about. Depending on the seriousness of the neck wrinkles, patients may require between 2 and 6 medicines and approx. 4 to 6 week interims. The recuperation time is negligible, as a rule redness and swelling for a few days after each session. In truth, laser reemerging is secure and successful for those who need to move forward the appearance of their neck skin without surgery. The comes about are clearer, smoother skin with unmistakable enhancements that proceed to develop with collagen over the months..

  1. Ul therapy

Ul therapy employments ultrasound innovation to enter profound into the skin and fortify collagen generation. This non-invasive treatment fixes and lifts listing skin without the required for surgery. It's an incredible choice for those who need obvious comes about without downtime. Be that as it may, it can take a few months to see the total impacts.

  1. Radiofrequency Treatment

Comparable to Ul therapy, radiofrequency (RF) medicines utilize warm to stimulate collagen generation. Medications like Thermage or Exilis work by warming the profound layers of the skin, empowering modern collagen development, and steadily fixing the skin. 

  1. Botox

Botox injections can moreover offer assistance in lessening the appearance of turkey neck. Whereas customarily utilized for the face, Botox can be injected into the neck muscles to unwind them, smoothing out vertical neck bands or wrinkles. This is often a brief arrangement, requiring normal medicines for proceeded comes about. 

  1. Kybella

Kybella is an injectable treatment utilized to break down and retain fat cells within the area under the chin (twofold chin). In the event that your turkey neck is caused by overabundance fat instead of fair drooping skin, Kybella can offer a viable arrangement. It regularly takes numerous medications to attain the specified result.

Day by day Habits that Can help in Managing or Preventing Turkey Neck

In expansion to proficient medications and surgical alternatives, there are a few way of life habits you can adopt to assist oversee or avoid turkey neck.

  1. Posture

Keeping up great posture can offer assistance diminish the appearance of listing skin. Slumping or looking down at your phone for long periods (frequently referred to as "tech neck") can contribute to wrinkles and listing. Keep your head up and shoulders back to avoid putting pointless strain on the neck. 

  1. Skincare Routine

Creating a skincare schedule particularly for your neck can offer assistance keep up skin flexibility and hydration. Utilize items with cancer prevention agents, such as vitamin C, to secure against free radicals, and retinoids to boost collagen production.

  1. Customary Neck Works out

Joining neck works out into your every day schedule can offer assistance reinforce the muscles and move forward skin flexibility. Basic works out like tilting your head back, sticking out your lower jaw, and holding the position for a number of seconds can offer assistance fix the muscles and decrease sagging. 

  1. Healthy Diet

An adjusted diet rich in cancer prevention agents, vitamins, and minerals can back skin wellbeing. Foods like berries, verdant greens, and fish high in omega-3 greasy acids can improve skin elasticity and promote collagen production. 

Turkey Neck Exercises

Here are four facial exercises to correct a ‘wrinkled neck’ which people commonly do. The aim of these exercises is to tone and define the neck area better.

1.  Hack Lift

 Target neck muscles and Ka line emphasizes chin bone strengthening

 How to do it:

  1. Stand or sit up straight.
  2. Bring your chin up looking upwards.
  3. Kiss the sky, while pursing your lips. You should stretch the neck and jaw.
  4. Expose this position for 5 seconds.
  5. Do 10-15 repetitions of this exercise.

Tip: In the discussion between the answers, especially those of the exercise. Exhale upwards without lifting the heavier load than the shoulders in the performance of the exercise.

2.  Neck Roll:

Increases the flexibility of the neck and helps develop both sides of the neck muscles.

 How to do it:

  1. Either sit or stand upright.
  2. Relatively slow turning of the head towards the right with the right arm moving behind the ear requires looking back.
  3. Splash the head against the chest in a circular motion.
  4. Now, repeat the same circle overs the right side of the upper body.
  5. Each time, repeat the same in both directions for 5 times.

TIP: The motion should be done slowly, without jerking, in order to prevent any strain on the neck.

3.  The Exercise for Platysma

 Purpose: Aims the muscle occupying the area starting from the lower jaw to the collarbone.

How to Do It:

  1. You may either stand or sit up tall.
  2. Tighten the muscles in your neck by slightly opening your mouth and then pulling the corners of your mouth downward into the neck.
  3. You will feel a pull underneath your chin and this along your neck.
  4. Maintain this position for 5-10 seconds then let go.
  5. Do it 10 times.

Tip: Do not bite your teeth, for this exercise is focused on the neck muscles only.

4.  Tongue stretch too

Purpose: This is intended for the muscles directly beneath the chin.

 How to Do It: 

  1. Sit or stand up straight.
  2. Extend the tongue as much as possible.
  3. Now point the tongue as close to your nose as possible.
  4.  4.This position should be held for at least ten seconds.
  5. Repeat this for about 5-10 times.

Tip: You will notice that the muscles under your chin and in the front of your neck are being used.

Loosening does not only help tone the muscles alone to achieve that desired slender look. Besides those external factors, it appears that some neck strengthening may enhance long-term beauty even further.

When Is Surgery the Best Option for Turkey Neck?

For the patients who want to achieve a very dramatic and long-lasting result, the surgical options would probably be the best way out. These procedures are more invasive than the non-surgical techniques, but they can provide substantial improvement. 

1.  Neck Lift (Cervicoplasty or Platysmaplasty)

 The neck lift procedure is a surgical intervention that aims at eliminating excess skin and tightening muscles underneath to enhance the neck’s appearance. There are two types of neck lifts :

Cervicoplasty: The excess skin around the neck is removed.

Platysmaplasty: This is done to the underlying platysma muscles that may have become loose due to aging.

Although a neck lift procedure gives even better results than the noninvasive techniques, the period of recovery is much longer because of the surgical nature of the procedure. 

2.  Liposuction

In cases where the turkey neck is being caused by excess fat, liposuction comes to the rescue. This is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of fat from the area under the chin and neck to sculpt the appearance of the jaw line and remove sagginess from the skin. Liposuction is usually done with neck lifts to enhance the desired result of the surgical services.

3.  Thread Lift

In case a full neck lift is not preferred for whatever reasons there is need for an alternative, a thread lift may be what the patient seeks. In this procedure, thin threads are inserted into the skin to lift and tighten sagging areas. While the results aren’t as dramatic or long-lasting as surgery, a thread lift can offer an immediate improvement with minimal downtime.


Turkey neck refers to the sagging of the skin around the neck and jawline that occurs as we age. This condition is characterized by loose skin and excess fat that gathers under the chin and along the neck, creating a wrinkled or droopy appearance. It is a problem that may afflict anybody, particularly as we age. Neck This region often sees a decrease of muscle tone and skin suppleness, which can result in turkey neck.

Turkey neck is often a natural result of aging, weight loss, and a reduction in collagen production, which weakens the skin’s structure and leads to sagging. Beginning at or after 40 years of age, yet this age varies depending on a lot of factors, including exposure to sunshine, lifestyle choices, and food, as each of these things affects premature ageing differently.

The various causes of turkey neck include ageing, sun exposure, rapid weight loss, genetics and muscle weakness. Ways to get rid of turkey neck depends on an individual’s choice and desired outcomes. Various options include skin-firming creams and serums, laser therapy, UI therapy, radiofrequency treatment, botox and kybella injectable treatments. Furthermore, lifestyle modifications may also help such as fixing the posture, following a proper skincare routine, customary neck workout and healthy diet. Turkey neck workouts include hack lift, neck roll, platysma stretching exercises and tongue stretch. Surgical options to treat turkey neck includes neck lift, liposuction and thread lift.

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