Platelet Count

Platelet Count - welzo

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Platelets are small, flexible cells that circulate in the blood. They are an important part of the body’s defenses against bleeding and injury. As platelets travel through the bloodstream, they collect at areas of damaged tissue. There is a specialized surface on each platelet called a receptor (a protein “keyhole”). When activated, this receptor causes chemical signals to be sent from one platelet to another. These chemical signals trigger a series of chemical changes that cause several hundred small granules (also found inside each platelet) to fuse with the cell membrane. This releases a large amount of enzyme activity which results in the creation of thrombin molecules and clotting factors necessary for clots to form at sites of injury. The action of the chemical signals also cause a reduction in numbers of platelets at the site of injury, which slows bleeding and helps to keep damaged tissue clean. This process is known as “platelet plug formation”.

· Primary considerations for blood count: Hemoglobin concentration (Hgb), Red Blood Cell Count (RBC), White Blood Cell Count (WBC), Platelet/Lymphocyte Ratio (P/L ratio)

· Normal range for RBC: 4-6 million cells /mcL or florida platelets per microliter of blood

· Normal range for HgB: 12-15 gm per deciliter of blood or 120 -150 grams per letter liter

· Normal range for P/L ratio: 2.0 to 4.5 (normal)

· White Blood Cell Count (WBC) ranges from 5000-10000 cells per microliter of blood or lymphocyte ratio 5,000 -10,000 cells /mcL or lymphocytes per microliter of blood

· Normal platelet count: 150,000 – 450,000 cells per microliter of blood

In summary, normal platelet count is between 150,000 to 450,000 cells per microliter of blood. It’s important that you understand the importance of a properly functioning platelets system in your body and how health issues can impact its abilities. Just remember that if your body cannot perform at 100 percent efficiency then you are more susceptible to illness and injury. Therefore it is important to be aware of common diseases and health problems which can lead to an abnormally low or high level of platelets in the bloodstream so that early treatment can be sought when necessary. Some examples include cancer (especially leukemia), autoimmune disorders such as lupus, vitamin deficiencies (especially folate or B12), HIV/AIDS, and liver problems.

Multiple Myeloma: Platelet Count

In general, a low platelet count is referred to as thrombocytopenia and can be caused by many different health conditions. However its most common cause is the disease known as multiple myeloma. This cancer starts in plasma cells which are specialized white blood cells that produce antibodies. Not everyone with multiple myeloma will have a low platelet level though it is fairly common for people who have this condition to experience some form of thrombocytopenia at some point during their illness. The reason why this occurs has not been definitively determined but it is believed that the cancerous cells are somehow preventing new platelets from being produced or perhaps releasing a substance that damages the existing ones. However, there are other possible causes for this problem as well including abnormalities in the immune system and an inability of the marrow to produce platelets; this occurs more often in patients who have had some type of radiation therapy directed towards their bone marrow.

There are several ways to treat thrombocytopenia when it is caused by multiple myeloma. One such method would be chemotherapy because while it can cause side effects, most people (around 85 percent) will eventually experience some type of improvement within their blood counts. The goal is generally to reduce the amount of cancerous plasma cells in your body to help prevent further damage; that being said, sometimes the most effective treatment is a bone marrow transplantation. When undergoing this procedure, chemotherapy or radiation therapy may first be administered in order to destroy your immune system and any remaining cancerous cells. However if your body's ability to make platelets is compromised by myeloma then low dose chemotherapy will likely be used instead as it will not affect your bone marrow's production of these cells. The decision about which type of treatment you would benefit from most would depend on the stage and severity of your condition so always consult with your doctor before beginning any new medical regimen.

Bone Marrow Failure: Platelet Count

Although multiple myeloma is one possible cause for thrombocytopenia, the most common reason for a low platelet count is known as bone marrow failure. This type of non-cancerous condition can be caused by many different health issues and not everyone will experience the same symptoms or problems. The treatment that works best for you would depend on your overall prognosis and any other medical conditions you have; however in general, this disease tends to progress slowly so it may take several years before your body's ability to produce platelets declines enough to warrant treatment. For more information on blood tests, you can read our comprehensive guide.

A few possible causes of bone marrow failure include autoimmune disorders such as lupus, anemia (a blood disorder), vitamin deficiencies (especially B12 or folate), clotting factor deficiencies (which cause excessive bleeding), infection with HIV or other viruses, and even medications such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. A bone marrow biopsy may be necessary to confirm that you do indeed have this type of condition and if so your doctor will determine the best course of action depending on its severity. In most cases a transfusion of either red blood cells or platelets can help prevent your symptoms from getting any worse but in some instances additional therapies may also be required including stem cell transplants, which involves taking white blood cells from someone else's body, stimulating them within your own body and then reintroducing them into yours; however this procedure is not available for everyone since it does carry certain risks (including death). Another treatment option includes medicine that helps your bone marrow make more platelets so that way your body is able to control their levels on its own.

When it comes to a low platelet count, you may be wondering how serious this condition is and the truth of the matter is that in most instances it can be managed quite successfully. If you suspect that you have thrombocytopenia (a low platelet count) then make sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible so he or she can determine what the potential causes are and recommend treatment options for your specific case. While some people are able to live relatively normal lives despite having this health issue, others may experience more severe problems such as frequent bleeding which could require a blood transfusion or even surgery (which would involve removing any problematic tissues). Since thrombocytopenia can occur without warning, always be on the lookout for any unexpected bleeding, bruising or petechiae (tiny red dots due to damaged blood vessels).

Thrombocytopenia is a medical term that refers to a low platelet count in your blood. Also known as "thrombopenia" or "platelet deficiency," this condition can cause issues with your circulatory system since having too few platelets increases the likelihood of excessive bleeding. While some people may have mild symptoms and need no treatment, others may have more severe issues such as spontaneous bleeding from their nose or gums which could lead to anemia if it's not treated immediately. However regardless of how serious thrombocytopenia is in your case, there are several different treatment options available which can help you better manage the condition.

The exact number of platelets that needs to be present in your blood before you are considered to have thrombocytopenia would depend on several factors including your age and overall health. Also, if you have other underlying conditions such as cancer or HIV/AIDS, a naturally low platelet count may be even more concerning. If your doctor suspects thrombocytopenia he or she will likely order some blood work which can determine whether or not this is indeed the case; however certain tests such as a bone marrow biopsy might also be necessary to confirm it. Once diagnosed with this condition, there are several things that you can do (depending on its severity) to help treat it including taking vitamins such as B12 or folic acid, a blood transfusion of either platelets or red blood cells (to increase your level of hemoglobin), and even medicines that encourage bone marrow production.

Unfortunately, despite all the various options available to treat thrombocytopenia, in some cases the condition may still recur if its underlying cause is not addressed. However working closely with your doctor can ensure this doesn't happen which will allow you to live a healthy and happy life regardless of whether you have normal levels of platelets or not.

As with any other health concerns, it's always best to talk to your doctor about the potential benefits and risks of taking things like medications or vitamins when dealing with thrombocytopenia. If you do decide that these are the right course of treatment for you, then make sure to follow your doctor's instructions very carefully so you can manage this medical condition as best as possible.

Thrombocytopenia is a very serious condition that affects many people; however if treated in a timely manner it can be managed quite well. If you have any symptoms of this health issue such as frequent bleeding, bruising or petechiae (tiny red dots due to damaged blood vessels), then make an appointment with your doctor or a hematologist as soon as possible to discuss the particular course of treatment that would be best in your case.

If you have thrombocytopenia it's important to work closely with your doctor, who can help you manage this condition by providing appropriate medications and/or other treatments based on the severity of your symptoms. Whether you have a normal platelet count or a very low one, there are several different treatment options available which can help you better manage this medical issue. There are also some things that you can do at home (such as taking vitamins) that can help improve your overall health when dealing with thrombocytopenia. So if you've been diagnosed with this condition and want to learn how to better manage it, be sure to work closely with your doctor so that you can get the best possible treatment and live a healthy life.

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