Dynamic Brain Reviews: Does it work?

Dynamic Brain Reviews: Does it work? - welzo

 Daily stresses and fatigue wear us down. Notably, the working class is regularly exposed to tiredness, anxiety, stress and even severe burnout. So, what's the solution? Getting a lot of rest, developing a healthy and active lifestyle, and focusing on oneself by disconnecting from the media for some time is beneficial. Dietary supplements are helpful if these options are unavailable or they don't work. 

The nootropics, or so-called 'smart drugs', promise to improve brain health and cognitive functions and lessen the disastrous effects of fatigue and stress. The market has a lot of such products, including, of course, some pretenders. Dynamic Brain by Stonehenge Health is one such product. We tested and analysed it to facilitate the selection.

What is a dynamic Brain? 

It is a blend of nootropic agents or smart drugs whose actions improve human thinking, mood, learning ability, focus, alertness, cognitive functions and mental clarity and alleviates depression, poor memory and concentration, stress and anxiety. The manufacturer, Stonehenge Health, is a US-based and FDA-approved company. 

Dynamic Brain Reviews: Does it work?

Dynamic Brain is a unique blend of 40 finest quality and globally sourced ingredients. The antioxidant-rich formula of Dynamic Brain boosts the brain's prostaglandin synthesis. It supports brain health and prevents free radical-associated damage to the brain. It has an overall positive impact on neurotransmitter functions and supports the membrane structure of the brain.

Dynamic Brain's natural, vegetarian, GMO-free and gluten-free formula offers everything from healthful vitamins to nootropic agents, e.g., phosphatidylserine, adaptogens, neuro-minerals bacopa, amino acids and choline. There are, however, some significant flaws. The nootropic agents, although the best in the market, are hidden in the form of a proprietary blend, which makes us unable to see the doses. The list of nootropic agents is also limited. What is present is good, but more needs to be there to justify its cost.

How does the dynamic Brain work? 

Dynamic Brain is a mid-level nootropic supplement. The ingredient profile together promises some results, e.g., better clarity, energy and cognition. The user will no longer experience jitteriness, brain fog and stimulant-induced energy. The user experience is moderately positive as they reported feeling a calm clarity and reduced fatigue.

Enhanced blood flow to the brain means a more rapid flow of nutrients and oxygen into the brain, resulting in lower anxiety and stress, better mood, and increased learning ability and memory. The long-term benefits expected from a good nootropic supplement are long-term healthy and stable brain structure.

Breakdown of the ingredient profile  

Dynamic Brain contains vitamins and minerals whose doses are classified, but the doses of most of the nootropic agents are hidden under a proprietary blend. There are a lot of good ingredients in its formula that promise science-backed results. 

Dynamic Brain ingredients


Choline is present in most brain health supplements and is a perfect nootropic agent. It is the precursor of acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter in the brain. It improves cognitive functions, memory and learning. It has additional benefits for the liver, too. However, there is a loophole as the most effective form of choline, CDP-choline, is absent and Dynamic Brain has choline bitartrate, a less effective form. It is very odd and is a lost opportunity. Even worse, the dose of choline is just 9% of DV.

DMEA bitartrate

It is a common nootropic agent found in many brain health supplements. It is a precursor of choline, which has a role in acetylcholine production, an important neurotransmitter that boosts brain health. An unknown dose leaves us in darkness to guess its effects.


It is an amino acid that serves as a building block of proteins. The proteins perform various bodily functions, ranging from the maintenance of health and structure of the body to the hormonal balance. Glutamine, in particular, has very promising results to boost immune health and enable easy recovery in stressful situations. It is, however, not a nootropic agent and has no known benefits for brain performance or cognitive health. 

Green tea extract

It is a good choice given its wide range of health benefits, from energy boost to blood pressure and cholesterol level regulation. It has L-theanine, a known nootropic agent. L-theanine is an Amino acid frequently present in many nootropics. It is known to delay cognitive decline, lower the symptoms of anxiety and stress and promote relaxation. 

However, given that L-theanine is not added as an independent ingredient and is derived from green tea, we are unsure if enough amount enters the body to have substantial benefits. 

Bacopa Monnier

It is a nootropic agent with proven benefits for performance, cognitive health and memory. It reduces stress levels and increases the synthesis of neurotransmitters like GABA, serotonin and acetylcholine. A dose of 300mg per serving is proven to have health benefits; however, we are uncertain about its efficacy as we don't know the dosage. 


It is not a nootropic and is an odd choice for a nootropic product. It is a sugar that influences serotonin levels, and some studies have linked it to regulating blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels. It, however, doesn't support the processing ability or cognitive functions. 


It is not present as an independent ingredient but is present in green tea extract. Although the dose is low, it improves memory, mood, alertness and mental clarity by increasing the synthesis of catecholamine neurotransmitters, e.g., epinephrine, norepinephrine, adrenaline and dopamine. It improves memory in stressful situations and during severe fatigue. However, the dose in Dynamic Brain is not expected to be enough to achieve these results.

Other ingredients 

Many other ingredients include vanadium, bilberry fruit extract, liquorice root, huperzine A, DHA, and GABA. Their health effects are variable, but they promise health benefits if correctly dosed (again, we need to know the doses). The spectrum of health benefits is further increased by the inclusion of critical minerals and vitamins like potassium, molybdenum, chromium, manganese, selenium, copper, zinc, magnesium, folate, biotin, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6), calcium, iron and vitamins A, C, E and D.

The nutrient profile is moderate at best, and this, coupled with a relatively high price, makes it a poorly competitive choice, given the presence of better alternatives in this price cap.

Welzo's review  

Overall rating: 4/ 5

Quality: 4/ 5

Cost: 3/ 5

Safety: 5/ 5

Pros: Natural ingredients, good safety, 90-day money-back guarantee, diverse nutrient profile

Cons: Proprietary blend, costly, sometimes ineffective

Our verdict

“Dynamic Brain is a moderate product, neither good nor bad, and it seems a handsome choice when seen in isolation. It would be a superb choice if the price cap were lower. However, since Stonehenge Health is charging premium rates for a medium-quality product, it is a lower-end product in a highly competitive market. The worst downside is the proprietary blend, which makes it impossible to know what a person is putting into the body and investing money. Some essential nootropics are missing, while some bizarre nutrients are present. We suggest a better product for someone interested in getting sound out of his money.”

Dynamic Brain Reviews: Does it work?

User reviews 

Despite a lacklustre nutrient profile, the overall reception of the product is positive, and many users appreciate the results. The rating at Stonehenge Health is 5/ 5, and we are still determining if these reviews are independent. It achieved a moderate 3.9/ 5 at Amazon. The reviews of some users are;

“I am 55 and run a photography business. A few years ago, I experienced a decline in my ability to process information and think. I started searching for supplements to help me. On Dynamic Brain, it took me just a week to see the results, and it is worth its weight in gold. I experienced an improvement in short-term and long-term memory and my ability to retain and process information. I recommend it to anyone having issues with focus and memory.”

(Nick, Burbank, CA)

“I started to experience senior moments. I often used to forget why I picked up the phone after grabbing the phone and putting in the password. This mental fog disappeared after I started using Dynamic Brain. I am 62 now, and my memory is like when I was 45. I experienced an overall improvement in decision-making and my ability to remember things. It is a remarkable product, and I recommend it to anyone having memory issues.”

(John, Pensacola, FL)


“I run an interior design business in Los Angeles, and having a good focus and sharp memory is vital for my business. A few years back, I noticed poor retention of information. I learnt about the Dynamic Brain and decided to use it. My memory experienced significant improvement within a few weeks. I am sharper, less fatigued, and tired at the end of the day. I recommend it to anyone looking to improve sharpness and stay in their business for long.”

(Kathy, Los Angeles, CA)


“I am 90, and this product improved my ability to recall and sharpened my mind. I really love this product.”

(James Titus)

I used this product for 30 days and found no difference. For me, it showed no results, especially given its high cost. I would not repurchase it.”

(Pat Kuhn)

People Also Ask  

How effective and safe is the Dynamic Brain?

Dynamic Brain is a mid-level nootropic product with mixed reviews and opinions. It boosts mood and improves learning, alertness, focus, and memory. However, The scientific backing is limited, and many ingredients are at lower doses than those used in the scientific studies.

Does Dynamic Brain work? 

The results are mixed. Besides a few science-backed ingredients, more data about other ingredients is needed to support the supplement's claimed benefits. Some users reported benefits, while others were sceptical.

What are the side effects of a dynamic Brain? 

Side effects are rare. However, some people experience nausea, which is linked to some ingredients like huperzine A and Bacopa Monnier. It is attributed to the disturbance of the neurotransmitter system. 

When should the dynamic BraiBraintaken be used? (or) How should I take Dynamic Brain?

For good results, the serving must be taken 20-30 minutes before a meal with plenty of water or as the healthcare provider asks. 

Dynamic Brain Reviews: Does it work?

Can I use Dynamic Brain while I am taking prescription medications?

Dynamic Brain has safe and natural ingredients that are third-party tested for purity and safety. Still, it is necessary to consult a healthcare provider before using it with any medication.

When should I expect the results?

Due to physiological differences, some people observe improvement in days, while others need weeks of regular use to see results. Stonehenge Health stands behind its products and offers a 90-day money-back guarantee for unsatisfied customers.

For someone frustrated with the results of Dynamic Brain, Welzo offers various brain health products, e.g., Brain Nutrients Lozenges, Natural Brain Enhancers (capsules), Vital Brain Powder, Brain Cell Support (capsules) and Quick Brain Nootropic Capsules. Visit the respective pages to learn more and order the desired products. 


Dynamic Brain is a brain health supplement that claims to boost brain health. Its most effective brain boosters are minerals, vitamins, caffeine, DHA, L-theanine, choline, DMAE bitartrate, GABA, and inositol. However, its proprietary blend and lower doses of various ingredients inspire little confidence in its ability to work. It is a middle-end product with a premium price tag. It is, however, a good product when viewed in isolation.

To diagnose and treat mental illnesses and improve mental well-being, visit the Welzo Mental Health page.

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