15 Signs of Health Problems

15 Signs of Health Problems - welzo

Routine workouts and healthy foods consumption is simple and smooth to follow but still maintaining good health is a flex in present times. Health is not only about the apparent well-being of a person, rather it’s the daily calibre of an individual’s lifestyle and its capability to face the outside world. Today’s human is struggling with all three aspects of health be it physical, mental, or emotional. A deteriorating health may present itself with silent or loud signs and potentially lead to underlying disease symptoms. Since time and health are the actual assets of a man, one must always be on the lookout for signs related to health problems. Mentioning below are some of the many signs of minor or major health disorders that need to be investigated further by a physician.

1. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is pain around the chest and groin area, focuses around the stomach, and may occur at any age. Abdominal pain usually contributes to the probability of a bad stomach. Food poisoning is one of the most common causes of abdominal discomfort. Time duration of the pain is of main concern as food poisoning, which can easily be treated, may occur suddenly after taking a meal but persistent pain for weeks or months may arouse suspicion of serious health disorders.

2. Chest Pain

Chest pain is a discomfort or aching in the chest region. Chest pain is usually suggestive of heart problems, however, it is not always related to heart. It may come from an acidic stomach or infected lungs. Chest pain should never be ignored or taken lightly as they symbolize a fault in any one of the three significant systems of a human body.

3. Uneasy and Shortness of Breath

Uneasy and shortness of breath causes a person to feel like they can't get air into their lungs. Uneasy and shortness of breathing difficulty may occur normally with exertion. It becomes a point of concern if an individual is experiencing it while resting. Smoking individuals and factory workers are typically prone to experiencing these symptoms due to inhalation of pollutants. This calls for a thorough lungs examination and screening by an expert physician since lung cancers are the leading cause of death due to cancers worldwide.

4. Having trouble swallowing

Having trouble swallowing is not a common symptom but is of greater concern and may require hospitalization. Trouble swallowing in a newborn is suggestive of structural or neuronal deformity. Elders may experience similar symptoms suddenly due to stroke or other health emergencies. Oesophagus and stomach health requires thorough examination since chronic stomach acidity problems may also exacerbate such signs.

5. Skin Discoloration

Skin discoloration is the colour change of a person's natural skin. Skin discoloration, after pain, is the earliest symptoms noticed by an individual in oneself. It may be related to nutritional deficiency, autoimmune disorder, or other systemic problems.

6. Weakness and Fatigue

Easy fatiguability is indicative of deficiencies related to blood. It is either due to low intake of dietary iron or inability of one’s digestive system to absorb and utilize the iron.

7. Swelling of legs and ankles

Lower limb oedema can be due to several physiological and pathological causes. Pregnant moms or individuals with right heart problems may counter these symptoms. In any case, swelling of legs and ankles needs to be investigated.

8. Appetite Changes

Special attention should be given to regular meals. You become what you consume every day. Appetite changes are gradual but profound. The symptom itself may refer to several underlying medical conditions or it may be due to the intake of certain prescribed medications.

9. Dizziness

Dizziness may refer to several symptoms like feeling drowsy, weak, wobbly in legs and nauseous, that may ultimately point towards general body weakness. Chronic states may concern nervous status as well.

10. Unexpected weight gain and loss

Unexpected weight gain or loss does not present itself suddenly. Gain could be because of increased fluid retention in the body or certain growths. Many females believe that they can sense a sudden slight weight gain during their days of menstruation in each cycle which is normal. Loss of weight can be due to psychologically stressful states like depression and mania or upset abdomen like diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

11. Sweating

Hyperhidrosis refers to increased sweating that isn’t related to exertion or hot environment. Usually presenting in the palm of hands, feet or forehead, hyperhidrosis may be due to anxiety, hypertension, diabetes, or certain heart disorder.

12. Unknown rash and growth on skin

Autoimmune diseases may go unnoticed for decades but certainly have distinct cutaneous manifestations which can help in differentiating one from another. Once the diagnosis is made and treatment plan devised, skin rashes and lesions may go away on their own or need topical treatment from a dermatology expert.

13. Numbness

Numbness refers to the loss of touch or pressure sensation in a part, side, or whole of the body. It is due to the compression or damage of the nerve supplying the respective region. The individual experiencing numbness may feel pins and needles sensation in the affected side. Numbness is due to a group of diseases that affects nerves during their course, such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis. It can also be due to certain medications that affect nerves.

14. Tearing Sensation

Tearing sensation is a feeling of sharp and severe pain or discomfort in any part of the body. People experiencing it may feel like the relevant part of their body is being ripped off, thus called tearing pain. Tearing sensation is commonly felt in the skeletal muscles. Overuse of limb muscles during exertion may exacerbate such symptoms.

15. Vomiting and Nausea

Vomiting and nausea often follow each other and may present together in a single setting of a patient. It symbolizes a vast majority of conditions such as upset stomach, motion sickness, chemotherapy drugs, or pregnancy. Nausea and recurrent vomiting may cause tears in the oesophagus due to continuous retching and lead to sudden weight loss.

Why is it important to know the early Signs and Symptoms of Health Problems?

Signs and symptoms are the symbolic languages of a disease. Each symptom noticed by a patient and each sign observed by a physician point towards a specific set of diseases. People tend to ignore symptoms that won’t halt their daily activities and only present them to the doctor if the complaint is disturbing their routine. This needs to be discouraged as most of the diseases start their course silently and may take years in their final outburst. There is always a difference of a few minor or major symptoms between two closely related diseases that help the doctor to accurately make the diagnosis and treat. Presentation of an unusual symptom and how long it persists are of significance in clinical settings as they identify the progression of the disease course. Following are some of the points that emphasize on the importance of detecting early signs and symptoms of a disease:

  • The earlier the better: Many diseases progress slowly. Minor symptoms may lead to progression of the ultimate disorder. Thus, it is encouraged to present to a physician with whatever unusual you find in your body. To prevent a disease from achieving its monstrous goal, early detection and diagnosis is helpful to achieve the previously good health easily and quickly.
  • Prevention is better than cure: With early diagnosis, one can change the route of their disease progression simply by following prevention on doctor’s advice. Fasting Blood Sugar Test is used to detect the prediabetics. If a person is found to be prediabetic, the doctor would advise them to bring lifestyle modifications and adopt healthy means of life. Following this, the patient can completely dodge diabetes and attain normal blood sugar levels.
  • Protective measures: Communicable diseases are a group of diseases that can transmit from person to person through fluids, faeces and droplets. This can put the near ones at risk of getting the disease as well. One can take protective measures before the people in the surrounding are consumed by the infection.
  • Cost Effective: Advanced forms of disease require expensive medical therapy. Surgical intervention may become the only option for treatment. If the disease is diagnosed early on, health expenses may be affordable. PAP Smear screening test for cervical carcinoma can detect the slightest changes in the tissue structure and help in scoring the stage of disease. Once the treatment begins in early stages, the affected person can fully recover from the disease.

When Should You See a Doctor for Symptoms of Health Problems?

The common diseases and issues listed below are ones we might occasionally encounter. Many of them are manageable at home. But occasionally they can advance or change, and in those cases, it is preferable if they are treated by a doctor. Call your doctor for advice if you're unsure of what to do. He or she, or even a nurse working in the office, can advise you whether you need an appointment.

1. Common cold or influenza

A lot of rest, hydration intake, and over-the-counter medications can help control many symptoms. But if you have any of these medical signs and symptoms, contact your doctor right away:

  • Swallowing pain (more than a sore or dry throat).
  • Earache.
  • A prolonged cough of more than two or three weeks.
  • Severe or continuous vomiting.
  • A high temperature that won't go down or go away.
  • Symptoms that last for more than 10 days or worsen rather than improve.

2. Headache

We all occasionally have headaches. Rest or over-the-counter medications typically work to relieve them. But a headache may also be a symptom of a more serious illness, such as meningitis or a growing brain tumour. Visit the emergency hospital if you have a headache, a high fever, a stiff neck, confusion, or difficulty speaking or walking. Make an appointment with your doctor if any of the following signs and symptoms apply to you:
  • Unusual headaches compared to usual headaches (more often or more severe).
  • Headaches that worsen or do not improve despite taking an over-the-counter remedy.
  • Headaches that prevent a person from working, sleeping, or engaging in other activities.

3. Unexpected and rapid weight loss

Unexpected weight loss could be a sign of several conditions, including liver disease, diabetes, depression, and an overactive thyroid. As a rule, make an appointment with your doctor if you've dropped more than 10% of your body weight in the past six months (and you're not obese).

4. A high or prolonged fever

A fever is one of your body's natural defences against illness, therefore it isn't always an emergency. Call your doctor, though, if you have a fever that is higher than 103 degrees of Fahrenheit or a low-grade fever that lasts more than three days. There may be a more serious infection at work.
If a high fever is accompanied by other symptoms like a severe headache, strange skin rash, mental confusion, a stiff neck, sensitivity to bright lights, breathing difficulties, or chest pain, you should see a doctor every once.

5. Having discomfort in the chest, the stomach, or the pelvis

Abnormal, strong, and persistent pain in the chest, stomach, or pelvis may be indicative of a serious underlying condition requiring medical attention.
Get emergency medical assistance if you experience prolonged, severe chest pain accompanied by breathing problems or mental confusion, or if you experience severe, persistent abdominal pain that radiates to your back and makes your stomach unpleasant to touch.

6. Alterations to bowel or urine habits

Each person has a different average frequency of urinating and bowel movements. But a sudden change in your own routine, such as more frequent urination, diarrhoea, constipation, or bloody or black faeces, may indicate that you need to consult a doctor.

7. Observing strong light bursts

You might occasionally see bright flashes or patches in your eyesight if you get migraines. Otherwise, unexpected bright flashes could indicate a retinal detachment, a dangerous condition that necessitates quick medical attention to prevent irreversible vision loss.

8. Warnings signs of dying liver

There are warning signs that your liver may be at risk. Without ignoring any signs, it is essential to get treatment as soon as possible. Your health could go even worse if you don't. Hence, if you experience any of these 4 warning signs of dying liver, call your doctor right away.

  • Bruising and bleeding
  • Foot swelling
  • Jaundice and painful skin
  • Episodes of blood vomiting

9. Digestive signs

A stomach illness or the rare case of heartburn are common, but if your symptoms last for more than two weeks, you should see a doctor to rule out anything more serious. If you continue to have any of these signs and symptoms, consult your doctor:

  • Recurring or worsening heartburn
  • Blood in the vomit
  • Sensation of fullness prior to eating a large meal
  • Diarrhoea, indigestion, or black, bloody, or tarry stools
  • Having trouble swallowing

Can These Symptoms of Health Problems Help You During a Medical Emergency?

In some cases, symptoms of health problems can indeed help during a medical emergency. For example,

Heart Attack
Some of the following signs and symptoms may be present in someone undergoing a heart attack:

  • chest pain, including a tightness, pressure, or squeezing sensation in the middle of the chest.
  • From the chest to the left arm, there is a radiating discomfort. The neck, jaw, back, and stomach may also be impacted in some circumstances, as well as both arms.
  • respiratory issues or shortness of breath
  • wheeze or coughing
  • being or feeling ill
  • experiencing fainting or dizziness
  • Sweating
  • overwhelmingly negative or anxious feeling

Severe Asthma Attack
Get immediate medical attention if you encounter any of the following warning signs or symptoms of a serious asthma attack.

  • Severe dyspnoea or wheezing, especially at night or in the morning.
  • Shortness of breath and inability to utter more than a few words.
  • Needing to exert more effort to breathe.
  • Insufficient peak flow measurements when using a peak flow meter.
  • There was no improvement after taking a rescue inhaler.

Immediately seek medical attention if any of the following take place:

  • More than five minutes pass throughout the seizure.
  • After the seizure has ended, neither consciousness nor breathing have returned.
  • A second seizure immediately follows.
  • Your fever is exceedingly high.
  • You are expecting a baby.
  • You are diabetic.
  • During the seizure, you hurt yourself.
  • Despite using anti-seizure medication, you still get seizures.

Signs and Symptoms of severe COVID-19
Individuals infected with COVID-19 may present with a wide range of symptoms. Continuous discomfort or pressure felt in the chest. You or a member of your family should seek immediate medical attention if you notice any of the following symptoms developing as soon as possible:

  • Difficulty in taking deep breaths.
  • The emergence of new perplexity or an incapacity to stimulate.
  • Face or lips with a bluish tint
  • Any further symptoms that are troubling or cause you concern.

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Liver Failure

A healthy individual can swiftly develop acute liver failure, which is potentially fatal. Get immediate medical assistance if you or someone you know experiences any odd changes in mental state, personality, or conduct, as well as any abrupt yellowing of the eyes or skin, soreness in the upper abdomen, or any of these symptoms.

Recognizing these symptoms and seeking prompt medical assistance can help in managing medical emergencies effectively. However, it is essential to understand that not all symptoms are indicative of a serious medical emergency, and self-diagnosing based on symptoms alone may not be reliable. Therefore, seeking medical advice from a healthcare professional is always the best approach to ensure appropriate treatment and care.

Does Having Symptoms of Health Problems Mean You're Unhealthy?

Having signs of a health problem does not always mean that you are sick. Symptoms are the body's way of telling us that something might be wrong or out of balance. They can be caused by stress, the environment, or an underlying health problem.

For example, some people may get headaches, mild digestive problems, or joint pain from time to time, but they may be healthy overall. On the other hand, some people may not have any symptoms, but they may have a health problem that needs to be taken care of.

To figure out if someone is healthy or not, it is important to look at their medical history, lifestyle habits, and overall health, among other things. It is also important to see a doctor if you have symptoms that don't go away or get worse, or if you are worried about your health.

Illness Anxiety Disorder

An illness anxiety disorder is a serious condition in which a person worries excessively about developing a major medical ailment, even though they do not exhibit any or very few of the actual physical symptoms associated with that illness. Individuals who have this mental condition frequently misinterpret common bodily feelings as indicators of a more serious sickness, which causes them to constantly worry and feel horrible for themselves.

They go to great lengths to seek reassurance from physicians and nurses, check their bodies repeatedly for any indications of disease, and steer clear of any activities or settings that might put them at risk of being unwell. These behaviours have the potential to have a significant impact on their day-to-day existence, the quality of their relationships, and their overall quality of life.

Most of the time, both psychotherapy and medication are used to treat illness anxiety disorder. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can teach people how to recognize and question negative thoughts and beliefs that make them anxious. Antidepressants or medications that help with anxiety may also be given to help manage symptoms.

Signs of Health Problems
What can Men do to prevent Health Problems?

On average, men tend to be less attentive to their health issues than women. Compared to women, they are more inclined to consume alcohol, smoke cigarettes or cigars and use tobacco, take risks, and forego regular check-ups with a doctor. Although men are susceptible to various illnesses that can affect anyone, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and depression, they also face specific health concerns like prostate cancer and benign prostate enlargement. However, many of men's primary health hazards can be avoided by adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, a nutritious diet, strict refrain from smoking, managing stress, and moderate alcohol consumption. Early detection of diseases through routine check-ups and screening tests can aid in promptly treating all types of illnesses.

Know Your Family History

Family history can be a valuable tool in preventing certain diseases because it can help identify individuals at a higher risk of developing certain health conditions. By being proactive and taking preventative measures, you can reduce your risk of developing certain diseases and promote overall health and longevity.

In case there is a history of symptoms of long-term illness such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or osteoporosis in your family, there is a higher probability that you might also get affected by it. To avoid or detect these ailments early on, you should disclose your family's health records to your physician and take necessary preventative measures as suggested.

Exercise and Diet

Eating a healthy diet with a generous number of fruits and vegetables can lay strong groundwork for leading a healthier lifestyle. In contrast, consuming junk and fatty foods may worsen existing health issues and even increase the risk of developing new ones. When coupled with a consistent exercise routine, a nutritious diet can serve as an essential initial stride towards a healthier way of living.

It's important to note that exercising regularly doesn't necessarily require a gym membership; for instance, you can take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or cycle to your workplace, participate in a sport you enjoy, and do it frequently. Exercise can benefit your physical and mental well-being, leaving you feeling better overall.

Getting Tested for STIs

HIV and STIs are highly prevalent, but a significant stigma is still associated with getting tested for it. However, if left untreated, these infections can be transmitted to partners, resulting in unnecessary pain and even death. Therefore, HIV testing services must adhere to the WHO-recommended "5 Cs" principles, which include informed consent, confidentiality, counselling, accurate test results, and connection to appropriate care, treatment, and other services. By prioritising the health of yourself and your partner, breaking down the stigma surrounding testing, and getting tested, you can take steps towards ensuring a healthier future.

A Healthy Relationship with the Partner

Having a healthy relationship can positively impact both your physical and mental health. Engaging in open discussions with your partner can facilitate informed decision-making. Whether it's allocating domestic responsibilities, sharing financial obligations, or family planning, constructive talks are essential for making sound choices.

Take Care of Mental Health

Maintaining a healthy diet and consistent exercise routine can lay a strong foundation for a healthier lifestyle, but sometimes life can become overwhelming. Although depression affects men as frequently as women, men are less likely to seek assistance and obtain a diagnosis.
If you experience feelings of sadness, signs of impending trouble, or depression, no matter the reason, it's important to confide in someone. This person could be your partner, a trusted friend, a medical professional, or a counsellor. Who you choose to confide in isn't as crucial as deciding to open up and share your feelings. Speaking with someone is the first step in effectively coping with challenging situations.

Adequate Sleep

Sleep helps regulate hormones that control appetite, metabolism, and stress levels, support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve mental health. Inadequate sleep has been associated with an increased risk of developing and poorly managing conditions such as depression, anxiety, obesity, heart disease, and other diseases. It is recommended that adults aim to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per day to promote optimal health.

Keep an Eye on Your Skin Health

Men over 50 are at a higher risk of developing the condition. However, you can take preventative measures to reduce your risk of melanoma (skin cancer). When spending time outside, seek shade and wear protective clothing to shield your body from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Additionally, apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to all exposed skin and reapply every two hours or as needed. It's also crucial to avoid tanning beds, which emit damaging UV radiation. A monthly skin check can also help identify new or unusual moles, changes to existing moles, or other skin symptoms that may help prevent them.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated helps prevent diseases by boosting the immune system, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, aiding digestion, improving skin health, and preventing heat stroke. Drinking enough water is crucial for maintaining good health and preventing many health problems.

It is essential to drink an adequate amount of water daily due to various reasons, such as regulating body temperature, lubricating joints, preventing infections, transporting nutrients to cells, and maintaining the proper functioning of organs.

Teeth Health Is Important

Millions of people suffer from serious oral illnesses, including cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer, which can cause discomfort and impair quality of life. To reduce the risk of these issues, consuming fluoridated water, brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, and flossing daily are recommended. Additionally, visiting your dentist at least once per year is essential, regardless of whether you have signs of declining teeth health or wear dentures.

Take Multivitamins

A well-balanced diet consisting of various vitamins- and mineral-rich foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide most people with the necessary nutrients for optimum health. These foods also contain heart-healthy fibre and natural antioxidants that can reduce the risk of certain diseases and aid the deteriorating body.

Be Proactive and Get Yourself Checked-up Before the Disease

Non-communicable diseases and injuries are responsible for 86 per cent of male fatalities. The primary killers among disease-related fatalities include cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory disease. Scheduling a check-up with your doctor is recommended to identify these conditions before they become life-threatening, allowing for preventative measures to be taken. Regular check-ups can be lifesaving and promote lengthier periods with loved ones. If you want to know the answer to "why do I feel unwell all the time?" see your physician!

Some Major Health Problems in Men and Their Prevention
If you are confused about early signs of sickness, sudden unexplained change in the body, or signs that something bad is going to happen, how do you know that your organs are working fine? Then keep the following conditions in mind.

  • Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer ranks as the second most prevalent cancer type affecting men. Approximately one out of every six men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis at some point. This type of cancer primarily affects men in their 60s, and the early stages of prostate cancer often lack disease. While prostate cancer can be severe, most men do not succumb to it.
    • Prevention: To help fortify your body against various forms of cancer, consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is recommended. These foods contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide protective benefits.
  • Hypertension: Approximately one-third of older adults in the United States are affected by high blood pressure, which can result in unfavourable outcomes such as kidney or heart failure and stroke. This condition is particularly frightening because there are no noticeable disease signs in many cases, which has earned it the moniker of "the silent killer."
    • Prevention: Adopt the following measures to maintain a healthy blood pressure.
    • Maintain a healthy diet and engage in physical activity to prevent hypertension.
    • Limit your consumption of salt and sugar.
    • Avoid smoking.
    • Take steps to reduce your stress levels. Stay aware of your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Heart Diseases: Heart disease encompasses various severe conditions but typically involves plaque accumulation in the arteries. The greater the extent of plaque build-up within your arteries, the more susceptible you become to experiencing heart failure, stroke, or a heart attack.
    • Prevention: To promote good health and reduce your risk of various health problems, you should aim to:
    • Eat 5-to-7 servings of vegetables and fruits every day,
    • Limit your intake of saturated fat (bad cholesterol)
    • Don’t drink excessively.
    • Exercise at least thrice per week
    • Don’t smoke.
  • Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent form of diabetes, characterised by either inadequate insulin utilisation or insufficient insulin production by the pancreas. Low insulin levels or utilisation result in the accumulation of glucose (sugar) in the body, as it cannot be effectively transported into cells to generate energy.
    • Prevention: While age, race, and family history are factors beyond your control, you can safeguard against type 2 diabetes by adopting a healthy lifestyle. This includes exercising regularly, consuming ample quantities of fruits and vegetables, selecting primarily low-fat foods, and limiting your sugar intake.
    • Hydrating yourself mainly with water and minimising your consumption of sugary beverages is also crucial. If you crave soda, opt for diet varieties, and choose lower-calorie juices or sugar-free drinks like Crystal Light instead of sweet fruit juices.
    • Furthermore, consuming unprocessed foods that are low in sugar and maintaining a consistent exercise regimen help stabilise your blood sugar levels, which is critical for preventing or managing diabetes.
    • Say No to Unhealthy Habits: Men are involved in various unhealthy habits and routines which badly impact a person's health and predispose them to chronic diseases.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking is a highly harmful activity for your health, as it can cause various health conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, heart disease, and even cancer. Additionally, second-hand smoke can be equally dangerous, causing lung cancer among non-smokers. Pregnant females may suffer from miscarriage if their husband, or any other member in the family, is smoking in the surrounding.
  • Quit Drinking: In addition to smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and recreational or habitual drug use can also lead to adverse health outcomes, the most prominent of which are dying liver signs. If you choose to drink alcohol, it's essential to do so in moderation, with a limit of two drinks per day for men, equivalent to 24 ounces of beer, 10 ounces of wine, or 3 ounces of spirits.
  • Don’t Even Go Near Drugs: Recreational drug use is particularly concerning. Such drugs aim to weaken the body’s systems and damage the senses. It is linked to several health conditions, such as heart attacks, strokes with cocaine use, and severe infections and skin breakdown with injected drugs.
  • Refrain from Steroids: Anabolic steroids used by some individuals, particularly athletes, to increase muscle mass can also have serious health consequences, such as sterility, heart disease, skin disease, and behavioural problems. Therefore, it's essential to avoid such harmful behaviours for the sake of your overall well-being.

Signs of Health Problems

How Can Women Prevent Health Problems?

It is common for women to prioritise the health and wellness needs of others over their own. However, it is essential to note that prioritising one's healthcare needs can enable women to better care for their loved ones. Being sluggish might lead you to some serious health conditions.

Healthy Diet

A healthy lifestyle is built upon a nourishing diet beyond weight management. It is essential for women's overall health, providing vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for growth, development, and well-being. To achieve a balanced diet, avoiding unhealthy options such as processed and packaged foods, often high in sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, and calories, is crucial. Instead, it is recommended to choose healthier alternatives.

It's crucial to closely monitor the sugar and carbohydrate levels, especially in "low-fat" labelled foods. Instead, opt for whole-grain or vegetarian substitutes that are less processed and more wholesome. For instance, healthier options such as farro, quinoa, or cauliflower rice are preferable over white rice and conventional pasta. Enhance the taste of your nutritious meals by incorporating herbs and spices. This adds variety and makes your healthy meals more exciting.

Get Moving

Regular physical activity is key to maintaining good health, particularly for women. Those who exercise regularly tend to have healthier blood pressure and cholesterol levels and a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. Physical activity can also help alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. Setting aside 30-60 minutes most days of the week for moderate-intensity exercise can lead to better sleep, increased energy, improved food cravings control, and healthy body weight.

Weight Management

Taking charge of your weight is beneficial for your overall health both presently and in the future. On the other hand, individuals with obesity face a higher likelihood of developing multiple severe illnesses and health complications than those who maintain a healthy weight.

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for ageing gracefully. Just like in earlier phases of life, having a high body mass index (BMI) in old age can raise the risk of various health issues, like heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes.

Get Enough Sleep

By obtaining the necessary amount of sleep for your body to feel rested and in equilibrium, you can enhance your productivity, maintain a higher level of cognitive functioning, regulate your emotions, and promote your long-term well-being.

At every stage of life, sleep plays a vital role in rejuvenating both the mind and body. Women who consistently fail to obtain enough sleep may face challenges with managing their weight and memory retention and are at a heightened risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

To establish better sleep patterns, it's recommended to avoid consuming caffeine after 2 pm, steer clear of electronic screens for at least 30 minutes before bed, and switch off notifications on your phone or put it in silent mode. Instead of utilising technology before sleeping, consider reading a book or listening to calming music.

Annual Screening Exam

If you solely rely on visiting your doctor when you are having a general unwell feeling all the time, you're missing a significant opportunity to safeguard your long-term well-being. It's impossible to manage an underlying serious health condition if you're unaware of it.

Proactive care is fundamental to maintaining good health, so there's no such thing as being too busy to schedule your yearly well-woman examination. This examination presents an exceptional chance to detect potentially severe health issues that may have gone unnoticed, such as high blood pressure and unhealthy levels of cholesterol. Additionally, it's an opportune moment to evaluate your requirement for a physical ailment list through a mammogram, Pap test, HPV screening, and osteoporosis screening.

Cholesterol Exam

For women aged 20 and above, it is advisable to make annual cholesterol tests and blood pressure checks a part of their standard healthcare routine. Your healthcare provider may suggest a more frequent schedule if you have a family history of issues in these domains or other risk factors.

Pelvic Exams and Pap Smears

Healthcare providers use a pelvic exam to examine a woman's reproductive organs, which can help detect abnormalities, screen for cancer and sexually transmitted infections, monitor pregnancy, evaluate fertility issues, and assess menstrual problems. The need for a pelvic exam and how often it should be done depend on individual factors and should be discussed with a healthcare provider. Annual pelvic tests and a Pap smear at least every three years are recommended for women between the ages of 21 to 65.

Breast Exams and Mammograms

Breast cancer is prevalent among women, especially for those with a family or personal history of the disease, as they have an increased risk of developing it. To detect the condition, it is generally suggested that women receive a breast exam annually, beginning at 20. Healthcare providers usually recommend annual mammograms from ages 40-50 and every other year after that. Additionally, monthly self-examinations of the breasts are crucial, and your physician can demonstrate the proper technique.

Osteoporosis Screenings

Women aged 65 and above are more prone to severe bone-related illness; if you don't feel right physically, healthcare providers suggest yearly bone density screenings starting at age 65.

Diabetes Test

In addition to recognising the signs and symptoms of diabetes and controlling your risk factors, you may require periodic check-ups beginning at age 40, based on your family history and risk factors. It's recommended to consult with your physician for further guidance.

Colorectal Screenings

Upon turning 50, consult your physician about recommended screenings such as colonoscopies for colorectal cancers and other potential complications to be aware of if there are signs that your body is fighting cancer.

Skin Cancer

Women of all ages should keep track of changes in the skin or alterations in moles and birthmarks. It's essential to report any deviations during your annual wellness check-up. If you have risk factors for skin cancer, such as fair skin, childhood sunburn, or a family history of skin cancer, you should inquire with your physician about regular screenings.

Reproductive Health

Around one-third of health problems among women aged 15 to 44 are linked to sexual and reproductive health issues. In developing countries, unsafe sex is a significant risk factor, especially for women and girls. It is crucial to ensure that the millions of women who lack access to contraception services receive the necessary support and education to address this issue.

Women can take several steps to prevent reproductive diseases, including practising safe sex, getting vaccinated, maintaining good hygiene, getting regular check-ups, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These measures can reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and other reproductive diseases. Women should consult their healthcare providers for any concerns or questions related to reproductive health.

Care to be Taken during Pregnancy

Preparation is critical to ensuring a healthy life for your baby, whether you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or just contemplating parenthood. Even before taking a pregnancy test, you can take steps to safeguard your baby's health.

Prioritising your well-being is crucial in caring for your future child. Certain behaviours, such as smoking and consuming alcohol, can pose a risk to your baby's health and increase your chances of complications. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is a common congenital anomaly found in newborn whose mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy. If you require assistance in quitting these habits, it's recommended that you speak with your doctor to explore proven methods or support groups.

Similarly, you can improve the likelihood of having a healthy baby by maintaining a balanced diet, taking prenatal vitamins, engaging in physical activity, and remaining alert for early pregnancy indicators.

Avoid Anaemia

In developing countries, women's anaemia or low haemoglobin levels are more prevalent due to insufficient nutrition and dietary requirements such as iron and folic acid. Anaemia can also result from heavy menstrual bleeding or underlying medical conditions. Many women experience anaemia during and after pregnancy. Yet, signs and symptoms of sudden anaemia, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, pallor, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, headache, and listlessness, are often disregarded.

Adequate iron intake through diet, supplements, and vitamin B12 or folate can prevent anaemia. A haemoglobin test can quickly diagnose anaemia, enabling prompt corrective action. If the body iron persists to stay low even after adequate iron supplementation, then a thorough body investigation should be done by a physician.

Endocrine Disorders and Their Prevention

Women are frequently affected by endocrine disorders, such as thyroid issues and hormonal imbalances. Recognising and monitoring changes in one's body can aid in early detection and seeking medical assistance. Neglecting endocrine disorders can significantly harm an individual's overall health and well-being, often leading to complications such as type 2 diabetes and increased cholesterol levels.

Although some endocrine issues, such as type 1 diabetes, cannot be avoided, there are methods to prevent or improve other matters: Maintaining a healthy weight, consuming nutritious foods, and engaging in regular physical activity can help prevent or postpone type 2 diabetes.

Including iodine in your diet can assist in preventing thyroid problems. When using salt, opt for iodised salt rather than other varieties. Ensure that all your physicians are aware of any hormones you are taking, such as birth control pills, thyroid hormones, insulin, or hormone replacement therapy for menopause.

Mental Health

Studies indicate that women are more likely than men to suffer from anxiety, depression, and somatic bad health medical symptoms, which are physical manifestations of illness without a known cause. Women are predominantly affected by depression, the most prevalent mental health issue among them. Furthermore, suicide is a significant cause of death among women under 60 years of age.

To promote overall well-being, it's recommended to engage in regular physical activity, practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, listen to calming music, consume a healthy diet such as the Mediterranean diet, plan recreational activities, and ensure sufficient sleep (7 to 9 hours per night). Expressing, cultivating positive emotions, and striving towards healthy self-esteem is also essential.

Quit Monotonous Routine

Maintaining a stable routine can be incredibly beneficial when you have a lot on your plate, as it helps you easily navigate the day. However, if your performance becomes monotonous, it's easy to feel disconnected from yourself.

Try mixing things up to inject fresh energy into your life and stimulate your mind. Put your phone on silent and dedicate 20 minutes daily to engage in something you enjoy. Whether meditating, taking a stroll outside, painting, or learning a new language, your 20-minute activity will rejuvenate your mind for the rest of the day.

Breast Examination

October is the breast cancer awareness month that is celebrated around the world. Its main purpose is to educate young girls and women on how to detect the slightest changes in their breast tissue. Early detection of any mass in a breast or its surrounding area can rule out the later in life complications related to it. Not every breast mass is a breast cancer but it still is a mass that, with time, has the potential to transform into malignancy. Important signs to notice in breast exam are:

  • round appearance
  • soft texture on touching
  • absence of white pus or any yellowish discharge from the nipples
  • uniform skin with no protruding mass or veinous engorgements
  • No redness or rash
  • Normal nipples with no dimples or depressions around

How do I examine my breasts?

Kudos to all the awareness campaigns related to breast cancer awareness, young girls and females of today have significantly decreased the chances of them getting breast cancer by simply focusing on their breast health. In breast cancer awareness seminars, the examination of breasts is taught and practised. This way, reluctant females can examine themselves and present to a healthcare professional if they have any kind of concerns. Following are some steps to help you with breast self-examination (BSE):

  • Take off your shirt. Stand in front of a mirror while keeping your arms by your side. Look for any signs of abnormal texture, outgrowth, dimpling, skin discolouration or redness.
  • Raise your arms straight above your head and look for the signs mentioned in step number 1.
  • Now lie down on your back. Place a pillow beneath the left shoulder for the left breast examination so that area is only slightly elevated. Now use three fingers of your right hand to gently press on the breast in circular motions, starting from the periphery and reaching towards the centre. Look for any signs of warmth, outgrowth, depression or tenderness. Now use the same three fingers to press firmly and this time reaching for the deeper breast tissue. Look for any unusual signs.
  • Squeeze the nipple only gently and look for any signs of abnormal discharge from it.
  • Repeat step number 3 and 4 for your right breast as well.

Do not perform BSE during menstruation since the breast tissues are tender during this time of the month and will only give false results. Perform these steps at least once a month, preferably after 02 days of your menstruation. If you find anything abnormal or unusual, consult your physician without further ado.

Does going to a doctor for regular check-ups prevent health problems?

You can prevent health issues from getting worse by having frequent exams. Individuals can prevent infections and other issues by regularly visiting the doctor. Early diagnosis increases the likelihood that you will receive the proper care immediately and prevent problems. You can live a longer, healthier life if you receive the appropriate medical care, tests, and treatments.
A routine check-up will reveal the following:

  • Evaluation of your throat, mouth, nose, and eyes
  • A stethoscope examination of your respiration and heartbeats.
  • Exams for lumps and palpation of lymph nodes in the neck, underarms, and groin are performed.
  • Measurements such as height, weight, and others
  • Checking of blood pressure
  • Monitoring kidney and urinary tract health through laboratory testing such as complete blood counts, cholesterol and glucose levels, and urinalysis
  • An examination of your medical history and a check for illnesses you could be at risk of acquiring.
  • a conversation about the vaccinations advised for you based on your age and health.

How frequently should someone get a full body checkup?

Since many health issues do not initially manifest any symptoms, it is advised to get checked up at least once a year. The disease may have advanced to a more dangerous stage by the time symptoms start to manifest. Early detection of health issues could lead to easier treatment options.

What happens during a standard medical examination?

The frequency of your screenings and tests is typically determined by your age, current health, and medical history in your family. Regular physical examinations, blood pressure checks, cholesterol assessments, body mass index calculations, eye and skin checks, full blood counts, and screenings for STDs are all part of them.
In addition, pap smear and mammography tests are performed for women, and PSA screening for prostate cancer is performed for males.

It is always advised to find out the complete body check-up cost and choose the health check-up bundle in accordance with that cost. The doctor can offer the essential information to prevent the high bills of a complete body check-up, rather they would recommend specific tests and investigations for on-point diagnosis. This can lower the hassle you have to go through and the associated piling expenses.

  • Screening Tests
  • A screening exam is employed to detect potential health conditions or illnesses in individuals who are asymptomatic. The objective is to identify diseases at an early stage and encourage people to modify their lifestyle or monitor their health, or to catch them early enough to provide the most effective treatment.
  • Lung cancer: Those who are more likely to develop lung cancer have been researched in recent years using a procedure called a low-dose CT (LDCT) scan (mainly because they smoke or are used to smoke). LDCT scans are a useful tool for assisting in the detection of abnormal lung tissue that may be malignant. These people should get LDCT scans once a year to help lower their chance of developing lung cancer. This must be done before any symptoms occur.
  • Breast Cancer: The best method for detecting breast cancer in its earliest stages, when it is easiest to treat, and before it can be felt or show symptoms, is a mammogram.
  • Cervical Cancer: The Pap test can detect cervix cells that are abnormal and may develop into cancer. The human papillomavirus, which can bring about these alterations in the cells, is what the HPV test looks for. Cervical cancer can also be found with Pap testing in its earlier stages when there is the greatest chance of recovery.

Types of health examinations

The specific tests and procedures included in a health check-up package may differ depending on a person's age, gender, family history, lifestyle, and medical history. There are many kinds of whole-body health check-ups.

Hemogram, fasting blood sugar, blood pressure, occult blood, lipid profiles, liver and kidney function tests, lung function tests, thyroid-specific hormone (TSH) tests, uric acid, chest x-rays, ECGs, heart rates, treadmill tests (TMT), exercise tolerance test (ETT), urine and stool routines, Hepatitis B tests, and abdominal ultrasounds are included in a standard set of investigations.

Examinations for diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disorder where blood sugar levels are elevated above normal. If left untreated, this can have an impact on numerous bodily regions and lead to life-threatening problems.

A laboratory blood glucose test for diabetes is one of the tests your doctor may request (not using a home blood glucose meter). The fasting blood glucose test is the most popular test (no food or fluid except water for eight hours before). Others include an oral glucose tolerance test, a test for glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c), and a test that can be done at any time of day without prior preparation (OGTT).

Why regular health check-ups are important?

Routine health check-ups are important due to the following reasons:

  • Protection against serious illnesses: By undergoing routine checks, your doctor will be able to identify early warning signs of dangerous diseases and administer the appropriate treatment. For example, treating high blood pressure early can keep it from getting worse and causing more serious health problems. It can also help your doctor notice any changes in your body that could be signs of a health problem.
  • Knowledge of One's Own Health: Many people go about their daily lives without noticing the signs their bodies are giving them. This carelessness for one's own health frequently leads to the worsening of illnesses that can be treated. On the other hand, routine check-ups with your family doctor can help you stay informed about the state of your body. Due to your increased self-awareness, you'll be able to preserve your general health by living a healthier lifestyle and taking better care of yourself.
  • Helps Keep Your Immune System Healthy: Regular health check-ups reduce the risk of illness in individuals. This is as a result of the fact that they uphold healthy behaviours that support a robust immune system. In turn, this makes them less prone to infections and common colds. They can maintain their active lifestyles as a result. On the other hand, people who don't understand how important it is to get regular check-ups are more likely to have weaker immune systems.

What Are the Signs of Mental Illness?

Mental illness is characterized by health changes in behaviour, expression of emotions, thinking and perception of situations. Most people forget to take care of their mental health which leads to low function and overall productivity. It has impacts on both the physical and mental health of an individual. It causes severe hindrance in day-to-day activities. Mental health disorders stigmatized in certain parts of the world is a reason why most people feel reluctant about presenting to a doctor for their own mental health concerns. Main purpose of Mental Health Day observed worldwide on 10th October every year is to raise awareness regarding mental health illnesses and their recognition. Mental health disorders may present with the following common signs and symptoms:

  • Reduced concentration and cognitive functions: Individuals with mental health disorders find it quite hard to focus on one thing at a time. They tend to zone out of the ongoing conversations. They are slow to catch up with their colleagues during official meetings since they are trying to comprehend the previous points made. Students are often forgetful of the assigned tasks and has lower performance at school. They are thus perceived as negligent or uninterested in achieving good academic grades. This will affect their inherent capabilities and potential if not treated on time.
  • Sad and gloomy expressions: Mental illnesses often come from a traumatic experience. Sharing and expression of thoughts should always be encouraged since overthinking leads to mental and physical exhaustion. This is evident by the sad and gloomy face of a person that has always bothering thoughts on their mind.
  • Easy fatiguability: A common symptom of mental illness is easy fatiguability. It can be attributed to their anxiety and depression that always has its reign over them. This can cause them little or no sleep at all and hence poor body functions during the day. As the daily hustle begins, they get busy with different chores and get tired easily. During which, they tend to seek for a spot to sleep and hence called sleepyheads by their friends since they can only observe that this person sleeps both during the day and night.
  • Random emotional outburst: A person with mental illness often thinks of himself as a lonesome kid in this vast eternity. They may avoid expressing their emotions since they believe that it’s of no use to the people around. As the pain within starts to pile up, they may have a sudden emotional outburst about little or no provocation. It is regretful for them later, hence its necessary to extend your support and be warm to such individuals if they show even slight signs of remorse.
  • Social withdrawal: Inherent introverted personality types seek relief in having most of the time alone. They are not pushed to adapt this lifestyle. While people with mental illness deliberately corner themselves to seek relief from people that trigger anxiety in them. Thus, they tend to avoid social circles to protect themselves from any kind of remark that would shut them in their room for days to come. Increased sensitivity always tags along with mental illness thus carefully calculated steps and actions be taken around them.
  • Change in eating habits: Loss of appetite, also known as anorexia, is a common symptom of patients with chronic depression or obsessive-compulsive disorders. While some patients avoid eating, others may binge eat for aversion of their overthinking cascade. Changes in eating habits cause nutritional imbalance and depression related to self-image may soon follow.
  • Low sex drive: Least interest in people and the surroundings in a mental health illness has its adverse effects on sexual desires. While their world is tumbling and ending every day for them, sexual attraction may be the last thing to be fancied by them. It can also be due to the medications that they consume for their mental health problems which can cause decreased libido.
  • Extremely demotivated: Feelings of hopelessness and despair has profound impact on mobility of an individual. This symptom is predominantly found in people with depression. Their lack of enthusiasm and interest in the things they once loved cause them further feeling of being worthless, self-pity, misery, and deteriorating health.

How to cope everyday

Recovering from mental illness can be a challenging process. While there are therapeutic options available, recognising your own responsibility to progress towards betterment is also important. The degree of mental illness can vary from one condition to another, if one is able to help themselves then it can bring positive outcomes in lesser duration of time. Following are some ways how a mentally ill patient can cope with their illness:

  • Accept and Educate: It is important to accept the fact that a certain situation has been bothering my mental health that needs to get better. Mental health is as crucial as physical health since the former is not visible and thus ignored. If a person is well educated about their mental condition, they can take better charge of the situation and would love to enjoy the vibrance of their world again.
  • Engage in activities: An old saying goes, an empty mind is devil’s workshop. This quote is said for everyone, irrespective of the age or health status since it affects all kinds of people if they sit idle. Devil’s workshop refers to overthinking and generation of endless loop of negative thoughts. Unfortunately, unattended mental illnesses lead to suicidal tendencies that may affect many lives. It is mainly because of the inferiority complexes of being worthless. Therefore, it is advised to engage in activities that would divert the brain from negative thinking and elevate the mood.
  • Break the toxic cycles: Your comfort zone is consuming you. Try to fight the urge of settling for cheaper comfort and move around instead. If it’s difficult for you to leave the bed every morning, challenge yourself to get up and make your bed as well. While you understand your mental status, avoid the impulses that are triggering. If you suddenly realise that you have been overthinking just now, get up and do some jumping jacks to break the toxic cycle.
  • Take care of your own self: Setting long term goals and procrastinating over it can be exhausting. Here’s a tip: set a small goal each day and treat yourself for achieving it. Self-love is a medication. Simply combing your hair, setting a skin care routine, or prioritising yourself every day can elevate the mood. This is also a form of self-recognition and self-love. Thinking positive will ultimately nourish your body hence better results.
  • Exercise everyday: Scientists now believe that skeletal muscles are just like endocrine organs that upon stimulation(exercising) release certain chemicals, hypothetically called ‘hope molecules’, that can brighten up one’s mood and improve the spirits. Improving the exercise routine and increasing its duration with each passing day is detected as a new means of fun by your brain. It will cause the brain to release more serotonin and an exciting rush of adrenaline along with it.
  • Consume healthy food: Your outlook depends on whatever you eat. Try to make a diet plan that covers most of the daily nutritional requirements, most importantly Vitamin D and proteins. Avoid soda and sweets since high carbohydrate diet can make a person lazy which is to be dreaded.
  • Be patient with your progress: Mental health cannot be achieved overnight. It is of great significance that a person be patient with their own progress. You may not feel the best after a week of therapy but certainly better than how it was a while ago. Working on your mental health and improving it is like wiring your brain back to normal that could be fun as well if you trick your brain into thinking about the good parts only.

Diagnosis of Mental Illness

Diagnosis of a mental health disorder is a long process and requires commitment and devotion for better outcomes. History of an individual is of significance in this case since trauma, social life, working conditions and family history has a lot going around mental health of an individual.

Trauma refers to experiencing a physical or emotional distress and finding it hard to cope with. Some people may be uncomfortable in discussing their traumatic experience and prefer to remain shut. Trauma can be buried in them for decades while they don’t even realise where the deteriorating mental health symptoms are coming from. It is important to know the minor details of a person’s childhood, adolescence, and relationship with close relatives. Thorough questioning and investigation should be done in a setting that is comfortable for the patient. Patient’s behaviour and mood should be assessed carefully and avoid anything that may trigger it.

To avoid maligners and treat only the deserving patients, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is used by mental health professionals for accurate diagnosis of mental health conditions. It has a standard classification that helps in early detection of a specific mental health disorder since majority of them have symptoms that are almost indistinct from one disease to another.

Patient’s cognitive functions can also be tested using multiple methods, techniques, and sessions. It can help in determining the degree of illness in any diagnosed disorder.
Inadequate or inappropriate nutrition may cause mental exhaustion as well. Vitamin D levels testing is advised which is found to be low in all cases of depression. Similarly, vitamin B1 is found to be low in patients experiencing memory loss, anxiety, unprovoked agitation, and depression.

Treatment of Mental Illness

Mental disorders are treated by medical therapy. There are many classes of drugs that are particularly designed for a single mental disorder. Anxiolytics (anxiety relieving drugs) or antidepressants are prescribed in all related or unrelated mental illnesses. Drugs that are used to treat mental disorders act on certain areas of the brain thus drug addiction is common. These drugs should only be taken according to the doctor’s prescription. If the patient is educated properly, the high chances of drug abuse or overdose can drop.

Talking sessions with a psychiatrist, also known as psychotherapy, is found to have significant benefit in recovering from mental disorders. Once a patient finds comfort and solace in a warm and understanding psychotherapist, the rest of the treatment takes the course on its own.

What is CBT and how does it work?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a popular kind of talking therapy. It includes several sessions in which a therapist would quietly listen to their patient and give them space to speak out what they think or feel. It has good impacts on one’s behaviour and the patient can make judge of their own thinking while speaking it out. The main goal of CBT is to make a mentally ill person its own therapist. It can be achieved in the following five steps:

  • Make list of your thoughts.
  • Pick the unproductive ones and set them aside in a column.
  • Now for each unproductive though, create and write down a positive thought that must replace it.
  • Read it out aloud and believe the positive thoughts to be true only.
  • Keep the list with yourself and read it whenever you are overwhelmed by negative thinking.

These steps have shown improvement and many patients started to accept that their poor mental health was also because of their own negative image of self. By the end of the day, it’s our own self that we must come back to. Thus, it’s important to provide warmth and positive radiance to our innocent self.



From a detailed discussion on signs of health problems, focus on your body is a take home message. Exercising daily and consuming good foods can ensure wellness and can add a few extra years to your healthy life.

Discomfort or general feeling of being unwell should be enough symptoms to make you visit a healthcare professional. People tend to present with a disease only when they feel excruciating pain or sense an outgrowth in or on their body. This mindset should be discouraged to start with early diagnosis and treatment before progression to an advanced form of a disease.

Men and women have their own specific set of screening tests recommended at a specific age with a particular lifestyle in mind. These screening tests should be taken seriously to avoid later in life expensive medical therapies since the body is already weakened by then.

Mental health ensures good physical health. Mental health awareness and education can play part in making all the mentally ill ones feel included and seen which can help them to get sound and better in a short time. This world is full of vibrance, happiness and endless possibilities which can be attained and enjoyed only when a person has a sound mind and the ability to understand and reciprocate emotions. Focusing on your good mental health should be a top priority and visiting your loved ones in times of low mood could be saving at the earliest. If a person is suffering from low moods and emotional outbursts for a concerning period then they should seek medical attention to avoid later complications like memory loss, hallucinations, chronic depression and mania.

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