Old Soul: Meaning and Signs You Are One

Old Soul: Meaning and Signs You Are One

An old soul is a person who feels far older than their actual age, offers a unique perspective on life. The gifts of empathy, high IQ, intuition, and a wise understanding of human nature often accompany this emotion. old souls usually have an outsider's perspective, feeling like they don't 'belong' in this world or this era. The majority of old souls yearn for a genuine feeling of meaning, purpose, and inner fulfilment beyond the reach of wealth, influence, and achievement. This desire to 'return home' is a standard description of this emotion.

Old souls may be broadly classified into two categories: those who experience a profound spiritual awakening and understanding of the world from the moment they are born, and those who 'grow into' the role of old souls over time.

Old Soul – What does it Mean?

The term "old soul" refers to a person who believes they are older than their actual age because of their perception of the world.

An ancient soul enjoys conversing with intelligent people and connecting on a deeper level, usually with older individuals. However, from the outside looking in, there may be a persistent sense of not "belonging" in this world or this era.

Most ancient souls are always pondering life's meaning, the purpose of our existence, and the key to inner peace—which they know lies outside of wealth, fame, or influence. This looking, this yearning, is often called a hunger to "go back home."

Although they are often quieter or more introspective, old souls are incredibly strong. An ancient soul is more than a bright person with above-average intellect or a kind disposition towards older people.

Elderly souls possess abilities that transcend their physical form and age as if they had been acquiring knowledge for several lifetimes. Indeed, there are conjectures that these persons could have had several prior incarnations, some of which may or may not have had self-awareness.

If an ancient soul, for instance, is a skilled sculptor, their creations can seem more accomplished than those of others with comparable life experiences. It's pretty simple for an ancient spirit to create—possibly because they've been doing it for hundreds of years.


What are the 17 Signs of Being an Old Soul?

1.  Value intelligence, truth, and knowledge.

While it might be exclusive, the old soul possesses a beautiful connection to the intellectual world. Old souls understand that wisdom brings joy, knowledge empowers, and truth liberates. So why not go after those opportunities? For them, these activities hold a deeper meaning than just following the latest NFL stats or Kardashian rumours.

2.  Often embrace your independence

It can be challenging for old souls to form friendships with those they struggle to connect with, as they often have different interests and activities than others in their age group. However, this opens up the possibility for unique and meaningful connections that can enrich their lives unexpectedly. One of the main experiences Old souls have is this unique sense of being different. As a consequence, old souls often find themselves embracing solitude. Individuals have unique hobbies and ideals, making it a bit challenging to connect deeply with others. However, this diversity also opens up exciting opportunities for discovering new interests and building connections in unexpected ways!

3.  Have an excellent spiritual inclination

Spirituality and sensitivity are wonderful traits often found in old souls. A spiritual awakening, liberating oneself from the ego's hold, seeking enlightenment and self-realisation, and nurturing compassion and serenity are frequently at the heart of an old soul's ultimate purpose in life.

4.  Have a deep and considerate nature

Old souls tend to reflect on a wide range of topics. An elderly soul thrives with ample time and space for introspection, reflection, and the blossoming of greater self-awareness. They can quickly learn from their mistakes and gain insight into the people and environment around them due to their natural tendency to reflect. Many old souls naturally engage in shadow work, constantly reflecting on ways to improve, prevent their challenges from escalating, and cultivate greater harmony.

5.  Life is a beautiful journey that passes by quickly

Old souls often encounter reminders of mortality and the impermanence of life, which can be challenging, yet they navigate these thoughts with resilience. It's common for the old soul to experience various existential crises during their lifetime, especially during difficult times that highlight the beauty of life's fleeting nature. Old souls embrace unique lives, guided by their keen observations and deep sensitivity to the realities of existence. Every choice counts!

6.  The viewpoint is wonderfully expansive.

Old souls prefer to rise above the trivial concerns of better iPhones, jobs, promotions, and degrees that hold little true value. In contrast, old souls embrace a broad perspective on life, seeking the wisest and most meaningful ways to live and utilise their time. Why focus on trivial things when every moment is a precious opportunity?

7.  A unique child with a distinctive way of interacting with others

Old souls, even in their youth, often show beautiful signs of maturity. These kids are often seen as 'unique,' 'thoughtful,' or 'advanced,' as they express themselves differently than their peers. They are usually brilliant and curious, engaging with their parents, instructors, and classmates in unique ways as they seek to find meaning in the world around them. Engaging in meaningful conversations with a young person as if they are an adult may indicate that one is nurturing an exceptional individual with a deep understanding of the world.

8.  The heart is light and free

Wealth, status, fame, and the latest gadgets... These subjects hold minimal appeal for old souls. After all, if these publicly displayed objectives are easily achieved, how valuable are they? If the fulfilment isn't deeply rewarding or lasting, what's the purpose?

9.  Experienced a moment of reflection

Old souls frequently ask thoughtful and insightful questions about existence in their journey towards freedom, truth, and love. They will likely face an existential crisis as they strive to lead meaningful lives, but this journey can bring growth and new perspectives. When someone starts to see beyond the illusions and deception created by society, they might embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. They might begin to explore the meaning of life, their unique role, and the potential of humanity. Is existence an incredible twist of fate? What an excellent opportunity to reflect on the purpose of all I've done! So, what's the exciting news behind all this? Old souls reflect on questions like this during moments of deep contemplation.

10.  Think things through deeply

Old souls are often introspective individuals, and while this trait can present challenges, it also offers valuable insights and growth opportunities. For instance, the tendency to overthink nearly everything is a common experience for many old souls. Choosing an item from a café menu can be a delightful adventure! There are so many beautiful options! What an excellent opportunity to explore the best choice! Which one do you think will taste the best? Which option reflects a greater sense of morality? What is the most valuable deal available?

11.  The view of life is rich and poetic

Old souls observe the details that often go unnoticed and savour every moment of life. An old soul will cherish how the wind dances through the trees, while a stranger might walk by, unaware of the stunning beauty surrounding them. Elderly souls contemplate the beauty of life as well. A child's giggle and grin are truly delightful moments to cherish. It is lovely to think about an artwork's breathtaking beauty. The words of a superb writer are genuinely inspiring to reflect on. Life offers countless moments to pause, savour, and reflect upon.

12.  Social settings can feel challenging at times.

A blend of conscientiousness, deep empathy, and a tendency to reflect deeply can create opportunities for personal growth in social situations. When we embrace a dash of eccentricity—having unique interests that set us apart from most people—we open ourselves up to exciting social possibilities. Social circumstances present challenges, yet many old souls remain composed, self-assured, and confident. They sometimes prefer solitude because of numerous factors, such as delicate feelings, social norms, boundaries, mutual respect, and unspoken yet clear concerns. Old souls often form strong and passionate connections with those they find intriguing or with whom they resonate quickly.

13.  Spend time with people who have more life experience

Old souls often form friendships with older individuals more frequently than with younger people, even those their own age. Those who have been around for much longer than the others possess a unique quality that makes them incredibly relatable, fascinating, and rich in nuance. Moreover, it is uplifting to be surrounded by individuals whose vibrant energy resonates with the inner spirit of the old soul. There is a beautiful compatibility there! There's no need to hurry chaotically to concerts, parties, and other events. Alternatively, Old souls can enjoy delightful conversations and share captivating stories while unwinding on the patio chairs or gathering around the fire.

14.  Stepping into the role of counsellor or adviser

People are drawn to old souls, eager to find guidance and support. Friends, family, and coworkers often recognise the old soul as a wise counsellor, appreciating their calm demeanour and deep understanding. While many old souls are understanding, they usually find themselves deeply affected by the intensity of others' challenges. Old souls find joy in helping others. Offering guidance to those who seek it brings joy rather than feeling like a weight.

15.  Yearn for a more straightforward life

Old souls embrace and even enjoy complexity in certain areas of life. Overall, simplicity is what most old souls genuinely desire. The simple existence radiates purity, beauty, and a captivating sense of tranquillity. While some old souls might enjoy simplicity, others embrace daily tasks and pursuits with a refreshingly minimalist approach. The old soul's appreciation for heart, soul, and essence aligns with their yearning for simplicity. Finding the truth and honourable in simplicity is a delightful journey.

16.  Inside, you "feel" wiser

For a while, it is best to set aside the "old soul" label and concentrate on one's inner state of being. If one were unaware of their age, how old might they perceive themselves to be? Individuals with an old soul often realise they hold wisdom and depth beyond their chronological age.

Being an old soul brings a unique blend of emotions, including mental fatigue, curiosity, alert patience, and a feeling of being an "outsider looking in."

17.  Captivated by all things vintage.

Many ancient Souls are drawn to the beauty of everything ancient, including literature, clothes, architecture, music, and furnishings, though experiences may vary for others. Some old souls feel a special connection to ancient civilisations, like those from shamanic and tribal periods. In contrast, others find joy in the charm of bygone eras, such as the elegance of the 18th century with horse and carriage or the lively spirit of the 1920s jazz scene.

What is the Origin of the Various Signs of an Old Soul?

Genetics and early experiences shape a person's mentality. However, there is no clear-cut explanation for what makes someone an ancient soul.

1.  Trauma in childhood

A 2020 study review suggests that children who encounter adversity in the form of trauma or violence (but not deprivation or neglect) could mature more quickly than their non-adversity-affected peers.

The researchers observed that kids who experience this kind of hardship often reach puberty sooner than their peers and have symptoms of accelerated cellular ageing.

Undoubtedly, hardship may impede a joyful and carefree upbringing, and those who have experienced trauma may see the world differently. This viewpoint might seem to some as "old soul" maturity.

2.  Increased sensitivity

According to research, susceptible people may have complexly wired nerve systems and brains that process information sophisticatedly. Some specialists see this as an evolutionary survival tactic. A person's ability to assess sensory data from their surroundings more fully will likely enable them to see dangers before others. A strong sense of intuition may also assist in recognising when someone or something feels off.

3.  Keeping the energy safe

While showing profound compassion for others may be fulfilling, it can also be exhausting. One may experience fatigue, resentment, worry, and despair if action is not taken to avoid energy depletion.  Letting one's needs guide them is the most essential strategy for self-defence. Consider these recommendations:

  • It is essential to keep in mind that it is acceptable to decline. When one resists socialising due to a desire for solitude, it is wise to pay attention to that inclination. One should avoid succumbing to the influence of others that push them past their boundaries.
  • It is essential to allocate time for hobbies and leisure activities, as this can protect against future stress. One should not resist the impulse to stroll through woodlands or along a peaceful beach, as nature may offer significant well-being advantages.
  • It might also be beneficial for them to trust their instincts. As intuition lacks backing from scientific evidence, individuals occasionally ridicule it. Nevertheless, since intuition is frequently linked to a deeper comprehension of the emotions and behaviours of others, increased sensitivity might offer a basis for precision.
  • It typically does not cause harm to acknowledge one's feelings regarding a situation or individual that prompts a pause or, at the very least, to explore the underlying reasons.

Old souls – Social Relationships

Although a person's physical appearance may draw attention initially, ancient souls understand that what counts most in a relationship is a person's inner qualities. In many enduring and affectionate relationships, there may be a craving for sensuality beyond sex. Compared to other soul ages, older souls are more capable of loving with compassion and caring hearts. They are also less concerned with getting swept off their feet and would rather be in a cosy, secure, nurturing relationship that promotes the personal development of both parties.

Old souls – Work and Leisure

Even though it may not seem like it to others, they know how to make work enjoyable and fulfilling. They are industrious workers. They are unlikely to devote their whole lives to a single pastime. Instead, they are more likely to start something, become proficient at it, and give it up one day to try something else.

It is understood that happiness is linked to finding joy in one's work. One should consider alternative options if rising each day feels like a struggle; otherwise, they may be maintaining someone else's responsibilities.  

People Also Ask

What is the life purpose and mission of an old soul?

Their mission is to "break the cycle." When individuals provide an example of how to interact with the world, either on their terms or the parameters established by their society, they make a difference. Every younger soul that comes into contact with the independent but spiritually linked older soul serves as an example of higher awareness, as one's consciousness may act as a pebble in a pond, influencing those within its sphere of influence to develop as well.


An old soul is a person who feels far older than their actual age, offers a unique perspective on life. The gifts of empathy, high IQ, intuition, and a wise understanding of human nature often accompany this emotion. Although they are often quieter or more introspective, old souls are incredibly strong. An ancient soul is more than a bright person with above-average intellect or a kind disposition towards older people. Elderly souls possess abilities that transcend their physical form and age as if they had been acquiring knowledge for several lifetimes. Genetics and early experiences shape a person's mentality, deciding on them being an old soul or not. The various causes of becoming an old soul may include a childhood trauma that impedes a joyful and carefree upbringing and those who have experienced trauma may see the world differently, increased sensitivity due to complexly wired nerve systems and brains that process information sophisticatedly and their utmost effort in keeping their energy safe in a social setting.

Signs of being an old soul includes great value of intelligence and truth, embracing their true independence, an excellent spiritual inclination, deep and considerate nature, carrying a beautiful perception about life, expansive viewpoint, a distinctive way of interacting with others, light and free heart, often experience moments of reflection, deep thinking, rich and poetic view of life, challenging social settings, socialising with experienced individuals, often adopting the role of a counsellor or an advisor, strong yearning for a straightforward lifestyle, a wise feeling about self and often captivated by vintage.



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