Econugenics is a reputed health and care industry brand renowned for its scientifically formulated Welzo...

Econugenics is a reputed health and care industry brand renowned for its scientifically formulated Welzo supplements and products promoting health and immunity. Its founder, Dr Isaac Eliaz, is a pioneer in the industry, and Econugenics emphasises natural ingredients and rigorous research to ensure safety and accuracy. 

The company's flagship product is the PectaSol-C Modified Citrus Pectin, which is increasingly becoming popular due to its ability to boost immunity and detoxification. Its other medicinal products, e.g., MycoPhyto Complex Powder and mushroom blends, are highly renowned for their immunity-boosting and antioxidant properties. This brand's innovation and high quality set it apart from competitors, as each product is backed by extensive quality control. 

Moreover, its focus on integrated health solutions makes it a valuable choice for those looking to improve the immune system and maintain optimal health. It is thus a reliable solution for those who want high-quality products with effective results. Visit us to buy all products from Econugenics.



Econugenics is a reputed health and care industry brand renowned for its scientifically formulated Welzo supplements and products promoting health and immunity. Its founder, Dr Isaac Eliaz, is...

Econugenics is a reputed health and care industry brand renowned for its scientifically formulated Welzo supplements and products promoting health and immunity. Its founder, Dr Isaac Eliaz, is a pioneer in the industry, and Econugenics emphasises natural ingredients and rigorous research to ensure safety and accuracy. 

The company's flagship product is the PectaSol-C Modified Citrus Pectin, which is increasingly becoming popular due to its ability to boost immunity and detoxification. Its other medicinal products, e.g., MycoPhyto Complex Powder and mushroom blends, are highly renowned for their immunity-boosting and antioxidant properties. This brand's innovation and high quality set it apart from competitors, as each product is backed by extensive quality control. 

Moreover, its focus on integrated health solutions makes it a valuable choice for those looking to improve the immune system and maintain optimal health. It is thus a reliable solution for those who want high-quality products with effective results. Visit us to buy all products from Econugenics.

31 products