Total Balance Children (30 servings) - xtendlife - welzo
Total Balance Children (30 servings) - xtendlife - welzo
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Hugo Dover
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Elina Goulliard
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Elizabeth Moore

Product Description

Kopējā līdzsvara bērnu ieviešana, visaptverošs uztura bagātinātājs, kas īpaši izstrādāts bērnu optimālai izaugsmei un attīstībai. Šis produkts, ko izveidojis uzticams zīmols XtendLife, ir paredzēts, lai nodrošinātu pilnīgu svarīgu vitamīnu, minerālu un barības vielu līdzsvaru, kas ir būtisks bērna veselībai.
Katrā kopējā līdzsvara bērnu pudelē ir 30 porcijas ar vecumam atbilstošas ​​košļājamās tabletes, padarot vecākiem ērtu un ērtu iekļaut bērna ikdienas gaitās. Šīs tabletes ir ne tikai garšīgas, bet arī satur dabiskas sastāvdaļas, kas ir drošas un labvēlīgas visu vecumu bērniem.
Pieaugot pārstrādāto un neveselīgo pārtikas produktu izplatībai mūsdienu sabiedrībā, bērniem var būt grūti iegūt visas nepieciešamās barības vielas viņu augošajam ķermenim.


A vitamīns (kā dabiski sajaukti karotinoīdi), C vitamīns (no 40 mg kalcija askorbāta, 50 mg kālija askorbāta un 20 mg askorbiļa palmitāta), D vitamīns (kā holekalciferols), E vitamīns (kā D-alfa tocoferils no dārzeņiem, kas no dārzeņiem, kas no dārzeņiem, kas no dārzeņiem, kas ir holekalciferols) (kā D-alfa Tocoferils? Eļļas un tokotrienols/tokoferola komplekss (no Āfrikas eļļas palmas)) (1 mg = 1,21 SV), tiamīns no 1,3 mg tiamīna HCl), riboflavīns (no 2,0 mg riboflavīna-5-fosfāta), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicicicicicic), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicicicic), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicicic), niacīns), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicicic), niacīns), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicic), niacīns), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotiniskā nikotiniskā Skābe un 2,5 mg niacinamīda), B6 ​​vitamīns (no 2,3 mg piridoksāla-5-fosfāta), folijskābe, B12 vitamīns (kā Kobamamīds), biotīns, pantotēnskābe (no 5,6 mg kalcija pantotenāta), kalcija (no 50 mg kalcija (no sarkanām aļģēm (litothamnija sugas), 24 mg dikikija fosfāta, 40 mg kalcija askorbāta un 5,6 mg kalcija pantotenāta), jods (no 198 mcg kālija jodīda), magnijs (no 100 mg Aquamin magnija ™ ™ (100 mg Aquamin magnetium ™ (100 mg Aquamin Magnesium ™ (100 mg Aquamin Magnesium ™ ™ Magnija hidroksīds no jūras ūdens) un 38 mg magnija stearāta), cinks (no 7,3 mg cinka citrāta), selēns (no 105 mcg L-selenometionīna), vara (no 0,47 mg vara glikonāta), mangāns (no 2 Mgge mangāna citrāta), hroms (no 374 mcg hroma pikolināta), molibdēna (no 120 mcg molibdēna glicināta), alveja (no alvejas barbadensis lapu ekstrakta) (ekvivalents 10 000 mg svaigas alvejas lapas), zaļās tējas ekstrakta (ekstrakta zaļā tēja ekstrakta (līdzvērtīga (10 000 mg svaigas alvejas lapas), zaļās tējas ekstrakta (ekstrakta zaļā tēja ekstrakta (ekstrakta zaļā tējas ekstrakta (10 000 mg No Camellia sinensis lapas) (nodrošinot 40 mg katehīnu), piena dadzis ekstrakts no silybum marianum sēklām) (nodrošinot 40 mg silimarīnu), nigella (melnā ķimenes) ekstrakta (no Nigella sativa sēklām) (ekvivalents 200 mg melno ķimīnu sēklu ), Kurkuma ekstrakts (no curcuma longa saknes) (nodrošinot 47,5 mg kurkuminoīdu), n-acetil-l-cisteīns, taurīns, beta glikāns (no rauga), l-arginīns HCl, bilberry ekstrakts (no vakcinum myrtillus augļiem) (pre. 6,25. Mg antocianīnu un proantocianīnu), dimetilglicīna HCl, ingvera ekstrakts (no zingiber oficiālas saknes) (nodrošinot 1,13 mg pingerolu), L-tirozīns, l-lysine hcl, l-metionīns, bacopa ekstrakts (no bacopa monnieri lapas) (provizorisks 6 6 mg bacosides), MSM (metilsulfonil metāns), olīvu lapu ekstrakts (no Olea europaea lapas) (nodrošinot 3 mg oleuropeīna), papaiīns (no carica papaya (papaija), augļu lateksa ekstrakta), Betain hcl, choline bitartrāts, l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-r-l-r-l-r-l-r-l-- l-r-l-. Cisteīns, hesperidīns (no citrusaugļu aurantium (rūgtais apelsīns) Augļu ekstrakts), l-prolīns, inozitols, l-ornitīns HCl, mičetīna ekstrakts (no 20 mg myrica cerifera (Bayberry) lapa), vīnogu sēklu ekstrakta (no Vitis Vinifera sēklu) sēklām) (nodrošinot vismaz 450 mg/g fenolus), tējas polisaharīdu ekstraktu (no 50 mg camellia sinensis lapu ekstrakta), fosfatidilholīna (no saulespuķu sēklu lecitīna), amilāze (no Aspergillus oryzae fermentācijas), bromelain (no peneapple kātiņa),; Guggul gumijas ekstrakts no Comphora mukul gumijas eksudāta) (guggulsteronu avots), minerālu jūras sāļi (nodrošinot mikroelementus, ieskaitot stronciju, rubidiju un volfrāciju), masīvu priežu mizas ekstraktu (no Pinus Massoniana mizas), RNS (ribonuklīnskābe no jūga). Alfa liposkābe, N-acetilglikozamīns, L-karnozīns, L-glutamīns, reducēts glutations, luteolīns (no japāņu sophora pumpura un zieda), kosa ekstrakts (no Equisetum arvense lapu un stumbra), lipāze (no aspergillus niger fermentācijas), Alfalfa ekstrakts (no Medicago sativa lapas un stumbra) (ekvivalents 60 mg svaigas alfalfa), PABA (P-aminobenzoskābe), tas pats (no 9,5 mg S-adenozilmetionīna tosilāta), trans-resveratrols (no 10 mg poligonuma cuspidatum (10 mg poligonuma cuspidatum ((10 mg poligonuma cuspidatum ((10 mg polygonum cuspidatum) ((no 10 mg polygonum cuspidatum (no poligonuma cuspidatum (no daudzstūra daudzstonuma cuspidatum (no 10 mg polygonum cuspidatum (no daudzstūrošanas cuspidatum ( Japāņu knotweed) sakņu ekstrakts), piperīns (no piper nigrum (melnie pipari) augļu ekstrakti), fosfatidil l-serīns (no 20 mg saulespuķu ekstrakta), koenzīms Q-10 (Kaneka ubidecarenone (ubiquinonon)), rutīns (no japāņu sophora Pumpuru ekstrakts), polikosanols (no 1,7 mg cukurniedru ekstrakta), ATP (adenozīna trifosfāts no rauga), luteīns (no 10 mg acteku kliņģerīšu ziedu ekstrakta), tocotrienol/tocopherol kompleksa (no 2 mg Evnolmax® no Āfrikas naftas 2 mg 2 mg Evnolmax® Palma), astaksantīns (no 11,7 mg haematococcus pluvialis), likopēns (no Tomātu ekstrakts), bors (no 2,2 mg bora citrāta), zeaksantīns (no 2 mg acteku kliedziena ziedu ekstrakta). Mikrokristāliskā celuloze, dekstroze, zarnu zarnas pārklājums (attīrīts ūdens, etilcelluloze, amonija hidroksīds, vidējas ķēdes triglicerīdi, oleīnskābe, nātrija karboksimetilceluloze, talks, polidextrose), maltodekstrīns, silikona diooksīda, nātrija karboksimetiluloze, tripotija citrāts.

Refer to the product packaging label for ingredient updates.

Delivery & Returns

UK, Europe & Rest of the World Shipping Details:
Same day dispatch for orders placed by 2pm (Orders after 2pm dispatched next working day).

Free shipping on orders over £45 to the UK.

Returns: Our products are meant to make you feel healthy and at your best. If you need to return your item, you can do so free of charge within 14 days in the same original and unopened packaging.

How to use

Katrā pudelē ir pietiekami daudz piedevu 45 porcijām, lietojot 2 tabletes dienā, vai 30 porcijas, lietojot 3 tabletes dienā. Bērniem 5 gadu vecumā vajadzētu lietot 2 tabletes katru dienu, savukārt bērniem vecumā no 6 līdz 12 gadiem vajadzētu lietot 3 tabletes katru dienu. Lai iegūtu labākos rezultātus, no rīta ir ieteicams lietot piedevas. Tos var ņemt ar pārtiku vai bez tā.

Please consult the product packaging for accurate instructions on how to use the product.

Nutritional Information

Supplement Facts Serving size: 3 Tablets Servings per container: 30
Amount Per Serving % DV Calories 10 Total Carbohydrate < 1 g < 1%* Dietary Fiber < 1 g 2%* Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids) 1000 IU 20% Vitamin C (from 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 20 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate) 69 mg 115% Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 220 IU 55% Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU) 15 IU 50% Thiamin from 1.3 mg of Thiamin HCl) 1.2 mg 80% Riboflavin (from 2.0 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate) 1.0 mg 59% Niacin (from 2.5 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 2.5 mg of Niacinamide) 4.6 mg 23% Vitamin B6 (from 2.3 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 1.6 mg 80% Folic Acid 107 mcg 27% Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide) 2 mcg 33% Biotin 80 mcg 27% Pantothenic Acid (from 5.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate) 5 mg 50% Calcium (from 50 mg of Calcium (Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 24 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate and 5.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate) 24 mg 2% Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide) 150 mcg 100% Magnesium (from 100 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water) & 38 mg of Magnesium Stearate) 34 mg 9% Zinc (from 7.3 mg of Zinc Citrate) 2.2 mg 15% Selenium (from 105 mcg of L-Selenomethionine) 40 mcg 57% Copper (from 0.47 mg of Copper Gluconate) 0.06 mg 3% Manganese (from 2 mg of Manganese Citrate) 0.58 mg 29% Chromium (from 374 mcg of Chromium Picolinate) 44 mcg 37% Molybdenum (from 120 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate) 12 mcg 16% Aloe Vera (from Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Vera Leaf) 50 mg ** Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 40 mg of Catechins) 50 mg ** Milk Thistle Extract from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 40 mg of Silymarins) 50 mg ** Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds) 50 mg ** Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline) 50 mg ** Turmeric Extract (from Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids) 50 mg ** N-Acetyl L-Cysteine 49 mg ** Taurine 49 mg ** Beta Glucan (from Yeast) 35 mg ** L-Arginine HCl 25 mg ** Bilberry Extract (from Vaccinum myrtillus Fruit) (providing 6.25 mg of Anthocyanins & Proanthocyanins) 25 mg ** Dimethylglycine HCl 25 mg ** Ginger Extract (from Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 1.13 mg of Gingerols) 25 mg ** L-Tyrosine 25 mg ** L-Lysine HCl 24 mg ** L-Methionine 24 mg ** Bacopa Extract (from Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 6 mg of Bacosides) 20 mg ** MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane) 20 mg ** Olive Leaf Extract (from Olea europaea Leaf) >(providing 3 mg of Oleuropein) 20 mg ** Papain (from Carica papaya (Papaya), Fruit Latex Extract) 20 mg ** Betain HCl 19 mg ** Choline Bitartrate 19 mg ** L-Cysteine 19 mg ** Hesperidin (from Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) Fruit Extract) 18 mg ** L-Proline 15 mg ** Inositol 14 mg ** L-Ornithine HCl 14 mg ** Myricetin Extract (from 20 mg of Myrica cerifera (Bayberry) Leaf) 14 mg ** Grape Seed Extract (from Vitis vinifera Seed) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics) 12 mg ** Tea Polysaccharides Extract (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract) 11 mg ** Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae) 10 mg ** Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem) 10 mg ** Guggul Gum Extract from Commiphora mukul Gum Exudate) (a source of Guggulsterones) 10 mg ** Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Strontium, Rubidium & Tungsten) 10 mg ** Masson Pine Bark Extract (from Pinus massoniana Bark) 10 mg ** RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast) 10 mg ** Alpha Lipoic Acid 9.9 mg ** N-Acetyl Glucosamine 9.9 mg ** L-Carnosine 9.9 mg ** L-Glutamine 9.9 mg ** Reduced Glutathione 9.8 mg ** Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell Extract) 9 mg ** Horsetail Extract (from Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem) 8 mg ** Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger) 6 mg ** Alfalfa Extract (from Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 60 mg of Fresh Alfalfa) 5 mg ** PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid) 5 mg ** SAMe (from 9.5 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate) 5 mg ** Trans-Resveratrol (from 10 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract) 5 mg ** Piperine (from Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract) 4.7 mg ** Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 20 mg of Soybean Extract) 4 mg ** Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone)) 2.9 mg ** Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract) 1.9 mg ** Policosanol (from 1.7 mg of Sugar Cane Extract) 1.6 mg ** ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast) 1 mg ** Lutein (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 500 mcg ** Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 2 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm) 382 mcg ** Astaxanthin (from 11.7 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis) 352 mcg ** Lycopene (from Tomato Extract) 180 mcg ** Boron (from 2.2 mg of Boron Citrate) 100 mcg ** Zeaxanthin (from 2 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 100 mcg **Amount Per Serving% DVCalories10Total Carbohydrate< 1 g< 1%*Dietary Fiber< 1 g2%*Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids)1000 IU20%Vitamin C (from 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 20 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)69 mg115%Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)220 IU55%Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)15 IU50%Thiamin from 1.3 mg of Thiamin HCl)1.2 mg80%Riboflavin (from 2.0 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)1.0 mg59%Niacin (from 2.5 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 2.5 mg of Niacinamide)4.6 mg23%Vitamin B6 (from 2.3 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)1.6 mg80%Folic Acid107 mcg27%Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)2 mcg33%Biotin80 mcg27%Pantothenic Acid (from 5.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate)5 mg50%Calcium (from 50 mg of Calcium (Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 24 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate and 5.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)24 mg2%Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)150 mcg100%Magnesium (from 100 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water) & 38 mg of Magnesium Stearate)34 mg9%Zinc (from 7.3 mg of Zinc Citrate)2.2 mg15%Selenium (from 105 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)40 mcg57%Copper (from 0.47 mg of Copper Gluconate)0.06 mg3%Manganese (from 2 mg of Manganese Citrate)0.58 mg29%Chromium (from 374 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)44 mcg37%Molybdenum (from 120 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)12 mcg16%Aloe Vera (from Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Vera Leaf)50 mg**Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 40 mg of Catechins)50 mg**Milk Thistle Extract from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 40 mg of Silymarins)50 mg**Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline)50 mg**Turmeric Extract (from Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids)50 mg**N-Acetyl L-Cysteine49 mg**Taurine49 mg**Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**L-Arginine HCl25 mg**Bilberry Extract (from Vaccinum myrtillus Fruit) (providing 6.25 mg of Anthocyanins & Proanthocyanins)25 mg**Dimethylglycine HCl25 mg**Ginger Extract (from Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 1.13 mg of Gingerols)25 mg**L-Tyrosine25 mg**L-Lysine HCl24 mg**L-Methionine24 mg**Bacopa Extract (from Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 6 mg of Bacosides)20 mg**MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)20 mg**Olive Leaf Extract (from Olea europaea Leaf) >(providing 3 mg of Oleuropein)20 mg**Papain (from Carica papaya (Papaya), Fruit Latex Extract)20 mg**Betain HCl19 mg**Choline Bitartrate19 mg**L-Cysteine19 mg**Hesperidin (from Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) Fruit Extract)18 mg**L-Proline15 mg**Inositol14 mg**L-Ornithine HCl14 mg**Myricetin Extract (from 20 mg of Myrica cerifera (Bayberry) Leaf)14 mg**Grape Seed Extract (from Vitis vinifera Seed) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics)12 mg**Tea Polysaccharides Extract (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract)11 mg**Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)10 mg**Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)10 mg**Guggul Gum Extract from Commiphora mukul Gum Exudate) (a source of Guggulsterones)10 mg**Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Strontium, Rubidium & Tungsten)10 mg**Masson Pine Bark Extract (from Pinus massoniana Bark)10 mg**RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast)10 mg**Alpha Lipoic Acid9.9 mg**N-Acetyl Glucosamine9.9 mg**L-Carnosine9.9 mg**L-Glutamine9.9 mg**Reduced Glutathione9.8 mg**Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell Extract)9 mg**Horsetail Extract (from Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem)8 mg**Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)6 mg**Alfalfa Extract (from Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 60 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)5 mg**PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)5 mg**SAMe (from 9.5 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)5 mg**Trans-Resveratrol (from 10 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract)5 mg**Piperine (from Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)4.7 mg**Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 20 mg of Soybean Extract)4 mg**Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))2.9 mg**Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract)1.9 mg**Policosanol (from 1.7 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)1.6 mg**ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)1 mg**Lutein (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)500 mcg**Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 2 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)382 mcg**Astaxanthin (from 11.7 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis)352 mcg**Lycopene (from Tomato Extract)180 mcg**Boron (from 2.2 mg of Boron Citrate)100 mcg**Zeaxanthin (from 2 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)100 mcg**
Amount Per Serving% DV
Total Carbohydrate< 1 g< 1%*
Dietary Fiber< 1 g2%*
Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids)1000 IU20%
Vitamin C (from 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 20 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)69 mg115%
Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)220 IU55%
Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)15 IU50%
Thiamin from 1.3 mg of Thiamin HCl)1.2 mg80%
Riboflavin (from 2.0 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)1.0 mg59%
Niacin (from 2.5 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 2.5 mg of Niacinamide)4.6 mg23%
Vitamin B6 (from 2.3 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)1.6 mg80%
Folic Acid107 mcg27%
Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)2 mcg33%
Biotin80 mcg27%
Pantothenic Acid (from 5.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate)5 mg50%
Calcium (from 50 mg of Calcium (Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 24 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate and 5.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)24 mg2%
Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)150 mcg100%
Magnesium (from 100 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water) & 38 mg of Magnesium Stearate)34 mg9%
Zinc (from 7.3 mg of Zinc Citrate)2.2 mg15%
Selenium (from 105 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)40 mcg57%
Copper (from 0.47 mg of Copper Gluconate)0.06 mg3%
Manganese (from 2 mg of Manganese Citrate)0.58 mg29%
Chromium (from 374 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)44 mcg37%
Molybdenum (from 120 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)12 mcg16%
Aloe Vera (from Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Vera Leaf)50 mg**
Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 40 mg of Catechins)50 mg**
Milk Thistle Extract from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 40 mg of Silymarins)50 mg**
Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**
Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline)50 mg**
Turmeric Extract (from Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids)50 mg**
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine49 mg**
Taurine49 mg**
Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**
L-Arginine HCl25 mg**
Bilberry Extract (from Vaccinum myrtillus Fruit) (providing 6.25 mg of Anthocyanins & Proanthocyanins)25 mg**
Dimethylglycine HCl25 mg**
Ginger Extract (from Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 1.13 mg of Gingerols)25 mg**
L-Tyrosine25 mg**
L-Lysine HCl24 mg**
L-Methionine24 mg**
Bacopa Extract (from Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 6 mg of Bacosides)20 mg**
MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)20 mg**
Olive Leaf Extract (from Olea europaea Leaf) >(providing 3 mg of Oleuropein)20 mg**
Papain (from Carica papaya (Papaya), Fruit Latex Extract)20 mg**
Betain HCl19 mg**
Choline Bitartrate19 mg**
L-Cysteine19 mg**
Hesperidin (from Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) Fruit Extract)18 mg**
L-Proline15 mg**
Inositol14 mg**
L-Ornithine HCl14 mg**
Myricetin Extract (from 20 mg of Myrica cerifera (Bayberry) Leaf)14 mg**
Grape Seed Extract (from Vitis vinifera Seed) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics)12 mg**
Tea Polysaccharides Extract (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract)11 mg**
Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)10 mg**
Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)10 mg**
Guggul Gum Extract from Commiphora mukul Gum Exudate) (a source of Guggulsterones)10 mg**
Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Strontium, Rubidium & Tungsten)10 mg**
Masson Pine Bark Extract (from Pinus massoniana Bark)10 mg**
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast)10 mg**
Alpha Lipoic Acid9.9 mg**
N-Acetyl Glucosamine9.9 mg**
L-Carnosine9.9 mg**
L-Glutamine9.9 mg**
Reduced Glutathione9.8 mg**
Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell Extract)9 mg**
Horsetail Extract (from Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem)8 mg**
Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)6 mg**
Alfalfa Extract (from Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 60 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)5 mg**
PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)5 mg**
SAMe (from 9.5 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)5 mg**
Trans-Resveratrol (from 10 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract)5 mg**
Piperine (from Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)4.7 mg**
Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 20 mg of Soybean Extract)4 mg**
Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))2.9 mg**
Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract)1.9 mg**
Policosanol (from 1.7 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)1.6 mg**
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)1 mg**
Lutein (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)500 mcg**
Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 2 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)382 mcg**
Astaxanthin (from 11.7 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis)352 mcg**
Lycopene (from Tomato Extract)180 mcg**
Boron (from 2.2 mg of Boron Citrate)100 mcg**
Zeaxanthin (from 2 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)100 mcg**
* Percent daily values (DV) are based on a 2000 calorie diet ** Daily value (DV) not established
1. Paaugstina imūnsistēmu: Bērnu kopējais līdzsvars satur būtisku vitamīnu, minerālu un antioksidantu sajaukumu, kas palīdz atbalstīt bērna imūnsistēmu. Tas var palīdzēt samazināt parasto slimību un infekciju risku.
2. veicina veselīgu augšanu un attīstību: Bērnu kopējā līdzsvara barības vielas ir īpaši izstrādātas, lai atbalstītu bērna augšanu un attīstību. Tas ietver kaulu veselības, smadzeņu funkcijas un vispārējās fiziskās un garīgās labsajūtas atbalstīšanu. Regulāra šī produkta lietošana var palīdzēt nodrošināt, ka bērni iegūst nepieciešamās barības vielas augošajiem ķermeņiem.

Bērnu kopējais līdzsvars (30 porcijas) - Xtendlife

Kopējā līdzsvara bērnu ieviešana, visaptverošs uztura bagātinātājs, kas īpaši izstrādāts bērnu optimālai izaugsmei un attīstībai.
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Product Description

Kopējā līdzsvara bērnu ieviešana, visaptverošs uztura bagātinātājs, kas īpaši izstrādāts bērnu optimālai izaugsmei un attīstībai. Šis produkts, ko izveidojis uzticams zīmols XtendLife, ir paredzēts, lai nodrošinātu pilnīgu svarīgu vitamīnu, minerālu un barības vielu līdzsvaru, kas ir būtisks bērna veselībai.
Katrā kopējā līdzsvara bērnu pudelē ir 30 porcijas ar vecumam atbilstošas ​​košļājamās tabletes, padarot vecākiem ērtu un ērtu iekļaut bērna ikdienas gaitās. Šīs tabletes ir ne tikai garšīgas, bet arī satur dabiskas sastāvdaļas, kas ir drošas un labvēlīgas visu vecumu bērniem.
Pieaugot pārstrādāto un neveselīgo pārtikas produktu izplatībai mūsdienu sabiedrībā, bērniem var būt grūti iegūt visas nepieciešamās barības vielas viņu augošajam ķermenim.


A vitamīns (kā dabiski sajaukti karotinoīdi), C vitamīns (no 40 mg kalcija askorbāta, 50 mg kālija askorbāta un 20 mg askorbiļa palmitāta), D vitamīns (kā holekalciferols), E vitamīns (kā D-alfa tocoferils no dārzeņiem, kas no dārzeņiem, kas no dārzeņiem, kas no dārzeņiem, kas ir holekalciferols) (kā D-alfa Tocoferils? Eļļas un tokotrienols/tokoferola komplekss (no Āfrikas eļļas palmas)) (1 mg = 1,21 SV), tiamīns no 1,3 mg tiamīna HCl), riboflavīns (no 2,0 mg riboflavīna-5-fosfāta), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicicicicicic), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicicicic), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicicic), niacīns), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicicic), niacīns), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotinicicicicic), niacīns), niacīns (no 2,5 mg nikotiniskā nikotiniskā Skābe un 2,5 mg niacinamīda), B6 ​​vitamīns (no 2,3 mg piridoksāla-5-fosfāta), folijskābe, B12 vitamīns (kā Kobamamīds), biotīns, pantotēnskābe (no 5,6 mg kalcija pantotenāta), kalcija (no 50 mg kalcija (no sarkanām aļģēm (litothamnija sugas), 24 mg dikikija fosfāta, 40 mg kalcija askorbāta un 5,6 mg kalcija pantotenāta), jods (no 198 mcg kālija jodīda), magnijs (no 100 mg Aquamin magnija ™ ™ (100 mg Aquamin magnetium ™ (100 mg Aquamin Magnesium ™ (100 mg Aquamin Magnesium ™ ™ Magnija hidroksīds no jūras ūdens) un 38 mg magnija stearāta), cinks (no 7,3 mg cinka citrāta), selēns (no 105 mcg L-selenometionīna), vara (no 0,47 mg vara glikonāta), mangāns (no 2 Mgge mangāna citrāta), hroms (no 374 mcg hroma pikolināta), molibdēna (no 120 mcg molibdēna glicināta), alveja (no alvejas barbadensis lapu ekstrakta) (ekvivalents 10 000 mg svaigas alvejas lapas), zaļās tējas ekstrakta (ekstrakta zaļā tēja ekstrakta (līdzvērtīga (10 000 mg svaigas alvejas lapas), zaļās tējas ekstrakta (ekstrakta zaļā tēja ekstrakta (ekstrakta zaļā tējas ekstrakta (10 000 mg No Camellia sinensis lapas) (nodrošinot 40 mg katehīnu), piena dadzis ekstrakts no silybum marianum sēklām) (nodrošinot 40 mg silimarīnu), nigella (melnā ķimenes) ekstrakta (no Nigella sativa sēklām) (ekvivalents 200 mg melno ķimīnu sēklu ), Kurkuma ekstrakts (no curcuma longa saknes) (nodrošinot 47,5 mg kurkuminoīdu), n-acetil-l-cisteīns, taurīns, beta glikāns (no rauga), l-arginīns HCl, bilberry ekstrakts (no vakcinum myrtillus augļiem) (pre. 6,25. Mg antocianīnu un proantocianīnu), dimetilglicīna HCl, ingvera ekstrakts (no zingiber oficiālas saknes) (nodrošinot 1,13 mg pingerolu), L-tirozīns, l-lysine hcl, l-metionīns, bacopa ekstrakts (no bacopa monnieri lapas) (provizorisks 6 6 mg bacosides), MSM (metilsulfonil metāns), olīvu lapu ekstrakts (no Olea europaea lapas) (nodrošinot 3 mg oleuropeīna), papaiīns (no carica papaya (papaija), augļu lateksa ekstrakta), Betain hcl, choline bitartrāts, l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-r-l-r-l-r-l-r-l-- l-r-l-. Cisteīns, hesperidīns (no citrusaugļu aurantium (rūgtais apelsīns) Augļu ekstrakts), l-prolīns, inozitols, l-ornitīns HCl, mičetīna ekstrakts (no 20 mg myrica cerifera (Bayberry) lapa), vīnogu sēklu ekstrakta (no Vitis Vinifera sēklu) sēklām) (nodrošinot vismaz 450 mg/g fenolus), tējas polisaharīdu ekstraktu (no 50 mg camellia sinensis lapu ekstrakta), fosfatidilholīna (no saulespuķu sēklu lecitīna), amilāze (no Aspergillus oryzae fermentācijas), bromelain (no peneapple kātiņa),; Guggul gumijas ekstrakts no Comphora mukul gumijas eksudāta) (guggulsteronu avots), minerālu jūras sāļi (nodrošinot mikroelementus, ieskaitot stronciju, rubidiju un volfrāciju), masīvu priežu mizas ekstraktu (no Pinus Massoniana mizas), RNS (ribonuklīnskābe no jūga). Alfa liposkābe, N-acetilglikozamīns, L-karnozīns, L-glutamīns, reducēts glutations, luteolīns (no japāņu sophora pumpura un zieda), kosa ekstrakts (no Equisetum arvense lapu un stumbra), lipāze (no aspergillus niger fermentācijas), Alfalfa ekstrakts (no Medicago sativa lapas un stumbra) (ekvivalents 60 mg svaigas alfalfa), PABA (P-aminobenzoskābe), tas pats (no 9,5 mg S-adenozilmetionīna tosilāta), trans-resveratrols (no 10 mg poligonuma cuspidatum (10 mg poligonuma cuspidatum ((10 mg poligonuma cuspidatum ((10 mg polygonum cuspidatum) ((no 10 mg polygonum cuspidatum (no poligonuma cuspidatum (no daudzstūra daudzstonuma cuspidatum (no 10 mg polygonum cuspidatum (no daudzstūrošanas cuspidatum ( Japāņu knotweed) sakņu ekstrakts), piperīns (no piper nigrum (melnie pipari) augļu ekstrakti), fosfatidil l-serīns (no 20 mg saulespuķu ekstrakta), koenzīms Q-10 (Kaneka ubidecarenone (ubiquinonon)), rutīns (no japāņu sophora Pumpuru ekstrakts), polikosanols (no 1,7 mg cukurniedru ekstrakta), ATP (adenozīna trifosfāts no rauga), luteīns (no 10 mg acteku kliņģerīšu ziedu ekstrakta), tocotrienol/tocopherol kompleksa (no 2 mg Evnolmax® no Āfrikas naftas 2 mg 2 mg Evnolmax® Palma), astaksantīns (no 11,7 mg haematococcus pluvialis), likopēns (no Tomātu ekstrakts), bors (no 2,2 mg bora citrāta), zeaksantīns (no 2 mg acteku kliedziena ziedu ekstrakta). Mikrokristāliskā celuloze, dekstroze, zarnu zarnas pārklājums (attīrīts ūdens, etilcelluloze, amonija hidroksīds, vidējas ķēdes triglicerīdi, oleīnskābe, nātrija karboksimetilceluloze, talks, polidextrose), maltodekstrīns, silikona diooksīda, nātrija karboksimetiluloze, tripotija citrāts.

Refer to the product packaging label for ingredient updates.

Delivery & Returns

UK, Europe & Rest of the World Shipping Details:
Same day dispatch for orders placed by 2pm (Orders after 2pm dispatched next working day).

Free shipping on orders over £45 to the UK.

Returns: Our products are meant to make you feel healthy and at your best. If you need to return your item, you can do so free of charge within 14 days in the same original and unopened packaging.

How to use

Katrā pudelē ir pietiekami daudz piedevu 45 porcijām, lietojot 2 tabletes dienā, vai 30 porcijas, lietojot 3 tabletes dienā. Bērniem 5 gadu vecumā vajadzētu lietot 2 tabletes katru dienu, savukārt bērniem vecumā no 6 līdz 12 gadiem vajadzētu lietot 3 tabletes katru dienu. Lai iegūtu labākos rezultātus, no rīta ir ieteicams lietot piedevas. Tos var ņemt ar pārtiku vai bez tā.

Please consult the product packaging for accurate instructions on how to use the product.

Nutritional Information

Supplement Facts Serving size: 3 Tablets Servings per container: 30
Amount Per Serving % DV Calories 10 Total Carbohydrate < 1 g < 1%* Dietary Fiber < 1 g 2%* Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids) 1000 IU 20% Vitamin C (from 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 20 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate) 69 mg 115% Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 220 IU 55% Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU) 15 IU 50% Thiamin from 1.3 mg of Thiamin HCl) 1.2 mg 80% Riboflavin (from 2.0 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate) 1.0 mg 59% Niacin (from 2.5 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 2.5 mg of Niacinamide) 4.6 mg 23% Vitamin B6 (from 2.3 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 1.6 mg 80% Folic Acid 107 mcg 27% Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide) 2 mcg 33% Biotin 80 mcg 27% Pantothenic Acid (from 5.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate) 5 mg 50% Calcium (from 50 mg of Calcium (Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 24 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate and 5.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate) 24 mg 2% Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide) 150 mcg 100% Magnesium (from 100 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water) & 38 mg of Magnesium Stearate) 34 mg 9% Zinc (from 7.3 mg of Zinc Citrate) 2.2 mg 15% Selenium (from 105 mcg of L-Selenomethionine) 40 mcg 57% Copper (from 0.47 mg of Copper Gluconate) 0.06 mg 3% Manganese (from 2 mg of Manganese Citrate) 0.58 mg 29% Chromium (from 374 mcg of Chromium Picolinate) 44 mcg 37% Molybdenum (from 120 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate) 12 mcg 16% Aloe Vera (from Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Vera Leaf) 50 mg ** Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 40 mg of Catechins) 50 mg ** Milk Thistle Extract from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 40 mg of Silymarins) 50 mg ** Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds) 50 mg ** Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline) 50 mg ** Turmeric Extract (from Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids) 50 mg ** N-Acetyl L-Cysteine 49 mg ** Taurine 49 mg ** Beta Glucan (from Yeast) 35 mg ** L-Arginine HCl 25 mg ** Bilberry Extract (from Vaccinum myrtillus Fruit) (providing 6.25 mg of Anthocyanins & Proanthocyanins) 25 mg ** Dimethylglycine HCl 25 mg ** Ginger Extract (from Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 1.13 mg of Gingerols) 25 mg ** L-Tyrosine 25 mg ** L-Lysine HCl 24 mg ** L-Methionine 24 mg ** Bacopa Extract (from Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 6 mg of Bacosides) 20 mg ** MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane) 20 mg ** Olive Leaf Extract (from Olea europaea Leaf) >(providing 3 mg of Oleuropein) 20 mg ** Papain (from Carica papaya (Papaya), Fruit Latex Extract) 20 mg ** Betain HCl 19 mg ** Choline Bitartrate 19 mg ** L-Cysteine 19 mg ** Hesperidin (from Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) Fruit Extract) 18 mg ** L-Proline 15 mg ** Inositol 14 mg ** L-Ornithine HCl 14 mg ** Myricetin Extract (from 20 mg of Myrica cerifera (Bayberry) Leaf) 14 mg ** Grape Seed Extract (from Vitis vinifera Seed) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics) 12 mg ** Tea Polysaccharides Extract (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract) 11 mg ** Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae) 10 mg ** Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem) 10 mg ** Guggul Gum Extract from Commiphora mukul Gum Exudate) (a source of Guggulsterones) 10 mg ** Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Strontium, Rubidium & Tungsten) 10 mg ** Masson Pine Bark Extract (from Pinus massoniana Bark) 10 mg ** RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast) 10 mg ** Alpha Lipoic Acid 9.9 mg ** N-Acetyl Glucosamine 9.9 mg ** L-Carnosine 9.9 mg ** L-Glutamine 9.9 mg ** Reduced Glutathione 9.8 mg ** Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell Extract) 9 mg ** Horsetail Extract (from Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem) 8 mg ** Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger) 6 mg ** Alfalfa Extract (from Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 60 mg of Fresh Alfalfa) 5 mg ** PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid) 5 mg ** SAMe (from 9.5 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate) 5 mg ** Trans-Resveratrol (from 10 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract) 5 mg ** Piperine (from Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract) 4.7 mg ** Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 20 mg of Soybean Extract) 4 mg ** Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone)) 2.9 mg ** Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract) 1.9 mg ** Policosanol (from 1.7 mg of Sugar Cane Extract) 1.6 mg ** ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast) 1 mg ** Lutein (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 500 mcg ** Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 2 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm) 382 mcg ** Astaxanthin (from 11.7 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis) 352 mcg ** Lycopene (from Tomato Extract) 180 mcg ** Boron (from 2.2 mg of Boron Citrate) 100 mcg ** Zeaxanthin (from 2 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 100 mcg **Amount Per Serving% DVCalories10Total Carbohydrate< 1 g< 1%*Dietary Fiber< 1 g2%*Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids)1000 IU20%Vitamin C (from 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 20 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)69 mg115%Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)220 IU55%Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)15 IU50%Thiamin from 1.3 mg of Thiamin HCl)1.2 mg80%Riboflavin (from 2.0 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)1.0 mg59%Niacin (from 2.5 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 2.5 mg of Niacinamide)4.6 mg23%Vitamin B6 (from 2.3 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)1.6 mg80%Folic Acid107 mcg27%Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)2 mcg33%Biotin80 mcg27%Pantothenic Acid (from 5.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate)5 mg50%Calcium (from 50 mg of Calcium (Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 24 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate and 5.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)24 mg2%Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)150 mcg100%Magnesium (from 100 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water) & 38 mg of Magnesium Stearate)34 mg9%Zinc (from 7.3 mg of Zinc Citrate)2.2 mg15%Selenium (from 105 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)40 mcg57%Copper (from 0.47 mg of Copper Gluconate)0.06 mg3%Manganese (from 2 mg of Manganese Citrate)0.58 mg29%Chromium (from 374 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)44 mcg37%Molybdenum (from 120 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)12 mcg16%Aloe Vera (from Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Vera Leaf)50 mg**Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 40 mg of Catechins)50 mg**Milk Thistle Extract from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 40 mg of Silymarins)50 mg**Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline)50 mg**Turmeric Extract (from Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids)50 mg**N-Acetyl L-Cysteine49 mg**Taurine49 mg**Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**L-Arginine HCl25 mg**Bilberry Extract (from Vaccinum myrtillus Fruit) (providing 6.25 mg of Anthocyanins & Proanthocyanins)25 mg**Dimethylglycine HCl25 mg**Ginger Extract (from Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 1.13 mg of Gingerols)25 mg**L-Tyrosine25 mg**L-Lysine HCl24 mg**L-Methionine24 mg**Bacopa Extract (from Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 6 mg of Bacosides)20 mg**MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)20 mg**Olive Leaf Extract (from Olea europaea Leaf) >(providing 3 mg of Oleuropein)20 mg**Papain (from Carica papaya (Papaya), Fruit Latex Extract)20 mg**Betain HCl19 mg**Choline Bitartrate19 mg**L-Cysteine19 mg**Hesperidin (from Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) Fruit Extract)18 mg**L-Proline15 mg**Inositol14 mg**L-Ornithine HCl14 mg**Myricetin Extract (from 20 mg of Myrica cerifera (Bayberry) Leaf)14 mg**Grape Seed Extract (from Vitis vinifera Seed) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics)12 mg**Tea Polysaccharides Extract (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract)11 mg**Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)10 mg**Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)10 mg**Guggul Gum Extract from Commiphora mukul Gum Exudate) (a source of Guggulsterones)10 mg**Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Strontium, Rubidium & Tungsten)10 mg**Masson Pine Bark Extract (from Pinus massoniana Bark)10 mg**RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast)10 mg**Alpha Lipoic Acid9.9 mg**N-Acetyl Glucosamine9.9 mg**L-Carnosine9.9 mg**L-Glutamine9.9 mg**Reduced Glutathione9.8 mg**Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell Extract)9 mg**Horsetail Extract (from Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem)8 mg**Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)6 mg**Alfalfa Extract (from Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 60 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)5 mg**PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)5 mg**SAMe (from 9.5 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)5 mg**Trans-Resveratrol (from 10 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract)5 mg**Piperine (from Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)4.7 mg**Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 20 mg of Soybean Extract)4 mg**Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))2.9 mg**Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract)1.9 mg**Policosanol (from 1.7 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)1.6 mg**ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)1 mg**Lutein (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)500 mcg**Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 2 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)382 mcg**Astaxanthin (from 11.7 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis)352 mcg**Lycopene (from Tomato Extract)180 mcg**Boron (from 2.2 mg of Boron Citrate)100 mcg**Zeaxanthin (from 2 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)100 mcg**
Amount Per Serving% DV
Total Carbohydrate< 1 g< 1%*
Dietary Fiber< 1 g2%*
Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids)1000 IU20%
Vitamin C (from 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 20 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)69 mg115%
Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)220 IU55%
Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)15 IU50%
Thiamin from 1.3 mg of Thiamin HCl)1.2 mg80%
Riboflavin (from 2.0 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)1.0 mg59%
Niacin (from 2.5 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 2.5 mg of Niacinamide)4.6 mg23%
Vitamin B6 (from 2.3 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)1.6 mg80%
Folic Acid107 mcg27%
Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)2 mcg33%
Biotin80 mcg27%
Pantothenic Acid (from 5.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate)5 mg50%
Calcium (from 50 mg of Calcium (Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 24 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 40 mg of Calcium Ascorbate and 5.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)24 mg2%
Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)150 mcg100%
Magnesium (from 100 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water) & 38 mg of Magnesium Stearate)34 mg9%
Zinc (from 7.3 mg of Zinc Citrate)2.2 mg15%
Selenium (from 105 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)40 mcg57%
Copper (from 0.47 mg of Copper Gluconate)0.06 mg3%
Manganese (from 2 mg of Manganese Citrate)0.58 mg29%
Chromium (from 374 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)44 mcg37%
Molybdenum (from 120 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)12 mcg16%
Aloe Vera (from Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Vera Leaf)50 mg**
Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 40 mg of Catechins)50 mg**
Milk Thistle Extract from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 40 mg of Silymarins)50 mg**
Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**
Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline)50 mg**
Turmeric Extract (from Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids)50 mg**
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine49 mg**
Taurine49 mg**
Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**
L-Arginine HCl25 mg**
Bilberry Extract (from Vaccinum myrtillus Fruit) (providing 6.25 mg of Anthocyanins & Proanthocyanins)25 mg**
Dimethylglycine HCl25 mg**
Ginger Extract (from Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 1.13 mg of Gingerols)25 mg**
L-Tyrosine25 mg**
L-Lysine HCl24 mg**
L-Methionine24 mg**
Bacopa Extract (from Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 6 mg of Bacosides)20 mg**
MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)20 mg**
Olive Leaf Extract (from Olea europaea Leaf) >(providing 3 mg of Oleuropein)20 mg**
Papain (from Carica papaya (Papaya), Fruit Latex Extract)20 mg**
Betain HCl19 mg**
Choline Bitartrate19 mg**
L-Cysteine19 mg**
Hesperidin (from Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) Fruit Extract)18 mg**
L-Proline15 mg**
Inositol14 mg**
L-Ornithine HCl14 mg**
Myricetin Extract (from 20 mg of Myrica cerifera (Bayberry) Leaf)14 mg**
Grape Seed Extract (from Vitis vinifera Seed) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics)12 mg**
Tea Polysaccharides Extract (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract)11 mg**
Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)10 mg**
Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)10 mg**
Guggul Gum Extract from Commiphora mukul Gum Exudate) (a source of Guggulsterones)10 mg**
Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Strontium, Rubidium & Tungsten)10 mg**
Masson Pine Bark Extract (from Pinus massoniana Bark)10 mg**
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast)10 mg**
Alpha Lipoic Acid9.9 mg**
N-Acetyl Glucosamine9.9 mg**
L-Carnosine9.9 mg**
L-Glutamine9.9 mg**
Reduced Glutathione9.8 mg**
Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell Extract)9 mg**
Horsetail Extract (from Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem)8 mg**
Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)6 mg**
Alfalfa Extract (from Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 60 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)5 mg**
PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)5 mg**
SAMe (from 9.5 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)5 mg**
Trans-Resveratrol (from 10 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract)5 mg**
Piperine (from Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)4.7 mg**
Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 20 mg of Soybean Extract)4 mg**
Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))2.9 mg**
Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract)1.9 mg**
Policosanol (from 1.7 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)1.6 mg**
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)1 mg**
Lutein (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)500 mcg**
Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 2 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)382 mcg**
Astaxanthin (from 11.7 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis)352 mcg**
Lycopene (from Tomato Extract)180 mcg**
Boron (from 2.2 mg of Boron Citrate)100 mcg**
Zeaxanthin (from 2 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)100 mcg**
* Percent daily values (DV) are based on a 2000 calorie diet ** Daily value (DV) not established
1. Paaugstina imūnsistēmu: Bērnu kopējais līdzsvars satur būtisku vitamīnu, minerālu un antioksidantu sajaukumu, kas palīdz atbalstīt bērna imūnsistēmu. Tas var palīdzēt samazināt parasto slimību un infekciju risku.
2. veicina veselīgu augšanu un attīstību: Bērnu kopējā līdzsvara barības vielas ir īpaši izstrādātas, lai atbalstītu bērna augšanu un attīstību. Tas ietver kaulu veselības, smadzeņu funkcijas un vispārējās fiziskās un garīgās labsajūtas atbalstīšanu. Regulāra šī produkta lietošana var palīdzēt nodrošināt, ka bērni iegūst nepieciešamās barības vielas augošajiem ķermeņiem.

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Roberto Sanderss

Kopējā bilance Bērniem 30 porcijas, ko pēc XtendLife ir lielisks produkts! Tas ir lielisks būtisku barības vielu avots bērniem, veicinot viņu vispārējo veselību un attīstību. Perkcijas ir lieliski porcijas un viegli iekļautas ikdienas gaitās. Esmu redzējis ievērojamus uzlabojumus savu bērnu enerģijas līmenī un fokusā. Ļoti ieteicams!

What is the shelf life of Bērnu kopējais līdzsvars (30 porcijas) - Xtendlife?


Content team: Dr Sameer Nakedar

Role: Chief Medical Officer

MBBS (London), MRCGP, PGCert

Content team: Paola Drexlar

Role: Medical Content Writer

BJMC - Bachelor of Journalism