Total Balance Women's (120 tabs) - xtendlife - welzo
Kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu (120 cilnes) - Xtendlife
Kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu (120 cilnes) - Xtendlife
Total Balance Women's (120 tabs) - xtendlife - welzo
Kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu (120 cilnes) - Xtendlife
Kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu (120 cilnes) - Xtendlife
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Hugo Dover
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Elina Goulliard
"Welzo is great, lots of support from customer service who are easy to get a hold of and quick delivery."
Elizabeth Moore

Product Description

Iepazīstinām ar kopējo līdzsvaru sieviešu, kas ir galvenais ikdienas papildinājums sievietēm, kuras vēlas sasniegt optimālu veselību un labsajūtu. Šī jaudīgā formula, kuru jums atnesa Xtendlife, ir īpaši izstrādāta, lai atbalstītu sieviešu unikālās uztura vajadzības un veicinātu vispārējo labklājību.
Katrā pudelē ir 120 tabletes, nodrošinot divu mēnešu piegādi rūpīgi atlasītus vitamīnus, minerālvielas un augu ekstraktus. Šīs sastāvdaļas tiek iegūtas no tīrākajām un spēcīgākajām formām, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu absorbciju un efektivitāti. Turklāt tabletes ir viegli norīt, padarot to ērtu aizņemtām sievietēm ceļā.
Kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu ir vairāk nekā tikai multivitamīns. Tas ir visaptverošs barības vielu sajaukums, kas darbojas kopā, lai atbalstītu plašu veselības ieguvumu klāstu.


Vitamin A (from Natural Mixed Carotenoids), Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium, Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate), Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate & Tocotrienol/tocoferola komplekss (no Āfrikas eļļas palmas)) (1 mg = 1,21 SV), K vitamīns (kā menaquinone-4), tiamīns (no 13,7 mg tiamīna hcl), riboflavīns (no 19,7 mg riboflavīna-5-fosfāta) Niacīns (no 14,1 mg nikotīnskābes un 14,1 mg niacinamīda), B6 ​​vitamīns (no 11,8 mg piridoksāla-5-fosfāta), folijskābe, B12 vitamīns (kā kobamamīds), biotīns, pantotēnskābe (no 45,6 mg kalcija pantotenāta)) , Kalcijs (no 100 mg sarkanu aļģu (litothamnija sugas), 183,5 mg kalcija askorbāta, 52 mg dikikija fosfāta, 60 mg kalcija magnija inozitola heksafosfāts un 45,6 mg kalcija pantothenāta), fosfora (no dikikija fosfāta fosfāta, kalcija magnija magnija magnija inozitola inozitola Heksafosfāts, riboflavīns-5-fosfāts un pidridoksāls-5-fosfāts), jods (no 198 mcg kālija jodīda)> magnijs (no 200 mg akvamīna magnija ™ (magnija hidrooksīda no jūras ūdens), 52 mg magnija stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta magnija hidroksīda). of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate), Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate), Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)> Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate), Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate), Molybdenum ( No 641 MCG molibdēna glicināta), MSM (metilsulfonil metāns), holīna bitartrāts, zaļās tējas ekstrakts (no Camellia sinensis lapas) (nodrošinot 48 mg katehīnu), inozitols (no neozitola un kalcija magnija inozīta hexafate), BaCopa ekstrakta (BaChium magnija inozīta inozīta hexafatate), Bacopa ekstrakta (BaCAPA Monnieri magnija inozīta inozīta hexafatate), Bacopa ekstrakta ekstrakta (Baca Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri magnieri magnieri magnieri magnieri magnieri magnieri magnieji magnieji katnie maga mongani no ” Lapa) (nodrošinot 15 mg baktozīdu), nigella (melnā ķimenes) ekstraktu (no Nigella sativa sēklām) (ekvivalents 200 mg melno ķimenes sēklu), PABA (P-aminobenzoic skābe), alfa lipoīnskābe, Betain HCl, ginkgo ekstrakta (Ginkgo Biloba lapa) (nodrošinot 8,8 mg ginkgo flavonoglikozīdu un 2,1 mg terpēna laktonus), kosa ekstrakts (Equisetum Arvense Leaf & kāts), beta glikāns (no rauga), dimetilglicīna hcl, minerālu jūras sāļi (provizācijas braucienu elementi, ieskaitot rubidiju. Strontium and Tungsten), N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, N-Acetyl Glucosamine, Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa, SAMe (from 28 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate), Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone)), Phosphatidyl Choline (from Sauļošanās sēklas lecitīns), alfalfa ekstrakts (Medicago sativa lapu un kāts) (ekvivalents 120 mg svaiga lucernas), izoflavoniem (no 25 mg sojas pupu ekstrakta), luteolīns (no japāņu sophora buda un zieda), piperīna (no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no m Piper nigrum (melnie pipari) Augļu ekstrakti)>, trans-resveratrols (no 15 mg daudzstūra cuspidatum (japāņu knotweed) sakņu ekstrakta, ATP (adenozīna trifosfāts no rauga), sarkans āboliņa izvilkums (trifolium pratense lapa un kāts) (nodrošinot 2 mg 2 mg mg 2 mg mg) izoflavonu), polikosanols (no 4,4 mg cukurniedru ekstrakta), tocotrienol/tocoferola komplekss (Evnolmax® no Āfrikas eļļas palmas), likopēns (no tomātu ekstrakta), borons (no 13,6 mg borona citrāta)> aminoskābes sajaucas, L, L, L, L, L, L -Histidīns HCL, L-tirozīns, L-arginīns HCL, L-metionīns, L-karnozīns, samazināts glutations, dong quai ekstrakts (Angelica sinensis sakne), Feverfew ekstrakts (tanacetum parthenium lapa) (nodrošinot 700 mcg partenolīda), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jams Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin), Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside), Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem), Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus ), Amilāze (no Aspergillus oryzae fermentācijas), lipāze (no Aspergillus niger fermentācijas), rutīns (no japāņu sophora pumpuru ekstrakta), luteīns (no 50 mg acteku kliņģerīšu PLUVIALIS ekstrakta ekstrakta (no 20 mg hematokoka 20 mg hematococcus pluvialis ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakts ), Zeaksantīns (no 6 mg acteku kliņģerīšu ziedu ekstrakta)

Refer to the product packaging label for ingredient updates.

Delivery & Returns

UK, Europe & Rest of the World Shipping Details:
Same day dispatch for orders placed by 2pm (Orders after 2pm dispatched next working day).

Free shipping on orders over £45 to the UK.

Returns: Our products are meant to make you feel healthy and at your best. If you need to return your item, you can do so free of charge within 14 days in the same original and unopened packaging.

How to use

Instrukcijas pieaugušām sievietēm: katru dienu patērējiet 4 tabletes. Jūs varat paņemt visas 4 tabletes no rīta vai sadalīt 2 devās, vienu no rīta un vienu vēlāk dienā. Šīs tabletes var lietot ar pārtiku vai bez tā.

Please consult the product packaging for accurate instructions on how to use the product.

Nutritional Information

Supplement Facts Serving size: 4 Tablets Servings per container: 30
Amount Per Serving % DV Calories 15 Calories from Fat 5 Total Carbohydrate 1 g <1%* Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%* Protein 1 g 2%* Vitamin A (from Natural Mixed Carotenoids) 5000 IU 100% Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate) 193 mg 322% Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 500 IU 125% Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU) 102 IU 340% Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4) 180 mcg 225% Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl) 12 mg 800% Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate) 10 mg 588% Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide) 26 mg 130% Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 8 mg 400% Folic Acid 323 mcg 81% Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide) 25 mcg 417% Biotin 400 mcg 133% Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate) 41 mg 410% Calcium (from 100 mg of Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 52 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate & 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate) 72 mg 7% Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pydridoxal-5-Phosphate) 21 mg 2% Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)> 150 mcg 100% Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 52 mg of Magnesium Stearate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate) 68 mg 17% Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate) 9 mg 60% Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)> 100 mcg 143% Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate) 2 mg 100% Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate) 106 mcg 88% Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate) 64 mcg 85% MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane) 100 mg ** Choline Bitartrate 93 mg ** Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 48 mg of Catechins) 60 mg ** Inositol 59 mg ** (from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate) Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides) 50 mg ** Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds) 50 mg ** PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid) 50 mg ** Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline) 50 mg ** Alpha Lipoic Acid 49 mg ** Betain HCl 49 mg ** Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 8.8 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides & 2.1 mg of Terpene Lactones) 40 mg ** Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem) 40 mg ** Beta Glucan (from Yeast) 35 mg ** Dimethylglycine HCl 30 mg ** Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten) 30 mg ** N-Acetyl L-Cysteine 29 mg ** N-Acetyl Glucosamine 29 mg ** Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 23.7 mg of Curcuminoids) 25 mg ** SAMe (from 28 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate) 15 mg ** Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone)) 14 mg ** Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa) 10 mg ** Isoflavones (from 25 mg of Soybean Extract) 10 mg ** Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell)> 9 mg ** Piperine (from 10 mg of Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)> 9 mg ** Trans-Resveratrol (from 15 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract) 7 mg ** ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast) 5 mg ** Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2 mg of Isoflavones) 5 mg ** Policosanol (from 4.4 mg of Sugar Cane Extract) 4 mg ** Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm) 1.9 mg ** Lycopene (from Tomato Extract) 900 mcg ** Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)> 600 mcg ** Amino Acid Blend 425 mg L-Histidine HCl 197.00 mg ** L-Tyrosine 49.99 mg ** L-Arginine HCl 49.74 mg ** L-Methionine 49.54 mg ** L-Carnosine 49.50 mg ** Reduced Glutathione 29.4 mg ** Female Health Support Blend 340 mg Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root) 100 mg ** Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide) 100 mg ** Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin) 90 mg ** Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside) 50 mg ** Enzyme Blend 125 mg Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem) 50 mg ** Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus) 30 mg ** Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae) 25 mg ** Lipase(from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger) 20 mg ** Eye Health Blend 13 mg Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract) 9.6 mg ** Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 2.5 mg ** Astaxanthin (from 20 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis Extract) 0.6 mg ** Zeaxanthin (from 6 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 0.3 mg **Amount Per Serving% DVCalories15Calories from Fat5Total Carbohydrate1 g<1%*Dietary Fiber1 g4%*Protein1 g2%*Vitamin A (from Natural Mixed Carotenoids)5000 IU100%Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)193 mg322%Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)500 IU125%Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)102 IU340%Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4)180 mcg225%Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl)12 mg800%Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)10 mg588%Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide)26 mg130%Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)8 mg400%Folic Acid323 mcg81%Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)25 mcg417%Biotin400 mcg133%Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate)41 mg410%Calcium (from 100 mg of Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 52 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate & 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)72 mg7%Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pydridoxal-5-Phosphate)21 mg2%Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)>150 mcg100%Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 52 mg of Magnesium Stearate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)68 mg17%Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate)9 mg60%Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)>100 mcg143%Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate)2 mg100%Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)106 mcg88%Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)64 mcg85%MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)100 mg**Choline Bitartrate93 mg**Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 48 mg of Catechins)60 mg**Inositol59 mg**(from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides)50 mg**Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)50 mg**Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline)50 mg**Alpha Lipoic Acid49 mg**Betain HCl49 mg**Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 8.8 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides & 2.1 mg of Terpene Lactones)40 mg**Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem)40 mg**Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**Dimethylglycine HCl30 mg**Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten)30 mg**N-Acetyl L-Cysteine29 mg**N-Acetyl Glucosamine29 mg**Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 23.7 mg of Curcuminoids)25 mg**SAMe (from 28 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)15 mg**Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))14 mg**Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)10 mg**Isoflavones (from 25 mg of Soybean Extract)10 mg**Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell)>9 mg**Piperine (from 10 mg of Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)>9 mg**Trans-Resveratrol (from 15 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract)7 mg**ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)5 mg**Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2 mg of Isoflavones)5 mg**Policosanol (from 4.4 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)4 mg**Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)1.9 mg**Lycopene (from Tomato Extract)900 mcg**Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)>600 mcg**Amino Acid Blend425 mgL-Histidine HCl197.00 mg**L-Tyrosine49.99 mg**L-Arginine HCl49.74 mg**L-Methionine49.54 mg**L-Carnosine49.50 mg**Reduced Glutathione29.4 mg**Female Health Support Blend340 mgDong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root)100 mg**Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide)100 mg**Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin)90 mg**Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside)50 mg**Enzyme Blend125 mgBromelain (from Pineapple Stem)50 mg**Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus)30 mg**Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)25 mg**Lipase(from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)20 mg**Eye Health Blend13 mgRutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract)9.6 mg**Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)2.5 mg**Astaxanthin (from 20 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis Extract)0.6 mg**Zeaxanthin (from 6 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)0.3 mg**
Amount Per Serving% DV
Calories from Fat5
Total Carbohydrate1 g<1%*
Dietary Fiber1 g4%*
Protein1 g2%*
Vitamin A (from Natural Mixed Carotenoids)5000 IU100%
Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)193 mg322%
Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)500 IU125%
Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)102 IU340%
Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4)180 mcg225%
Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl)12 mg800%
Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)10 mg588%
Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide)26 mg130%
Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)8 mg400%
Folic Acid323 mcg81%
Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)25 mcg417%
Biotin400 mcg133%
Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate)41 mg410%
Calcium (from 100 mg of Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 52 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate & 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)72 mg7%
Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pydridoxal-5-Phosphate)21 mg2%
Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)>150 mcg100%
Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 52 mg of Magnesium Stearate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)68 mg17%
Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate)9 mg60%
Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)>100 mcg143%
Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate)2 mg100%
Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)106 mcg88%
Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)64 mcg85%
MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)100 mg**
Choline Bitartrate93 mg**
Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 48 mg of Catechins)60 mg**
Inositol59 mg**
(from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)
Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides)50 mg**
Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**
PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)50 mg**
Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline)50 mg**
Alpha Lipoic Acid49 mg**
Betain HCl49 mg**
Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 8.8 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides & 2.1 mg of Terpene Lactones)40 mg**
Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem)40 mg**
Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**
Dimethylglycine HCl30 mg**
Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten)30 mg**
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine29 mg**
N-Acetyl Glucosamine29 mg**
Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 23.7 mg of Curcuminoids)25 mg**
SAMe (from 28 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)15 mg**
Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))14 mg**
Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)10 mg**
Isoflavones (from 25 mg of Soybean Extract)10 mg**
Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell)>9 mg**
Piperine (from 10 mg of Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)>9 mg**
Trans-Resveratrol (from 15 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract)7 mg**
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)5 mg**
Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2 mg of Isoflavones)5 mg**
Policosanol (from 4.4 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)4 mg**
Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)1.9 mg**
Lycopene (from Tomato Extract)900 mcg**
Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)>600 mcg**
Amino Acid Blend425 mg
L-Histidine HCl197.00 mg**
L-Tyrosine49.99 mg**
L-Arginine HCl49.74 mg**
L-Methionine49.54 mg**
L-Carnosine49.50 mg**
Reduced Glutathione29.4 mg**
Female Health Support Blend340 mg
Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root)100 mg**
Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide)100 mg**
Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin)90 mg**
Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside)50 mg**
Enzyme Blend125 mg
Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)50 mg**
Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus)30 mg**
Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)25 mg**
Lipase(from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)20 mg**
Eye Health Blend13 mg
Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract)9.6 mg**
Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)2.5 mg**
Astaxanthin (from 20 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis Extract)0.6 mg**
Zeaxanthin (from 6 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)0.3 mg**
* Percent daily values (DV) are based on a 2000 calorie diet ** Daily value (DV) not established
1. Uzlabots uztura atbalsts: kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu nodrošina būtiskus vitamīnus, minerālus un citas barības vielas, kas īpaši paredzētas sieviešu unikālajām vajadzībām. Tas var palīdzēt uzlabot vispārējo veselību un labsajūtu, kā arī atbalstīt īpašas ķermeņa funkcijas, piemēram, hormonālo līdzsvaru, enerģijas ražošanu un imūno funkciju.
2. Pretnovecošanās efekti: produkts satur spēcīgus antioksidantus un citas anti-novecošanās sastāvdaļas, kas var palīdzēt cīnīties pret brīvajiem radikāļiem un oksidatīvo stresu, kas ir galvenie novecošanās procesa veicinātāji. Tas var palīdzēt veicināt veselīgāku, jaunāka izskata ādu, kā arī atbalstīt veselīgu novecošanos šūnu līmenī.

Kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu (120 cilnes) - Xtendlife

Iepazīstinām ar kopējo līdzsvaru sieviešu, kas ir galvenais ikdienas papildinājums sievietēm, kuras vēlas sasniegt optimālu veselību un labsajūtu.
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Product Description

Iepazīstinām ar kopējo līdzsvaru sieviešu, kas ir galvenais ikdienas papildinājums sievietēm, kuras vēlas sasniegt optimālu veselību un labsajūtu. Šī jaudīgā formula, kuru jums atnesa Xtendlife, ir īpaši izstrādāta, lai atbalstītu sieviešu unikālās uztura vajadzības un veicinātu vispārējo labklājību.
Katrā pudelē ir 120 tabletes, nodrošinot divu mēnešu piegādi rūpīgi atlasītus vitamīnus, minerālvielas un augu ekstraktus. Šīs sastāvdaļas tiek iegūtas no tīrākajām un spēcīgākajām formām, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu absorbciju un efektivitāti. Turklāt tabletes ir viegli norīt, padarot to ērtu aizņemtām sievietēm ceļā.
Kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu ir vairāk nekā tikai multivitamīns. Tas ir visaptverošs barības vielu sajaukums, kas darbojas kopā, lai atbalstītu plašu veselības ieguvumu klāstu.


Vitamin A (from Natural Mixed Carotenoids), Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium, Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate), Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate & Tocotrienol/tocoferola komplekss (no Āfrikas eļļas palmas)) (1 mg = 1,21 SV), K vitamīns (kā menaquinone-4), tiamīns (no 13,7 mg tiamīna hcl), riboflavīns (no 19,7 mg riboflavīna-5-fosfāta) Niacīns (no 14,1 mg nikotīnskābes un 14,1 mg niacinamīda), B6 ​​vitamīns (no 11,8 mg piridoksāla-5-fosfāta), folijskābe, B12 vitamīns (kā kobamamīds), biotīns, pantotēnskābe (no 45,6 mg kalcija pantotenāta)) , Kalcijs (no 100 mg sarkanu aļģu (litothamnija sugas), 183,5 mg kalcija askorbāta, 52 mg dikikija fosfāta, 60 mg kalcija magnija inozitola heksafosfāts un 45,6 mg kalcija pantothenāta), fosfora (no dikikija fosfāta fosfāta, kalcija magnija magnija magnija inozitola inozitola Heksafosfāts, riboflavīns-5-fosfāts un pidridoksāls-5-fosfāts), jods (no 198 mcg kālija jodīda)> magnijs (no 200 mg akvamīna magnija ™ (magnija hidrooksīda no jūras ūdens), 52 mg magnija stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta stearāta magnija hidroksīda). of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate), Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate), Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)> Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate), Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate), Molybdenum ( No 641 MCG molibdēna glicināta), MSM (metilsulfonil metāns), holīna bitartrāts, zaļās tējas ekstrakts (no Camellia sinensis lapas) (nodrošinot 48 mg katehīnu), inozitols (no neozitola un kalcija magnija inozīta hexafate), BaCopa ekstrakta (BaChium magnija inozīta inozīta hexafatate), Bacopa ekstrakta (BaCAPA Monnieri magnija inozīta inozīta hexafatate), Bacopa ekstrakta ekstrakta (Baca Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri Monnieri magnieri magnieri magnieri magnieri magnieri magnieri magnieji magnieji katnie maga mongani no ” Lapa) (nodrošinot 15 mg baktozīdu), nigella (melnā ķimenes) ekstraktu (no Nigella sativa sēklām) (ekvivalents 200 mg melno ķimenes sēklu), PABA (P-aminobenzoic skābe), alfa lipoīnskābe, Betain HCl, ginkgo ekstrakta (Ginkgo Biloba lapa) (nodrošinot 8,8 mg ginkgo flavonoglikozīdu un 2,1 mg terpēna laktonus), kosa ekstrakts (Equisetum Arvense Leaf & kāts), beta glikāns (no rauga), dimetilglicīna hcl, minerālu jūras sāļi (provizācijas braucienu elementi, ieskaitot rubidiju. Strontium and Tungsten), N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, N-Acetyl Glucosamine, Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa, SAMe (from 28 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate), Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone)), Phosphatidyl Choline (from Sauļošanās sēklas lecitīns), alfalfa ekstrakts (Medicago sativa lapu un kāts) (ekvivalents 120 mg svaiga lucernas), izoflavoniem (no 25 mg sojas pupu ekstrakta), luteolīns (no japāņu sophora buda un zieda), piperīna (no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no mg no 10 mg no m Piper nigrum (melnie pipari) Augļu ekstrakti)>, trans-resveratrols (no 15 mg daudzstūra cuspidatum (japāņu knotweed) sakņu ekstrakta, ATP (adenozīna trifosfāts no rauga), sarkans āboliņa izvilkums (trifolium pratense lapa un kāts) (nodrošinot 2 mg 2 mg mg 2 mg mg) izoflavonu), polikosanols (no 4,4 mg cukurniedru ekstrakta), tocotrienol/tocoferola komplekss (Evnolmax® no Āfrikas eļļas palmas), likopēns (no tomātu ekstrakta), borons (no 13,6 mg borona citrāta)> aminoskābes sajaucas, L, L, L, L, L, L -Histidīns HCL, L-tirozīns, L-arginīns HCL, L-metionīns, L-karnozīns, samazināts glutations, dong quai ekstrakts (Angelica sinensis sakne), Feverfew ekstrakts (tanacetum parthenium lapa) (nodrošinot 700 mcg partenolīda), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jamss), ķīniešu jams Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin), Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside), Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem), Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus ), Amilāze (no Aspergillus oryzae fermentācijas), lipāze (no Aspergillus niger fermentācijas), rutīns (no japāņu sophora pumpuru ekstrakta), luteīns (no 50 mg acteku kliņģerīšu PLUVIALIS ekstrakta ekstrakta (no 20 mg hematokoka 20 mg hematococcus pluvialis ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakta ekstrakts ), Zeaksantīns (no 6 mg acteku kliņģerīšu ziedu ekstrakta)

Refer to the product packaging label for ingredient updates.

Delivery & Returns

UK, Europe & Rest of the World Shipping Details:
Same day dispatch for orders placed by 2pm (Orders after 2pm dispatched next working day).

Free shipping on orders over £45 to the UK.

Returns: Our products are meant to make you feel healthy and at your best. If you need to return your item, you can do so free of charge within 14 days in the same original and unopened packaging.

How to use

Instrukcijas pieaugušām sievietēm: katru dienu patērējiet 4 tabletes. Jūs varat paņemt visas 4 tabletes no rīta vai sadalīt 2 devās, vienu no rīta un vienu vēlāk dienā. Šīs tabletes var lietot ar pārtiku vai bez tā.

Please consult the product packaging for accurate instructions on how to use the product.

Nutritional Information

Supplement Facts Serving size: 4 Tablets Servings per container: 30
Amount Per Serving % DV Calories 15 Calories from Fat 5 Total Carbohydrate 1 g <1%* Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%* Protein 1 g 2%* Vitamin A (from Natural Mixed Carotenoids) 5000 IU 100% Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate) 193 mg 322% Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 500 IU 125% Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU) 102 IU 340% Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4) 180 mcg 225% Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl) 12 mg 800% Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate) 10 mg 588% Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide) 26 mg 130% Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 8 mg 400% Folic Acid 323 mcg 81% Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide) 25 mcg 417% Biotin 400 mcg 133% Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate) 41 mg 410% Calcium (from 100 mg of Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 52 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate & 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate) 72 mg 7% Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pydridoxal-5-Phosphate) 21 mg 2% Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)> 150 mcg 100% Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 52 mg of Magnesium Stearate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate) 68 mg 17% Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate) 9 mg 60% Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)> 100 mcg 143% Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate) 2 mg 100% Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate) 106 mcg 88% Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate) 64 mcg 85% MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane) 100 mg ** Choline Bitartrate 93 mg ** Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 48 mg of Catechins) 60 mg ** Inositol 59 mg ** (from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate) Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides) 50 mg ** Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds) 50 mg ** PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid) 50 mg ** Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline) 50 mg ** Alpha Lipoic Acid 49 mg ** Betain HCl 49 mg ** Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 8.8 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides & 2.1 mg of Terpene Lactones) 40 mg ** Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem) 40 mg ** Beta Glucan (from Yeast) 35 mg ** Dimethylglycine HCl 30 mg ** Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten) 30 mg ** N-Acetyl L-Cysteine 29 mg ** N-Acetyl Glucosamine 29 mg ** Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 23.7 mg of Curcuminoids) 25 mg ** SAMe (from 28 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate) 15 mg ** Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone)) 14 mg ** Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa) 10 mg ** Isoflavones (from 25 mg of Soybean Extract) 10 mg ** Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell)> 9 mg ** Piperine (from 10 mg of Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)> 9 mg ** Trans-Resveratrol (from 15 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract) 7 mg ** ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast) 5 mg ** Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2 mg of Isoflavones) 5 mg ** Policosanol (from 4.4 mg of Sugar Cane Extract) 4 mg ** Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm) 1.9 mg ** Lycopene (from Tomato Extract) 900 mcg ** Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)> 600 mcg ** Amino Acid Blend 425 mg L-Histidine HCl 197.00 mg ** L-Tyrosine 49.99 mg ** L-Arginine HCl 49.74 mg ** L-Methionine 49.54 mg ** L-Carnosine 49.50 mg ** Reduced Glutathione 29.4 mg ** Female Health Support Blend 340 mg Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root) 100 mg ** Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide) 100 mg ** Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin) 90 mg ** Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside) 50 mg ** Enzyme Blend 125 mg Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem) 50 mg ** Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus) 30 mg ** Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae) 25 mg ** Lipase(from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger) 20 mg ** Eye Health Blend 13 mg Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract) 9.6 mg ** Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 2.5 mg ** Astaxanthin (from 20 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis Extract) 0.6 mg ** Zeaxanthin (from 6 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 0.3 mg **Amount Per Serving% DVCalories15Calories from Fat5Total Carbohydrate1 g<1%*Dietary Fiber1 g4%*Protein1 g2%*Vitamin A (from Natural Mixed Carotenoids)5000 IU100%Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)193 mg322%Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)500 IU125%Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)102 IU340%Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4)180 mcg225%Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl)12 mg800%Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)10 mg588%Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide)26 mg130%Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)8 mg400%Folic Acid323 mcg81%Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)25 mcg417%Biotin400 mcg133%Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate)41 mg410%Calcium (from 100 mg of Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 52 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate & 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)72 mg7%Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pydridoxal-5-Phosphate)21 mg2%Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)>150 mcg100%Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 52 mg of Magnesium Stearate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)68 mg17%Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate)9 mg60%Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)>100 mcg143%Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate)2 mg100%Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)106 mcg88%Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)64 mcg85%MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)100 mg**Choline Bitartrate93 mg**Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 48 mg of Catechins)60 mg**Inositol59 mg**(from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides)50 mg**Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)50 mg**Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline)50 mg**Alpha Lipoic Acid49 mg**Betain HCl49 mg**Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 8.8 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides & 2.1 mg of Terpene Lactones)40 mg**Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem)40 mg**Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**Dimethylglycine HCl30 mg**Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten)30 mg**N-Acetyl L-Cysteine29 mg**N-Acetyl Glucosamine29 mg**Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 23.7 mg of Curcuminoids)25 mg**SAMe (from 28 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)15 mg**Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))14 mg**Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)10 mg**Isoflavones (from 25 mg of Soybean Extract)10 mg**Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell)>9 mg**Piperine (from 10 mg of Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)>9 mg**Trans-Resveratrol (from 15 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract)7 mg**ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)5 mg**Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2 mg of Isoflavones)5 mg**Policosanol (from 4.4 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)4 mg**Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)1.9 mg**Lycopene (from Tomato Extract)900 mcg**Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)>600 mcg**Amino Acid Blend425 mgL-Histidine HCl197.00 mg**L-Tyrosine49.99 mg**L-Arginine HCl49.74 mg**L-Methionine49.54 mg**L-Carnosine49.50 mg**Reduced Glutathione29.4 mg**Female Health Support Blend340 mgDong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root)100 mg**Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide)100 mg**Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin)90 mg**Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside)50 mg**Enzyme Blend125 mgBromelain (from Pineapple Stem)50 mg**Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus)30 mg**Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)25 mg**Lipase(from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)20 mg**Eye Health Blend13 mgRutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract)9.6 mg**Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)2.5 mg**Astaxanthin (from 20 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis Extract)0.6 mg**Zeaxanthin (from 6 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)0.3 mg**
Amount Per Serving% DV
Calories from Fat5
Total Carbohydrate1 g<1%*
Dietary Fiber1 g4%*
Protein1 g2%*
Vitamin A (from Natural Mixed Carotenoids)5000 IU100%
Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 50 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)193 mg322%
Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)500 IU125%
Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable/Soy Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)102 IU340%
Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4)180 mcg225%
Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl)12 mg800%
Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)10 mg588%
Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide)26 mg130%
Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)8 mg400%
Folic Acid323 mcg81%
Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)25 mcg417%
Biotin400 mcg133%
Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg Calcium Pantothenate)41 mg410%
Calcium (from 100 mg of Red Algae (Lithothamnium species), 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 52 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate & 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)72 mg7%
Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pydridoxal-5-Phosphate)21 mg2%
Iodine (from 198 mcg of Potassium Iodide)>150 mcg100%
Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 52 mg of Magnesium Stearate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)68 mg17%
Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate)9 mg60%
Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)>100 mcg143%
Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate)2 mg100%
Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)106 mcg88%
Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)64 mcg85%
MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)100 mg**
Choline Bitartrate93 mg**
Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 48 mg of Catechins)60 mg**
Inositol59 mg**
(from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)
Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides)50 mg**
Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (from Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**
PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)50 mg**
Soy Lecithin (a source of Phosphatidyl Choline)50 mg**
Alpha Lipoic Acid49 mg**
Betain HCl49 mg**
Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 8.8 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides & 2.1 mg of Terpene Lactones)40 mg**
Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense Leaf & Stem)40 mg**
Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**
Dimethylglycine HCl30 mg**
Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten)30 mg**
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine29 mg**
N-Acetyl Glucosamine29 mg**
Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 23.7 mg of Curcuminoids)25 mg**
SAMe (from 28 mg S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)15 mg**
Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))14 mg**
Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)10 mg**
Isoflavones (from 25 mg of Soybean Extract)10 mg**
Luteolin (from Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) Shell)>9 mg**
Piperine (from 10 mg of Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)>9 mg**
Trans-Resveratrol (from 15 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) Root Extract)7 mg**
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)5 mg**
Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2 mg of Isoflavones)5 mg**
Policosanol (from 4.4 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)4 mg**
Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)1.9 mg**
Lycopene (from Tomato Extract)900 mcg**
Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)>600 mcg**
Amino Acid Blend425 mg
L-Histidine HCl197.00 mg**
L-Tyrosine49.99 mg**
L-Arginine HCl49.74 mg**
L-Methionine49.54 mg**
L-Carnosine49.50 mg**
Reduced Glutathione29.4 mg**
Female Health Support Blend340 mg
Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root)100 mg**
Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide)100 mg**
Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin)90 mg**
Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside)50 mg**
Enzyme Blend125 mg
Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)50 mg**
Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus)30 mg**
Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)25 mg**
Lipase(from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)20 mg**
Eye Health Blend13 mg
Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud Extract)9.6 mg**
Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)2.5 mg**
Astaxanthin (from 20 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis Extract)0.6 mg**
Zeaxanthin (from 6 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)0.3 mg**
* Percent daily values (DV) are based on a 2000 calorie diet ** Daily value (DV) not established
1. Uzlabots uztura atbalsts: kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu nodrošina būtiskus vitamīnus, minerālus un citas barības vielas, kas īpaši paredzētas sieviešu unikālajām vajadzībām. Tas var palīdzēt uzlabot vispārējo veselību un labsajūtu, kā arī atbalstīt īpašas ķermeņa funkcijas, piemēram, hormonālo līdzsvaru, enerģijas ražošanu un imūno funkciju.
2. Pretnovecošanās efekti: produkts satur spēcīgus antioksidantus un citas anti-novecošanās sastāvdaļas, kas var palīdzēt cīnīties pret brīvajiem radikāļiem un oksidatīvo stresu, kas ir galvenie novecošanās procesa veicinātāji. Tas var palīdzēt veicināt veselīgāku, jaunāka izskata ādu, kā arī atbalstīt veselīgu novecošanos šūnu līmenī.

Skatīt pilnu diapazonu

Klientu atsauksmes

Balstoties uz 1 pārskatu
Kyrie melns

Kopējā bilance sieviešu 120 cilnes, ko veidojusi Xtendlife, ir lieliskas. Viņus ir viegli norīt, un tie ir ievērojami uzlabojuši manu vispārējo veselības un enerģijas līmeni. Sastāvdaļas ir augstas kvalitātes un labi sabalansētas sieviešu veselības vajadzībām. Es ļoti iesaku šo produktu jebkurai sievietei, kas vēlas uzlabot savu labsajūtu.

What is the shelf life of Kopējais līdzsvars sieviešu (120 cilnes) - Xtendlife?


Content team: Dr Sameer Nakedar

Role: Chief Medical Officer

MBBS (London), MRCGP, PGCert

Content team: Paola Drexlar

Role: Medical Content Writer

BJMC - Bachelor of Journalism