Product Description
Uvedba L. plantarum v prahu 50G s probiotiki po meri-odlična rešitev za vzdrževanje zdravega črevesja in povečanje splošnega počutja. Ta edinstvena in močna probiotična dodatek vsebuje mešanico laktobacillus plantarum, koristnega probiotičnega seva, znanega po svoji sposobnosti podpore prebavnemu zdravju in krepitvi imunskega sistema.
Vsak 50g kozarca L. plantarum v prahu vsebuje močan odmerek 30 milijard enot, ki tvorijo kolonije (CFU), zaradi česar je eden najbolj koncentriranih probiotičnih praškov na trgu. To pomeni, da potrebujete le majhno količino praška, da izkoristite največje ugodnosti, zaradi česar je stroškovno učinkovita možnost za tiste, ki želijo izboljšati zdravje njihovega črevesja.
L. Plantarum v prahu, sev LP-115
Please refer to the product packaging label for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding ingredients. It is crucial to review all ingredients on the product packaging itself carefully to ensure they align with your dietary needs and restrictions. Welzo cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies or allergen information on the website as the information is not always accurate.
Delivery & Returns
UK, Europe & Rest of the World Shipping Details:
Same day dispatch for orders placed by 2pm (Orders after 2pm dispatched next working day).
Free shipping on orders over £45 to the UK.
Returns: Our supplements are meant to make you feel healthy and at your best. If you need to return your item, you can do so free of charge within 14 days in the same original and unopened packaging.
How to take
Za optimalne rezultate bi morali odrasli vsako jutro na prazen želodec vsako jutro vzeti eno zajemalko (0,8 grama, 224 milijard CFU) probiotičnega prahu. V prahu zmešamo z dehlorirano vodo in jo popijte. To je treba storiti enkrat na dan, dosledno, 3-5 dni. Če z rezultati niste zadovoljni, lahko odmerek povečate na dve zajemalki na dan - eno zjutraj in eno ponoči - po enem tednu. Če še vedno ne vidite želenih učinkov, lahko odmerek na tri zajemalke povečate na dan. Največji priporočeni odmerek je štiri zajemalke za odrasle na dan. Po potrebi lahko vedno zmanjšate odmerjanje ali si oddahnite od probiotikov za a
Please consult the product packaging for accurate instructions on how to use the product. Welzo is not liable for any discrepancies or errors on the website. Always follow the directions on the packaging to ensure proper use.
Nutritional Information
1. Izboljšano prebavno zdravje: L. Plantarum je znano, da spodbuja rast dobrih bakterij v črevesju, kar lahko pomaga izboljšati splošno prebavno zdravje. Pokazalo se je, da ta probiotični sev ublaži simptome prebavnih vprašanj, kot so napihnjenost, plin in zaprtje.
2. Poveča imunski sistem: L. Plantarum je ugotovljeno, da ima imunske lastnosti, kar pomaga okrepiti naravno obrambo telesa pred okužbami in boleznimi. Redno uživanje tega probiotika lahko pomaga podpirati močan in zdrav imunski sistem.
L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri
Product Description
Uvedba L. plantarum v prahu 50G s probiotiki po meri-odlična rešitev za vzdrževanje zdravega črevesja in povečanje splošnega počutja. Ta edinstvena in močna probiotična dodatek vsebuje mešanico laktobacillus plantarum, koristnega probiotičnega seva, znanega po svoji sposobnosti podpore prebavnemu zdravju in krepitvi imunskega sistema.
Vsak 50g kozarca L. plantarum v prahu vsebuje močan odmerek 30 milijard enot, ki tvorijo kolonije (CFU), zaradi česar je eden najbolj koncentriranih probiotičnih praškov na trgu. To pomeni, da potrebujete le majhno količino praška, da izkoristite največje ugodnosti, zaradi česar je stroškovno učinkovita možnost za tiste, ki želijo izboljšati zdravje njihovega črevesja.
L. Plantarum v prahu, sev LP-115
Please refer to the product packaging label for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding ingredients. It is crucial to review all ingredients on the product packaging itself carefully to ensure they align with your dietary needs and restrictions. Welzo cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies or allergen information on the website as the information is not always accurate.
Delivery & Returns
UK, Europe & Rest of the World Shipping Details:
Same day dispatch for orders placed by 2pm (Orders after 2pm dispatched next working day).
Free shipping on orders over £45 to the UK.
Returns: Our supplements are meant to make you feel healthy and at your best. If you need to return your item, you can do so free of charge within 14 days in the same original and unopened packaging.
How to take
Za optimalne rezultate bi morali odrasli vsako jutro na prazen želodec vsako jutro vzeti eno zajemalko (0,8 grama, 224 milijard CFU) probiotičnega prahu. V prahu zmešamo z dehlorirano vodo in jo popijte. To je treba storiti enkrat na dan, dosledno, 3-5 dni. Če z rezultati niste zadovoljni, lahko odmerek povečate na dve zajemalki na dan - eno zjutraj in eno ponoči - po enem tednu. Če še vedno ne vidite želenih učinkov, lahko odmerek na tri zajemalke povečate na dan. Največji priporočeni odmerek je štiri zajemalke za odrasle na dan. Po potrebi lahko vedno zmanjšate odmerjanje ali si oddahnite od probiotikov za a
Please consult the product packaging for accurate instructions on how to use the product. Welzo is not liable for any discrepancies or errors on the website. Always follow the directions on the packaging to ensure proper use.
Nutritional Information
1. Izboljšano prebavno zdravje: L. Plantarum je znano, da spodbuja rast dobrih bakterij v črevesju, kar lahko pomaga izboljšati splošno prebavno zdravje. Pokazalo se je, da ta probiotični sev ublaži simptome prebavnih vprašanj, kot so napihnjenost, plin in zaprtje.
2. Poveča imunski sistem: L. Plantarum je ugotovljeno, da ima imunske lastnosti, kar pomaga okrepiti naravno obrambo telesa pred okužbami in boleznimi. Redno uživanje tega probiotika lahko pomaga podpirati močan in zdrav imunski sistem.
Related collections
L-plantarum v prahu s probiotiki po meri je fantastičen izdelek! Je enostaven za uporabo, zelo učinkovit in odlično podpira zdravje črevesja. Embalaža 50G je priročna in traja dobro obdobje. Zelo priporočljivo vsem, ki želijo izboljšati svoje prebavno zdravje.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I buy L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri in the UK?
Yes, L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri is available to purchase in the United Kingdom. You will be able to purchase L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri both from your local store/pharmacy or online.
How should I use/ take L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri?
When taking L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri, it is essential to follow the guidelines below to ensure safety and achieve the desired results:
- Read the label: Carefully read the label or enclosed leaflet that comes with the L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri for specific instructions on dosage, frequency, and any potential side effects or interactions.
- Follow dosage recommendations: Adhere to the recommended dosage and avoid taking more than the suggested amount, as this may lead to adverse effects or reduced effectiveness.
- Take with or without food: Some medications or supplements may require consumption with food to aid in absorption or prevent stomach irritation, while others should be taken on an empty stomach. Follow the instructions provided on the label or leaflet of L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri.
- Be mindful of timing: Take the medication or supplement at the specified intervals or times of day, as recommended on the label, to ensure optimal effectiveness.
- Check for interactions: If you are taking multiple medications or supplements, consult your pharmacist or healthcare professional to ensure there are no potential interactions that could affect their efficacy or cause adverse effects.
- Monitor side effects: If you experience any unusual or severe side effects while taking the medication or supplement, discontinue use and consult your healthcare professional immediately.
- Seek professional advice: If you have any concerns or questions about taking a specific medication or supplement, consult your pharmacist or healthcare professional for further guidance.
Can I buy L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri from Superdrug or Amazon?
If you would like to buy L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri, you will need to check availability on the Amazon or Superdrug website.
The information provided on is intended for general knowledge and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always read the manufacturer guidelines and consult with your healthcare professional before using any over-the-counter (OTC) products available on this website. does not endorse any specific products, treatments, or procedures mentioned on the site. Use of any information or products on this website is solely at your own risk. For specific medical advice, please consult your physician or a qualified healthcare provider.
What is the shelf life of L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri?
The shelf life of L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri can be determined by reading the expiry date on the product itself. Other factors such as storage conditions can impact the shelf life of L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri.
Can I buy L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri from Boots?
It is generally possible to purchase over-the-counter products, including L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri, from UK pharmacies like Boots. Check the Boots website directly for the most current and accurate information. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication.
What are the side effects of L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri?
The side effects of an over-the-counter (OTC) medication or supplement can be diverse, and may include mild, moderate, or severe reactions.
If you are taking L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri for the first time, it is important to monitor any adverse or allergic reactions. Ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri before taking. If you experience an allergic reaction please discontinue use of L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri and seek immediate medical attention.
For information on the specific side effects of L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri read the information leaflet/label that comes with L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri.
If you encounter any concerning side effects while taking L. Plantarum v prahu 50G - probiotiki po meri, stop using the product and consult a healthcare professional promptly. They can advise you on whether it is safe to continue using the product or recommend an alternative treatment.