What vitamins should I take (quiz)?

Vitamins are the organic compounds needed by the body for vital functions. Vitamin supplements are widely used nowadays to combat vitamin deficiencies.
Which vitamin(s) should you take? The answer is not so simple. Vitamin deficiencies don’t go unnoticed. The presence of some deficiency symptoms will tell you which vitamin you should include in your diet. Moreover, the choice of vitamin supplements also depends on your life stages (e.g., pregnancy, lactation etc...) and diet (e.g., taking a mixed diet or a vegetarian or vegan diet).
The data is represented in the form of a quiz. Read them and identify which vitamin you need.
Answer: Vitamin E.
It is also known as the beauty hormone. It is required for the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. A low vitamin E in the diet can cause sterility.
Answer. Vitamin K.
This vitamin helps in normal blood clotting. Its deficiency can lead to bleeding issues as clotting is essential for wound healing and eventually, disease control.
Answer: Vitamin D.
This vitamin is produced in melanocytes under sunlight. It helps in the proper absorption of calcium and is essential for bone health.
Answer: Vitamin D.
This hormone is produced in the kidney and could be deficient in kidney patients.
Welzo offers vitamin D tablets, to order see here.
Answer: Vitamin K.
It is synthesised by the bacteria present in the colon and does not need to be included in the supplements for a healthy person.
Answer: Vitamin K.
This vitamin is required for blood clotting and its deficiency can lead to these problems.
Answer: Vitamin A.
This vitamin is a well-known anti-oxidant and protects the eyes and skin from oxidative damage.
Vitamin A supplements can be found in the Welzo store, view here.
Answer: Folic acid.
Its deficiency can cause neural tube defects in babies.
Answer. Vitamin C.
The deficiency of this vitamin cause scurvy.
Answer: Niacin.
Its deficiency causes pellagra.
Answer: Vitamin E.
It is required for healthy muscles and nerves. Its deficiency can cause chronic fatigue and nerve problems.
Answer: Vitamin A.
It is required for the proper development of eye cells.
Answer: Synthesis of fatty acids.
Answer: Vitamin B6.
It is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells.
Answer: Vitamin D and B17.
Answer: Biotin.
This vitamin promotes healthy hair and nails.
Answer: Vitamin A.
It is a powerful antioxidant and protects skin cells from oxidative damage.
Answer: Vitamin B1.
This vitamin treats depression and improves mood.
Answer: Vitamin A.
This vitamin also has anti0inflammatory properties and is recommended for different inflammatory reactions.
Answer: Vitamin C and E.
Both of these vitamins are anti-oxidants and protect the DNA of sperms from oxidative damage.
Enrich your diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products and eat a well-balanced diet to combat the vitamin deficiency symptoms. However, low levels of some vitamins may need a multivitamin supplement. Noting the deficiency symptoms is the best test for diagnosis of vitamin deficiencies.#
Welzo offers a Vitamin Deficiency at-home blood test. To order yours, click here.
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