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Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Amanda Nunays reviewed
"Started Wegovy with skepticism, but wow! Down 10 lbs in 5 weeks, and I haven't felt this energetic in years."
Robert Whitman reviewed
"Nothing was working until I found Welzo. I’ve lost 15 lbs, my appetite is way down, and cravings are gone. A game-changer for my weight loss journey!"
Blanca Vajes reviewed
"Four weeks into using Wegovy and I'm thrilled. Steady weight loss, no more constant hunger, and my clothes fit better. Highly recommend!"


Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Wegovy - welzo
Amanda Nunays reviewed
"Started Wegovy with skepticism, but wow! Down 10 lbs in 5 weeks, and I haven't felt this energetic in years."
Robert Whitman reviewed
"Nothing was working until I found Welzo. I’ve lost 15 lbs, my appetite is way down, and cravings are gone. A game-changer for my weight loss journey!"
Blanca Vajes reviewed
"Four weeks into using Wegovy and I'm thrilled. Steady weight loss, no more constant hunger, and my clothes fit better. Highly recommend!"
12 Reviews
Sale price £249.00
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12 Reviews

Wegovy injekcije za hujšanje

Dokazano za podporo hujšanju in zmanjšanje apetita.

Posamezniki V povprečju izgubite...

Wegovy injekcije za hujšanje

Dokazano za podporo hujšanju in zmanjšanje apetita.

Posamezniki V povprečju izgubite 15% telesne teže

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Če v zadnjih dveh tednih niste uporabili nobenih zdravil za hujšanje, vam bo predpisan tudi 0,25 mg začetni odmerek.

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Amanda Nunays reviewed
"Started Wegovy with skepticism, but wow! Down 10 lbs in 5 weeks, and I haven't felt this energetic in years."
Robert Whitman reviewed
"Nothing was working until I found Welzo. I’ve lost 15 lbs, my appetite is way down, and cravings are gone. A game-changer for my weight loss journey!"
Blanca Vajes reviewed
"Four weeks into using Wegovy and I'm thrilled. Steady weight loss, no more constant hunger, and my clothes fit better. Highly recommend!"
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Opis Wegovyja

Kaj je Wegovy?

Wegovy je (semaglutid), je injiciran pripravek, ki vsebuje agonist receptorjev, podobnega glukagonu, podobnem peptidu-1 (GLP-1). Zasnovan je za enkrat tedensko podkožno dajanje in je indiciran za zdravljenje odraslih z debelostjo, opredeljen kot indeks telesne mase (BMI) 30 kg/m² ali več ali prekomerna teža (BMI 27 kg/m² ali več) v Prisotnost vsaj ene komorbidnosti, povezane s težo, kot so hipertenzija, diabetes mellitus tipa 2 ali dislipidemija.

Kako deluje?

Wegovy vsebuje aktivno sestavino semaglutid, ki deluje tako, da posnema učinke telesnega endogenega Hormona GLP-1. GLP-1 je inkretinski hormon, ki uravnava apetit in vnos hrane. Ko je vezan na svoj receptor, semaglutid spodbuja izločanje insulina, zmanjša izločanje glukagona in upočasni praznjenje želodca. Ta kombinirana dejanja prispevajo k zmanjšanju glukoze v krvi in ​​telesne teže.

Je Wegovy pravi zame?

Če imate težave, povezane z debelostjo ali debelostjo, je Wegovy lahko učinkovito alternativno zdravljenje za vas.

Vendar ni primerno, če imate naslednje:

  • Če ste noseči ali načrtujete nosečnost
  • Če ste alergični na kakršne koli sestavine v zdravilu
  • Če rak ščitnice teče v vaši družini ali imate vrsto raka ščitnice, imenovan medularni karcinom ščitnice (MTC)
  • Če imate stanje endokrinega sistema, imenovano večkratni endokrini neoplazijski sindrom tipa 2 (moški 2)

Prikazane slike izdelka lahko predstavljajo paleto izdelkov ali so samo za ilustracijo in morda niso natančna predstavitev izdelka.

Odmerjanje in cene Wegovyja

Običajno uporabljene smernice za odmerjanje za Wegovy

Začetni priporočeni odmerek je 0,25, odmerek pa se poveča na 2,4 mg, odvzet enkrat na teden, ali kot priporoča zdravstveni izvajalec

Povečanje odmerjanja bo postopno, povečalo se je vsake 4 tedne, dokler ne bo dosežen priporočeni odmerek 2,4 mg. To bo razložil predpisovalec.

0,25 mgTedni 1 - 4£225.00
0,5 mg5 - 8£225.00
1mg9. tedni 9 - 12
1,7 mg13. tedni 16
2,4mgTedni 17+

Naročniške cene

Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti: To spletno mesto ne nudi zdravniških nasvetov. Na tej spletni strani ni bilo namenjenih nobenih informacijah, ki bi nadomestili strokovno zdravniško svetovanje, diagnozo ali zdravljenje. Vedno poiščite nasvet svojega zdravnika ali drugega usposobljenega izvajalca zdravstvenega varstva z kakršnimi na tej spletni strani.

Neželeni učinki Wegovyja

Vsa zdravila lahko povzročijo morebitne neželene učinke, spodaj smo našteli nekaj možnih stranskih učinkov, vendar se ti ne pojavijo vedno.

  • Zapleti diabetične očesne bolezni
  • glavobol
  • bruhanje
  • slabost
  • bolečine v trebuhu
  • napenjanje v trebuhu ali plini
  • zaprtje
  • driska
  • občutek utrujenosti
  • občutek šibkosti
  • občutek vrtoglavice
  • izpadanje las
  • žolčni kamni
  • zgaga ali refluks

Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti: Ta spletna stran ni zdravniški nasvet, pred jemanjem zdravil se morate posvetovati tudi z zdravnikom. Če doživite kakršne koli večje reakcije na katero koli zdravilo, ki ga jemljete, morate nemudoma poiskati zdravniško pomoč.

Dostava Wegovyja

Zagotovljeno Dostava

Vsa naročila Wegovy bodo dostavljena v roku 3-5 dni. Za večino Združenega kraljestva bodo zdravila poslana s kraljevo pošto od ponedeljka do petka, če bodo naročena pred 14.00. Pošiljke so poslane z uporabo 24-urne storitve spremljanja naslednjega dne Royal Mail. Podatke o sledenju vam bomo poslali neposredno po e-pošti in naročilo bi morali prejeti dan po odpremi.

Naše diskretno pakiranjeObljuba

Vemo, da se veliko naših strank obrne na nas, ko potrebujejo osebna zdravila, in raje uporabijo našo spletno storitev, kot da bi izdelek nakupovali iz oči v oči. Zato je naša dostava vedno diskretno zapakirana v navadne rjave škatle ali kuverte. Ne bo vam treba skrbeti za opise vsebine, paket pa bo samo za vaše oči!

Kako uporabiti Wegovy?

Vedno uporabljajte Wegovy točno, kot ga predpiše zdravnik, ali kot ga svetuje farmacevt.

Uporaba Wegovy ni priporočljiva za otroke, mlajše od 12 let.

  • Wegovy bi morali vbrizgati pod kožo, ne vbrizgati mišice ali vene. Wegovy se lahko vbrizga okoli želodca, zgornjih rok ali zgornjih nog.
  • Pred uporabo potrdite, da se na številčnici peresa prikaže pravilen odmerek.
  • Preverite, ali je tekočina brezbarvna in jasna. Za vsako injekcijo uporabite novo iglo.
  • Ko ste pripravljeni za uporabo, odtrgajte zavihek Paper in igle potisnite v pero, tako da jo obrnete, dokler ni tesno.
  • Odstranite obe pokrovčki, ki pokrivata iglo, obdržite zunanjo igle pokrovček, da igle odstranite pozneje. (Pred prvim uporabo preverite pretok peresa, za pouk, preglejte zloženko pacienta)
  • Izberite pravilen odmerek in izberite, kam bi radi vbrizgali pero.
  • Iglo vstavite v izbrano območje, nato pritisnite in držite gumb za odmerek, počasi štejte na 6, dokler se ne prikaže -0-.
  • Odstranite iglo s kože in varno odstranite iglo. Ne hranite pisala s pritrjeno iglo.

Če niste prepričani, kako uporabljati Wegovy ali če imate dodatna vprašanja, se posvetujte s svojim zdravnikom ali farmacevtom.

Opozorilo in previdnostni ukrepi

Wegovy morda ni varen, če ga uporabljate z nekaterimi zdravili ali rekreacijskimi drogami. Če jemljete katero od navedenih zdravil, obvestite zdravnika, ki vam bo predpisal zdravilo.

NE uporabi Wegovy:

  • Če jemljete katero koli drugo zdravilo, se pred uporabo posvetujte s svojim zdravnikom.

Zgoraj navedena opozorila niso izčrpna. Prosimo, posvetujte se z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali medicinsko sestro, če imate dodatna vprašanja o uporabi tega zdravila ali morebitnih interakcijah z drugimi zdravili.

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  • Online assessment

    Take our free online assessment to see eligibility and what treatment suits you best.

  • Express delivery

    Get your treatments delivered to your door for free, with express cold chain delivery.

  • Start your journey

    Participants using GLP-1 medication lost
    5 times more weight than with diet & exercise alone¹.

How to Order Wegovy
Complete a Quick & Free Online Consultation

This is a quick process and should only take 1 - 2 minutes. All of your answers are confidential, and just like a GP consultation, you will know what treatment is most suitable for you instantly upon completion.

Place Your Order and Upload ID

Once you have completed the quick online form, select the treatment option most suitable to you and checkout securely. If you are eligible for treatment you will be asked to upload an ID and whole body picture.

Free Guaranteed Delivery

A medical professional will review your answers to the online medical consultation and determine if it’s safe to prescribe and what treatments are available.

Kaj se zgodi, če je Wegovy razprodan?

Opomba: Zaradi velikega povpraševanja po Wegovyju ta izdelek morda ne bo vedno na voljo, v tem primeru vam bo ponujena primerna alternativa.

Kako shranim Wegovy?

Wegovy je treba shraniti v hladilniku med 2 ° C do 8 ° C (36 ° F do 46 ° F). Naši partnerji dostavljajo zdravila z dostavo hladne verige, tako da se ne pokvari.

Pacient ne sme nikoli zamrzniti Wegovyja in ga ne bi smel držati od vročine in svetlobe. Vedno imejte pokrovček peresa, ko ga ne uporabljate.

Ali moram z obrokom vzeti Wegovy?

Pacient ni potrebno, da je vzel Wegovy z obrokom. Ključnega pomena je upoštevati navodila za odmerjanje, ki jih nudi njihov zdravstveni delavec, in zdravila dosledno upravljati, kot je predpisano.

Zakaj ne shujšam na Wegovyju?

Obstaja več razlogov, da bolnik na Wegovyju morda ne bo shujšal. Posamezni odzivi na zdravila se lahko razlikujejo. Dejavniki, kot so prehrana, vadba, druga zdravstvena stanja, druga zdravila, ki se jemljejo, in spoštovanje predpisanega odmerka, lahko vplivajo na izgubo teže. Pacient bi moral s svojim izvajalcem zdravstvenega varstva razpravljati o svojih pomislekih, da oceni potencialne razloge in po potrebi prilagodi načrt zdravljenja.

Katera živila se je treba izogibati pri jemanju Wegovyja?

Ni posebnega seznama živil, ki se ji morajo bolniki izogibati med jemanjem Wegovyja. Vendar pa bi se morali za najboljše rezultate pri obvladovanju teže držati uravnotežene prehrane in upoštevati vsa prehranska priporočila, ki jih nudi njihov zdravstveni delavec. Združevanje Wegovyja z zdravo prehrano in redno vadbo lahko poveča njegovo učinkovitost.

Kako odložim Wegovy?

Wegovy igle je treba odstraniti v rumeni koš za ostre, ki vam ga lahko zagotovimo na zahtevo. Ko je zabojnik poln, se boste morali obrniti na lokalni svet, da odložite koš, ali pa ga lahko odstranite v vaši lokalni lekarni.

Kako preklopim iz Saxende na Wegovy?

Pacient bi se moral s svojim izvajalcem zdravstvenih storitev pogovarjati o posebnih smernicah o prehodu iz Saxende v Wegovy. Ponudnik bo ocenil bolnikov trenutni režim zdravil in zdravstveno stanje ter dal priporočila, kako varno in učinkovito narediti stikalo.

Kakšna je razlika med Ozempic in Wegovy?

Tako Ozempic kot Wegovy vsebujeta aktivno sestavino semaglutid. Vendar je Ozempic v prvi vrsti odobren za zdravljenje sladkorne bolezni tipa 2, medtem ko je Wegovy odobren za kronično obvladovanje teže pri odraslih, ki imajo prekomerno telesno težo ali imajo debelost in ima vsaj eno zdravstveno stanje, povezano z težo. Med obema zdravili se lahko razlikujejo tudi odmerjanje, formulacija in pogostost dajanja.

Kdo naredi Wegovy?

Wegovy izdeluje Novo Nordisk, svetovno zdravstveno podjetje.

Why Welzo
Discreet guaranteed shipping
Discreet guaranteed shipping

Welzo Wegovy is shipped within 3 - 5 days in discreet cold-chain packaging.

Trusted UK Pharmacy
Trusted UK Pharmacy

Welzo only works with UK-based pharmacies. All our medication is authentic and issued by GPhC-registered pharmacies and prescribers.

Supportive & Caring
Supportive & Caring

Our team of clinicians and health experts can support you along every step of your treatment journey.

Buy Wegovy Weight Loss Injection

What is Wegovy?

Wegovy is a cutting-edge weight loss injection designed to assist adults in effectively managing obesity. Comprising the active ingredient semaglutide, this innovative medication is intended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) over 30, as well as those with a BMI over 27 who have weight-related conditions such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. Administered once a week, Wegovy supports weight loss by acting as a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, increasing feelings of fullness and satiety, ultimately leading to reduced food intake. While the drug has demonstrated significant potential in clinical trials, it is essential to use Wegovy alongside a comprehensive weight management plan that includes a reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise to ensure optimal results.

What is the price of Wegovy?

Wegovy is priced as follows:

0.25mg - £225

0.5mg -£225

1mg - £225

1.7mg - £259

2.4mg - £310

How does Wegovy work?

Wegovy works by utilising its active ingredient, semaglutide, which acts as a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist. GLP-1 is a naturally occurring hormone that plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels and appetite. When semaglutide binds to the GLP-1 receptors, it mimics the effects of the GLP-1 hormone, leading to a series of physiological responses.

One of the primary effects of semaglutide is its ability to slow down gastric emptying, the process by which food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine. This delay in gastric emptying contributes to increased feelings of fullness and satiety, resulting in reduced food intake. Additionally, semaglutide has a direct impact on appetite regulation by interacting with the hypothalamus, a region of the brain responsible for controlling hunger and satiety signals.

Through these combined actions, Wegovy effectively reduces overall caloric intake, leading to weight loss. It is crucial to note, however, that Wegovy should be used in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet and regular physical activity as part of a comprehensive weight management plan to achieve optimal results.

How to Take Wegovy: Wegovy Dosing Chart

  • First Month: Begin with a weekly dose of 0.25 mg of Wegovy.
  • Second Month: Increase to a weekly dose of 0.5 mg.
  • Third Month: Raise your weekly dose to 1 mg.
  • Fourth Month: Increase once more to a weekly dose of 1.7 mg.
  • Fifth Month and Beyond: Utilize the full weekly dose of 2.4 mg.

Is Wegovy Effective for Weight Loss?

Patients on Wegovy lost -14.9% reduction in body weight over a 68 week period, in comparison to -2.4% reduction in body weight by patients with placebo, according to Novo Nordisk.

Clinical trials, such as those within the STEP program, have evidenced significant weight reductions, with participants losing an average of 15% of their body weight across 68 weeks (Wilding et al., 2021). Such findings have been hailed as "unprecedented" by experts like Dr. Robert F. Kushner, a Professor of Medicine.

What are the different strengths of Wegovy?

Wegovy is available in different strengths, starting at 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 1.7 mg and 2.4mg for weekly injections. These varying strengths allow healthcare professionals to personalise the approach to obesity management and tailor the treatment plan to individual patients' needs.

The different strengths of Wegovy enable healthcare professionals to adjust the dosage based on a patient's response to the medication and their tolerance to any potential side effects. Typically, the initial dosage of Wegovy is low, and it is gradually increased over time. This titration process helps minimise the risk of side effects and allows patients to adjust to the medication more comfortably.

It is essential to note that the specific strengths of Wegovy may vary depending on the country or region in which it is available. Additionally, the exact dosing regimen should always be determined by a healthcare professional based on a patient's medical history, weight loss goals, and any existing medical conditions.

Where can I buy Wegovy UK?

Wegovy Boots: Does Boots Sell Wegovy?

Yes Boots does sell Wegovy in the UK. Boots price for Wegovy starts from £199 per month, and currently has a waiting list for UK customers. Orders for Boots can be placed on their website directly.

Wegovy NHS: Does the NHS Offer Wegovy?

The NHS offers Wegovy for weight management in line with NICE guidance, this is partnered with a calorie deficit and physical activity programs.

Does Superdrug sell Wegovy?

Superdrug is offering Wegovy through its Health Clinic as a private weight loss service. The cost for a month’s supply of Wegovy at Superdrug is reported to be between £195-£295

Wegovy vs Ozempic: What is the difference?

Both Wegovy and Ozempic are brand names for the drug semaglutide, marketed by Novo Nordisk. Ozempic is used for type 2 diabetes treatment and to reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events in certain patients, while Wegovy is used for chronic weight management in adults with obesity or overweight with at least one weight-related condition. They come in different strengths and have different dosing requirements.

Can I buy Wegovy privately in the UK?

It is possible to buy Wegovy privately in the UK. Several online pharmacies and doctor services offer the ability to request Wegovy injection pens following an online consultation and prescription from a registered doctor​

Wegovy NICE Guidelines

The NICE guidelines for Wegovy use in the NHS involve its use for weight management as part of a comprehensive treatment plan including a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity. For more information click here.

Wegovy BNF Information

For detailed prescribing and drug interaction information, the British National Formulary (BNF) would be the authoritative source. This information is typically accessed by healthcare professionals and may require a subscription or professional credentials to access. For BNF Wegovy information click here.

How should Wegovy be taken?

Wegovy should be taken as a subcutaneous injection, which means it is injected just under the skin, typically in the abdomen, thigh, or upper arm. It is essential to follow the healthcare professional's instructions and the prescription label's guidance to ensure the medication is used correctly and safely. Here are some general steps for taking Wegovy:

  1. Wegovy is administered once a week on a consistent day and time. Choose a day and time that is convenient and easy to remember.
  2. Before injecting, ensure that your hands are clean and that the injection site is clean and dry. It is recommended to rotate injection sites to avoid skin irritation or discomfort.
  3. Carefully follow the healthcare professional's instructions on preparing the injection. Remove the medication from the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature before use. Inspect the medication to ensure it is clear and colourless, and discard it if it appears cloudy or discoloured.
  4. Using the provided needle and syringe or a prefilled pen, draw the prescribed dose of Wegovy. Follow the healthcare professional's guidance on how to safely attach and use the needle.
  5. Gently pinch the skin at the injection site, insert the needle at a 45-degree angle, and inject the medication slowly and steadily.
  6. Safely dispose of the used needle and syringe or the needle from the prefilled pen in a sharps container, following local guidelines for proper disposal.
  7. Monitor for any side effects and report them to your healthcare professional.

It is important to remember that Wegovy should be used in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet and regular physical activity as part of a comprehensive weight management plan. Do not alter the prescribed dose or discontinue the medication without consulting your healthcare professional.

Can Wegovy be bought through an Online Pharmacy?

Yes, Wegovy can be bought through an online pharmacy, provided that the pharmacy is licensed and authorised to sell medications in your region. To purchase Wegovy online, you will typically need a valid prescription from a healthcare professional.

Before buying Wegovy or any other medication from an online pharmacy, it is essential to verify the pharmacy's legitimacy to ensure that you receive genuine and safe medications. You can do this by checking for certifications, seals, or licenses on the website, or by consulting regulatory bodies in your country.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication, including Wegovy, as part of a comprehensive weight management plan that includes a reduced-calorie diet and regular physical activity.

What are the advantages of Wegovy?

Wegovy offers several advantages as a weight loss medication, making it an attractive option for individuals struggling with obesity and weight-related health conditions. Some of the key advantages of Wegovy include:

  1. Effective weight loss: Clinical trials have demonstrated significant weight loss in patients treated with Wegovy. The medication can help individuals achieve considerable and sustained weight loss when used in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity.
  2. Improvement in obesity-related health conditions: Wegovy has been shown to improve various weight-related health markers, such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar control. These improvements can help reduce the risk of health complications associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.
  3. Convenient administration: Wegovy is administered as a once-weekly injection, which may be more convenient for some patients compared to daily oral medications or other weight loss injections. This convenience factor can lead to improved patient compliance, increasing the likelihood of successful weight loss and long-term health benefits.
  4. Gradual titration of dosage: Wegovy is available in different strengths, allowing healthcare professionals to adjust the dosage based on a patient's response to the medication and their tolerance to any potential side effects. This personalised approach can help optimise the treatment plan for each individual.
  5. Comprehensive weight management: Wegovy can be used as part of a holistic weight management plan that includes a balanced, reduced-calorie diet and regular physical activity. By combining pharmacological intervention with sustainable lifestyle changes, individuals can maximise the benefits of Wegovy treatment and work towards achieving long-term weight loss success.

In summary, the advantages of Wegovy lie in its effectiveness, convenience, and potential to improve overall health and quality of life for individuals struggling with obesity and weight-related health conditions.

What causes Obesity?

Obesity is considered to be a complex issue with many potential causes. Obesity and increased body
weight are likely to happen when surplus calories are consumed, particularly from foods high in fats and sugars.

The prevalence of obesity these days is due to change in our lifestyle which makes it harder for people to eat healthily and do enough physical activity. Genetics also play an important role, as it determines how the energy from the food you consume is utilised and stored in your body. There are some underlying health conditions such as hypothyroidism that may contribute to weight-gain. However, if treated effectively with medicines then they do not contribute much to weight related problems.

Also, some medications such as steroids, medicines to treat high-blood pressure and mental health
conditions may contribute to weight-gain.

The best way to treat obesity is to create a caloric deficit, to eat a well-balanced diet and to exercise
regularly. Taking up physical activities such as fast-paced walking, jogging or swimming for 2.5 to 5 hours per week would be considered a decent amount of physical activity. You may also benefit from receiving support and counseling from a trained healthcare professional to gain a better insight into your
relationship with food and develop healthier eating habits.
And if lifestyle and behavioural changes alone do not help to lose weight there are medicinal treatments available to assist with weight loss.

Semaglutide (Wegovy) for Weight Loss

There are several treatments available as adjuncts to a calorie-controlled diet and increased physical activity for weight-loss. Here, we will discuss a novel GLP-1 (glucagon-like-peptide) analogue,
Semaglutide. Semaglutide works by acting like a hormone in the body that alerts brain receptors involved
in food intake and appetite regulation. It is known to reduce food cravings, regulates appetite and slows gastric emptying, which means it keeps you fuller for longer. As a result of these it makes you consume less calories, resulting in weight-loss.

Wegovy is a licensed in the UK for the treatment of obesity in adults. It is used in addition to diet and
exercise for long-term weight management. It is licensed for adults who are either obese (BMI ≥30kg/m2) or overweight (BMI ≥ 27 kg/m2) with at least one weight-related comorbidity such as high-blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol.

Wegovy is usually taken as a weekly injection (under the skin), and it comes in 5 different strengths. The
user begins the treatment with 0.25mg per week which is to be used for the first 4 weeks and then increase it to 0.5mg, then 1mg, to 1.7mg, eventually reaching the maintenance dose of 2.4mg per weekly. To reach the maintenance dose, it will take a minimum of 17 weeks as increase in strength is done monthly and in a
clinically suitable and approved manner. Also, the clinicians take individual circumstances in account before recommending a higher dose as it may not be suitable for everyone to increase the dose as per the guidelines.

When do you see the benefits after using Wegovy

Weight loss may begin within the first 4 weeks of treatment with Wegovy, but the full effects of treatment may not be seen for several months or longer.
➔ In studies, weight loss in adults was assessed over a 68-week period.
➔ Patients using wegovy lost an average of 35 lbs (15.9 kg), or about 15% of their body weight
compared to 6 lbs (2.7 kg), or roughly 2.5% body weight in the placebo group.
➔ Overall, after 68 weeks, 83% of adults taking Wegovy lost 5% or more of their weight compared to
31% of adults taking a placebo.

What are the disadvantages of Wegovy?

While Wegovy offers several advantages as a weight loss medication, it also has some disadvantages that should be considered. Some of the key disadvantages of Wegovy include:

  1. Side effects: Wegovy can cause side effects in some patients, including gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and constipation. Although these side effects are usually mild and tend to subside over time, they can be bothersome for some individuals and may lead to discontinuation of the medication.
  2. Injection administration: Wegovy is administered as a once-weekly subcutaneous injection, which may be inconvenient or uncomfortable for some patients, especially those who are averse to needles or self-injections.
  3. Cost: Wegovy can be relatively expensive compared to other weight loss medications, which may make it less accessible for some individuals, particularly those without insurance coverage or in regions where the medication is not subsidised by the healthcare system.
  4. Limited availability: Wegovy may not be available in all countries or regions, and its accessibility may be limited depending on local regulations and licensing requirements.
  5. Not a standalone solution: Wegovy should not be considered a standalone solution for weight loss. It must be used in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity as part of a comprehensive weight management plan. This may require significant commitment and lifestyle changes on the part of the patient.
  6. Contraindications and precautions: Wegovy may not be suitable for all individuals, particularly those with specific medical conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or those taking certain medications. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine if Wegovy is an appropriate treatment option based on individual circumstances.

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