Complaints Procedure
At, we are fully committed to providing you with exceptional digital healthcare. We understand, however, that there may be instances where you are not completely satisfied with our services. It's our policy to ensure we provide a fair and effective resolution to any issues that might arise. Below, we've detailed our complaints procedure.

Complaints Procedure
1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Purpose
Welzo Limited is committed to providing the highest level of services to its customers. However, we acknowledge that there may be instances when our customers are not entirely satisfied with our services. This comprehensive Complaints Handling Process is designed to guide our employees and customers in efficiently and effectively addressing customer complaints.
1.2 Scope
This process covers all aspects of handling complaints at Welzo Limited, ensuring that each complaint is treated seriously and resolved promptly. It applies to all employees and departments within the organisation.
1.3 Objectives
The objectives of this process are:
- To provide a structured and consistent approach to handling complaints.
- To ensure that all complaints are acknowledged and investigated in a timely manner.
- To provide resolutions that are fair and reasonable to the satisfaction of our customers.
- To use complaints as a valuable source of feedback for continuous improvement.
2. Defining a Complaint
2.1 What Constitutes a Complaint?
A complaint, within the context of this process, is defined as any expression of dissatisfaction by a customer or stakeholder regarding Welzo Limited's products, services, or interactions. Complaints may be related to issues such as service quality, billing, communication, or any other aspect of our operations.
2.2 Types of Complaints
Complaints can vary in nature and scope, including but not limited to:
- Service-related complaints
- Billing and payment disputes
- Product defects or issues
- Communication problems
- Customer service concerns
Recognising the various types of complaints is essential to addressing them effectively.
3. Receiving and Acknowledging Complaints
3.1 Initial Contact
Customers who wish to raise a complaint can do so through the following channels:
Write to our head office address at:
Welzo Limited - Head of Customer Services
833, 19-21 Crawford Street,
3.2 Acknowledgement of Complaint
Upon receiving a complaint, Welzo Limited is committed to acknowledging receipt within 48 hours, confirming that the complaint is under investigation. This acknowledgment will include a reference number for tracking purposes.
3.3 Importance of Timely Acknowledgment
Timely acknowledgment is critical to assure the customer that their concerns are taken seriously. It also sets clear expectations for the complaint resolution process.
4. Investigation and Resolution
4.1 Stage 1: Initial Resolution
The initial resolution stage aims to address and resolve complaints as quickly as possible. Most complaints can be resolved at this stage. The process includes the following steps:
Step 1: Complaint Investigation
One of our customer service team members will thoroughly investigate the complaint, taking into account all relevant information and any previous correspondence.
Liaison with relevant departments may be necessary to gather additional details including but not limited to our external suppliers, warehouse management and testing laboratories.
Step 2: Communication
We will communicate with the customer regarding our findings and proposed resolution.
This communication can take place via email or a phone conversation.
Step 3: Resolution
Our goal is to resolve complaints within 10 business days from the date of acknowledgment.
The resolution will be detailed in the communication to the customer.
4.2 Stage 2: Escalation
If the customer is not satisfied with the resolution provided at Stage 1, they have the option to escalate their complaint. The escalation process involves the following steps:
Step 1: Request for Escalation
The customer should express their dissatisfaction with the initial resolution and request escalation.
This request should be sent to the Head of Customer Services at our head office address or contacting us here.
Step 2: Review by Management
The Head of Customer Services will forward the escalated complaint to the relevant department's manager.
The manager will review the complaint and the initial resolution.
Additional actions may be taken as necessary to address the complaint.
Step 3: Resolution
The aim is to provide a resolution within 10 working days from the date of escalation acknowledgment.
The resolution will be communicated to the customer.
4.3 Timescales for Handling Complaints
Timely handling of complaints is a priority for Welzo Limited. The following timescales apply to each stage:
Stage 1:
Aim to acknowledge the complaint within 48 hours.
Full resolution within 10 business days.
Stage 2:
Aim to acknowledge the escalated complaint within 5 - 10 working days.
Full resolution within 10 working days.
4.4 Extending Time Limits
In some cases, complaints may be complex or require input from third parties including but not limited to our external suppliers, warehouse management and testing laboratories. In such instances, it may be necessary to extend the time limit for resolution. If this occurs, we will keep the customer fully informed of the progress, reasons for the delay, and the new deadline.
5. Recording and Monitoring Complaints
5.1 Importance of Complaint Records
All complaints received are logged and recorded to:
- Keep track of the types of problems customers face.
- Determine the best ways to resolve them.
- Record the time taken to deal with them.
5.2 Monitoring Complaints
Regular monitoring of complaints is essential for identifying trends, recurring issues, or areas requiring improvement. This information feeds into our continuous improvement efforts.
5.3 Continuous Improvement
Complaints are viewed as valuable feedback that can drive positive change within Welzo Limited. We actively seek to learn from complaints and make improvements to prevent future occurrences.
6. External Support
6.1 Seeking Independent Assistance
If a customer remains unsatisfied with the outcome or the handling of their complaint, they have the option to seek independent advice and support.
7. Confidentiality and Data Protection
7.1 Handling of Customer Data
All complaints received are handled confidentially and in accordance with data protection regulations. Customer data is protected, and only authorised personnel involved in the complaint resolution process have access to relevant information.
7.2 Compliance with Data Protection Regulations
Welzo Limited complies with all applicable data protection regulations, including the Data Protection Act 1998, to ensure that customer data is handled securely and in accordance with legal requirements.
8. Conclusion
Welzo Limited is dedicated to providing excellent service to our customers, and we take complaints seriously as opportunities for improvement. This Complaints Handling Process outlines the step-by-step procedures in place to ensure that every complaint is acknowledged, investigated, and resolved to the satisfaction of our customers.
By following this process, we aim to enhance customer satisfaction, maintain the highest standards of service, and continuously improve our operations based on valuable customer feedback.
At Welzo Limited, we remain committed to turning every customer's experience into a positive one, and your feedback plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.
Complaints Form
You can contact us by clicking here.