What Are Minerals And Vitamins?

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients for the body. Our body needs nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals in an adequate amount for proper functioning. These nutrients include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K.
The minerals are zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc... Our body cannot produce significant amounts of these nutrients, thus obtaining them in our daily foods is necessary to meet the needs of our body. Vegetables and fruits are the chief sources of these nutrients. Vitamins and minerals have diverse effects on our body to regulate various functions ranging from metabolism to the immune system.
Often, vitamin deficiency is linked with your daily intake of foods. Individuals, who are picky eaters and do not intake a balanced diet, can suffer from vitamin deficiency. Apart from food factors, several medical problems such as liver disease, kidney failure, and gut carcinoma can also cause vitamin deficiency. These medical conditions slow down the absorption of vitamins from the gut and hence decrease the availability of active vitamins in the blood. Some medications, such as anti-epileptics, can also lead to vitamin deficiency. In such conditions, doctors prescribe vitamin supplements to overcome the vitamin deficiency.
Following are some common symptoms of Vitamin deficiency:
Low intake of Vitamin A in the diet is associated with impaired vision, mostly during nighttime. Vitamin A binds with rhodopsin in the cornea and makes it sensitive to light. When Vitamin A deficiency persists for a long time, it turns the vision into complete blindness. Another common problem linked with Vitamin A deficiency is appearing of a white spot on the corner of the eye.
Bleeding from gingiva is a common clinical feature of Vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C promotes the growth of connective tissues. In the case of Vitamin C deficiency, the growth of connective tissues is undermined. As a result, poor connective fibres are developed. This leads to a condition called Scurvy. Scurvy causes bleeding gums and bad odours.
Vitamin B7, also known as biotin, helps in the normal growth of hair and nails. Biotin deficiency is very rare. But once this occurs, it causes underdeveloped hair follicles and nails, which results in thin hair and brittle nails. Hair falls, and dandruff also occurs.
Fissures around the mouth are associated with an inadequate intake of certain vitamins. Vitamins strengthen the mucosa of the mouth, and insufficient intake of Vitamin results in repeated ulceration of the mouth. A study has shown that low iron level leads to increase mouth ulcers.
Hair loss is becoming more common among young adults. Around 60% of adults suffer from hair loss. Some nutrients can prevent hair fall. These nutrients include zinc, iron, Vitamins B3, and biotin.
These minerals and vitamins are essential for the synthesis of DNA and protein. Proteins present in the hair follicle produce a new follicle, which helps in thickening hair and preventing them from falling.
Blood samples are taken and tested in the laboratory for Vitamin and Mineral deficiency.
Take a blood test to find out if you have any vitamin deficiency, click here and order a kit today. For a full range of medications, visit our Welzo Online Pharmacy Page.
Blood can be taken in the following two ways:
A small blood lancet is used to prick the finger, and then blood is collected on a glass slab. The slab is then sent to a laboratory for checking Vitamin and mineral deficiency.
This type of blood sample is also used for a diabetes test.
A small three-millimetre syringe is used to withdraw blood from the veins. The blood is then transferred into a test tube. This type of blood sample can cause discomfort at the injection site. It is used when increased amounts of blood are needed for testing. The sample is then sent to a laboratory for various examinations.
To see our Vitamin Deficiency Test, click here.
Vitamins and minerals deficiency can be tested at home and laboratory.
Different types of examination kits are available in the market for testing vitamin deficiencies. You can use this kit at home. It is the most economical and easiest way to test your vitamin level.
Vitamins deficiency can also be examined at a clinical laboratory. In the laboratory, a blood sample is taken and evaluated under various equipment.
Following is the normal range of Vitamin and minerals;
1. Iron ranges
60 to 170 micrograms per deciliter
2. Calcium range
8.7 to 10.4 micrograms per deciliter
3. Phosphorus range
2.9 to 4.6 micrograms per deciliter
4. Vitamin A normal range
25 to 65 micrograms per deciliter
5. Vitamin B normal range
165 to 955 picograms per milimiter
6. Vitamin C normal range
0.4 to 1.7 micrograms per deciliter
7. Vitamin D normal range
25 to 45 nanograms per millilitre
8. Vitamin K normal range
0.2 to 0.3 nanograms per millilitres.
9. Vitamin E normal ranges
5.7 to 17 milligrams per litre
As discussed earlier in this article, vitamins are essential nutrients. Essential nutrients are those nutrients that the body can't produce and should be taken in foods. When you are using a poor vitamin diet, then deficiency of Vitamins occurs. This deficiency can be fulfilled by using vitamin-containing supplements.
Supplements are available in many forms and can be found on our Welzo Online Pharmacy Page.
Centrum is the source of multiple vitamins and minerals. It includes all the essential vitamins and minerals. A single daily dose of Centrum is enough to meet the body's vitamin needs.
Thorne is an international brand of a multivitamin. It contains high-quality nutrients.
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