Total Balance Women's Premium, 210 tablets - xtendlife - welzo
Total Balance Women's Premium, 210 tablets - xtendlife - welzo
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Product Description

Esittelyssä naisten kokonaismäärä, lopullinen lisäys optimaaliseen terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin. Tämän XtendLifen tuote on täynnä 210 tablettia, ja se on suunniteltu erityisesti naisille tarjoamaan kattavaa tukea heidän yksilöllisille tarpeilleen.
Formuloitu voimakkaalla sekoituksella vitamiineja, mineraaleja, antioksidantteja ja yrttiuutteita, ja Balance Galance Falance's Premium on yhden luukun ratkaisu yleisen hyvinvoinnin edistämiseen. Se sisältää välttämättömiä ravintoaineita, kuten D -vitamiini, kalsium ja magnesium luun terveyden tukemiseksi, samoin kuin rauta- ja foolihappoa terveiden verisolujen ylläpitämiseksi.
Mutta se ei ole kaikki, Balance Naisten vakuutusmaksu kokonaissaldaaminen on yli ja kohdistamalla myös erityisiin naisten terveysongelmiin. Se sisältää ainesosat, kuten ilta -primroseöljy.


A-vitamiini (luonnollisina sekoitettuina karotenoideina), C-vitamiini (183,5 mg kalsium-askorbaattia, 200 mg kalium-askorbaattia ja 42,5 mg askorbyylipalmitaattia), D-vitamiinia (kolekalsiferolina), E-vitamiinia (D-Alpha-tokoferyylisukella. /Soijaöljyt ja tokotrienoli/tokoferolikompleksi (afrikkalaisesta öljypalmusta)) (1 mg = 1,21 IU), K-vitamiini (nimellä Menakinone-4), tiamiinia (13,7 mg: n tiamiini HCL: stä), riboflaviini (19,7 mg riboflavin-hcl: stä 5-fosfaatti), niasiini (14,1 mg: sta nikotiinihappoa ja 14,1 mg niacinamidia), B6-vitamiini (11,8 mg pyridoksaali-5-fosfaatista), foolihapposta, B12-vitamiinista (kobamidina), biotiini, pantoteenihappo (kobamidina), biotiini, pantoteenihappo 45,6 mg kalsium -pantoteenia), kalsium (100 mg: n kalsiumista (punaisesta levästä (litohamnium -lajit)), dicalciumfosfaatista, 183,5 mg kalsium askorbaattia, 60 mg kalsiummagnesiuminositoliheksusfosfaattia ja 45,6 mg kalsium -panpotenaattia), fosforus (fosforus Dicalcium-fosfaatti, kalsiummagnesium inositoli-heksafosfaatti, riboflaviini-5-fosfaatti ja pyridoksaali-5-fosfaatti), jodilla (198 MCG: n kaliumjodidista), magnesiumista (200 mg: sta Aquamin Magnesium ™: stä (magnesiumhydroksidi merivedestä), 104,5 MG of of Sea Water), 104,5 MG Magnesium stearaatti ja 60 mg kalsiummagnesiuminositoliheksfosfaattia), sinkki (31,1 mg sinkkisitraattia), selenium (265 mcg L-seelenometioniinia), mangaanista (8 mg mangaanin sitraatista), kromi (901 MCG kromia. Pikolinaatti), molybdeeni (641 mcg molybdeeniglyskinaatista), kalium (200 mg kalium-askorbaattia, 100 mg tripotsiomitraattia ja 0,19 mg kaliumjodidia), RNA (ribonukleiinihappo hiivasta), N-asetyyli, L-sysiini , Vihreän teenuutetta (Camellia sinensis -lehdestä) (tarjoaa 80 mg katekiineja), maito -ohdakeuutetta (Silybum Marianum -siemenestä) (tarjoamalla 80 mg silymariineja), MSM (metyylisulfonyylimetaani), soijalecitiini (fosfatidyylikoliinin lähde) , Betain HCL, koliinibitartraatti, DMG HCL, N-asetyyliglukosamiini, hesperidiini (katkerasta oranssista (sitrushedelmä aurantti), hedelmä), inositolista (inositolista ja kalsiummagnesiumin inositoli-heksafosfaatista), samasta (96 mg S-adenosyylimeetioniinin tontiiviin) , Bacopa -uute (Bacopa Monnieri -lehti) (joka tarjoaa 15 mg bacosideja), inkivääruutteen (Zingiber OffiCinale -juuri) (toimittaa 2,5 mg gingeroleja), ginkgouutteen (ginkgo biloba -lehti) (tuottaen 11 mg ginkgo -flavonoglykosideja ja 2,7 mg terpeeniä Lactones), Guggul -kumiuutetta (Commiphora Mukuls -kumista) (guggulsteronien lähde), Masson -mäntykuoruuute (Pinus Massoniana), Nigella (musta kumina) uutte (Nigella sativa -siemen) (vastaa 200 mg mustaa kumina -siemeniä), PABA (p-aminobentsoehappo), kurkumauute (curcuma longa -juuri) (tarjoamalla 47,5 mg kurkuminoideja), alfa-lipoiinihappo, Myricetin (70 mg Bayberry (Myrica Cerifera) -lehtiuutteesta), Horsetail -uutetta (Equisetum Arvense, STEMA & STEMER) Leaf), rypäleen siemenuute (VITIS Vinifera -lajit) (tarjoaa vähintään 450 mg/g fenolia), mineraalimerensuoloja (tarjoamalla hivenaineita, mukaan lukien rubidium, strontium ja volframi), piperiini (30 mg piper nigrum (musta) hedelmää Uralla), trans-reveratrol (50 mg japanilaisesta solmiopetuksesta (polygonum cuspidatum) -teitä), isoflavoneista (50 mg soijauutteesta), koentsyymi Q-10 (Kaneka Ubideecarenone (ubikinoni)), luteoliinista (Peanutista (Arachis Hypogaea)) ) Shell), sinimailanenuute (Medicago sativa -lehti ja varsi) (vastaa 120 mg tuoretta sinimailanen), fosfatidyyli-L-seriiniä (50 mg soijauutteesta), politiikassa (8,8 mg sokeriruo'onuutetta), punainen apilauute) (Trifolium pratense -lehti ja varsi) (tarjoamalla 2,8 mg isoflavoneja), ATP (adenosiinitrifosfaatti hiivasta), tokotrienoli/tokoferolikompleksi (10 mg evnolmax®: sta afrikkalaisesta öljypalmusta), vinpocetine, lykopeenista (4,5 mg toloutetta) , Boori (13,6 mg: sta boorisitraattia), aminohapposekoitus, l-histidiini HCl, L-lysiini HCl, L-karnosiini, L-tyrosiini, L-arginiini HCl, L-methioniini, L-proliini, L-pyroglutamiinihappo , L-kysteiini, l-glutamiini, l-oornitine hcl, tauriini, pelkistetty Glutationi, Dong Quai -uutte (Angelica Sinensis -juuri), Feverfew-uute (Tanacetum Parthenium Leaf) (tarjoamalla 700 mcg parthenolidia), kiinalainen jamuuute (Dioscorea vasta-aineiden juuret) (tarjoamalla 7,2 mg diosgeniinia), chastoberry-uutetta (Vitex Agnus-castus Berry ) (Tarjoaa 250 mcg Agnuside), entsyymiseoksen, bromelaiinin (ananasvarren), Nattozimes® (proteaasi aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus -melleuksen käymisestä), amylaasin (Aspergillus oryzaen käymisestä), lipaasi (Fermentoinnista Aspergillus -niger) , Immuniteetti stimuloiva sekoitus, aloe vera (aloe barbadensis -lehtiuute) (vastaa 10 000 mg tuoretta aloe -lehtiä), oliivilehtiuutetta (Olea europaea) (tarjoamalla 7,5 mg oleuropeinia), beetaglukaania (hiivasta), teepolysakkarideja (kotoisin) (hiivasta), teepolysakkarideja (peräisin 50 mg Camellia sinensis -lehtiuutteesta), Bilberry -uutte (Vaccinium Myrtillus -hedelmät) (tarjoaa 10 mg antosyaaneja), Rutin (japanilaisesta Sophora Budista), luteiinista (50 mg: n atsteekin marigold -kukkauutetta), astaksantiinista (26,6 mg: sta of 26,6 mg: sta Haematococcus pluvialis), zeaksantiini (10 mg atsteekin marigold -kukkauutetta). Mikrokiteinen selluloosa, dekstroosi, enteerinen päällyste (puhdistettu vesi, etyyliselluloosa, ammoniumhydroksidi, keskiketjun triglyseridit, öljyhappo, natriumkarboksimetyyliselluloosa, talkki, polydekstroosi), maltodekstriini, silikonidioksidi, natriumkarbokstroosi.

Refer to the product packaging label for ingredient updates.

Delivery & Returns

UK, Europe & Rest of the World Shipping Details:
Same day dispatch for orders placed by 2pm (Orders after 2pm dispatched next working day).

Free shipping on orders over £45 to the UK.

Returns: Our products are meant to make you feel healthy and at your best. If you need to return your item, you can do so free of charge within 14 days in the same original and unopened packaging.

How to use

Ohjeet lisäravinteiden ottamiseen: Aikuisten naisten suositeltu päivittäinen annos on 7 tablettia. Nämä tabletit voidaan ottaa kaikki kerralla aamulla tai jakaa kahteen annokseen - yksi aamulla ja yksi myöhemmin päivällä. Voit ottaa tabletit ruoan kanssa tai ilman sitä mieluummin.

Please consult the product packaging for accurate instructions on how to use the product.

Nutritional Information

Supplement Facts Serving size: 7 Tablets Servings per container: 30
Amount Per Serving % DV Calories 30 Calories from Fat 10 Total Fat 1 g 2%* Total Carbohydrate 2 g 1%* Dietary Fiber 2 g 8%* Protein 2 g 4%* Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids) 5000 IU 100% Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate) 280 mg 467% Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 500 IU 125% Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU) 102 IU 340% Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4) 180 mcg 225% Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl) 12 mg 800% Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate) 10 mg 588% Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide) 26 mg 130% Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 8 mg 400% Folic Acid 323 mcg 81% Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide) 25 mcg 417% Biotin 400 mcg 133% Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate) 41 mg 410% Calcium (from 100 mg Calcium (from Red Algae (Lithothamnium species)), 91.5 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate and 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate) 81 mg 8% Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 30 mg 3% Iodine (from 198 mcg Potassium Iodide) 150 mcg 100% Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 104.5 mg of Magnesium Stearate and 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate) 70 mg 18% Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate) 9 mg 60% Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine) 100 mcg 143% Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate) 2 mg 100% Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate) 106 mcg 88% Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate) 64 mcg 85% Potassium (from 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate, 100 mg of Tripotassium Citrate and 0.19 mg of Potassium Iodide) 71 mg 2% RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast) 150 mg ** N-Acetyl L-Cysteine 148 mg ** Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 80 mg of Catechins) 100 mg ** Milk Thistle Extract (from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 80 mg of Silymarins) 100 mg ** MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane) 100 mg ** Betain HCl 98 mg ** Choline Bitartrate 93 mg ** DMG HCl 90 mg ** N-Acetyl Glucosamine 79 mg ** Hesperidin (from Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium), Fruit) 74 mg ** Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides) 70 mg ** Inositol (from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate) 59 mg ** SAMe (from 96 mg of S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate) 51 mg ** Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 2.5 mg of Gingerols) 50 mg ** Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 11 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides and 2.7 mg of Terpene Lactones) 50 mg ** Guggul Gum Extract (from Commiphora mukul Gum) (a source of Guggulsterones) 50 mg ** Masson Pine Bark Extract (Pinus massoniana) 50 mg ** Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds) 50 mg ** PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid) 50 mg ** Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids) 50 mg ** Alpha Lipoic Acid 49 mg ** Myricetin (from 70 mg of Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) Leaf Extract ) 49 mg ** Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense, Stem & Leaf) 40 mg ** Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera species) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics) 30 mg ** Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten) 30 mg ** Piperine (from 30 mg of Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract) 28 mg ** Phosphatidyl Choline (from Sunflower Seed Lecithin) 25 mg ** Trans-Resveratrol (from 50 mg of Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) Root Extract) 25 mg ** Isoflavones (from 50 mg of Soybean Extract) 20 mg ** Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone)) 19 mg ** Luteolin (from Peanut Shell Japanese Sophora Bud & Flower) 18 mg ** Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa) 10 mg ** Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 50 mg of Sunflower Extract) 10 mg ** Policosanol (from 8.8 mg of Sugar Cane Extract) 8 mg ** Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2.8 mg of Isoflavones) 7 mg ** ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast) 5 mg ** Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 10 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm) 1.9 mg ** Lycopene (from 4.5 mg Tomato Extract) 900 mcg ** Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate) 600 mcg ** Amino Acid Blend 1.1g ** L-Histidine HCl 200.00 mg L-Lysine HCl 164.18 mg ** L-Carnosine 148.50 mg ** L-Tyrosine 100.00 mg ** L-Arginine HCl 89.64 mg ** L-Methionine 89.28 mg ** L-Proline 49.79 mg ** L-Pyroglutamic Acid 49.79 mg ** L-Cysteine 49.74 mg ** L-Glutamine 49.64 mg ** L-Ornithine HCl 49.54 mg ** Taurine 49.25 mg ** Reduced Glutathione 49.00 mg ** Female Health Support Blend 340 mg ** Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root) 100 mg ** Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide) 100 mg ** Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin) 90 mg ** Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside) 50 mg ** Enzyme Blend 150 mg ** Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem) 50 mg ** Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus) 50 mg ** Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae) 30 mg ** Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger) 20 mg ** Immunity Stimulating Blend 147 mg ** Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Leaf) 50 mg ** Olive Leaf Extract (Olea europaea) (providing 7.5 mg of Oleuropein) 50 mg ** Beta Glucan (from Yeast) 35 mg ** Tea Polysaccharides (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract) 12 mg ** Eye Health Blend 53 mg ** Bilberry Extract (Vaccinium myrtillus Fruit) (providing 10 mg of Anthocyanins) 40 mg ** Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud) 9.6 mg ** Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 2.5 mg ** Astaxanthin (from 26.6 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis) 0.8 mg ** Zeaxanthin (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 0.5 mg **Amount Per Serving% DVCalories30Calories from Fat10Total Fat1 g2%*Total Carbohydrate2 g1%*Dietary Fiber2 g8%*Protein2 g4%*Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids)5000 IU100%Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)280 mg467%Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)500 IU125%Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)102 IU340%Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4)180 mcg225%Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl)12 mg800%Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)10 mg588%Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide)26 mg130%Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)8 mg400%Folic Acid323 mcg81%Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)25 mcg417%Biotin400 mcg133%Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)41 mg410%Calcium (from 100 mg Calcium (from Red Algae (Lithothamnium species)), 91.5 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate and 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)81 mg8%Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)30 mg3%Iodine (from 198 mcg Potassium Iodide)150 mcg100%Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 104.5 mg of Magnesium Stearate and 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)70 mg18%Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate)9 mg60%Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)100 mcg143%Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate)2 mg100%Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)106 mcg88%Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)64 mcg85%Potassium (from 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate, 100 mg of Tripotassium Citrate and 0.19 mg of Potassium Iodide)71 mg2%RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast)150 mg**N-Acetyl L-Cysteine148 mg**Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 80 mg of Catechins)100 mg**Milk Thistle Extract (from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 80 mg of Silymarins)100 mg**MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)100 mg**Betain HCl98 mg**Choline Bitartrate93 mg**DMG HCl90 mg**N-Acetyl Glucosamine79 mg**Hesperidin (from Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium), Fruit)74 mg**Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides)70 mg**Inositol (from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)59 mg**SAMe (from 96 mg of S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)51 mg**Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 2.5 mg of Gingerols)50 mg**Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 11 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides and 2.7 mg of Terpene Lactones)50 mg**Guggul Gum Extract (from Commiphora mukul Gum) (a source of Guggulsterones)50 mg**Masson Pine Bark Extract (Pinus massoniana)50 mg**Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)50 mg**Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids)50 mg**Alpha Lipoic Acid49 mg**Myricetin (from 70 mg of Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) Leaf Extract )49 mg**Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense, Stem & Leaf)40 mg**Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera species) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics)30 mg**Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten)30 mg**Piperine (from 30 mg of Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)28 mg**Phosphatidyl Choline (from Sunflower Seed Lecithin)25 mg**Trans-Resveratrol (from 50 mg of Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) Root Extract)25 mg**Isoflavones (from 50 mg of Soybean Extract)20 mg**Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))19 mg**Luteolin (from Peanut Shell Japanese Sophora Bud & Flower)18 mg**Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)10 mg**Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 50 mg of Sunflower Extract)10 mg**Policosanol (from 8.8 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)8 mg**Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2.8 mg of Isoflavones)7 mg**ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)5 mg**Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 10 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)1.9 mg**Lycopene (from 4.5 mg Tomato Extract)900 mcg**Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)600 mcg**Amino Acid Blend1.1g**L-Histidine HCl200.00 mgL-Lysine HCl164.18 mg**L-Carnosine148.50 mg**L-Tyrosine100.00 mg**L-Arginine HCl89.64 mg**L-Methionine89.28 mg**L-Proline49.79 mg**L-Pyroglutamic Acid49.79 mg**L-Cysteine49.74 mg**L-Glutamine49.64 mg**L-Ornithine HCl49.54 mg**Taurine49.25 mg**Reduced Glutathione49.00 mg**Female Health Support Blend340 mg**Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root)100 mg**Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide)100 mg**Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin)90 mg**Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside)50 mg**Enzyme Blend150 mg**Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)50 mg**Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus)50 mg**Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)30 mg**Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)20 mg**Immunity Stimulating Blend147 mg**Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Leaf)50 mg**Olive Leaf Extract (Olea europaea) (providing 7.5 mg of Oleuropein)50 mg**Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**Tea Polysaccharides (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract)12 mg**Eye Health Blend53 mg**Bilberry Extract (Vaccinium myrtillus Fruit) (providing 10 mg of Anthocyanins)40 mg**Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud)9.6 mg**Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)2.5 mg**Astaxanthin (from 26.6 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis)0.8 mg**Zeaxanthin (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)0.5 mg**
Amount Per Serving% DV
Calories from Fat10
Total Fat1 g2%*
Total Carbohydrate2 g1%*
Dietary Fiber2 g8%*
Protein2 g4%*
Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids)5000 IU100%
Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)280 mg467%
Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)500 IU125%
Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)102 IU340%
Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4)180 mcg225%
Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl)12 mg800%
Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)10 mg588%
Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide)26 mg130%
Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)8 mg400%
Folic Acid323 mcg81%
Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)25 mcg417%
Biotin400 mcg133%
Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)41 mg410%
Calcium (from 100 mg Calcium (from Red Algae (Lithothamnium species)), 91.5 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate and 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)81 mg8%
Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)30 mg3%
Iodine (from 198 mcg Potassium Iodide)150 mcg100%
Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 104.5 mg of Magnesium Stearate and 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)70 mg18%
Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate)9 mg60%
Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)100 mcg143%
Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate)2 mg100%
Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)106 mcg88%
Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)64 mcg85%
Potassium (from 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate, 100 mg of Tripotassium Citrate and 0.19 mg of Potassium Iodide)71 mg2%
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast)150 mg**
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine148 mg**
Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 80 mg of Catechins)100 mg**
Milk Thistle Extract (from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 80 mg of Silymarins)100 mg**
MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)100 mg**
Betain HCl98 mg**
Choline Bitartrate93 mg**
DMG HCl90 mg**
N-Acetyl Glucosamine79 mg**
Hesperidin (from Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium), Fruit)74 mg**
Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides)70 mg**
Inositol (from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)59 mg**
SAMe (from 96 mg of S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)51 mg**
Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 2.5 mg of Gingerols)50 mg**
Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 11 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides and 2.7 mg of Terpene Lactones)50 mg**
Guggul Gum Extract (from Commiphora mukul Gum) (a source of Guggulsterones)50 mg**
Masson Pine Bark Extract (Pinus massoniana)50 mg**
Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**
PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)50 mg**
Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids)50 mg**
Alpha Lipoic Acid49 mg**
Myricetin (from 70 mg of Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) Leaf Extract )49 mg**
Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense, Stem & Leaf)40 mg**
Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera species) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics)30 mg**
Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten)30 mg**
Piperine (from 30 mg of Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)28 mg**
Phosphatidyl Choline (from Sunflower Seed Lecithin)25 mg**
Trans-Resveratrol (from 50 mg of Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) Root Extract)25 mg**
Isoflavones (from 50 mg of Soybean Extract)20 mg**
Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))19 mg**
Luteolin (from Peanut Shell Japanese Sophora Bud & Flower)18 mg**
Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)10 mg**
Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 50 mg of Sunflower Extract)10 mg**
Policosanol (from 8.8 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)8 mg**
Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2.8 mg of Isoflavones)7 mg**
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)5 mg**
Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 10 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)1.9 mg**
Lycopene (from 4.5 mg Tomato Extract)900 mcg**
Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)600 mcg**
Amino Acid Blend1.1g**
L-Histidine HCl200.00 mg
L-Lysine HCl164.18 mg**
L-Carnosine148.50 mg**
L-Tyrosine100.00 mg**
L-Arginine HCl89.64 mg**
L-Methionine89.28 mg**
L-Proline49.79 mg**
L-Pyroglutamic Acid49.79 mg**
L-Cysteine49.74 mg**
L-Glutamine49.64 mg**
L-Ornithine HCl49.54 mg**
Taurine49.25 mg**
Reduced Glutathione49.00 mg**
Female Health Support Blend340 mg**
Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root)100 mg**
Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide)100 mg**
Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin)90 mg**
Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside)50 mg**
Enzyme Blend150 mg**
Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)50 mg**
Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus)50 mg**
Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)30 mg**
Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)20 mg**
Immunity Stimulating Blend147 mg**
Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Leaf)50 mg**
Olive Leaf Extract (Olea europaea) (providing 7.5 mg of Oleuropein)50 mg**
Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**
Tea Polysaccharides (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract)12 mg**
Eye Health Blend53 mg**
Bilberry Extract (Vaccinium myrtillus Fruit) (providing 10 mg of Anthocyanins)40 mg**
Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud)9.6 mg**
Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)2.5 mg**
Astaxanthin (from 26.6 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis)0.8 mg**
Zeaxanthin (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)0.5 mg**
* Percent daily values (DV) are based on a 2000 calorie diet ** Daily value (DV) not established
1. Parannettu ravitsemustuki: Kokonais tasapaino Naisten palkkio sisältää kattavan sekoituksen vitamiineja, mineraaleja ja muita välttämättömiä ravintoaineita, jotka on erityisesti suunniteltu tukemaan naisten terveyttä. Tämä voi auttaa parantamaan yleistä terveyttä ja hyvinvointia sekä tukea tiettyjä alueita, kuten luun terveyttä, sydän- ja verisuoniterveyttä ja immuunitoimintaa.
2. Hormonaalitasapaino: Tämä tuote sisältää myös luonnollisia ainesosia, kuten Dong Quai, Black Cohosh ja CHasteberry, jotka tunnetaan kyvystään tukea naisten hormonaalista tasapainoa. Tämä voi auttaa lievittämään PMS: n ja vaihdevuosien oireita, kuten mielialan vaihtelut, kuumat aaltot ja kuukautisten väärinkäytökset, mikä johtaa parantuneeseen terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin.

Yhteensä tasapaino naisten palkkio, 210 tablettia - Xtendlife

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Myyntihinta £142.44
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Product Description

Esittelyssä naisten kokonaismäärä, lopullinen lisäys optimaaliseen terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin. Tämän XtendLifen tuote on täynnä 210 tablettia, ja se on suunniteltu erityisesti naisille tarjoamaan kattavaa tukea heidän yksilöllisille tarpeilleen.
Formuloitu voimakkaalla sekoituksella vitamiineja, mineraaleja, antioksidantteja ja yrttiuutteita, ja Balance Galance Falance's Premium on yhden luukun ratkaisu yleisen hyvinvoinnin edistämiseen. Se sisältää välttämättömiä ravintoaineita, kuten D -vitamiini, kalsium ja magnesium luun terveyden tukemiseksi, samoin kuin rauta- ja foolihappoa terveiden verisolujen ylläpitämiseksi.
Mutta se ei ole kaikki, Balance Naisten vakuutusmaksu kokonaissaldaaminen on yli ja kohdistamalla myös erityisiin naisten terveysongelmiin. Se sisältää ainesosat, kuten ilta -primroseöljy.


A-vitamiini (luonnollisina sekoitettuina karotenoideina), C-vitamiini (183,5 mg kalsium-askorbaattia, 200 mg kalium-askorbaattia ja 42,5 mg askorbyylipalmitaattia), D-vitamiinia (kolekalsiferolina), E-vitamiinia (D-Alpha-tokoferyylisukella. /Soijaöljyt ja tokotrienoli/tokoferolikompleksi (afrikkalaisesta öljypalmusta)) (1 mg = 1,21 IU), K-vitamiini (nimellä Menakinone-4), tiamiinia (13,7 mg: n tiamiini HCL: stä), riboflaviini (19,7 mg riboflavin-hcl: stä 5-fosfaatti), niasiini (14,1 mg: sta nikotiinihappoa ja 14,1 mg niacinamidia), B6-vitamiini (11,8 mg pyridoksaali-5-fosfaatista), foolihapposta, B12-vitamiinista (kobamidina), biotiini, pantoteenihappo (kobamidina), biotiini, pantoteenihappo 45,6 mg kalsium -pantoteenia), kalsium (100 mg: n kalsiumista (punaisesta levästä (litohamnium -lajit)), dicalciumfosfaatista, 183,5 mg kalsium askorbaattia, 60 mg kalsiummagnesiuminositoliheksusfosfaattia ja 45,6 mg kalsium -panpotenaattia), fosforus (fosforus Dicalcium-fosfaatti, kalsiummagnesium inositoli-heksafosfaatti, riboflaviini-5-fosfaatti ja pyridoksaali-5-fosfaatti), jodilla (198 MCG: n kaliumjodidista), magnesiumista (200 mg: sta Aquamin Magnesium ™: stä (magnesiumhydroksidi merivedestä), 104,5 MG of of Sea Water), 104,5 MG Magnesium stearaatti ja 60 mg kalsiummagnesiuminositoliheksfosfaattia), sinkki (31,1 mg sinkkisitraattia), selenium (265 mcg L-seelenometioniinia), mangaanista (8 mg mangaanin sitraatista), kromi (901 MCG kromia. Pikolinaatti), molybdeeni (641 mcg molybdeeniglyskinaatista), kalium (200 mg kalium-askorbaattia, 100 mg tripotsiomitraattia ja 0,19 mg kaliumjodidia), RNA (ribonukleiinihappo hiivasta), N-asetyyli, L-sysiini , Vihreän teenuutetta (Camellia sinensis -lehdestä) (tarjoaa 80 mg katekiineja), maito -ohdakeuutetta (Silybum Marianum -siemenestä) (tarjoamalla 80 mg silymariineja), MSM (metyylisulfonyylimetaani), soijalecitiini (fosfatidyylikoliinin lähde) , Betain HCL, koliinibitartraatti, DMG HCL, N-asetyyliglukosamiini, hesperidiini (katkerasta oranssista (sitrushedelmä aurantti), hedelmä), inositolista (inositolista ja kalsiummagnesiumin inositoli-heksafosfaatista), samasta (96 mg S-adenosyylimeetioniinin tontiiviin) , Bacopa -uute (Bacopa Monnieri -lehti) (joka tarjoaa 15 mg bacosideja), inkivääruutteen (Zingiber OffiCinale -juuri) (toimittaa 2,5 mg gingeroleja), ginkgouutteen (ginkgo biloba -lehti) (tuottaen 11 mg ginkgo -flavonoglykosideja ja 2,7 mg terpeeniä Lactones), Guggul -kumiuutetta (Commiphora Mukuls -kumista) (guggulsteronien lähde), Masson -mäntykuoruuute (Pinus Massoniana), Nigella (musta kumina) uutte (Nigella sativa -siemen) (vastaa 200 mg mustaa kumina -siemeniä), PABA (p-aminobentsoehappo), kurkumauute (curcuma longa -juuri) (tarjoamalla 47,5 mg kurkuminoideja), alfa-lipoiinihappo, Myricetin (70 mg Bayberry (Myrica Cerifera) -lehtiuutteesta), Horsetail -uutetta (Equisetum Arvense, STEMA & STEMER) Leaf), rypäleen siemenuute (VITIS Vinifera -lajit) (tarjoaa vähintään 450 mg/g fenolia), mineraalimerensuoloja (tarjoamalla hivenaineita, mukaan lukien rubidium, strontium ja volframi), piperiini (30 mg piper nigrum (musta) hedelmää Uralla), trans-reveratrol (50 mg japanilaisesta solmiopetuksesta (polygonum cuspidatum) -teitä), isoflavoneista (50 mg soijauutteesta), koentsyymi Q-10 (Kaneka Ubideecarenone (ubikinoni)), luteoliinista (Peanutista (Arachis Hypogaea)) ) Shell), sinimailanenuute (Medicago sativa -lehti ja varsi) (vastaa 120 mg tuoretta sinimailanen), fosfatidyyli-L-seriiniä (50 mg soijauutteesta), politiikassa (8,8 mg sokeriruo'onuutetta), punainen apilauute) (Trifolium pratense -lehti ja varsi) (tarjoamalla 2,8 mg isoflavoneja), ATP (adenosiinitrifosfaatti hiivasta), tokotrienoli/tokoferolikompleksi (10 mg evnolmax®: sta afrikkalaisesta öljypalmusta), vinpocetine, lykopeenista (4,5 mg toloutetta) , Boori (13,6 mg: sta boorisitraattia), aminohapposekoitus, l-histidiini HCl, L-lysiini HCl, L-karnosiini, L-tyrosiini, L-arginiini HCl, L-methioniini, L-proliini, L-pyroglutamiinihappo , L-kysteiini, l-glutamiini, l-oornitine hcl, tauriini, pelkistetty Glutationi, Dong Quai -uutte (Angelica Sinensis -juuri), Feverfew-uute (Tanacetum Parthenium Leaf) (tarjoamalla 700 mcg parthenolidia), kiinalainen jamuuute (Dioscorea vasta-aineiden juuret) (tarjoamalla 7,2 mg diosgeniinia), chastoberry-uutetta (Vitex Agnus-castus Berry ) (Tarjoaa 250 mcg Agnuside), entsyymiseoksen, bromelaiinin (ananasvarren), Nattozimes® (proteaasi aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus -melleuksen käymisestä), amylaasin (Aspergillus oryzaen käymisestä), lipaasi (Fermentoinnista Aspergillus -niger) , Immuniteetti stimuloiva sekoitus, aloe vera (aloe barbadensis -lehtiuute) (vastaa 10 000 mg tuoretta aloe -lehtiä), oliivilehtiuutetta (Olea europaea) (tarjoamalla 7,5 mg oleuropeinia), beetaglukaania (hiivasta), teepolysakkarideja (kotoisin) (hiivasta), teepolysakkarideja (peräisin 50 mg Camellia sinensis -lehtiuutteesta), Bilberry -uutte (Vaccinium Myrtillus -hedelmät) (tarjoaa 10 mg antosyaaneja), Rutin (japanilaisesta Sophora Budista), luteiinista (50 mg: n atsteekin marigold -kukkauutetta), astaksantiinista (26,6 mg: sta of 26,6 mg: sta Haematococcus pluvialis), zeaksantiini (10 mg atsteekin marigold -kukkauutetta). Mikrokiteinen selluloosa, dekstroosi, enteerinen päällyste (puhdistettu vesi, etyyliselluloosa, ammoniumhydroksidi, keskiketjun triglyseridit, öljyhappo, natriumkarboksimetyyliselluloosa, talkki, polydekstroosi), maltodekstriini, silikonidioksidi, natriumkarbokstroosi.

Refer to the product packaging label for ingredient updates.

Delivery & Returns

UK, Europe & Rest of the World Shipping Details:
Same day dispatch for orders placed by 2pm (Orders after 2pm dispatched next working day).

Free shipping on orders over £45 to the UK.

Returns: Our products are meant to make you feel healthy and at your best. If you need to return your item, you can do so free of charge within 14 days in the same original and unopened packaging.

How to use

Ohjeet lisäravinteiden ottamiseen: Aikuisten naisten suositeltu päivittäinen annos on 7 tablettia. Nämä tabletit voidaan ottaa kaikki kerralla aamulla tai jakaa kahteen annokseen - yksi aamulla ja yksi myöhemmin päivällä. Voit ottaa tabletit ruoan kanssa tai ilman sitä mieluummin.

Please consult the product packaging for accurate instructions on how to use the product.

Nutritional Information

Supplement Facts Serving size: 7 Tablets Servings per container: 30
Amount Per Serving % DV Calories 30 Calories from Fat 10 Total Fat 1 g 2%* Total Carbohydrate 2 g 1%* Dietary Fiber 2 g 8%* Protein 2 g 4%* Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids) 5000 IU 100% Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate) 280 mg 467% Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 500 IU 125% Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU) 102 IU 340% Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4) 180 mcg 225% Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl) 12 mg 800% Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate) 10 mg 588% Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide) 26 mg 130% Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 8 mg 400% Folic Acid 323 mcg 81% Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide) 25 mcg 417% Biotin 400 mcg 133% Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate) 41 mg 410% Calcium (from 100 mg Calcium (from Red Algae (Lithothamnium species)), 91.5 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate and 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate) 81 mg 8% Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 30 mg 3% Iodine (from 198 mcg Potassium Iodide) 150 mcg 100% Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 104.5 mg of Magnesium Stearate and 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate) 70 mg 18% Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate) 9 mg 60% Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine) 100 mcg 143% Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate) 2 mg 100% Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate) 106 mcg 88% Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate) 64 mcg 85% Potassium (from 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate, 100 mg of Tripotassium Citrate and 0.19 mg of Potassium Iodide) 71 mg 2% RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast) 150 mg ** N-Acetyl L-Cysteine 148 mg ** Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 80 mg of Catechins) 100 mg ** Milk Thistle Extract (from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 80 mg of Silymarins) 100 mg ** MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane) 100 mg ** Betain HCl 98 mg ** Choline Bitartrate 93 mg ** DMG HCl 90 mg ** N-Acetyl Glucosamine 79 mg ** Hesperidin (from Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium), Fruit) 74 mg ** Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides) 70 mg ** Inositol (from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate) 59 mg ** SAMe (from 96 mg of S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate) 51 mg ** Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 2.5 mg of Gingerols) 50 mg ** Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 11 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides and 2.7 mg of Terpene Lactones) 50 mg ** Guggul Gum Extract (from Commiphora mukul Gum) (a source of Guggulsterones) 50 mg ** Masson Pine Bark Extract (Pinus massoniana) 50 mg ** Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds) 50 mg ** PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid) 50 mg ** Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids) 50 mg ** Alpha Lipoic Acid 49 mg ** Myricetin (from 70 mg of Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) Leaf Extract ) 49 mg ** Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense, Stem & Leaf) 40 mg ** Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera species) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics) 30 mg ** Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten) 30 mg ** Piperine (from 30 mg of Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract) 28 mg ** Phosphatidyl Choline (from Sunflower Seed Lecithin) 25 mg ** Trans-Resveratrol (from 50 mg of Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) Root Extract) 25 mg ** Isoflavones (from 50 mg of Soybean Extract) 20 mg ** Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone)) 19 mg ** Luteolin (from Peanut Shell Japanese Sophora Bud & Flower) 18 mg ** Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa) 10 mg ** Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 50 mg of Sunflower Extract) 10 mg ** Policosanol (from 8.8 mg of Sugar Cane Extract) 8 mg ** Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2.8 mg of Isoflavones) 7 mg ** ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast) 5 mg ** Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 10 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm) 1.9 mg ** Lycopene (from 4.5 mg Tomato Extract) 900 mcg ** Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate) 600 mcg ** Amino Acid Blend 1.1g ** L-Histidine HCl 200.00 mg L-Lysine HCl 164.18 mg ** L-Carnosine 148.50 mg ** L-Tyrosine 100.00 mg ** L-Arginine HCl 89.64 mg ** L-Methionine 89.28 mg ** L-Proline 49.79 mg ** L-Pyroglutamic Acid 49.79 mg ** L-Cysteine 49.74 mg ** L-Glutamine 49.64 mg ** L-Ornithine HCl 49.54 mg ** Taurine 49.25 mg ** Reduced Glutathione 49.00 mg ** Female Health Support Blend 340 mg ** Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root) 100 mg ** Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide) 100 mg ** Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin) 90 mg ** Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside) 50 mg ** Enzyme Blend 150 mg ** Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem) 50 mg ** Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus) 50 mg ** Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae) 30 mg ** Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger) 20 mg ** Immunity Stimulating Blend 147 mg ** Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Leaf) 50 mg ** Olive Leaf Extract (Olea europaea) (providing 7.5 mg of Oleuropein) 50 mg ** Beta Glucan (from Yeast) 35 mg ** Tea Polysaccharides (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract) 12 mg ** Eye Health Blend 53 mg ** Bilberry Extract (Vaccinium myrtillus Fruit) (providing 10 mg of Anthocyanins) 40 mg ** Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud) 9.6 mg ** Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 2.5 mg ** Astaxanthin (from 26.6 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis) 0.8 mg ** Zeaxanthin (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract) 0.5 mg **Amount Per Serving% DVCalories30Calories from Fat10Total Fat1 g2%*Total Carbohydrate2 g1%*Dietary Fiber2 g8%*Protein2 g4%*Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids)5000 IU100%Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)280 mg467%Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)500 IU125%Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)102 IU340%Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4)180 mcg225%Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl)12 mg800%Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)10 mg588%Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide)26 mg130%Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)8 mg400%Folic Acid323 mcg81%Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)25 mcg417%Biotin400 mcg133%Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)41 mg410%Calcium (from 100 mg Calcium (from Red Algae (Lithothamnium species)), 91.5 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate and 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)81 mg8%Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)30 mg3%Iodine (from 198 mcg Potassium Iodide)150 mcg100%Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 104.5 mg of Magnesium Stearate and 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)70 mg18%Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate)9 mg60%Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)100 mcg143%Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate)2 mg100%Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)106 mcg88%Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)64 mcg85%Potassium (from 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate, 100 mg of Tripotassium Citrate and 0.19 mg of Potassium Iodide)71 mg2%RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast)150 mg**N-Acetyl L-Cysteine148 mg**Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 80 mg of Catechins)100 mg**Milk Thistle Extract (from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 80 mg of Silymarins)100 mg**MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)100 mg**Betain HCl98 mg**Choline Bitartrate93 mg**DMG HCl90 mg**N-Acetyl Glucosamine79 mg**Hesperidin (from Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium), Fruit)74 mg**Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides)70 mg**Inositol (from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)59 mg**SAMe (from 96 mg of S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)51 mg**Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 2.5 mg of Gingerols)50 mg**Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 11 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides and 2.7 mg of Terpene Lactones)50 mg**Guggul Gum Extract (from Commiphora mukul Gum) (a source of Guggulsterones)50 mg**Masson Pine Bark Extract (Pinus massoniana)50 mg**Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)50 mg**Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids)50 mg**Alpha Lipoic Acid49 mg**Myricetin (from 70 mg of Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) Leaf Extract )49 mg**Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense, Stem & Leaf)40 mg**Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera species) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics)30 mg**Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten)30 mg**Piperine (from 30 mg of Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)28 mg**Phosphatidyl Choline (from Sunflower Seed Lecithin)25 mg**Trans-Resveratrol (from 50 mg of Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) Root Extract)25 mg**Isoflavones (from 50 mg of Soybean Extract)20 mg**Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))19 mg**Luteolin (from Peanut Shell Japanese Sophora Bud & Flower)18 mg**Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)10 mg**Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 50 mg of Sunflower Extract)10 mg**Policosanol (from 8.8 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)8 mg**Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2.8 mg of Isoflavones)7 mg**ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)5 mg**Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 10 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)1.9 mg**Lycopene (from 4.5 mg Tomato Extract)900 mcg**Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)600 mcg**Amino Acid Blend1.1g**L-Histidine HCl200.00 mgL-Lysine HCl164.18 mg**L-Carnosine148.50 mg**L-Tyrosine100.00 mg**L-Arginine HCl89.64 mg**L-Methionine89.28 mg**L-Proline49.79 mg**L-Pyroglutamic Acid49.79 mg**L-Cysteine49.74 mg**L-Glutamine49.64 mg**L-Ornithine HCl49.54 mg**Taurine49.25 mg**Reduced Glutathione49.00 mg**Female Health Support Blend340 mg**Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root)100 mg**Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide)100 mg**Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin)90 mg**Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside)50 mg**Enzyme Blend150 mg**Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)50 mg**Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus)50 mg**Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)30 mg**Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)20 mg**Immunity Stimulating Blend147 mg**Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Leaf)50 mg**Olive Leaf Extract (Olea europaea) (providing 7.5 mg of Oleuropein)50 mg**Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**Tea Polysaccharides (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract)12 mg**Eye Health Blend53 mg**Bilberry Extract (Vaccinium myrtillus Fruit) (providing 10 mg of Anthocyanins)40 mg**Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud)9.6 mg**Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)2.5 mg**Astaxanthin (from 26.6 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis)0.8 mg**Zeaxanthin (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)0.5 mg**
Amount Per Serving% DV
Calories from Fat10
Total Fat1 g2%*
Total Carbohydrate2 g1%*
Dietary Fiber2 g8%*
Protein2 g4%*
Vitamin A (as Natural Mixed Carotenoids)5000 IU100%
Vitamin C (from 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate and 42.5 mg of Ascorbyl Palmitate)280 mg467%
Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol)500 IU125%
Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate from Vegetable Oils & Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from African Oil Palm)) (1 mg = 1.21 IU)102 IU340%
Vitamin K (as Menaquinone-4)180 mcg225%
Thiamin (from 13.7 mg of Thiamin HCl)12 mg800%
Riboflavin (from 19.7 mg of Riboflavin-5-Phosphate)10 mg588%
Niacin (from 14.1 mg of Nicotinic Acid & 14.1 mg of Niacinamide)26 mg130%
Vitamin B6 (from 11.8 mg of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)8 mg400%
Folic Acid323 mcg81%
Vitamin B12 (as Cobamamide)25 mcg417%
Biotin400 mcg133%
Pantothenic Acid (from 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)41 mg410%
Calcium (from 100 mg Calcium (from Red Algae (Lithothamnium species)), 91.5 mg of Dicalcium Phosphate, 183.5 mg of Calcium Ascorbate, 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate and 45.6 mg of Calcium Pantothenate)81 mg8%
Phosphorus (from Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate and Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)30 mg3%
Iodine (from 198 mcg Potassium Iodide)150 mcg100%
Magnesium (from 200 mg of Aquamin Magnesium, (Magnesium Hydroxide from Sea Water), 104.5 mg of Magnesium Stearate and 60 mg of Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)70 mg18%
Zinc (from 31.1 mg of Zinc Citrate)9 mg60%
Selenium (from 265 mcg of L-Selenomethionine)100 mcg143%
Manganese (from 8 mg of Manganese Citrate)2 mg100%
Chromium (from 901 mcg of Chromium Picolinate)106 mcg88%
Molybdenum (from 641 mcg of Molybdenum Glycinate)64 mcg85%
Potassium (from 200 mg of Potassium Ascorbate, 100 mg of Tripotassium Citrate and 0.19 mg of Potassium Iodide)71 mg2%
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid from Yeast)150 mg**
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine148 mg**
Green Tea Extract (from Camellia sinensis Leaf) (providing 80 mg of Catechins)100 mg**
Milk Thistle Extract (from Silybum marianum Seed) (providing 80 mg of Silymarins)100 mg**
MSM (Methylsulfonyl Methane)100 mg**
Betain HCl98 mg**
Choline Bitartrate93 mg**
DMG HCl90 mg**
N-Acetyl Glucosamine79 mg**
Hesperidin (from Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium), Fruit)74 mg**
Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri Leaf) (providing 15 mg of Bacosides)70 mg**
Inositol (from Inositol and Calcium Magnesium Inositol Hexaphosphate)59 mg**
SAMe (from 96 mg of S-Adenosylmethionine Tosylate)51 mg**
Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale Root) (providing 2.5 mg of Gingerols)50 mg**
Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba Leaf) (providing 11 mg of Ginkgo Flavonoglycosides and 2.7 mg of Terpene Lactones)50 mg**
Guggul Gum Extract (from Commiphora mukul Gum) (a source of Guggulsterones)50 mg**
Masson Pine Bark Extract (Pinus massoniana)50 mg**
Nigella (Black Cumin) Extract (Nigella sativa Seed) (equivalent to 200 mg of Black Cumin Seeds)50 mg**
PABA (p-Aminobenzoic Acid)50 mg**
Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa Root) (providing 47.5 mg of Curcuminoids)50 mg**
Alpha Lipoic Acid49 mg**
Myricetin (from 70 mg of Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) Leaf Extract )49 mg**
Horsetail Extract (Equisetum arvense, Stem & Leaf)40 mg**
Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera species) (providing at least 450 mg/g Phenolics)30 mg**
Mineral Sea Salts (providing trace elements including Rubidium, Strontium and Tungsten)30 mg**
Piperine (from 30 mg of Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Extract)28 mg**
Phosphatidyl Choline (from Sunflower Seed Lecithin)25 mg**
Trans-Resveratrol (from 50 mg of Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) Root Extract)25 mg**
Isoflavones (from 50 mg of Soybean Extract)20 mg**
Coenzyme Q-10 (Kaneka Ubidecarenone (Ubiquinone))19 mg**
Luteolin (from Peanut Shell Japanese Sophora Bud & Flower)18 mg**
Alfalfa Extract (Medicago sativa Leaf & Stem) (equivalent to 120 mg of Fresh Alfalfa)10 mg**
Phosphatidyl L-Serine (from 50 mg of Sunflower Extract)10 mg**
Policosanol (from 8.8 mg of Sugar Cane Extract)8 mg**
Red Clover Extract (Trifolium pratense Leaf & Stem) (providing 2.8 mg of Isoflavones)7 mg**
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate from Yeast)5 mg**
Tocotrienol/Tocopherol Complex (from 10 mg of EVNolMax® from African Oil Palm)1.9 mg**
Lycopene (from 4.5 mg Tomato Extract)900 mcg**
Boron (from 13.6 mg of Boron Citrate)600 mcg**
Amino Acid Blend1.1g**
L-Histidine HCl200.00 mg
L-Lysine HCl164.18 mg**
L-Carnosine148.50 mg**
L-Tyrosine100.00 mg**
L-Arginine HCl89.64 mg**
L-Methionine89.28 mg**
L-Proline49.79 mg**
L-Pyroglutamic Acid49.79 mg**
L-Cysteine49.74 mg**
L-Glutamine49.64 mg**
L-Ornithine HCl49.54 mg**
Taurine49.25 mg**
Reduced Glutathione49.00 mg**
Female Health Support Blend340 mg**
Dong Quai Extract (Angelica sinensis Root)100 mg**
Feverfew Extract (Tanacetum parthenium Leaf) (providing 700 mcg of Parthenolide)100 mg**
Chinese Yam Extract (Dioscorea oppositifolia Root) (providing 7.2 mg of Diosgenin)90 mg**
Chasteberry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus Berry) (providing 250 mcg of Agnuside)50 mg**
Enzyme Blend150 mg**
Bromelain (from Pineapple Stem)50 mg**
Nattozimes® (Protease from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae & Aspergillus melleus)50 mg**
Amylase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae)30 mg**
Lipase (from Fermentation of Aspergillus niger)20 mg**
Immunity Stimulating Blend147 mg**
Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract) (equivalent to 10,000 mg of Fresh Aloe Leaf)50 mg**
Olive Leaf Extract (Olea europaea) (providing 7.5 mg of Oleuropein)50 mg**
Beta Glucan (from Yeast)35 mg**
Tea Polysaccharides (from 50 mg of Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract)12 mg**
Eye Health Blend53 mg**
Bilberry Extract (Vaccinium myrtillus Fruit) (providing 10 mg of Anthocyanins)40 mg**
Rutin (from Japanese Sophora Bud)9.6 mg**
Lutein (from 50 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)2.5 mg**
Astaxanthin (from 26.6 mg of Haematococcus pluvialis)0.8 mg**
Zeaxanthin (from 10 mg of Aztec Marigold Flower Extract)0.5 mg**
* Percent daily values (DV) are based on a 2000 calorie diet ** Daily value (DV) not established
1. Parannettu ravitsemustuki: Kokonais tasapaino Naisten palkkio sisältää kattavan sekoituksen vitamiineja, mineraaleja ja muita välttämättömiä ravintoaineita, jotka on erityisesti suunniteltu tukemaan naisten terveyttä. Tämä voi auttaa parantamaan yleistä terveyttä ja hyvinvointia sekä tukea tiettyjä alueita, kuten luun terveyttä, sydän- ja verisuoniterveyttä ja immuunitoimintaa.
2. Hormonaalitasapaino: Tämä tuote sisältää myös luonnollisia ainesosia, kuten Dong Quai, Black Cohosh ja CHasteberry, jotka tunnetaan kyvystään tukea naisten hormonaalista tasapainoa. Tämä voi auttaa lievittämään PMS: n ja vaihdevuosien oireita, kuten mielialan vaihtelut, kuumat aaltot ja kuukautisten väärinkäytökset, mikä johtaa parantuneeseen terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin.

Katso koko alue


Perustuu 1 katsaukseen
Nancy Mack

Koko tasapaino naisten palkkio 210 tablettia Xtendlife on poikkeuksellinen. Ne tarjoavat kattavan ravitsemustuen ja ovat parantaneet huomattavasti yleistä terveyttäni. Helppo niellä ja lempeä vatsaan, nämä tabletit ovat välttämättömiä jokaiselle terveystietoiselle naiselle. Suosittelen!

What is the shelf life of Yhteensä tasapaino naisten palkkio, 210 tablettia - Xtendlife?


Content team: Dr Sameer Nakedar

Role: Chief Medical Officer

MBBS (London), MRCGP, PGCert

Content team: Paola Drexlar

Role: Medical Content Writer

BJMC - Bachelor of Journalism