Bursitis Treatment

Bursitis is a common medical issue that occurs when the fluid-filled sacs that are located between tissues and bones in the body become inflamed. It usually affects joints, such as the shoulder, elbow or hip, but can appear anywhere in the body. Bursitis happens for various reasons but can most often be attributed to repetitive movements, intense pressure from leaning on a joint for long periods of time, or infections. Symptoms of this condition include pain at the affected area, swelling and tenderness when touching the inflamed area. Treatment for bursitis usually involves resting the affected joint and keeping it in an elevated position when possible. Oral anti-inflammatory medications are sometimes prescribed to reduce pain and other severe cases may require injections into the site of inflammation. Readers of Welzo should read this article to learn more about Bursitis Treatment.

How to treat Bursitis

Bursitis can be managed in a number of ways at home. When trying to recover from an injury, rest is always crucial, and bursitis is no exception. Any activities that strain the injured joint or muscles should be avoided. Additionally useful for easing discomfort and inflammation is ice. Several times a day, apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes at a time. To help lessen pain and inflammation, you can also take over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. If these steps don't help, your doctor might suggest physical therapy or a stronger medication.

Causes of Bursitis

Usually, repetitive motion or overuse lead to bursitis. This may occur if you repeatedly engage in the same activity or apply excessive pressure to a joint. Infection or injury are other potential causes of bursitis. Bursitis can occasionally be brought on by an inflammatory disease such as arthritis.

Risk factors for Bursitis

Your risk of getting bursitis can be increased by a number of factors. These consist of:

- Age: Adults over the age of 40 are more likely to develop bursitis.
- Joint damage: If you have had a joint injury in the past or have a condition that damages joints, bursitis is more likely to develop.
- Repetitive motion: Bursitis is more likely to develop if you repeatedly perform the same activity.
- Poor posture: If you have poor posture or put too much pressure on a joint, bursitis is more likely to develop.


If you are at risk of developing bursitis, there are several things you can do to prevent it. These include:

- Resting the joint: If you are performing an activity that strains a joint, stop frequently to give the joint a chance to recover.
- Wearing supportive shoes: Wear supportive shoes that cushion and support your feet if you stand for extended periods of time.
- Stretching: Keep your muscles and joints flexible by stretching frequently.
- Muscle strengthening: Bursitis can be avoided by having strong muscles to support your joints.
- Upholding proper posture: Proper posture lessens the strain on your joints.
- Improving joint alignment: If your joints are out of alignment, bursitis is more likely to develop. Exercises that improve joint alignment can lower your risk of developing bursitis.