Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
The_Daily_Mirror_logo - welzo
Healthline_logo.svg_1 - welzo
metro_1 - welzo

Welzo -varakomponentit - kulta- ja violetti korkki

Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
Welzo Spare Components - Gold and Purple Cap - welzo
The_Daily_Mirror_logo - welzo
Healthline_logo.svg_1 - welzo
metro_1 - welzo

Alennushinta £4.99
100 Reviews

Etkö voi kerätä koko näytteen määrää? Pudotti putken tai lancetin lattiaan? 

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Sen mukana tulee:

1 kultakorkki kokoelmaputki

1 violetti korkki keräysputki

3 BD Lancetsia

1 puhdistuspyyhki, 1 alkoholipyyhki, 1 kipsi

1 etiketti verenkeruuputkelle

1 kPa kuljetuspussi

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The UK's Highest Rated Home Testing Provider

Online Influencer
Joanna Charice reviewed welzo.com
"After using the Welzo Tiredness & Fatigue Blood Test due to ongoing tiredness, I found the testing process simple and the results came quickly. They revealed low iron levels. With this knowledge, I adjusted my diet and started iron supplements, which markedly improved my energy. This test was a key part in addressing my fatigue."
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Jordan Waits reviewed welzo.com
"I simply ordered the test online, received it in the mail a few days later, and took the test in the comfort of my own home using a quick finger prick. The instructions were clear and easy to follow, and the process itself was quick and painless."
Health & Life Coach
Roxy Richards reviewed welzo.com
"I followed the recommendations provided by Welzo, and I have to say, I feel so much healthier now. I have a lot more energy, and I just feel better overall. It's amazing how much of a difference small changes can make"
Online Influencer
Mimi Reviews reviewed welzo.com
"The Welzo Female Hormone Test was a quick and effective way to shed light on my irregular periods. The results were clear and led to actionable insights, improving my discussions with my healthcare provider. Overall, a very positive experience."

Tohtori Sameer Nakedar

Welzo työskentelee kahdeksan erilaisen laboratorion kanssa kaikkialla Isossa -Britanniassa, Italiassa ja Tanskassa. Olemme luoneet suhteet parhaisiin tiloihin kansainvälisesti tekemällä tiivistä yhteistyötä kumppanilaboratorioidemme kanssa korkeimman tarkkuuden ja kliinisen tiedon varmistamiseksi.

Joten jos satut pudottamaan lancetin tai putken lattialle tai et pystynyt keräämään koko näytettä ensimmäisellä yrityksellä - tämä varaosasarja on juuri tarvitsemasi, jotta näytteitäsi lähetetään laboratorioon ja hankkimaan oivallus biomarkkeritasoistasi.

Tohtori Sameer Nakedar

How to take a Welzo -varakomponentit - kulta- ja violetti korkki

Collecting a blood sample for your finger prick home test is straightforward. Watch the video below for more details on how to take a home blood test.

  • how1 - welzo

    Pick your home test

    We have a wide range of tests to cover your health needs. Order with next day United Kingdom delivery and avoid sitting in a doctor's office or clinic. Use our quiz to find the right test for you.

  • how2 - welzo

    Take your test

    Activate your test and collect your sample in the morning. Return your sample on the same day, using the prepaid shipping label provided. Samples use a simple finger prick collection method that takes around 5 minutes to complete.

  • how3 - welzo

    Results within 48 hours

    You'll get verified results and insights into what the biomarkers mean. Order now to become a healthier you!

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Welzo -varakomponentit - kulta- ja violetti korkki Information

Specification of Welzo -varakomponentit - kulta- ja violetti korkki

  • Test name: Welzo -varakomponentit - kulta- ja violetti korkki
  • Also known as & related tests:
  • Biomarkers:
  • Test tube: SST + EDTA (kulta + violetti mikrotainer)
  • Brand: Welzo
  • Turn around time: Approx. 24 hours
  • Lab test ranges:
  • Test Kit Marking: MHRA/UKCA
  • Location of Lab: United Kingdom

What does a Welzo -varakomponentit - kulta- ja violetti korkki for? 

A Welzo -varakomponentit - kulta- ja violetti korkki tests for the following: .

Are Welzo -varakomponentit - kulta- ja violetti korkkis available on the NHS?

The NHS offers Welzo -varakomponentit - kulta- ja violetti korkkis subject to eligibility requirements, consultations and local guidelines.

Welzo's Award Winning UK Home Blood Tests
Convenient and fast
Convenient and fast

Welzo health tests are shipped straight to your address the very next day.

Secure and accurate
Secure and accurate

We are a team of UK based doctors and scientists, making cutting edge analysis accessible.

24/7 Customer Support
24/7 Customer Support

We issue results 24/7, giving you personal insights into your body with support from our UK based admin and lab team.


Perustuu 3 arvosteluun
Fernanda Cabrera

Ostin äskettäin Welzo -varakomponentit kulta- ja violetti korkki ja olen erittäin tyytyväinen. Laatu on huippuluokkaa ja se sopii täydellisesti. Kulta- ja violetti yhdistelmä on aivan upea. Suosittelen!

Simona Morasca

Arvostan mukavuutta siitä, että voin tilata reseptini verkossa welzo.com -sivustolla. Heidän toimituspalvelunsa on aina nopeaa.

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