
Kärkähäiriö on infektio, joka voi vaikuttaa miesten ja naisten suuhun, ihoon tai sukupuolielimiin. Thrushin hoito voi vähentää oireita muutamassa päivässä.

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thrush treatment

Mikä aiheuttaa sammas?

Thrush on sieni -infektio, joka voi levitä miesten ja naisten suu-, iho- ja sukupuolielinten alueille. Kärkänen aiheuttavat kehossa esiintyvät Candida -hiivat.

Mikä on paras välitön sammashelpotus?

Thrush on hiivainfektio, jota käsitellään sienilääkkeellä. Naisille tämä lääkitys voi tulla oraalisena tabletina, tabletina, jonka asetat emättimeen (pessary) tai kermana. Hoito voi yleensä puhdistaa tartunnan 7–14 päivän kuluessa, mutta oireet voivat kuitenkin alkaa vähentää pian ensimmäisen annoksen jälkeen.

naisista uskotaan kehittävän sammas ainakin kerran

Manchesterin yliopiston mukaan kolmen neljästä naisesta uskotaan olevan sammuttanut ainakin kerran elämässään.

naisista kärsivät sammas toistuvasti

Manchesterin yliopiston tutkijoiden mukaan jopa 6 prosenttia naisista kärsii sammuista useammin kuin kerran.

Osta sammashoito verkossa

”Jos sinulla on sammas, lääkärisi määrää todennäköisesti sienilääkkeet tartunnan puhdistamiseksi. Sinun on todennäköisesti käytettävä lääkitystä vähintään viikon ajan, ja sinun on ehkä jatkettava sen käyttöä useita viikkoja. Muista ottaa lääkitys täsmälleen määrätyllä tavalla! "

Tohtori Sameer Nakedar
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What are the symptoms of thrush in a man?

Common symptoms of thrush in males are:

1. Irritation, redness and rashes in and around the penis

2. White fluid discharge

3. Painful sex or urination

4. Unpleasant odour

Where does thrush appear?

For women, thrush usually affects the vagina. Since thrush is a fungal infection, it can also affect other areas of the skin including the armpits, groin or between the fingers.

How long does it take to receive my order?

All orders placed before 14:00 from Monday to Friday will be dispatched that day. The orders are sent using 24 Hour Tracked delivery provided by Royal Mail. Items will usually arrive the very next day after the order has been placed. We also provide tracking for your orders to check the status and location of your parcel.

How is the medication packaged?

All our medication is packaged in plain confidential padded white or brown envelopes. This ensures that your orders are discreet, and the content of the orders will be for your eyes only.

Can I return my order?

For non-medicinal products, you are eligible to return the product within 14 days of receipt in the same packaging you received. For medicinal products, you are eligible to cancel the order only until it has been dispatched. From that point forward, you are no longer eligible to return the order.

Is this medication suitable for me?

Please get in touch with a doctor if you are unsure what medication is suitable for you. You can also complete our online consultation form to check your eligibility for the product.

What do I do if I keep getting thrush?

If you have recurring thrush, you may need to take treatment for longer. Your GP or sexual health clinic can help to figure out what may be causing the thrush and provide additional support.

How can I ease my discomfort at home?

You can clear up your infection by using oral or topical medication. Other ways include using water and an emollient instead of soap when washing the affected area, drying the area properly after washing, wearing cotton underwear and avoiding sex until the thrush has cleared up if it is uncomfortable.

What is an online consultation?

An online consultation checks if you are eligible to purchase the product. Some products only require an online consultation which approximately takes 1 minute to complete, enabling you to buy the product. Other products will also require a prescription; in this case, you will need to complete the online consultation, and then one of our partner pharmacy prescribers or doctors will review the online consultation questions and approve the order for delivery if you are eligible to purchase the item.

When will my order be delivered?

If you have placed an order before 14:00 Monday to Friday, you will receive the order the next day.

Can I cancel my order?

You have the right to cancel your order for medication up to the point when your medication is dispatched.

Can I order this if I am under 18 years old?

No, we do not accept orders from individuals under 18. All orders must be placed by adults only.

How do thrush treatments work?

Antifungal medications are used to treat thrush. It usually takes 1-2 weeks to relieve irritation and clear up the symptoms. Thrush can be treated using a cream or tablet. The cream can be applied to the affected area while the tablet is to be inserted into the vagina for women suffering from thrush.

What is the difference between thrush in men and women thrush?

Typically thrush in women presents itself through itching, irritation and white vaginal discharge. Furthermore, women may experience soreness, stinging and discomfort during intercourse and urination. Men experience itching and stinging near the head of the penis and foreskin area as well as white discharge.

Is thrush a type of STI?

No, thrush is a yeast infection. It is considered harmless, may be recurring, and also causes discomfort around genital areas for both men and women but is not classed as a sexually transmitted infection.

What are other types of thrush?

Thrush can occur in other areas of the skin such as the groin, hands and armpits. Also, oral thrush can develop usually in the mouths of babies and the elderly. Oral thrush is a harmless type of thrush also, it can be easily treated using mouth gels, however if left untreated it can spread to other bodily areas.