Avocado olie til hår: måder at bruge det på til de bedste resultater

Avocado Oil for Hair: Ways to Use It for Best Results- Welzo

Avocado oil has many benefits for hair growth, such as preventing hair breakage and reducing dandruff. Regular hair care through good hygiene practices and using hair oils dramatically impact the health and shine of the hair. The hair oils, such as avocado oil, benefit the scalp and keep the hair smooth and strong. 

Avocado oil, obtained from the plant Persea gratissima, is rich in monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and vitamins, and these ingredients are responsible for their various health benefits.

Avocado Oil for Hair: Ways to Use It for Best Results- Welzo

This article provides a closer look at the benefits of using avocado oil for hair care, ways to use it, and different associated risks. There are more details to explore – keep reading!

Benefits of Avocado oil for hair care 

Avocado oil has many ingredients that prevent hair from breaking. The scalp naturally contains numerous oils, but environmental factors or an uneven oil balance sometimes cause hair to become brittle and dry. 

A 2022 research paper published in the International Journal of Trichology found that using vegetable oils on the scalp coats the hair follicles, prevents damage at the hair base, and prevents hair from breaking later during growth. The efficacy of all oils for this purpose is different, and some are better for the job than others. 

The monounsaturated and saturated oils penetrate the hair better than polyunsaturated oils. Avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and is thus an excellent choice for hair growth and recovery. Furthermore, it contains antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that help make the hair healthier and stronger. 

The following benefits of avocado oil are well known. 

Prevention of hair breakage 

When brittle and dry, hair strands quickly break; using a thin layer of oil to coat the hair is an excellent way to make the threads more flexible. It prevents hair breakage even when tying up or brushing. To avoid hair breakage, gently treating it is advised. For this purpose, a good detangler technique is first to brush the hair ends and then proceed slowly. 

It is also advised to avoid using elastic bands or tying the hair too tightly, as this damages the hair strands or damages them at the root. Relaxing hair, hair treatments, and bleaching also damage the hair. The hair threads don't experience severe breakage issues after applying avocado oil, and lubrication is a good way to prevent further hair damage. 

The surprising health benefits of avocado oil are not limited to the scalp; it impacts the whole health. We have summed up the 7 surprising benefits of avocado oil in another article; visit us to read it.

Dandruff reduction 

A well-hydrated scalp keeps the hair healthier. However, if the skin is flaky or dry, it is a good practice to use an oil, e.g., avocado oil, to massage the scalp before conditioning and washing. Avocado oil on the scalp reduces dandruff, moisturises the scalp and prevents flaky and dry scalps. 

Avocado Oil for Hair: Ways to Use It for Best Results- Welzo

Hair detangle 

Applying avocado oil at the hair ends helps the hair detangle. A small amount of avocado oil is advised to coat the hair ends, and the fingers are used for a smoother brushing experience. A wide-toothed comb is adequate for gentle detangles, and a hairbrush can be used for further brushing. 

Protection from hair damage 

Environmental damage, such as exposure to chlorine, seawater, sunlight, and various pollutants, quickly dries out hair shafts. The application of avocado oil prevents this damage to the hair follicles. Before sunbathing or swimming in the sea, coating the hair with a thin layer of avocado oil helps prevent damage. 

Long hair should be tied in a plait or bun to stop oil flow to the skin. In strong sunlight, it is advised always to use sunscreen or wear a hat to protect the head. Regularly rinsing the hair after contact with chlorine and seawater helps prevent the hair from drying out. 

Ways to use avocado oil for hair growth 

There are numerous ways to apply avocado oil on the scalp and hair. This oil is readily available at online stores, health shops, and supermarkets and can be purchased easily. For example, Welzo has Every Bit Organic Raw Avocado Oil, which ensures all the benefits of avocado oil. Visit us to buy it.

The following ways to use avocado oil are highly beneficial for scalp & hair; 

Hair mask 

Mashed avocado is used to prepare a hair mask. The natural oils present in the avocado help lubricate the hair, making it more healthy and shiny. The usual process to prepare an avocado hair mask is as follows; 

Remove the peel and stone from an avocado and mash half of it in a bowl. Add one tablespoon of honey and one egg yolk and combine these ingredients well. Apply it to damp and clean hair and keep it on for at least 30 minutes. Finally, dry the hair after thorough rinsing.

Avocado Oil for Hair: Ways to Use It for Best Results- Welzo

It is advised to be used once a fortnight as a hair treatment. 

Scalp massage 

Massaging the scalp with avocado oil and moisturising it by rubbing oil into it helps treat a flaky and dry scalp, according to the suggestions of the National Health Services United Kingdom. If properly done, this massage prevents scalp dandruff. An excellent way to practise massage with avocado oil is; 

Warm the required amount of oil in the bowl in a microwave oven or a hot water jug for a few seconds. Now, gently separate the hair and apply oil to the scalp with a cotton ball or fingertips. Use circular and small motions to massage the scalp on affected areas. A good practice is to leave the oil on the scalp for a little time before rinsing it with routine shampooing. 


After using shampoos, which can sometimes dry hair, avocado oil can be used as a good conditioner. It is particularly beneficial if one has damaged and dry hair. After shampooing the hair, apply a small amount of avocado oil to the fingers and run it through the hair from the tips to the roots. 

Avocado Oil for Hair: Ways to Use It for Best Results- Welzo

Repeat this process as often as needed to coat the hair with the avocado oil. After some time, use warm water to rinse the oil. 

Avocado oil for hot oil treatment 

For this purpose, one only needs extra virgin coconut oil, avocado oil, a saucepan, a glass jar, and a warm towel. Boil some water in the saucepan, add 3-5 tablespoons of each extra virgin coconut and avocado oil and combine this mixture in the glass jar. For better results, add some drops of essential oil, e.g., lavender or rosemary oil. 

Place this jar in hot water for a few minutes. Test the warmth of the oil on the wrist before applying it to the scalp. Massage this oil into the washed head and wrap it with a towel for at least 20 minutes. Finally, use warm water to wash this treatment out. 

Use as a shampoo

A good shampoo is critical and necessary regardless of the haircare routine. A good advice is to search for shampoos containing avocado oil in the ingredient list. The shampoo with avocado oil at Welzo is Alberto Balsam Blends Shampoo for Damage Repair. It is a cost-effective choice for avocado oil lovers. Visit our page to buy it.

Use as a dandruff-busting hair treatment

Dandruff is due to various causes, including weather, colour treatments and stress. The avocado oil's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and fat contents nourish the irritated and dry scalp and reduce flaking. It is thus a convenient and quick way to add these valuable ingredients to your hair care routine.

Use as a Styling serum

Another way to use it on the scalp is as a styling serum. Avocado oil styling serum is not very expensive, and there is no need to spend a lot of cash. The avocado oil's omega-9 and omega-3 fatty acids improve a healthy mane. Apply this oil on the hair shaft with fingers up to the ends and use a good-quality brush to distribute the oil naturally. 

Risks of using avocado oil 

There are some risks associated with the use of avocado oil. For example, a few people have avocado allergies, although they are much lower in number than other food allergies. The risk of avocado allergies becomes several times if the person is allergic to latex. 

Before using avocado oil for the first time, it is recommended to perform a patch test on a small skin patch before applying it directly to the skin. If it causes discomfort or redness at the spot or on the surrounding tissues, it is advised to leave the oil and use another oil. Another important factor to consider is that the hair on the scalp is made of dead cells, and it doesn't absorb nutrients as quickly as the skin. 

Avocado Oil for Hair: Ways to Use It for Best Results- Welzo

The best practice is to use avocado oil to massage the scalp, as the positive effects that appear after its application to the hair are short-lived. Thus, using products and oils on the hair doesn't promote hair growth. 

This process occurs from within the body and at a steady rate for most people. It is challenging and occasionally impossible to speed up this procedure. A healthy diet offers a good alternative and helps encourage strong and healthy hair growth from within.

Avocado oil and hair type 

Generally, avocado oil is best and works excellently for all hair types. It penetrates deep into the hair shaft and scalp and is an excellent treatment for damaged hair. The only negative thing to note is having an avocado allergy. In the case of very fine hair, it must be used in a very small amount and applied gently to the hair shafts. 

Frequently Asked Questions  

Which is the ideal way to use avocado oil for rapid hair growth? 

The best method is to add oils to a glass container and place them in a preheated water bowl to heat properly. Apply it to the hair shaft and scalp and wrap it with a warm towel or cap. Leave it for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. 

How can you improve hair growth by using avocado oil? 

It is a great source of B-complex vitamins, particularly biotin, and adding it to the diet improves hair growth. It also contains Minerals, such as magnesium and potassium, which will enhance the shine and look of the hair and prevent breakage. 

Is it OK to leave hair without washing after applying avocado oil? 

Avocado oil contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins that help hair grow. Its overnight application allows oil to penetrate the hair shaft, offer intense hydration, and repair hair damage. 

Is it OK to leave avocado oil on the scalp overnight? 

Yes, there is no issue, and leaving it overnight on the scalp is free of harm. Just rub a tablespoon or so of the avocado oil into the scalp in a circular motion. Cover it with a shower cap, and rinse it in the morning. 

Which is better for the scalp? Coconut oil or avocado oil?

Coconut oil dries hair and makes it brittle. Avocado oil, on the other hand, makes it shiny and moist without causing greasiness. So, it depends upon the hair type. The other uses of both oils are similar. 

What are the various side effects of using avocado oil? 

Avocado oil is associated with numerous side effects, and allergic reactions are a significant cause of concern for many people. Other issues that need attention are gastrointestinal issues, mouth allergies, and liver damage. Excess consumption of avocado oil is not safe for breastfeeding and pregnant mothers. 

Avocado Oil for Hair: Ways to Use It for Best Results- Welzo


Hair threads grow from a shaft and only take nutrients from the blood at that time. Eating healthy food for strong and healthy hair is necessary as the nutrients for hair growth come from the body. Using avocado oil as a part of a lifestyle, for cooking and massage, helps improve the scalp condition and keeps the hair healthy. Like healthy skin, healthy hair is also linked to eating healthy food. 

A healthy diet for hair contains a lot of fluids, vegetables, and fruits, and a person requires a lot of healthy sleep. The easiest and best way to care for hair is to rinse, wash, and dry it regularly. It is further advised that the hair be trimnest regularly. Using avocado oil as a conditioner or mask is also helpful to improve the hair's shine.

Visit Welzo to buy various brands of avocado oil for use on the scalp and in foods, and consult our nutritionists for health advice. Review of extensive product catalogues for various health products. 

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