7 Surprising Benefits of Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is surging in popularity as a healthy and nutritious cooking oil. Its availability on store shelves is expanding rapidly, and many companies are entering the market to fulfil the demand. Before choosing avocado oil, a holistic grasp of its surprising benefits is crucial to understanding its impact on health and wellness. Let’s have a glimpse into the health benefits a user must expect.
Avocado oil offers several health benefits, making it stand tall among other nutritious oils. Some top perks of avocado oil, a liquid goal for health-conscious people, are;
The smoke point of an oil is the temperature at which it stops glistening and starts smoking and burning, imparting a burnt and acrid flavour to the foods. At this level, the oil degenerates and generates free radicals, pro-inflammatory compounds, and small amounts of acrolein, a known carcinogen and irritant. According to the CDC, regular exposure to this compound increases the risk of many health issues like Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, lung damage, burning of the throat and nose and respiratory cancers.
The smoking point of avocado oil is significantly high at 520°F for refined and 480°F degrees for unrefined avocado oil. It is considerably higher than 390 - 468°F for olive oil, 440 - 450°F for sunflower oil, 440 - 450°F for soybean oil, 435 - 445°F for canola oil, 420 - 430°F for peanut oil, 400 - 415°F for corn oil and 350°F for virgin coconut oil. A high smoke point increases its health safety.
An increasing body of medical literature suggests that avocado impacts the gut microbiome and causes an increase in the population and diversity of useful bacteria. By extension, the same benefits are expected from avocado oil, and many proven studies exist.
A randomised controlled trial study by Professor Sharon Thomspon and colleagues at the University of Illinois, USA, found that a 12-week regular use of avocado increased the diversity and number of beneficial bacterial species e.g., Alistipes, Lachnospira Faecalibacterium, and caused a greater concentration of acetic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid, and a decrease in the bile acids.
Avocado oil is packed with monounsaturated fats, and substituting it with saturated fats promises to lower bad cholesterol levels.
A large-scale meta-analysis by Okelue E Okobi and colleagues (Larkin Community Hospital, Miami, USA) concluded that the people consuming avocado have higher HDL levels (good cholesterol) and lower LDL levels (bad cholesterol) than the control group.
Avocado oil is not the only dietary option to lower cholesterol levels. The Nine Best Foods to Lower Cholesterol article is worth reading for someone worried about higher cholesterol levels.
Avocado oil has oleic acid, linoleic acid (the heart-friendly unsaturated fatty acids) and omega-3 fatty acids. Research shows that unsaturated fats lower the risk of heart disease by decreasing the bad cholesterol, improving the ratio of good cholesterol to total cholesterol, stabilising the heart rhythms and easing the inflammation.
Due to a lower proportion of saturated fats, the American Heart Association recommends avocado oil for a healthy heart.
Besides fatty acids, avocado oil has vitamins E and A that improve hair and skin health. Vitamin E is essential for the working of sebaceous glands. It has carotenoids, which repair the damaged DNA. Due to these benefits, seeing it as a part of skin and facial creams is not surprising. Dr Marcos Flores recommends its application on the scalp, hair, and skin.
We have many oil-based skin products for you. You can buy oils for skin online through Welzo. Please visit the page for more information. Cataphil moisturising lotion is an avocado oil-based skin product ideal for dry and sensitive skin. Visit the page to buy it from Welzo.
Avocado oil is a rich source of lutein, an antioxidant compound important for eye health. The body cannot synthesise on its own and needs from an exogenous source. Research has found this compound useful in reducing the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts experienced with ageing. Lutein is an effective ‘internal sunglass’ and filters blue light and neutralises the free radicals.
Avocado oil can be used uniquely than other oils. It is helpful during cooking and can be used to roast vegetables, cook meals, and even be put on salads. It is equally suitable for baking. In short, avocado oil adds various new dimensions to the cooking experience.
The research has found many benefits of avocado oil, e.g., liver protection, blood pressure regulation, weight management and lower cholesterol levels. It is useful in fighting diabetes and infections.
Avocado oil isn't just versatile; it's downright irresistible. It can be blended into smoothies, drizzled on toast, mixed with coffee, used as a salad dressing and incorporated into baked goods.
The high smoke point makes it ideal for baking, barbecuing, roasting and pan-frying. It is equally good for all unheated dishes like homemade mayo and salad dressing.
While avocado oil has healthy fats, it is crucial to moderate its consumption. Incorporating a tablespoon into the daily routine promises remarkable benefits without exposing you to the side effects. A balanced approach to health and wellness is necessary to harness avocado oil's goodness fully.
Avocado oil isn't just an oil; it is a treasure trove of healthy fats, potent carotenoids, and polyphenols. It has Vitamin E, healthy fatty acids, and a high smoke point, which makes it a real kitchen superhero.
Yes, it can be drunk daily. It has lutein and vitamins, making it a good choice for direct consumption. However, moderation is advised.
It is acceptable for routine use. However, it must not be used if it smells stale or has changed colour and texture. Even the best and pure avocado oil spoils within six months of opening, particularly if not stored correctly.
It has a lower risk of causing allergic reactions. The people using excessively high amounts experience gastrointestinal irritation, mouth allergy and liver damage in sporadic cases.
Avocado oil isn't just a kitchen staple; it's a complete wellness wonder! It has numerous research-backed benefits that extend to the whole body, from nurturing the heart to soothing the digestive system. Its delightful and natural flavour and high smoking point make it ideal for cooking. It is a real-time culinary game changer.
Avocado oil is suitable for topical and scalp applications. However, there are specialised products for specific body areas like the scalp. Visit the Welzo information page to learn about the 5 best beard oils for grooming and conditioning.
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