Powszechnie stosowany do odzyskiwania, wsparcia hormonalnego i lepszego snu.
ZMA (cynk, magnez, witamina B6)
Powszechnie stosowany do odzyskiwania, wsparcia hormonalnego i lepszego snu.
Sprzedawca:Chaos CrewWyprzedaneWyprzedaneWyprzedaneSprzedawca:Mag365WyprzedaneWyprzedaneWyprzedaneWyprzedane
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I take ZMA or zinc and magnesium?
Sometimes just two or three of them can work together in combination. For example: Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Zinc: Vitamin B6 increases the amount of Magnesium that your cells can absorb.
Is it safe to take ZMA every day?
Yeah, it's fine to take it daily. Take a smaller dosage than the recommended one, if you're worried about getting too much zinc.
Should I take ZMA or zinc and magnesium?
The ZMA capsules are three times more expensive, but according to the Nutritional Information the only difference is that they have slightly more magnesium.
Why take B6 with ZMA?
ZMA combined with Vitamin B6 in its formulation helps the body in many ways, such as improving sleep, the immune system, brain functions, energy and many more. It assists in metabolism and in the way minerals are absorbed in the body, as well as in controlling neurotransmitters.
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