How long after taking Orlistat do you poop?

How long after taking Orlistat do you poop? - welzo

How Does Orlistat Impact Bowel Movements?

Orlistat, a weight loss medication primarily prescribed to those struggling with obesity, has a profound impact on bowel movements, so one may be asking how long after taking orlistat do you poop? The pharmaceutical agent acts in the gastrointestinal tract, making bowel movements a crucial part of the discussion when considering its use.

As used for those looking to lose weight, Orlistat works by inhibiting the action of lipase, an enzyme in the digestive tract that breaks down dietary fats into smaller components so that they are absorbed by the body. When taking Orlistat, around 25-30% of the dietary fat that are consumed is not broken down and therefore is not absorbed, instead passing directly through the digestive system.

What is Orlistat Used For?

To start with, let's delve into Orlistat's function. This drug is essentially a lipase inhibitor, which means it restricts the action of enzymes responsible for breaking down fats in one's diet. In a typical digestive process, these enzymes, known as lipases, break down the fats consumed into smaller molecules that are absorbed into the bloodstream.

When one takes Orlistat, it binds to these lipases, preventing them from fully breaking down the fat. Consequently, around 30% of the fat consumed in each meal bypasses digestion and is excreted directly through the stools, explains Dr Oliver Smith.

How Does Orlistat Affect the Digestive System?

Orlistat's primary mode of action is in the digestive system. By interfering with the usual enzymatic processes, it modifies how fats are processed in the gut. As a significant portion of the consumed fats remains undigested and unabsorbed, they move through the digestive system and are expelled during defecation. The presence of these unprocessed fats is able to alter the consistency, frequency, and even colour of the stools, causing changes in bowel movements. These changes are typically a sign that the medication is effectively preventing the absorption of dietary fats, according to Dr Caroline Gibson.


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What Are the Typical Changes in Bowel Habits When Taking Orlistat?

Orlistat's unique action on the digestive system is able to lead to distinctive changes in one's bowel habits, which may vary depending on individual factors such as diet and lifestyle. Some changes include increased fat in stool, frequent bowel movements, Steatorrhea, flatulence and oily spotting, abdominal cramping and trouble controlling the bowel movement.

Increased Fat in Stool: Unabsorbed fats are excreted in the stool, which may make it oily or greasy. Some users may notice a film or puddles of oil in the toilet water.

Urgency and Frequent Bowel Movements: The presence of undigested fat in the colon accelerate colon transit time, potentially leading to an urgent need to have a bowel movement and an increase in frequency.

Steatorrhea: This refers to the passage of loose, fatty, and often foul-smelling stools, which are characteristic of fat malabsorption.

Flatulence and Oily Spotting: Some individuals might experience increased gas, which may be associated with oily spotting – small droplets of oil passed during gas release or independently.

Abdominal Cramping: Some users may experience abdominal cramps or discomfort, potentially related to increased gut motility or the passage of fatty stools.

Inability to Control Bowel Movements (Fecal Incontinence): In some cases, the urge to have a bowel movement is sudden and difficult to control.

What are common Alterations in Bowel Movements?

The most common alteration observed in bowel movements when taking Orlistat involves the frequency and nature of defecation. Individuals may experience an increase in bowel movements, often associated with an urgency to defecate. This is primarily due to the increased amount of undigested fat being passed through the system. Other common changes include oily or greasy stools, often described as having an oily discharge or as being 'fatty' or 'oily' in appearance. This is because the fats that are not absorbed are excreted directly through the faeces, altering their usual characteristics. Furthermore, stools may become looser and may even have a different colour, often appearing orange or brown. This, again, is a result of the undigested fats, which modifies the stool's texture and hue.

Why do These Changes Occur?

These changes occur because Orlistat effectively prevents a portion of dietary fats from being digested and absorbed. Instead, these fats pass through the gut and are expelled directly through the stools. This alters the normal composition of the faeces, leading to the changes described above, explains Dr Peter Thompson.

It's crucial to note that adhering to a low-fat diet minimises these gastrointestinal side effects, as there will be less unabsorbed fat passing through the digestive system. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting Orlistat or any other medication, and discuss a one's diet and potential side effects to manage and mitigate any undesirable effects effectively.

When Can One Expect to Experience Bowel Movements After Taking Orlistat?

Users expect to experience bowel movements as quickly as 24 to 48 hours following the high-fat meal after taking Orlistat. The timing of changes in bowel movements after starting Orlistat is not set in stone but tends to follow a certain pattern.

Usually, users of Orlistat expect to observe changes in their bowel movements within the first few days of taking the medication. Most patients report alterations in their bowel habits within 24 to 48 hours of starting the medication, according to a study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

What are the Factors affecting this Timeline?

Several factors affect the timeline of bowel movements after taking Orlistat, including the individual's diet, the amount of fat in their meals, and their overall digestive health. For instance, individuals consuming a high-fat diet are likely to notice changes more rapidly and pronouncedly due to the higher quantity of undigested fats being passed through the system. In contrast, those on a lower-fat diet may see more subtle changes. Additionally, variations in individual digestive processes could influence the timeline. Those with a naturally faster gut transit time – the time it takes for food to travel from the mouth to the rectum – may notice changes more rapidly than those with slower transit times. 

Some of the following are effects on bowel movements:

Frequency: A person might experience more frequent bowel movements.

Urgency: The need to defecate may be more urgent and possibly harder to control.

Texture: The texture of the stools might be looser and oilier due to the unabsorbed fats.

How Long Does It Take for Orlistat to Kick In?

Orlistat begins working almost immediately after ingestion. Its effects on inhibiting the digestion of dietary fats start as soon as it encounters lipases in the gastrointestinal tract. However, the visible effects, such as changes in bowel movements, usually start to appear within 24 to 48 hours of starting the medication. The time frame may vary based on individual factors, including diet and digestive health.

How Do You Know If Orlistat is Working?

The most apparent sign that Orlistat is working is the changes in bowel habits. Stools may become more frequent, appear oily or greasy, and be looser or differently coloured. These changes occur due to the increased amount of undigested fat being expelled from the body. Additionally, weight loss over time indicates the effectiveness of the drug. It is crucial to combine the medication with a balanced, low-fat diet and regular exercise for optimal results.

How Much Weight Should You Lose a Week on Orlistat?

Weight loss with Orlistat varies from person to person, however, a loss of 1-2 pounds per week is considered a safe and realistic goal, according to NHS guidelines. Weight loss tends to be more significant in the first few weeks of taking Orlistat, then it may gradually decrease.

Weight Loss

What Happens If You Haven't Lost Weight on Orlistat?

If one has been taking Orlistat as prescribed and has not observed any weight loss after 12 weeks, it is recommended to consult a healthcare provider. They may re-evaluate a weight loss strategy, which might include changes to one's diet, exercise, or medication.

What Can You do to Improve Your Results?

To improve results when using Orlistat for weight loss, it helps to take multivitamin that contains fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, K, and beta-carotene. The fat soluble vitamins help with the vitamin and fat absorption issue caused by taking Orlistat.

Users of Orlistat have noticed that making other changes to their life has helped in their weight loss program. The changes include eating fewer calories, eating a balanced diet, monitoring how much fat is eaten, keeping track of their calorie count, monitoring their body weight and body mass index.


General Questions

Does Orlistat Burn Existing Fat?

Orlistat does not directly burn existing fat. Its primary function is to reduce the amount of fat absorbed from the food one eats by inhibiting the enzymes that break down fat in the digestive system. Weight loss through Orlistat occurs due to the reduced caloric intake, not through direct fat-burning processes.

Not Pooping on Orlistat?

While Orlistat is known to leading to changes in bowel habits, it must not cause constipation ('not pooping'). If experiencing such symptoms while taking Orlistat, it might be due to other factors, such as dietary changes or dehydration. Consult a healthcare professional if these symptoms persist.

How Long Does Orlistat Stay in Your System?

Orlistat is minimally absorbed in the bloodstream, and its action is localised to the gastrointestinal tract. It is eliminated from the system primarily through faeces. The majority of Orlistat is eliminated within 24 to 48 hours after ingestion, according to a study by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

What Happens If You Take Orlistat Without Eating?

Orlistat must be taken with a meal containing fat, as its mechanism of action relies on the presence of dietary fats. If taking Orlistat without eating, or with a meal that does not contain fat, it will have nothing to act on, making the dose essentially ineffective.

Does Oily Stool Mean Orlistat Is Working?

Yes, oily or greasy stool is typically a sign that Orlistat is effectively blocking the digestion and absorption of dietary fats, which are then excreted through the stool. However, very oily stools may indicate that a person is consuming too much fat in their diet.

What is Orlistat Orange Oil Smell?

An orange oil smell or appearance in the stool might occur when taking Orlistat, due to the excretion of undigested fats. If one notices this, it's typically a sign that the medication is working. However, it could suggest that one's diet is too high in fat.

How Long Does It Take for Orlistat to Get in Your System?

Orlistat starts working in the system as soon as it is taken with a meal. It acts locally in the gut, so it doesn't require absorption into the bloodstream to start working.

What are Long-Term Side Effects of Orlistat?

Long-term use of Orlistat might lead to certain side effects, including persistent changes to bowel habits. In rare cases, it causes liver injury, kidney stones, or serious gastrointestinal issues. Always consult with a healthcare provider to understand the potential long-term effects based on the individual health status.

How to Manage Changes in Bowel Movements Caused by Orlistat?

Managing changes in bowel movements caused by Orlistat involves dietary modifications and understanding how the medication works. Reducing dietary fat intake helps manage these changes, as less fat in the meal means less undigested fat in the stool. Drinking plenty of water, maintaining a balanced diet rich in fibre, and regular exercise promotes healthy bowel movements. Always consult with a healthcare professional for advice tailored to specific circumstances.

Practical Advice for Coping with Digestive Changes

Managing the digestive changes caused by Orlistat effectively significantly improves the user experience of this medication. The main piece of advice is to follow a low-fat diet. As Orlistat works by preventing the absorption of fats, a lower fat intake helps reduce the severity of digestive changes. Drinking plenty of water and including fibre-rich foods in one's diet helps promote regular bowel movements.

Physical activity aids in the overall digestion process and must be incorporated into one's routine. Moderate exercise, such as walking or cycling, is particularly helpful.

Lastly, understanding the mechanism of Orlistat and accepting that bowel changes are a part of its working process helps mentally prepare for these changes.

What are the Dietary Recommendations for Orlistat Users?

A diet plan is an essential part of the weight-loss strategy when using Orlistat. Since this medication works by reducing the absorption of dietary fats, it is beneficial to limit one's fat intake. Aim for a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Try to distribute the daily fat intake evenly across meals. Consuming a high-fat meal while on Orlistat increases the likelihood of digestive side effects. Be aware of hidden sources of fats in foods, such as dressings, oils, and certain dairy products.

When Should One Seek Medical Advice Regarding Bowel Movements on Orlistat?

While changes in bowel habits are expected with Orlistat use, certain signs may indicate a need to consult a healthcare professional.

Identifying Red Flags and Serious Side Effects

While most side effects of Orlistat are related to its action in the gut and are generally mild, some red flags might indicate a more serious issue. These include severe or persistent stomach pain, symptoms of liver disease (such as yellowing of the skin or eyes, and dark urine), and signs of kidney stones (such as back pain, painful urination, or severe nausea/vomiting.

Advice on When and Why to Consult a Healthcare Professional

If experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, or if one does not lose weight after 12 weeks of taking Orlistat, it's important to consult a healthcare professional. They are able to provide further advice, adjust the weight loss strategy, or check for underlying conditions that may be affecting weight loss or causing severe side effects.


Orlistat's action, as a medication to lose weight, in the digestive system has been known to lead to changes in bowel movements. The changes are a direct result of the drug's mechanism of action, preventing the absorption of dietary fats, which are instead excreted through the stools. The changes include increased frequency of bowel movements, urgency, and changes in the consistency and colour of the stools.

While these effects may be unsettling to some, they are generally a sign that the medication is working as expected. Managing dietary habits, including reducing fat intake, helps control these changes. However, serious side effects or lack of weight loss after 12 weeks of use must prompt a consultation with a healthcare provider.

Understanding the workings of Orlistat, being prepared for the changes it brings, and knowing when to seek medical advice, are crucial aspects of successfully using this medication for weight loss.

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