Everything you need to know about weight loss injections

According to a recent UK report published by the House of Commons Library, obese people represent 28% of the country's adult population. The number of obese people in the country has multiplied in recent decades due to various factors ranging from lifestyle to nutrition.
Many people resort to different options to remove excessive fat, e.g., exercises, dieting etc. The dieting option is risky unless supervised by a professional as it can cause you to go deficient in some essential nutrients, e.g., vitamins. Our Vitamin Deficiency Test can help you to detect the deficiency of some key vitamins before it causes health issues. Click here to order your kit.
Some clinics are offering weight loss injections (lipotropic injections) for weight loss. However, the safety and efficacy of these injections are questionable. What are these injections? How do they work? What are their pros and cons, and what are some alternatives to these injections? Are these weight loss injections safe? Let's answer these frequently asked questions. The most popular weight loss injection on the market in the UK is Wegovy.
These injections contain different amino acids, minerals and vitamins known to have lipotropic effects, meaning they catalyse the breakdown of body fat. The lipotropic nutrients also encourage the mobilisation of fat stored in the liver and other fat storage compartments. These injections, combined with different weight loss strategies, e.g., regular exercise and a healthy diet, promise better results.
The active ingredients in these drugs mostly work by increasing the fat metabolism rate and promoting fat mobilisation from various storage compartments. These drugs will, however, rarely be effective on their own. Most lipotropic injections contain the following ingredients;
B complex vitamins (particularly B6 and B12)
Branched-chain amino acids, e.g., L-glutamine, L-carnitine
Phentermine, semaglutide and other drugs
MIC (a mixture of methionine, inositol, and choline)
Besides, various injections have entered the market with other ingredients or combinations. You need to completely read the information mentioned on the patent leaflet of these products and follow the safety instructions provided by the manufacturer.
The working mechanism of these injections depends upon the active ingredients present in them. Some injections employ more than one mechanism for better results. Let's understand how different ingredients in these injections help in weight loss.
Like other vitamins, the B vitamins have a role in various body functions, including fat metabolism and weight regulation. Some studies also support the claim that these vitamins help you lose weight.
Vitamin B6
The most important member of the series, the vitamin B6, is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In combination with other vitamins (B2 & B2), this vitamin restores blood glucose by converting the fat stored into energy.
The usefulness of vitamin B6 for weight loss was confirmed by a recent study published by Clinical Nutrition Research in 2021. It was found that an 80 mg daily supplementation of vitamin B6 resulted in a significant decrease in BMI (p = 0.023) as compared to the placebo group.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 also provides similar effect and boost body metabolism and energy production, and helps in weight loss, although these effects were different for different users.
For example, a 2013 study involving 976 people published by the Medicinski Glasnik found that the serum level of vitamin B12 was significantly lower in people with obesity and overweight issues. Similarly, the BMI was also higher for people with lower serum B12 values, suggesting that supplementing vitamin B12 may help in weight loss.
Any vitamin deficiency will result in its lower level in the serum. Our Folate B12 Blood Test helps you to know if you have a shortage of vitamin B12. It is an easy home-based test and needs just a finger prick to give the results. Click here to order your test kit.
In a weight loss injection, various branched-chain amino acids (BCAAS) are also known to influence fat metabolism. Multiple reports and studies have found that people consuming essential fatty acids and amino acids, including the BCAAs, have less belly fat than others. Consequently, these amino acids are added to various weight loss injections and supplements.
For example, a recent study published by Nutrients in 2021 found that the supplementation of branched-chain amino acids and the use of a low-calorie diet and exercise helped in weight loss without a decrease in the resting metabolic rate (RMR). It caused a significant increase the fat oxidation after the meal, thereby helping in lean mass preservation.
It is a prescribed drug for weight loss, and when combined with a low-calorie diet, exercise and behavioural changes, it promises a good deal of weight loss. It works by decreasing the appetite and making you feel full for much longer. It is a structural analogue to the drug amphetamine, which is used to increase alertness and physical activity, but causes decreased appetite as a side effect. This side effect is made useful.
A 2019 study published by Obesity found that people using phentermine long-term (for more than 12 months) have 7.4% more weight loss than the control group without any significant increase in the lethal side effects. However, using a reduced-calorie diet was necessary with this drug.
The MIC injection contains 3 different lipotropic compounds that help increase fats' breakdown. These compounds cause the mobilisation of the fat cells and help to remove the fat stored in the body, particularly in the liver. These injections work, but not in a magical way and must be combined with other weight loss strategies.
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Human Kinetics found that 1 week of regular use of 2 choline tablets before a competition caused a significant reduction in body mass without any serious side effects. These compounds are also available as injectables and are present in various injections used for mesotherapy.
It is an anti-diabetic drug and is recommended for treating type 2 diabetes. However, it is also a very good lipotropic agent. It stimulates the pancreas to cause the release of insulin as soon as the blood glucose levels exceed a certain limit. The insulin removes this glucose from the blood and sends it to the cells where it is used for energy production. Using this drug will reduce blood glucose levels, and the body will mobilise its fat reserves to produce more glucose.
Many studies have testified to its efficacy. A recent study published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine in 2022 found that the weekly subcutaneous injection of 2.4 mg semaglutide is more effective in weight loss than the placebo, and this injection is superior to many other lipotropic drugs.
Due to the problems, e.g., side effects and allergic reactions, with some of these injections, some researchers are studying plant-based lipotropic compounds. The major lipotropic compounds in plants are;
Folate (a natural form of vitamin B9)
Besides these, the plants' fibre, fatty acids and flavonoids also have a lipotropic effect. Consequently, people looking for safer alternatives to lipotropic injections are mostly asked to use more fruits and vegetables than prescription medication.
Various studies have confirmed the use of plants as a weight loss strategy. For example, a recent review published by the Foods in 2021 found that plant-based foods are rich in lipotropic compounds, low in cholesterol and fats, and are very useful for weight reduction.
Most lipotropic injections are administered safely into the muscles (intramuscular administration). This drug administration is safe and effective and can be self practised easily. The safety of these injections is questionable, and various research studies and user reviews have delivered opposing results. Let's discuss the safety of these injections in the form of pros and cons.
The benefits of weight loss injections are many. For example;
These injections reduce the fat storage in the body without requiring you to undergo rigorous exercises.
They increase your metabolism for faster weight loss.
These injections also increase energy production, so you lose weight faster without the energy dips that can compromise your daily activities.
Before using these injections, you should visit the nearest clinic and consult a weight loss nutritionist. Some ingredients in some injections may not be suitable for you, or they may not work well with your medical condition (if any) or the drugs you use (if any).
Side effects are rare except for irritation at the injection site. Some people may not find any benefit from these injections. However, the data about the side effects is limited and is mostly related to anecdotal evidence and have yet to be confirmed by any meaningful studies. The issues faced may vary from person to person.
Some drugs, e.g., phentermine etc., are present in some weight loss injections causing side effects, e.g.,
Redness, itching and swelling at the administration site
Numbness of hands and feet
Increased heart rate
Dry Mouth
Lack of sleep (insomnia)
You need to consult the doctor in case of these or any other side effects. The doctor can ask you to change the drug having the ingredient causing the side effects. There is another thing worth mentioning about these injections. The weight loss clinics mostly prescribe a low-calorie diet in combination with these injections. If you are low on required calories, you are likely to notice some other side effects, e.g.,
Hunger pangs
Extreme lethargy and fatigue
Gastrointestinal issues
Despite the aurora around these injections, their effectiveness is questionable at best, and the results of the studies are mixed. The results could be more inconsistent with the injections having only the vitamins, as vitamins mostly don't deliver the claimed results. The effects achieved in most of the cases are due to the placebo effect and are more related to your overall weight loss program than due to these injections.
However, some evidence supports the claim that these injections are effective and provide much better results than the placebo group. However, these effects come at a cost, as these products are expensive. Their effects are also short-term. So, these injections are rarely a sustainable long-term option. Their results are also very reversible, and the users have noted that the weight loss rebounds very fast as soon as the injections are stopped.
Despite these issues, these injections still provide reasonable efficacy. A 2021 trial study involving 1961 users found that the weekly use of semaglutide (2.4 mg) resulted in a 14.9% decrease in body mass in the total study period of 68 weeks, while the people in the placebo group lost just 2.4%. Similar studies about the efficacy of other drugs are mentioned in the above sections.
If you are struggling hard to lose weight, but still the results are not satisfactory, you will likely have some health issues responsible for this deadlock. Our Weight Loss Blood Test helps you by detecting the levels of key biomarkers involved in fat metabolism, e.g., cholesterol, hormones, vitamins, triglycerides, minerals etc. Click here to get your kit.
There is no clear-cut dosage for these injections as it depends upon the active ingredients present in them. Recall the above studies where different doses of various injections were given to produce the desired results. However, it is the physician's job to decide the dosage and duration of use for you.
The clinicians may recommend you receive the shots weekly for months until the target weight is achieved.
The cost is also different and depends upon the brands used and their market prices. However, various users have reported the cost as between 30-75$ per shot. It also depends upon your clinician. The vitamin injections are less costly than the others injections having drugs. However, mostly these injections come as part of a complete weight loss package and can cost more.
These injections can promise some results. The results are, however, better if you combine these injections with other weight loss approaches. Some other techniques used for weight loss are;
Cutting down the intake of processed foods and sugars and consuming fewer calories per day than usual.
Drinking plenty of water
Using some tracking app to track your daily physical activities and caloric intake
Keeping your life stress free
Spending at least a few hours weekly on physical exercises
Having good hygiene and lifestyle habits
Having adequate sleep of at least 7-9 hours per day
Regularly consulting the doctor and dietitian
Weight loss shots are marketed with a claim to promote weight loss. However, their effectiveness is questionable, and they give better results when combined with other weight loss strategies, e.g., healthy diet, healthy lifestyle etc. These injections seldom pose any serious threat. However, they also don't guarantee weight loss. You should seek the advice of a doctor and dietitian before using these injections.
However, losing weight is only so easy if you are determined and regularly seek medical health professionals' advice. At Welzo.com, our health experts are available to guide you. Click here for online consultation.
If you don't like injections for any reason, we have another option for you, i.e., the weight loss tablets. We have many of these products at the Welzo store available for you, which you can order after an online consultation at Welzo.com. To know more about weight loss pills, click here to read our informative article.
Our page about weight loss can help you understand the available products, give expert opinions as well as provide informative articles about weight loss which can be helpful in your journey. Click here to visit our page.
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