Moteriški veido plaukai

Veido plaukų perteklius moterims, dar žinomas kaip hirsutizmas, gali sukelti daugybė veiksnių. Policistinių kiaušidžių sindromas (PCOS) yra dažniausia priežastis.

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Veido plaukų pašalinimas

Vaniqa Cream - welzo
„Vaniqa“ kremas £79.99 View details
Vaniqa Cream - welzo
„Vaniqa“ kremas £79.99 View details

Kas yra per didelis plaukų augimas?

Hirsutizmas yra būklė, daranti įtaką moterims. Tai sukelia padidėjęs hormonų, vadinamų androgenais, gamyba, tai reiškia, kad ant veido, kaklo ir kitų kūno vietų auginami stori, tamsūs plaukai.

Kaip su juo galima elgtis?

Nepageidaujamus plaukus galima pašalinti įvairiais būdais. Jautriai veido ir kūno odai yra receptinių vaistų kremas, kuris gali būti naudojamas namuose.

reprodukcinio amžiaus moterų turi hirsutizmą

Nacionalinio sveikatos ir priežiūros kompetencijos instituto duomenimis, manoma, kad 5–10% reprodukcinio amžiaus moterų turi hirsutizmą.

moterų pranešė pašalinti kūno plaukus

Remiantis „Statistictra“, 89% 16 metų ir vyresnių moterų pranešė, kad 2016 m. Didžiojoje Britanijoje buvo pašalintos kūno plaukai.

Pirkite plaukų šalinimo procedūrą

„Mes turime įvairių metodų, iš kurių galima rinktis - taigi, ar jūs ieškote kažko laikino ar kažko nuolatinio, mes turime jums puikų sprendimą. Mes norime, kad jaustumėtės pasitikintys savimi ir gražios su oda be plaukų. Tai ne tik plaukų pašalinimas - tai yra gerai jaustis sau. Ir mes manome, kad jūs turėtumėte sugebėti tai padaryti nepažeisdami banko. Štai kodėl mes siūlome prieinamas kainas už visas mūsų paslaugas. “

„Welzo“ sveikatos priežiūros ekspertai
Patogi sveikatos priežiūra prasideda namuose
Pirkite plaukų šalinimo procedūrą
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    Užpildykite greitą ir paprastą konsultavimo internetu formą, kad sužinotumėte, kokius produktus galite gauti.

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    Baigę konsultaciją ir pasirinkę gydymą, galite saugiai patikrinti internetu. 

  • Express Delivery

    Express Delivery

    You will then receive your order the next working day using our express next-day courier service, dispensed from one of our verified GhPC partner pharmacies in the UK. 

What causes hirsutism?

Hirsutism can be caused by the use of certain medications or anabolic steroids. Sometimes a hormonal condition can also increase hair production. It is usually found in women as they get older and have gone through menopause.

How can hirsutism be treated?

Hirsutism is a medical condition that can be treated in multiple ways. Your doctor may suggest a contraceptive pill or losing weight to help control hormone levels. You can also use hair lighteners or removers to manually get rid of the hair. There are also longer-lasting removal options that are usually more expensive and may not work best if you have darker skin.

How long does it take to receive my order?

All orders placed before 14:00 from Monday to Friday will be dispatched that day. the orders are sent using 24 Hour Tracked delivery provided by Royal Mail. Items will usually arrive the very next day after the order has been placed. We also provide tracking for your orders to check the status and location of your parcel.

How is the medication packaged?

All our medication is packaged in plain confidential padded white or brown envelopes. This ensures that your orders are discreet, and the content of the orders will be for your eyes only.

Can I return my order?

For non-medicinal products, you are eligible to return the product within 14 days of receipt in the same packaging you received. For medicinal products, you are eligible to cancel the order only until it has been dispatched. From that point forward, you are no longer eligible to return the order.

Is this medication suitable for me?

Please get in touch with a doctor if you are unsure what medication is suitable for you. You can also complete our online consultation form to check your eligibility for the product.

Can hair removal be permanent?

There are certain ways to remove unwanted hair that will last longer than shaving or waxing. Electrolysis or laser hair removal are popular options but you will need to have regular sessions to keep the hair from regrowing. The treatment will differ for each person but there is no guarantee that it will get rid of all the hair.

How does a hair remover cream work?

A prescription hair removal cream such as Vaniqa works to reduce the growth of excessive hair. The active substance called eflornithine affects the growth of a specific enzyme that is involved in the production of hair within the hair follicle.

What is an online consultation?

An online consultation checks if you are eligible to purchase the product. Some products only require an online consultation which approximately takes 1 minute to complete, enabling you to buy the product. Other products will also require a prescription; in this case, you will need to complete the online consultation, and then one of our partner pharmacy prescribers or doctors will review the online consultation questions and approve the order for delivery if you are eligible to purchase the item.

When will my order be delivered?

If you have placed an order before 14:00 Monday to Friday, you will receive the order the next day.

Can I cancel my order?

You have the right to cancel your order for medication up to the point when your medication is dispatched.

Can I order this if I am under 18 years old?

No, we do not accept orders from individuals under 18. All orders must be placed by adults only.