
The body produces the hormone melatonin naturally. Both the sleep-wake cycle and the body's natural circadian rhythm are influenced by it. The night is when melatonin levels are highest, and the day is when they are lowest. The body produces more melatonin when it is dark, which makes us feel sleepy. Light exposure increases alertness and reduces melatonin production. People who struggle to fall or stay asleep can benefit from taking melatonin supplements.

How Does Melatonin Work?

Melatonin can, according to studies, make people fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer. It is believed to function by resetting the body's biological clock and assisting in the control of the sleep-wake cycle. When traveling or working night shifts, many people take melatonin supplements.

What are the Benefits of Melatonin?

Melatonin has a number of other potential health advantages besides just aiding in sleep. It is an antioxidant and could aid in preventing cell damage. Additionally, melatonin has been demonstrated to strengthen the immune system, lower inflammation, and enhance heart health.

What Are the Side Effects of Melatonin?

When taken in small doses for a brief period of time, melatonin is typically safe for the majority of people. Sleepiness is the most frequent adverse effect. Headaches, nauseousness, and lightheadedness are some additional possible side effects. Certain medications, such as blood thinners and antidepressants, should not be taken with melatonin. Additionally, those who have seizure disorders, are pregnant, or are nursing should avoid it.


The gastrointestinal tract quickly absorbs melatonin, which has a nearly 100% bioavailability. It is broken down in the liver and eliminated through the urine. Melatonin has a short half-life, ranging from 30 minutes to 3 hours.


Melatonin dosage recommendations are based on a person's age, weight, and overall health. The dose that is advised for the majority of people is 3-5 mg before bed. For some conditions, such as jet lag or sleep disorders, higher doses might be used. Without first talking to a doctor, melatonin shouldn't be taken for longer than two weeks.

How do you stimulate melatonin production?

To increase melatonin production, you can do a number of things:

-Sunlight exposure during the day: This aids in regulating the circadian rhythm of the body.

-Avoid blue light at night: Blue light from electronics can inhibit the production of melatonin.

-Sleep enough: Lack of sleep can cause melatonin levels to drop.

-Eat a balanced diet: Sugar and processed food consumption can interfere with the body's normal melatonin production.

-Take a supplement: Over-the-counter melatonin supplements are available and can aid in raising melatonin levels.

After taking melatonin, avoid operating heavy machinery or driving as it may make you drowsy. Before taking this supplement, discuss with your healthcare provider whether you are pregnant or nursing. For the majority of people, melatonin is generally safe, but it can interact with some medications.

Long-term effects

At this time, there is no proof that melatonin has any long-term negative effects. Before taking any supplement, it is, however, always advisable to consult a healthcare professional, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking other medications.


Numerous actions can be taken to enhance sleep without the use of supplements. These consist of maintaining a regular sleep schedule, abstaining from caffeine and alcohol before bed, and establishing a tranquil sleeping environment. Discuss additional treatment options with your healthcare provider if you are still having trouble falling asleep.


Medication interactions involving melatonin include:

Melatonin has the ability to enhance the effects of some antidepressants.

-Blood thinners: When taken with blood thinners, melatonin may increase the risk of bleeding.

-Seizure disorders: In people with seizure disorders, melatonin may make seizures more frequent.