Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)

IGF-1, also known as insulin-like growth factor 1, is a polypeptide hormone with structural similarities to insulin. In response to stimulation by growth hormone (GH), the liver is the main organ that produces IGF-1. The anterior pituitary gland secretes GH, which controls cell division and linear growth. IGF-1 is an anabolic hormone that encourages tissue regeneration and growth. It also has a significant impact on body composition, glucose homeostasis, and metabolism.IGF-1 binds to its receptor (IGF1R) on the surface of cells, which activates a number of signaling pathways that support cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. IGF-1R belongs to the family of tyrosine kinase receptors and can phosphorylate tyrosine residues on proteins. This article is meant to provide users of Welzo with information about IGF-1.


aids in preserving muscle mass
IGF-1 contributes to the development and repair of muscle. It encourages the generation of new muscle proteins and the differentiation of muscle cells. By preventing the breakdown of muscle proteins, IGF-1 also aids in preventing muscle wasting.

boosts the healing of wounds
IGF-1 is crucial for tissue regeneration and repair. It promotes collagen production and skin cell growth, which hastens the healing of wounds. IGF-1 has also been demonstrated to speed up postoperative healing.

Possibly prevents age-related illnesses
Frailty, sarcopenia, and osteoporosis are age-related diseases that have been associated with low IGF-1 levels. IGF-1 might be able to stop or postpone the development of these conditions.

Possibility of anti-cancer effects
In studies conducted on animals and in test tubes, IGF-1 has been shown to stop the growth of cancer cells. This is thought to be accomplished by causing tumor regression, cell death, and cell proliferation inhibition. IGF-1 may not have the same effects in people, though, as it does in animals. In this area, more investigation is required.

IGF-1 therapy has been linked to a number of adverse effects, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.


IGF-1 is quickly removed from the circulation after intravenous administration. IGF-1 has a half-life of around two hours. This indicates that within two hours of administration, 50% of the drug will have left the body.

The kidneys are also used to remove IGF-1 from the body. IGF-1 is cleared by the kidneys at a rate of about 10 mL/min. This implies that 10 mL of the medication will be eliminated from the body through the kidneys each minute.

Dosage and administration

IGF-1 comes in powder form and needs to be reconstituted with sterile water before use. The usual injection methods are intravenously or intramuscularly.

IGF-1 dosage recommendations change based on the condition being treated. For instance, 0.3 mg/kg/day is the suggested dosage for those who are growth hormone deficient. Accordingly, a 70 kg person would take in 21 mg of IGF-1 daily.