Reisijate kõhulahtisus

Reisijate kõhulahtisus on häire, mis mõjutab seedetrakti. Tavaliselt juhtub see siis, kui sööte või joote midagi, millega te pole tuttav. Vaadake allpool meie antidiarrrheaalsete ravimite valikut.

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  • Reduce Duration of Illness
    Reduce Duration of Illness
  • Suitable for Ages 12+
    Suitable for Ages 12+
  • Support from UK Clinicians
    Support from UK Clinicians
  • Effective for Travellers
    Effective for Travellers

Where can you get travellers' diarrhoea?

Travellers' diarrhoea usually occurs when people travel to places that have different climates and sanitary practises. Places that affect people the most include Central and South America, the Middle East, Africa and most of Asia.

How is travellers' diarrhoea treated?

If you have a mild case of travellers' diarrhoea, it may resolve on its own after a few days of eating bland foods that you are already familiar with. Antidiarrhoeal medicines can stop you from needing to go to the toilet as often and can be very useful to have when travelling.

of travellers may be affected by travellers' diarrhoea around the world

According to, it is estimated that 20-60% of travellers will be affected by travellers' diarrhoea.

of travellers' diarrhoea cases are caused by bacteria

According to NICE, bacteria are the most common cause of travellers' diarrhoea and are thought to account for 80-90% of cases.

Buy travellers diarrhoea treatment online

“Travellers' Diarrhoea is a common problem for travellers to developing countries. It is usually caused by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. The best way to avoid Travellers' Diarrhoea is to be careful about what you eat and drink while you are travelling. If your symptoms are severe, or if you have bloody diarrhoea, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. These could be signs of a more serious infection, and you may need antibiotics to treat the infection!”

Dr Sameer Nakedar
MBBS (London), MRCGP, PGCert
Buy travellers diarrhoea treatment online
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    Fill out a quick and simple online consultation form to find out what products you are eligible for.

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    Checkout Securely

    Once you have completed your consultation and selected your treatment, you can securely checkout online. 

  • Express Delivery

    Express Delivery

    You will then receive your order the next working day using our express next-day courier service, dispensed from one of our verified GhPC partner pharmacies in the UK. 

How long after eating do you get travellers' diarrhoea?

Symptoms will typically appear within 6-24 hours after an infection caused by bacteria or a virus.

What are the symptoms of travellers' diarrhoea?

Travellers' diarrhoea is defined as when you have 3 or more bouts of loose, watery poo in a 24 hour period.

How long does it take to receive my order?

All orders placed before 14:00 from Monday to Friday will be dispatched that day. The orders are sent using 24 Hour Tracked delivery provided by Royal Mail. Items will usually arrive the very next day after the order has been placed. We also provide tracking for your orders to check the status and location of your parcel.

Kuidas on ravim pakendatud?

Kogu meie ravimid on pakendatud tavaliste konfidentsiaalsete polsterdatud valgete või pruunide ümbrikudesse. See tagab, et teie tellimused on diskreetsed ja tellimuste sisu on ainult teie silmadele.

Kas ma saan oma tellimuse tagastada?

Mittemeditsiiniliste toodete puhul on teil õigus saada toode 14 päeva jooksul pärast saadud samas pakendit. Ravimitoodete puhul on teil õigus tellimuse tühistada ainult kuni selle saatmiseni. Sellest hetkest alates ei saa te enam tellimust tagastada.

Kas see ravim sobib mulle?

Palun võtke ühendust arstiga, kui te pole kindel, millised ravimid teile sobivad. Toote abikõlblikkuse kontrollimiseks saate ka meie veebipõhise konsultatsiooni vormi täita.

How long does travellers' diarrhoea last?

The symptoms usually last between 3-5 days on average.

What can I do to avoid traveller's diarrhoea?

Keeping good hygiene is an important way of avoiding travellers' diarrhoea. Other ways of avoiding it include:

Drinking bottled water instead of water from the tap
Using bottled water when brushing your teeth

Avoiding ice in your drinks

Trying not to swallow water when swimming

Washing hands with soap before every meal

Make sure your food has been thoroughly cooked

Avoid foods that may contain uncooked eggs

Avoid fruits and vegetables with damaged skin.

What is an online consultation?

Veebipõhine konsultatsioon kontrollib, kas teil on õigus toote osta. Mõned tooted vajavad ainult veebikonsultatsiooni, mille täitmiseks kulub umbes 1 minut, mis võimaldab teil toote osta. Muud tooted vajavad ka retsepti; Sel juhul peate läbi viima veebikonsultatsiooni ja seejärel vaatab üks meie partneri apteegi väljakirjutajaid või arstid läbi veebikonsultatsiooni küsimused ja heaks kiitma tarnekorralduse, kui teil on õigus eseme osta.

Millal minu tellimus toimetatakse?

Kui olete esitanud tellimuse enne esmaspäevast reedeni, saate tellimuse järgmisel päeval.

Kas ma saan oma tellimuse tühistada?

Teil on õigus ravimite tellimus tühistada kuni ravimite saatmiseni.

Kas ma saan seda tellida, kui olen alla 18 -aastane?

Ei, me ei võta vastu alla 18 -aastastelt isikute korraldusi. Kõik tellimused peavad esitama ainult täiskasvanud.