Sukkarto sr Information Disclaimer

Please note that we do not distribute or sell Sukkarto sr. The content provided on this webpage is intended solely for informational and educational purposes. It should not be construed as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendation. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalised medical advice and treatment options.

Treatment options

Sukkarto SR - welzo
Sukkarto SR - welzo

Sukkarto sr

Sukkarto SR - welzo
Sukkarto SR - welzo
Müügihind £17.00

Sukkarto SR sisaldab toimeainet metformiini, mis suudab tõhusalt kontrollida II tüüpi diabeeti. Sukkarto SR on aeglaselt vabastatud...

Sukkarto SR sisaldab toimeainet metformiini, mis suudab tõhusalt kontrollida II tüüpi diabeeti. Sukkarto SR on aeglaselt vabastatud tablett ja seda on sageli ette nähtud, kui dieet ja treening ei ole II tüüpi diabeedi raviks piisavad.

Oluline teave: Welzo ei paku veebisaidil kontrollitavaid aineid ega kõiki retseptitarbeid. Seda lehte tuleks arvestada ainult informatiivsetel eesmärkidel, kui see on kontrollitav aine või üksus, mida me regulatiivsetel põhjustel ei paku.

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Mis on Sukkarto?

Sukkarto on ravim, mida kasutatakse II tüüpi diabeedi raviks. Seda saab kasutada ka II tüüpi diabeedi ennetamiseks, kui teil on suur risk selle tekkeks.

Kuidas see toimib?

Sukkarto sisaldab toimeainena metformiinvesinikkloriidi, mis kuulub biguaniidideks nimetatavate ravimite rühma. See ravim toimib, vähendades suhkru kogust, mida teie maks vabastab teie verre. Samuti aitab see teie keha insuliinile paremini reageerida.

Kas Sukkarto sobib mulle?

See ravim on ette nähtud täiskasvanutele, kellel ei ole õnnestunud vähendada II tüüpi diabeedi riski, kasutades dieedi ja treeningu kombinatsiooni. See ravim on kõige tõhusam, kui te olete alla 45-aastane, olete ülekaaluline, teil on pärast sööki kõrge veresuhkru tase või kui teil tekkis raseduse ajal diabeet.


Kõik ravimid võivad põhjustada võimalikke kõrvaltoimeid, allpool on loetletud mõned võimalikud kõrvaltoimed, kuid need ei esine alati.

  • Kõhulahtisus,
  • iiveldus,
  • oksendamine,
  • Kõhuvalu või isutus. Kui teil tekivad need sümptomid, ärge lõpetage tablettide võtmist, sest need sümptomid kaovad tavaliselt umbes 2 nädalaga. Aitab, kui te võtate tabletid söögi ajal või vahetult pärast seda.
  • Maitsetundlikkuse häire.

Kohustustest loobumine: see veebisait ei ole meditsiiniline nõuanne, samuti peaksite enne ravimite võtmist konsulteerima arstiga. Kui teil tekib mõnele kasutatavale ravimile tõsiseid reaktsioone, peate viivitamatult pöörduma arsti poole.


Järgmise päeva kohaletoimetamise garantii

Kõik tööpäevadel enne kella 14:00 tehtud tellimused toimetatakse kohale järgmisel tööpäeval. Enamikule Ühendkuningriigist saadetakse ravimid Royal Maili kaudu esmaspäevast reedeni, kui need on tellitud enne kella 14.00. Saadetised saadetakse Royal Maili järgmise päeva jälgitava 24-tunnise teenuse abil. Saadame teile otse e-kirjaga jälgimisteabe ja te peaksite oma tellimuse kätte saama järgmisel päeval pärast saatmist.

Meie diskreetse pakendi lubadus

Teame, et paljud meie kliendid pöörduvad meie poole, kui neil on vaja isiklikke ravimeid, eelistades kasutada meie veebiteenust selle asemel, et toodet silmast silma osta. Seetõttu on meie saadetis alati diskreetselt pakendatud tavalistesse pruunidesse karpidesse või ümbrikusse. Te ei pea muretsema sisukirjelduste pärast ja pakett on ainult teie silmadele!


Sukkarto tavaliselt kasutatavad annustamisjuhised.

  • Tavaliselt alustate ravi 500 mg Sukkarto SR-iga päevas.
  • Pärast seda, kui olete Sukkarto SR’i võtnud umbes 2 nädalat, võib arst mõõta teie veresuhkrut ja kohandada annust. Maksimaalne ööpäevane annus on 2000 mg Sukkarto SR-i. Kui teil on vähenenud neerufunktsioon, võib arst teile määrata väiksema annuse.
  • Tavaliselt peaksite tablette võtma üks kord päevas koos õhtusöögiga. Mõnel juhul võib arst soovitada teil tablette võtta kaks korda päevas. Võtke tabletid alati koos toiduga.

Kohustustest loobumine: see veebisait ei paku meditsiinilist nõu. Ükski sellel veebisaidil loetletud teave ei ole mõeldud professionaalse meditsiinilise nõustamise, diagnoosi või ravi asendamiseks. Enne uue raviskeemi alustamist küsige alati nõu oma arstilt või muult kvalifitseeritud tervishoiuteenuse osutajalt, kui teil on küsimusi seoses terviseseisundi või raviga, ja ärge kunagi jätke tähelepanuta professionaalset meditsiinilist nõuannet ega viivitage selle otsimisega midagi, mida olete lugenud. sellel veebisaidil.

Product reviews

Please note the information below is intended for general knowledge, please read the patient information leaflet and/or the information provided by a healthcare professional for more specific guidance. This information should not substitute medical advice.

Can I get Sukkarto sr on the NHS?

Whether or not you can get Sukkarto sr on the NHS is dependent on your local guidelines and eligibility status. It is best to contact your local GP service if you are unsure of whether you can get Sukkarto sr from the NHS.

Can you get Sukkarto sr over the counter?

No, you can’t get Sukkarto sr over the counter without a prescription or consultation. Sukkarto sr is a regulated medication so all purchases need to have a prescription and/or suitable consultation form completed.

Can I buy Sukkarto sr online even if I have never taken it before?

A prescribing pharmacist will need to review your consultation form before the medication can be dispatched.

Is Sukkarto sr safe?

If you have been prescribed Sukkarto sr then it is at the discretion of the prescriber.

However, all medications can potentially have adverse effects and should be taken exactly as prescribed. If you experience any side effects when taking Sukkarto sr then you should contact a doctor immediately.

Are there any foods that should be avoided when taking Sukkarto sr?

We recommend you read the patient information leaflet for this product thoroughly before taking the treatment. This is essential to understanding any interactions that can occur and to take the medication safely.

Can I buy Sukkarto sr from Boots?

It is generally possible to purchase medication, including Sukkarto sr, from UK pharmacies like Boots. However, I recommend checking the Boots website or contacting Boots directly for the most current and accurate information. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication.

Can I buy Sukkarto sr from Superdrug?

If you would like to buy Sukkarto sr, you will need to check availability on the Superdrug website.

Can I buy Sukkarto sr from Amazon?

Amazon does not sell medication such as Sukkarto sr, as they are not a pharmacy service provider. Always check with Amazon to see what they sell.

How long does Sukkarto sr take to work?

The time it takes for a Sukkarto sr to work can vary greatly depending on several factors, such as the strength, the individual's age, weight, and overall health, as well as any potential interactions with other medications or substances. Generally, the effects of Sukkarto sr may be noticeable within the time frame outlined by the prescribing pharmacist. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and instructions provided by your healthcare professional, and to consult them if you have any concerns or questions about the medication's efficacy or possible side effects.

How effective is Sukkarto sr?

The effectiveness of Sukkarto sr can vary significantly depending on various factors, such as the dosage, the condition being treated, the individual's age, weight, and overall health, as well as the presence of any other medications or substances that might interact with it. While some medications may be highly effective for certain individuals and conditions, others might experience a lesser degree of benefit or may require adjustments to the dosage or additional treatments to achieve the desired results.

What are the risks of taking Sukkarto sr?

At Welzo, we are dedicated to providing our customers with accurate and comprehensive information about medications. We believe that understanding the potential risks and side effects associated with a medication is essential for making informed decisions about your health. This guide outlines some general considerations for assessing the risks of medication and includes references to the National Health Service (NHS) for further information.

  1. Read the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL): Every medication comes with a Patient Information Leaflet, which provides essential details about the drug, its uses, and potential side effects. Be sure to read this leaflet carefully before starting any new medication. The Electronic medicines compendium has a list of patient leaflets. you can visit by heading to
  2. Be aware of potential side effects: All medications have the potential to cause side effects, ranging from mild and short-lived symptoms to more serious, long-lasting issues. It's important to understand the possible side effects of a medication and how to manage them. The NHS has a helpful resource on managing medication side effects, while also speaking to a healthcare professional is important in understanding any potential risks of taking Sukkarto sr.
  3. Interactions with other medications: Some medications may interact with others, leading to increased side effects or reduced effectiveness. Make sure to inform your healthcare professional about all the medications and supplements you are currently taking. The NHS offers a useful tool for checking potential drug interactions here.
  4. Contraindications and precautions: Certain medical conditions or factors may make it unsafe for you to take a particular medication. Before starting any new medication, inform your healthcare professional about your medical history and any current health issues. The NHS provides more information about contraindications and precautions here.
  5. Appropriate use and dosage: It's crucial to follow the prescribed dosage and instructions for taking a medication to ensure its effectiveness and minimise the risk of side effects. The NHS has a useful guide on using medicines safely here.
  6. Monitoring and follow-up: Some medications require regular monitoring or follow-up appointments with your healthcare professional to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Be sure to schedule and attend these appointments as needed.

Can I buy Sukkarto sr in the UK?

Yes, you can buy Sukkarto sr in the UK with a valid prescription and or consultation form. Sukkarto sr is available in the UK for purchase from local pharmacies with a valid prescription and or consultation. It is imperative that you ensure that the pharmacy you are buying the products from is licensed and registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).

Are Sukkarto sr users satisfied with the product?

We have a list of reviews from customers taking Sukkarto sr at the bottom of this page. For more information of the reviews of Sukkarto sr head over to for further details.

Can I buy Sukkarto sr from an online pharmacy?

This is dependent on your eligibility for the medication.

How much does Sukkarto sr cost?

The costs of Sukkarto sr are listed at the top of the page. Pricing is provided as a reference as we do not sell Sukkarto sr.

Kas Sukkarto põhjustab kaalukaotust?

Sukkarto SR on seotud kas stabiilse kehakaalu või tagasihoidliku kaalukaotusega

Millal on parim aeg Sukkarto tahvelarvutite võtmiseks?

Võtke seda ravimit alati täpselt nii, nagu arst või apteeker teile on öelnud. Kui te pole kindel, pöörduge arsti või apteekri poole.

Tavaliselt peaksite oma õhtuse söögikorraga võtma tabletid üks kord päevas. Mõnel juhul võib arst soovitada võtta tablette kaks korda päevas. Võtke tabletid alati toiduga.

Kas Sukkarto on sama mis metformiin?

Jah, Sukkarto on sama, mis Metformin. Sukkarto sisaldab aktiivse aine metformiinvesinikkloriidi. Iga pikaajaline väljalaske tablett sisaldab 500 mg metformiinimümrokloriidi.

Kas ma saan sukkartol alkoholi juua?

Sukkarto SR -i võtmisel peaksite vältima liigset alkoholitarbimist, kuna see võib suurendada lakta atsidoosi riski.


Põhineb 2 arvustusel
Bobbye riim -i kodutervise testide komplektid on väga lihtne kasutada. Te ei vaja spetsiaalset koolitust ega seadmeid.

Loren Asar

Olen Sukkarto ostmisega äärmiselt rahul. Seda on lihtne kasutada, tõhus ja annab suurepäraseid tulemusi. Soovitage väga!