Nozausmas medikamenti

Slikta dūša ir diskomforts kuņģī, kas rada vajadzību vemt. To var izraisīt jutība pret pārtiku vai kustību. Zemāk atrodiet mūsu pretnauzu zāļu klāstu.

Sāciet konsultāciju
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Anti Nausea Medication

Kas izraisa nelabumu?

Slikšana var būt vairāku medicīnisku stāvokļu simptoms vai kā dažu zāļu blakusparādība. Visbiežāk cilvēki var kļūt nelabvēlīgi, pateicoties jutīgumam pret noteiktiem pārtikas produktiem. Slikumības sajūta ir izplatīta arī tiem, kuriem ir ceļojuma vai kustības slimība, vai grūtniecības stāvoklī

Kā tiek ārstēta slikta dūša?

Ja jūs zināt, ka ceļojuma vai kustības laikā var izvairīties no slikta dūša, lietojot zāles pret nauzi. Zāles, kas anti-navea, sauc par antiemetiku, un tās palīdzēs nomierināt un nomierināt kuņģi.

Slimības prombūtne ir saistīta ar nelielu slimību, piemēram, nelabumu

Saskaņā ar ONS, slikta dūša ir viens no galvenajiem iemesliem, kāpēc cilvēki ir slimi no darba, līdzās klepus, saaukstēšanos, gripai, slimībām un caureju.

ir vidējais nelabuma līmenis grūtniecības laikā

Saskaņā ar NICE teikto, globālo datu metaanalīze parādīja, ka ziņojumi par nelabumu un vemšanu grūtniecēm svārstījās no 35 līdz 91% ar vidējo likmi 69,4%.

Pērciet sliktu dūšu ārstēšanu tiešsaistē

“Ir daudz dažādu veidu pretnausmas zāļu veidu, kas ir pieejami ārpus letes un pēc receptes. Daži izplatīti zīmoli ir Zofran, Phenergan un Reglan. Šīs zāles darbojas, bloķējot signālus, kas izraisa nelabumu un vemšanu. Parasti tos ņem pirms vai pēc ķīmijterapijas ārstēšanas, bet tos var izmantot arī citu apstākļu ārstēšanai, kas izraisa nelabumu un vemšanu! ”

Dr Sameer kails
Pērciet sliktu dūšu ārstēšanu tiešsaistē
  • how1 - welzo

    Aizpildiet ātru tiešsaistes konsultācijas veidlapu

    Aizpildiet ātru un vienkāršu tiešsaistes konsultāciju veidlapu, lai uzzinātu, kādi produkti jums ir tiesīgi.

  • Checkout Securely

    Izrakstīšanās droši

    Kad esat pabeidzis konsultāciju un izvēlējies ārstēšanu, varat droši izrakstīties tiešsaistē. 

  • Express Delivery

    Express piegāde

    Pēc tam jūs saņemsiet pasūtījumu nākamajā darba dienā, izmantojot mūsu Express nākamās dienas kurjeru pakalpojumus, kas izdalīti no viena no mūsu pārbaudītajām GHPC Partneru aptiekas Lielbritānijā. 

What are the symptoms of nausea?

Nausea is the feeling of wanting to vomit. Other symptoms can include diarrhoea or vomiting, headaches or high temperatures, heartburn or bloating, sensitivity to light or sound, and dizziness.

How can I get rid of nausea?

Nausea medications can help you to stop feeling the need to vomit. They are especially helpful for motion or travel sickness.

Some other tips that may help you stop feeling nauseous include getting fresh air, distracting yourself, taking regular sips of a cold drink, drinking ginger or peppermint tea, and eating smaller, more frequent meals.

How long does it take to receive my order?

All orders placed before 14:00 from Monday to Friday will be dispatched that day. The orders are sent using 24 Hour Tracked delivery provided by Royal Mail. Items will usually arrive the very next day after the order has been placed. We also provide tracking for your orders to check the status and location of your parcel.

How is the medication packaged?

All our medication is packaged in plain confidential padded white or brown envelopes. This ensures that your orders are discreet, and the content of the orders will be for your eyes only.

Can I return my order?

For non-medicinal products, you are eligible to return the product within 14 days of receipt in the same packaging you received. For medicinal products, you are eligible to cancel the order only until it has been dispatched. From that point forward, you are no longer eligible to return the order.

Is this medication suitable for me?

Please get in touch with a doctor if you are unsure what medication is suitable for you. You can also complete our online consultation form to check your eligibility for the product.

Why do I feel nausea after eating?

If you're feeling nauseous after eating it may mean that something is triggering nausea. Triggers can include a viral or bacterial infection, food poisoning, food allergies, stress and anxiety, acid reflux, IBS, overeating and some medications.

What are the types of anti-nausea medications?

Cyclizine is an anti-sickness medicine that can work to stop you feeling nauseous or from vomiting. It works to block the chemical in your brain that is making you feel sick.

Hyoscine can also work to reduce feelings of nausea that may be caused by ear problems or motion sickness.

What is an online consultation?

An online consultation checks if you are eligible to purchase the product. Some products only require an online consultation which approximately takes 1 minute to complete, enabling you to buy the product. Other products will also require a prescription; in this case, you will need to complete the online consultation, and then one of our partner pharmacy prescribers or doctors will review the online consultation questions and approve the order for delivery if you are eligible to purchase the item.

When will my order be delivered?

If you have placed an order before 14:00 Monday to Friday, you will receive the order the next day.

Can I cancel my order?

You have the right to cancel your order for medication up to the point when your medication is dispatched.

Can I order this if I am under 18 years old?

No, we do not accept orders from individuals under 18. All orders must be placed by adults only.