Sexual Health
without the waiting rooms

It's important to keep track of your sexual health, particularly if you are sexually active. We know that going to a testing clinic isn't always comfortable so ensured you can be tested and treated at home.

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Genital Herpes
Genital Herpes
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All In One STI Check
All In One STI Check
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Sexual Health Tests
Sexual Health Tests
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  • discreet
    Discreet and free delivery
  • Trusted by over 250,000 People
  • Support by our team of experts and healthcare professionals

STI Tests and Treatment

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) can easily be passed on and sometimes remain undetected. It's important to get tested and begin treatment as soon as you notice symptoms.

STI Tests and Treatment

Sexual Health Tests

We offer at-home test kits to ensure you have privacy when dealing with your symptoms.

Sexual Health Tests

Sexual Wellbeing

We offer discreet professional care, prescription medications, over-the-counter treatment, and at-home test kits to help support your goals and address your concerns from the comfort of home.

Sexual Wellbeing
  • What Is the Life Expectancy After Total Hysterectomy?

    Kāds ir dzīves ilgums pēc pilnīgas histerektomi...

    Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure in which the uterus of the woman is removed. This procedure has a significant impact on the emotional and physical well-being of women. Concerns about...

    Kāds ir dzīves ilgums pēc pilnīgas histerektomi...

    Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure in which the uterus of the woman is removed. This procedure has a significant impact on the emotional and physical well-being of women. Concerns about...

  • Hyperspermia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and More- Welzo

    Hiperspermija: cēloņi, simptomi, ārstēšana un d...

    Hiperspermija ir veselības stāvoklis, kurā ķermeņa ražo vairāk nekā parasto spermas daudzumu. Sperma ir materiāls, kuru cilvēks ejakulē orgasma laikā un papildus šķidrumiem no prostatas dziedzera satur spermu. Hipospermija ir...

    Hiperspermija: cēloņi, simptomi, ārstēšana un d...

    Hiperspermija ir veselības stāvoklis, kurā ķermeņa ražo vairāk nekā parasto spermas daudzumu. Sperma ir materiāls, kuru cilvēks ejakulē orgasma laikā un papildus šķidrumiem no prostatas dziedzera satur spermu. Hipospermija ir...

  • Penile Melanosis: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

    Dzimumlocekļa melanoze: cēloņi, profilakse un ā...

    Dzimumlocekļa melanoze vai dzimumlocekļa lentiginoze ir veselības stāvoklis, kas izraisa mainīgu un tumšu zonu uz dzimumlocekļa galvas un vārpstas. Tas ir rets stāvoklis, un parasti tai nav nepieciešama ārstēšana. Dažiem...

    Dzimumlocekļa melanoze: cēloņi, profilakse un ā...

    Dzimumlocekļa melanoze vai dzimumlocekļa lentiginoze ir veselības stāvoklis, kas izraisa mainīgu un tumšu zonu uz dzimumlocekļa galvas un vārpstas. Tas ir rets stāvoklis, un parasti tai nav nepieciešama ārstēšana. Dažiem...

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NHS Registered Doctors
We are a team of NHS registered doctors
UK Based Pharmacies
We partner with GPhC registered pharmacies across the UK
UKAS Accredited Labs
Our partner labs are UKAS + ISO accredited