Menopauze tekenen en symptomen en behandelingen als u ze ervaart

Menopause is a natural process in women, which marks the end stage of your menstrual period. It is expected when you have experienced no menstruation for 12 months. It occurs when the female's hormone stops producing the ovulation process.
At this stage, the woman is declared infertile as she becomes unable to get pregnant.
Menopause is not a disease and occurs in every woman after 50 years of age. However, some females experience menopause symptoms in the early stages of life which is called premature menopause or early menopause.
Factors such as family history, smoking, autoimmune disease and ethnicity are responsible for premature menopause.
Menopause symptoms are a natural phenomenon and appear in every woman's life after 50 years of age. In the UK, the average age of menopause symptoms is 51. But around 2 in 100 females experience menopause symptoms before 45 years of age.
In a few cases, menopause has been experienced before 35 years of age. However, many factors can affect the early diagnosis of menopause.
There are three main stages of menopause.
De symptomen van de perimenopauze beginnen vroeg op 30 -jarige leeftijd. Het wordt gestart wanneer u een vertraging in uw menstruatiecycli opmerkt.
There is a sudden increase in the level of oestrogen and progesterone hormones. Common symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, memory, and sleep problems. This stage is also called menopausal transition.
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The menopause stage develops at the age of 45 to 50. It occurs when there is a complete absence of the menstrual cycle. At this stage, full menopausal symptoms have appeared in the women, and your ovaries stop releasing eggs.
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This stage occurs after menopause and lasts for the rest of your life. Women in this stage are at an increased risk of diseases like osteoporosis and heart disease.
Oestrogeen en progesteron zijn hormonen die de menstruatie regelen en eieren uit de eierstokken vrijgeven. Wanneer de productie van deze hormonen afneemt, gebeurt de menopauze.
Oophorectomie is de chirurgische verwijdering van eierstokken uit het vrouwelijke lichaam. In the absence of ovaries in your body, there is no production of hormones to regulate menstrual periods.
Radiation therapy is used for cancer treatment which may induce menopause.
Primary ovarian insufficiency is the main cause of premature menopause. It occurs at the early stage of life in females.
This insufficiency may occur due to autoimmune diseases. In such conditions, the ovaries are congenitally missing.
Following are some menopause symptoms.
Vaginal dryness is a common symptom of menopause. It is also called vaginal atrophy. Menopause makes the vaginal mucosa thinner and irritable.
Uw arts kan verschillende lotions aanbevelen om de vagina te smeren en de vaginale droogheid te beëindigen.
Menopauze verstoort de cyclus van je menstruatie. Soms duurt de cyclus voor een langere tijd, terwijl deze de volgende keer een korte tijd duurt.
Deze onregelmatigheden treden op als gevolg van hormonale veranderingen in de menopauze. Sommige vrouwen kunnen hun menstruatie missen. Deze symptomen treden op tijdens het perimenopauze stadium van de menopauze.
Hot flushes are the feeling of warmth, most commonly occurring on the upper part of the body. The skin becomes red, and sharp temperature increases occur.
It is the hallmark sign of menopause that almost every female experiences during their menopausal stage. It is the response of the skin to hormonal change.
Insomnia has been reported in some women who are passing through the menopausal stage of life. Sleep disturbance occurs due to sudden abrupt changes in your hormones.
Along with sleep problems, night sweats also occur due to temperature changes.
Find our range of sleeping aids hier.
Oestrogen and progesterone help produce the hair follicle, strengthening your hair and preventing it from falling.
In menopause, there is a decline in the level of these hormones, which consequently leads to the weakening of your hair. Hair is the beauty of the female body, and it may lead the female to anxiety and depression.
To learn more about hair loss, see hier.
A. Joint and muscle aches
B. Stemmingswisselingen
C. Cold flashes and night sweats, e. Hete flitsen
D. Painful intercourse
e. Memory problems
Following health risks occur in women who experience menopause early
Women with low oestrogen hormone levels are at higher risk of developing heart diseases.
The cholesterol level in your blood becomes high and accumulates in the heart's blood vessels when the menstrual cycle stops.
Een dergelijke toestand vermindert de bloedstroom naar hartspieren. Therefore regular exercise is recommended to normalise your cholesterol level.
Osteoporose wordt beschouwd als de meest voorkomende gezondheidscomplicatie met betrekking tot het postmenopauzale stadium. Deze aandoening maakt uw botharen vatbaar om gemakkelijk te breken.
The hormonal imbalance during menopause makes the bone structure vulnerable.
The commonly affected bones by osteoporosis are the backbone, wrist bones, and long bones of the legs. Osteoporosis occurs during an early stage of menopause.
De menopauze veroorzaakt dunner worden van het vaginale slijmvlies, wat leidt tot verlies van elasticiteit. Deze veranderingen kunnen onvrijwillig plassen veroorzaken.
Along with urinary incontinence, some females also experience urinary tract infections because the dry vagina creates a favourable environment for the growth of bacteria.
Kegel -oefening wordt aanbevolen om bekkenbodemspieren te versterken en de symptomen van urine -urgentie te verlichten.
Vanwege het lage metabolismeproces komen veel vrouwen aan tijdens hun menopauzale stadium. Daarom moet u een uitgebalanceerd dieet eten om een normaal gewicht na de menopauze te behouden en gewichtstoename te elimineren.
Menopause is an ageing process and recovery to normal menstrual periods is impossible. However, treatment is given to overcome the menopausal symptoms and complications. If you experience sudden illness, you need to seek medical advice from a healthcare provider.
For vaginal dryness, the doctor recommends different creams to relieve vaginal dryness. Anti-fungal medications are also applied to reduce the chance of fungal infection.
Evenzo adviseren zorgverleners aan het versterken van het versterken van bekkenbodemspieren om onvrijwillig urineren voor urine -incontinentie te stoppen.
A healthy diet and exercise are also needed for the woman who experiences menopause symptoms to maintain a healthy weight and get rid of heart diseases.
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