Asthma Treatment

Asthma is a common respiratory condition that causes partial inflammation of the airways, making it difficult to breathe. Get your recurring asthma medication online by filling out the consultation form below.

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  • Can ease breathing within 5 minutes
    Can ease breathing within 5 minutes
  • Helps to control and prevent symptoms
    Helps to control and prevent symptoms
  • UK approved medications with 24/7 support
    UK approved medications with 24/7 support
  • Effective for emergency asthma attacks
    Effective for emergency asthma attacks
asthma treatment

How does an asthma inhaler work?

Asthma inhalers can be taken daily or in the case of an immediate asthma attack. They work by relaxing the airways that have become inflamed to allow more air to pass through. This helps to regulate breathing and reduce wheezing, coughing, tightness of the chest and shortness of breath.

Can asthma be prevented permanently?

There is no cure for asthma however, there are many medications that can be used to ensure it does not heavily impact your life. The two kinds of inhalers that are used are called reliever and preventer inhalers. These work daily and in the case of an attack. There are also tablets that can be used to treat asthma.

of the UK population have been diagnosed with asthma

According to the NICE, there are over 8 million people who have asthma.

of onset adult asthma may be due to occupational asthma

According to the NICE, occupational asthma may account for 9-15% of adult-onset asthma.

Asthma Medication

“Asthma is a chronic lung condition that causes episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. The exact cause of asthma is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Asthma can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled with medication and lifestyle changes!”

Dr Sameer Nakedar
MBBS (London), MRCGP, PGCert
Asthma Medication
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    Complete A Quick Online Consultation Form

    Fill out a quick and simple online consultation form to find out what products you are eligible for.

  • Checkout Securely

    Checkout Securely

    Once you have completed your consultation and selected your treatment, you can securely checkout online. 

  • Express Delivery

    Express Delivery

    You will then receive your order the next working day using our express next-day courier service, dispensed from one of our verified GhPC partner pharmacies in the UK. 

What are the 5 symptoms of asthma?

The five main symptoms of asthma include a shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain, wheezing when exhaling, difficulty sleeping and a coughing or wheezing attack.

What are the main causes of asthma?

Asthma is most often caused by an allergy to an animal, pollen or dust mite. Exposure to smoke, pollution or cold air could also trigger an attack. Exercise or an infection can also exacerbate asthma.

How long does it take to receive my order?

All orders placed before 14:00 from Monday to Friday will be dispatched that day. The orders are sent using 24 Hour Tracked delivery provided by Royal Mail. Items will usually arrive the very next day after the order has been placed. We also provide tracking for your orders to check the status and location of your parcel.

How is the medication packaged?

All our medication is packaged in plain confidential padded white or brown envelopes. This ensures that your orders are discreet, and the content of the orders will be for your eyes only.

Ali lahko vrnem naročilo?

Za nededicinalne izdelke lahko izdelek vrnete v 14 dneh po prejemu v isti prejeti embalaži. Za zdravilne izdelke ste upravičeni, da prekličete naročilo le, dokler ga ne pošljejo. Od tega trenutka naprej niste več upravičeni do vrnitve naročila.

Ali je to zdravilo primerno zame?

Prosimo, stopite v stik z zdravnikom, če niste prepričani, katera zdravila so primerna za vas. Prav tako lahko izpolnite naš spletni posvetovalni obrazec, da preverite vašo upravičenost do izdelka.

What is the best treatment for asthma?

Treating asthma can depend on the severity of asthma and your lifestyle. Some people may require a preventer inhaler for daily use or to be taken before an activity such as exercise. For others, you may only need to carry a reliever inhaler in case of an acute asthma attack.

How long does asthma last for?

Asthma is categorised as a long-term condition. When diagnosed as a child, asthma may go away or improve with the possibility of coming back later in life. If diagnosed as an adult, the asthma is more likely to be long-term.

What is an online consultation?

An online consultation checks if you are eligible to purchase the product. Some products only require an online consultation which approximately takes 1 minute to complete, enabling you to buy the product. Other products will also require a prescription; in this case, you will need to complete the online consultation, and then one of our partner pharmacy prescribers or doctors will review the online consultation questions and approve the order for delivery if you are eligible to purchase the item.

Kdaj bo moje naročilo dostavljeno?

Če ste naročilo oddali pred 14:00 od ponedeljka do petka, boste naslednji dan prejeli naročilo.

Ali lahko prekličem naročilo?

Imate pravico, da prekličete naročilo za zdravila do točke, ko je zdravilo odposlano.

Ali lahko to naročim, če sem mlajši od 18 let?

Ne, ne sprejemamo naročil posameznikov, mlajših od 18 let. Vsa naročila morajo oddati samo odrasli.

Kaj se zgodi med napadom astme?

Ljudje, ki trpijo za astmo, so otekle, občutljive in vnete dihalne poti, ki so lahko ozke in polne sluzi. Ta pogoj izhaja iz pljuč, kar povzroča težave z dihanjem. Lahko povzroči, da posamezniki doživijo zadihanost, tesno prsni koš, piskanje in nenadzorovano kašelj.

Kaj sproži začetek napada astme?

Astma povzroča vnetje dihalnih poti, ki postanejo ozke zaradi astmatičnih napadov. Vsakodnevni sprožilci, kot so alergije, onesnaževanje zraka in vadba, lahko povzročijo pojav takšnih simptomov. Okužbe s prehladom in gripo lahko poslabšajo tudi astmatične simptome. Običajno začne vplivati ​​na posameznike v otroštvu.

Kakšna je razlika med razbremenilniki in inhalatorji?

Inhalatorji razbremenitve se uporabljajo za zdravljenje simptomov takoj, ko se pojavijo, katerih cilj je lajšati simptome v nekaj minutah. Deluje s sproščanjem mišic, da olajšajo dihanje. Inhalatorji za preprečevanje se lahko uporabljajo skupaj z inhalatorji za razbremenitev, zasnovani so za vsakodnevno uporabo, saj zmanjšujejo vnetje in občutljivost dihalnih poti. Uporablja se tudi takrat, ko simptomi niso, da bi se jim preprečili, da bi se pojavili.

Kaj so alternativna astma?

Poleg inhalatorjev je mogoče vzeti tudi naslednje zdravljenje. Antagonisti levkotrienskih receptorjev (LTRA) so najpogosteje predpisane tablete, ki jih jemljemo vsak dan za preprečevanje simptomov. Če druge obdelave ne povzročajo učinkovitega olajšanja, se lahko priporočajo steroidne tablete. Lahko jih jemljemo kot takojšnjo olajšanje ali preventivno zdravljenje. V primerih hude astme lahko za nadzor simptomov dajemo mesečne injekcije.

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