Red Clover

Native to Europe, Asia, and northwest Africa, red clover (Trifolium pratense) is an herbaceous, annual legume with a short lifespan. Australia, New Zealand, North and South America, as well as other countries, have all received it. The plant serves as a source of nectar for bees, green manure, and forage for livestock. Additionally, it has been employed medically.A member of the Fabaceae family of beans is the red clover. The trifoliate (3-lobed) leaves of the plant, which have a reddish tint on the tips of the leaflets, are what give it its name. Small and borne in dense, spherical heads, the flowers are. As the flowers ripen, they change from pink to purple.

What is Red Clover?

In pastures and hay meadows throughout Europe, Asia, and northwest Africa, red clover is a very common plant. Along with North and South America, Australia, and New Zealand, it has also been introduced there. The plant does best in sunny, well-drained soils. It frequently invades disturbed sites like road cuts and logged areas as one of the first plants.

Red clover leaves are fed to animals as forage. Because of the leaves' high protein content, cattle, horses, and sheep can benefit greatly from eating them. You can also use the dried leaves as hay.
Red Clover is occasionally grown as a crop for green manure. It enriches the soil with nitrogen and other nutrients when plowed under. This may be advantageous for upcoming crops.

Bees rely heavily on red clover as a source of nectar. The flowers are loaded with pollen and draw many different kinds of bees. Red clover honey is light in color and has a delicate, sweet taste.

Traditional medicine has long utilized red clover. It was used to treat a wide range of illnesses, including cancer as well as colds, coughs, and skin issues. Red Clover is still used today as a herbal remedy, despite the fact that there isn't much proof of its effectiveness.

Red Clover is typically regarded as being secure. However, exposure to the plant may cause allergic reactions in some people, such as skin rashes. It's also crucial to remember that red clover contains substances that resemble estrogen. These substances might not be safe for women who are pregnant or nursing and can interact with some medications.

Side Effects & Safety

Red clover is LIKELY SAFE for the majority of people to consume orally in food amounts. Additionally, it is secure to use as a temporary medication.

A substance found in red clover has estrogen-like properties. As a result, some people worry that red clover may make uterine cancer more likely. Concerns have also been raised about red clover's potential to mimic the effects of estrogen in other ways, such as influencing fertility or fostering the development of breast tissue (gynecomastia). To determine whether these worries are valid, however, more information is needed. Women who are expecting or nursing should avoid using red clover until more information is available.

Red clover should also not be used by people with hormone-sensitive conditions like breast cancer, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, or other conditions.

Red clover is LIKELY SAFE to use on the skin when applied topically. Red clover is suspected of causing skin rashes and irritation in some people.

Special Precautions & Warnings

Red clover is LIKELY UNSAFE when taken orally in medicinal amounts during pregnancy and while nursing. It may behave similarly to the estrogen hormone. Estrogen may be problematic for a baby that is still developing. If you are pregnant, avoid consuming red clover.


Compounds from red clover are quickly absorbed from the digestive system and dispersed widely throughout the body. Red clover's metabolites are mainly eliminated through the urine.


Red clover dosage is based on a number of variables, including the user's age, health, and various other conditions. A suitable dose range for red clover cannot currently be determined due to a lack of sufficient scientific data. Keep in mind that dosages can be crucial and that natural products aren't always safe. Prior to using, make sure to read and follow all applicable instructions on product labels and speak with your pharmacist, doctor, or other healthcare professional.


Red clover may speed up the liver's ability to break down some medications. Some medications that the liver breaks down can lose some of their effectiveness if red clover is taken with them. If you take any medications that are processed by the liver, consult your doctor before taking red clover.

Some of these medicines consist of:

-Uroxatral (Alfuzosin)

-Amidarol (Cordarone)

-Casodex, bicilutamide

Bossestan (Tracleer)

-Tegretol (carbamazepine)


Fenoxapine (Plendil)

-Duragesic (Fentanyl)

-Mevacor (lovastatin)

(Versed) Midazolam


Meprazole (Prilosec)

-Xenical (Orlistat)

-Pravachol (Pravastatin)


– Rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane)

Benzodiazepines such as phenobarbital, diazepam (Valium), and lorazepam (Ativan)

Zocor (simvastatin)

Prograf, or tacrolimus


Coumadin (Warfarin)