7 Earl Grey Tea Benefits and Uses

7 Earl Grey Tea Benefits and Uses

What is Earl Grey Tea?

Earl Grey Tea is a traditional tea that is widely consumed for its characteristic refreshing flavour and aroma. It is a unique blend of black tea with a hint of bergamot orange. It has a pleasantly bold taste that is a mix of citrusy and floral notes of bergamot orange with durability of black tea. The versatility of Earl Grey tea is often enjoyed with a squeeze of lemon or a splash of milk for enhanced taste. A pleasant aroma and delightful flavour are not all that a cup of Earl Grey tea offers as it is also loaded with many health benefits. It makes Earl Grey tea even more appealing. In the article below, we will discuss the health benefits and uses of Earl Grey tea for you to consider its incorporation in the routine.

What are the Benefits and Uses of Earl Grey Tea?

Earl Grey tea is a balanced, refreshing, and invigorating beverage that is based on a unique blend of black tea and bergamot orange. Enlisted below are the seven benefits and uses of the delightful Earl Grey tea.

  1. Vitality and Alertness

It must be called tea for a reason? Yes, like other black teas, this delightful beverage also contains enough caffeine to keep you awake and alert. It is an absolute pick for work during the early hours or while taking a break during noon for a boost in energy. The caffeine content of a cup of earl grey tea is lower than that of a cup of coffee, making it an even better pick when an individual is seeking a beverage that must give an energy boost momentarily but not cause complete loss of the ability to doze off on the desk.

Caffeine certainly improves cognition by increasing alertness, but have you heard of what L-theanine is capable of? Both caffeine and L-theanine (an amino acid) work in a team to give a synergistic boost to the brain by enhancing focus, alertness, and metal clarity. Individuals sensitive to caffeine often find themselves increasingly anxious after consumption of a beverage based on caffeine. This must not happen when Earl Grey tea is the case since its L-theanine promotes relaxation that balances the anxiousness of caffeine.

Individuals consuming a cup of Earl Grey tea often report a sense of warmth that rushes across their body, guess why that must be? Yes, adrenaline! This high adrenaline evokes the desire to get moving that leads to increased physical performance and hence burning the excess fat to get that energy boost.

  1. Loaded with Antioxidants

Earl Grey tea is a rich source of antioxidants that relieves the cellular oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when there is increased production of free radicals in the metabolic reaction and the mechanisms of the body are finding it difficult to neutralise these harmful agents, resulting in piling up of the toxic waste and causing symptoms. Earl Grey tea has rich sources of antioxidants such as polyphenols, catechins and flavonoids that play a pivotal role in an attempt to clear out these harmful agents and free radicals.

The antioxidant properties of earl grey tea are particularly noticeable when it begins improving the cardiovascular health. Along with filtering other harmful reactional byproducts, earl grey tea also lowers the low density lipoproteins (LDL- the bad cholesterol) and improve the consistency and tensile strength of the blood vessels. These two effects result in reduced cardiovascular load, improved blood cholesterol regulation and blood pressure management. It is highly advised for individuals with cardiovascular health issues that they consume a cup of earl grey tea regularly so that it reduces the oxidative stress that often builds up in a vigorously pumping overloaded heart.

As mentioned above, antioxidants work to neutralise the harmful free radicals and byproducts of metabolic reactions. Thus, it also works wonders at cancer prevention and management. A natural source that is loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are most favoured for patients battling with cancer as it reduces the troubling symptoms to a significant extent. It is an essential preventive beverage that protects against cancers so it must be consumed and enjoyed on a regular basis.

  1. Smooth Digestion

A cup of Earl Grey tea must relieve the symptoms of poor or delayed digestion. It relieves bloated abdomen after a meal and promotes gut motility to enhance and proceed with the process of digestion smoothly. This property is attributed to the hints of bergamot orange in the tea that supports rapid digestion.

The Earl Grey tea contain polyphenols of bergamot orange that signals the assisting organs of the digestive system to release digestive enzymes into the digestive tract, that is one rhythmic motive! These digestive enzymes prepare itself on time and cause active breakdown and absorption of the nutritious load from the consumed food.

The antispasmodic properties of bergamot orange relieve the spasticity of the digestive tract. Delayed absorption and spasticity in the gut wall often cause symptoms of indigestion, bloating and constipation. Earl grey tea relieves the gastrointestinal system with its antispasmodic and prokinetic properties that propels the contents of the gut only forward and keep on churning the food while its on the move.

  1. Weight Management

Earl Grey tea can prove itself as a valuable addition to any kind of weight loss plan. The beverage is loaded with polyphenols that cause rapid fat oxidation to release its energy even while doing minimal tasks during the day. This boost in metabolism cause body’s inclination towards using the body fat as the only energy source and cause its rapid burning. This helps with shedding the extra pounds in a healthy and natural way.

Moreover, the chemical constituents and compounds in a cup of earl grey tea have the capability to suppress the appetite. Taking a cup of earl grey tea during any time of the day may make you feel full for the next meal. Its not that earl grey tea aims to make its consumer skip a meal, rather its gaol is to suppress the desire and untimely tendencies to eat that build up excessive weight gain the first place.

  1. Relieves the Stress

A cup of earl grey tea certainly provides relief from the stress to a significant extent. It reduces the anxiety and offers comfort from stressors of the daily routine. This property of earl grey tea is attributed to bergamot orange that releases rich aroma that soothes and senses and prove blissful for the mental health.

Taking a cup of earl grey tea during the resting hours of the day must be made into a ritual as it cools down the tired senses and create a positive and calm approach towards the upcoming challenges. Enjoying a cup with friends creates a sense of security and gratefulness to have such enriching moments in life. Later in life, upon taking a cup of earl grey tea will light a spark in the brain and recall the warmth of good memories.

  1. Multifaceted Culinary Applications

Earl Grey tea is the sort of ingredient that can be incorporated into various sorts of dishes and cooking. The various health benefits it provides also cause significant enrichment in these dishes.

Earl grey tea is often incorporated into cookies, cakes, and other baking products to add a hint of citrusy freshness. Earl grey tea-based macarons and bread cookies are popular bakery items among populations all over the world. It may as well be the secret ingredient the chef or baker won’t share.

The bergamot oil extract of earl grey is often applied over the marinating meat to add citrusy flavour to it. It is also a useful ingredient in the making of sauces and stews to enhance the taste of the final dish.

In hot summers, one may go creative with earl grey tea by consuming it ice cold instead of the classic hot ear grey tea. It can also turn into delightful latte and cocktails to cool the heat. While we are discussing this, someone must be enjoying an earl grey based gin and savouring the unique aromatic twists it has to offer.

  1. Promotes Oral Hygiene

It is a common observation to run our mouth many times during the day by eating various food items ranging from sweet to spicy, but often ignore the maintenance of oral hygiene. Our mouth is home to a wide range of bacteria, that include both harmful and beneficial ones. The catechins and fluoride in a delightful cup of earl Grey tea offer a wide range of maintenance benefits for an individual’s oral health. These chemical constituents have antibacterial properties that reduces or altogether depletes the growth of harmful bacteria that have evil intentions by inhabiting on the tongue, gums, and teeth. It prevents the formation of plaques, cavities, and gum infections which are common oral health problems one must deal with in cases of poor oral hygiene.

Fluoride is an essential ingredient in any toothpaste because it prevents carries formation in the teeth. Earl Grey tea is a natural source of fluoride that promises a strengthened dental enamel and active prevention from the formation of dental carries.  

People Also Ask

When is the best time of the day to take a cup of Earl Grey tea?

The best time of the day to take a cup of Earl Grey tea for maximum benefits is during the early morning or late afternoon hours. The moderate caffeine content in Earl Grey tea offers wakefulness and alertness during the lazy hours and prove to be beneficial for work productivity. It also enhances the cognition and provide mental clarity. The rich aroma of Earl Grey tea also enhances the mood during these hours and relieve the work stress. Taking a cup of Earl Grey tea during the mentioned timings must be made a ritual since it provides all the mid-day relaxation and exert pleasant effects on the body and mind that one may ask for.

What are the non-culinary uses of Earl Grey Tea?

The most popular non-culinary use of Earl Grey is its infusion into the skincare routine. The antioxidant and antibacterial properties of Earl Grey tea is a whole package for a clear, youthful, and pimple-free skin. It is a handy ingredient for beauty product industries since its topical application fights off the toxic free radicals, decreases the inflammation surrounding a pimple and create a protective environment against the invading microorganisms and germs. The use of Earl Grey tea (cold of course!) as a facial toner is a beauty secret that we love to tell you, as it rejuvenates the skin, softens it and treat the uneven skin tone by reducing the apparent blemishes. Moreover, the rich aroma of Earl Grey tea can also be used in aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the technique of treating stress with enriching scents. Earl Grey tea can be poured into a diffuser to enjoy citrusy freshness in the room or car.


Earl Grey tea is a widely consumed tea that has a unique blend of black tea with a hint of bergamot orange. It has a pleasantly bold taste that is a mix of citrusy and floral notes of bergamot orange with durability of black tea. The versatility of Earl Grey tea is often enjoyed with a squeeze of lemon or a splash of milk for enhanced taste. It is an absolute pick for work during the early hours or while taking a break during noon for a boost in energy. The caffeine and L-theanine of Earl Grey tea work in a team to give a synergistic boost to the brain by enhancing focus, alertness, and metal clarity. Earl Grey tea is a rich source of antioxidants that relieves the cellular oxidative stress. Along with filtering other harmful reactional byproducts, earl grey tea also reduces the low-density lipoproteins and improve the consistency and tensile strength of the blood vessels. These two effects result in reduced cardiovascular load, improved blood cholesterol regulation and blood pressure management. Earl Grey tea relieves bloated abdomen after a meal and promotes gut motility to enhance and proceed with the process of digestion smoothly. It has both culinary and non-culinary applications such as its use in baked items, dishes, sauces, stews, gin cocktails, skincare creams, toners, and aromatherapy.

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