When will I get my period (quiz)?

Understand the signs of first periods to prepare yourself better. Period Prediction Quiz
When did your last period start?
What is the average length of your menstrual cycle?
What color is your discharge?
How old are you?
How have you been feeling emotionally lately?
Menarche is the term used for the first periods experienced by an adolescent girl. Most girls experience symptoms between 10-16 years, but the median age is 12.4. Signs of menstrual periods are too obvious. However, not all women will have all the signs. Having most of the signs is enough to know if you are going to have periods.
Besides signs, the onset of periods is also reflected in hormonal levels. Our Female Hormone Blood Test kit allows you to monitor the levels of key reproductive hormones. Click here to place your order.
Please note that the quiz above was created by a machine learning model and cannot be used to accurately predict your next period, which would require a better understanding and tracking.
The answer to this question needs a thorough analysis of your puberty development, age, body size etc. Any prediction about periods will involve psychological and behavioural development too.
We have summarised the information about the first period in the form of easy-to-understand questions. This questionnaire is designed to detect and identify the earliest signs of the menstrual cycle.
However, keep in mind that no method can tell you the exact date of your upcoming periods. There are a lot of factors involved. However, you must be as honest as possible for a relatively accurate estimate.
What's your age?
Less than 12
15 years or more
Hint: If you are more than 12 years of age, you are likely to experience periods as the average age is 12.4 years.
Closely monitor the hair growth in your pubic area and underarms. How much has grown so far and what does it look like?
There is fast hair growth
The hair growth is as usual
The hairs have stopped growing
Hint: The underarm hair and pubic hair are a sign of puberty. Rapid hair growth means you are heading towards puberty and, consequently, getting your period.
Monitor your height. Do you notice any difference?
Growth is normal
Growth is slower
Growth is faster
Hint: Girls start a rapid growth, and by menarche, a girl's height will increase by 3 inches (7 cm) per year. Fast growth is likely due to an approaching adolescent.
Have you noticed a fluid discharge around your genitals?
It was noted once, but not anymore
Yes, I've reported discharge lately
Hint: Clear to white discharge from the vagina can start six months to 1 year before the first period. This discharge is a product of changing hormonal levels and is sticky and thin. It keeps the vagina moist and healthy.
Have you noted any change in your body odour?
The change was bigger once but now fading.
It is the same as before.
It is getting stronger.
Hint: A big change in body odour happens during puberty due to increased steroid hormone levels. The odour becomes less and less pleasant.
Note the fluid around your external genitals. What does it resemble?
It was once sticky but now become watery
It is watery
It is sticky
Hint: A thin and sticky discharge starts before the first period and is a sign of puberty.
Closely monitor your emotions. How are they?
I feel no changes in my emotions
The emotions were stronger but now fading
My feelings are getting stronger and stronger.
Hint: Adolescent girls are at an increased risk of substantial emotional changes leading to anxiety and depression. However, the mechanism of these transitions remains unclear.
How is your mood most of the time?
It is normal
I feel depressed and irritated.
I was once depressed and irritated, but now normal.
Hint: The changes during puberty cause irritation and depression. A girl showing these signs is expected to have periods soon.
Note the relative growth in your body parts. Which is growing faster?
No noticeable growth
Hint: According to a recent study published in PLOS ONE, the median age of fast breast development is 11 years. This rapid-paced breast development is a sign of approaching periods.
Are you thinking more about sexual activities and romance?
Not so
I used to think more in the past.
Hint: During puberty, a girl will have higher levels of Oxycontin, the so-called 'love hormone or the 'cuddle chemical. Its higher levels are responsible for relationship building, trust, friendship and sexual feelings.
Look at your nipples. Have you noticed any of the following changes?
Increasing in size
Bright-coloured and small
Hint: During puberty, the diameter and size of nipples increase significantly. The diameter grows on average by 5-6mm. The nipple colour also becomes darker.
Is there any increase in sensitivity in your genitals?
Yes, a little more sensitive
Yes, a lot more sensitive
It was liable in the past, but not anymore
Hint: The external vagina becomes more sensitive in pubertal girls. It is due to increased oestrogen production (during the cycle's follicular phase). It is a sign that you are going to experience first periods soon.
Ask your mother about her first periods. What was her experience?
She experienced her first periods at early age.
Her cycle started late, and she experienced periods late
She experienced early menses
Hint: You inherit genes from your parents. If your mother had periods at an earlier age, you are also expected to have so. It is, however, a crude estimate and should be coupled with other signs.
Have you experienced heaviness or cramps around your belly and waist?
Experienced in the past, but no more
Hint: Cramps in the abdomen are due to contractions of the muscles of the womb, which occur to expel the material. It is a sign that periods are too near.
Are you experiencing more sensitive breasts?
No, my breasts are normal.
My breasts are tender.
They used to be tender and sensitive but are now normal
Hint: The female hormones oestrogen and progesterone cause the growth of breast tissues. This rapid growth causes tenderness. The large breast exerts pressure on the surrounding tissues causing even more pain and sensitivity, particularly when touched.
Is your mood stable or unstable?
Not so.
Yes, it is a bit unstable.
It used to be unstable, but now normal.
Hint: An adolescent girl experiences mood fluctuations causing her mood to become unstable.
How is your energy level?
I have the same energy levels as usual.
I feel more energetic.
My energy levels have dropped.
Hint: Before and during the periods, the levels of hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) reach a low point, causing a dip in energy. It is common for girls to feel weak and lethargic.
The energy dip is, however, not always due to the periods; it could also be due to various other causes, e.g., anaemia, thyroid fluctuations etc. Our Tiredness and Fatigue Blood Test Kit allows you to rule out these causes. Click here to place your order.
Are you experiencing more acne and pimples on your face?
I experienced it in the past, but not anymore.
Hint: Menarche is characterised by a rapid increase in the levels of androgen, oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones cause the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, clogged pores, acne, and pimples.
Have your friends and peers experienced their periods?
Yes, most of them have experienced it.
All of my friends have experienced periods.
Some of my friends have experienced it.
Hint: If your friends are experiencing the symptoms, you are also likely to note more. It is due to pure psychology.
Are you experiencing unusual and strong food cravings?
Not so.
Yes, I'm always thinking about food.
I had food cravings in the past, but not now.
Hint: Changes in progesterone and oestrogen cause food cravings in the girls. You can develop more likeness for sweets and high-carb foods. These are, however, the healthy body responses to the hormones.
This first-period quiz summarises various signs a female notices as the period starts. However, not all women will experience all of the characters. For simplification, if you are experiencing more than 10 of these symptoms, you will likely experience your first periods soon.
If, however, you have passed the life of menarche and are worried about your reproductive health, our Female fertility Test kit allows you to monitor the key hormones involved in fertility. Click here to read more and place your order.
In case of any complexity, you can consult our sexual health experts by clicking here.
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