Weed Hangover: How to Prevent and Treat It?

The Morning after you know those days where you used to wake up from a night of cannabis ingestion feeling groggy, irritable even nauseous? You’re not alone." As one cannabis enthusiast said, “I love the experience, but the morning after feel like a train wreck.”
Although there is a limited amount of research on weed hangovers, many cannabis users have shared their experiences of uncomfortable symptoms that can linger into the next day This, 2019 re-view of 19 studies stated that cannabis use has a medium-sized association with negative effects like physical pain and daytime tiredness PubMed.
Dr. Rachel Knox, cannabis physician and advocate, states, “Understanding how cannabis affects us is key to responsible use. Users need to be aware that the aftereffects can vary widely based on the strain, dosage, and individual physiology.”
In this article, we take a close look at what weed hangovers are and the science behind them as well as will see the effective remedies, alternative solutions, and prevention strategies.
Cannabis refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the cannabis plant. The plant contains a variety of chemical compounds, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Most of the time Cannabis is used for recreational purposes, but it has medicinal benefits too. Cannabis is used to relieve chronic pain, lower anxiety level, promote better sleep and many others for medical reasons. Informally, people call this plant "weed", but its scientific name is cannabis.
The term "weed hangover" refers to the aftereffects that some individuals experience after consuming cannabis, especially in higher doses or with potent strains. Common symptoms include:
Fatigue: Some people feel tired even after the effects of cannabis have worn off.
Headaches: Users often report mild to moderate headaches.
Cognitive difficulties: You may experience trouble focusing or a foggy brain.
Mood Changes: irritable or sad
Nausea: Some people experience nausea with vomiting.
Research on weed hangovers shows that high doses of cannabis can cause confusion, overly excited behaviours, and problems with memory (Matheson et al., 2016).
Another side effect of cannabis use includes frequent and high levels tiredness, laziness. In simple words too much will gum you up and make it hard to move or react fast in case of emergency.
Some studies focus on how long these effects last after THC (the main chemical in cannabis) has left the body (Pope, 1995). The researchers caution that lingering deficits in thinking and memory may become a chronic medical problem for someone who uses cannabis regularly.
In the study, 13 men who regularly smoked marijuana participated to see if smoking marijuana in the evening would cause noticeable effects the next morning. They smoked either real marijuana (with 2.9% THC) or a fake marijuana cigarette with no THC. The researchers measured their carbon monoxide (CO) levels before and after smoking to monitor how much smoke they inhaled.
Right after smoking, those who used the real marijuana showed changes in heart rate, CO levels, and performance in tasks like card sorting, memory recall, and judging time. They also reported feeling different in several ways.
The next morning, about 9 hours later, they repeated the tests. People who smoked the real marijuana still showed changes in how they felt and, in their ability, to judge time. These effects, described as "hangover" effects, were different from the immediate effects they felt right after smoking.
The study suggests that marijuana can cause leftover effects the next day, but more research is needed to understand exactly what these effects are and what they may mean in real life.
Research on weed hangovers is limited, but several factors contribute to these aftereffects:
THC and CBD: THC is the primary psychoactive compound that induces mind-altering effects, while CBD (cannabidiol) is non-psychoactive. Strains high in THC can lead to more intense effects.
Dosage: Higher doses may only add unnecessary strain to the body that can increase hangover symptoms, especially for first-time users.
How it is Consumed: Smoking cannabis delivers quick effects within minutes that last 1-3 hours. The THC enters the bloodstream directly through the lungs.
Edibles, on the other hand, take longer to kick in (30 minutes to 2 hours) because they’re processed by the liver, but their effects last much longer, around 4-8 hours or more, and can feel stronger due to how THC is metabolized.
Biophysical Factors: Cannabis has a different impact on everyone, as tolerance affects how potent the drug is, and metabolic rate changes drive how quickly or powerfully cannabis hits.
Cannabis can affect the body in various ways:
Pain Relief: Many users report significant pain relief and a feeling of calm.
Mood Alterations: Sometimes your mood can go from one extreme to another, such as euphoria or anxiety.
Cognitive Effects: Cannabis can impair memory and judgment.
Physical Effects: Common physical effects include eye redness and increased lung irritation from smoking.
A lot of these effects are temporary, so the length may just be for a short while but understanding them is important.
While complete prevention of weed hangovers may not be possible, but still several strategies can help in minimizing the risk:
It is important to know the THC and CBD levels in your cannabis. Strains which have a 1:1 THC to CBD ratio do not produce heavy psychoactive effects, thus decreasing the risk for a hangover.
Absolutely, new users should consider moderate or microdosed amount when using cannabis defensive medicine. If you slowly increase your intake, then it allows for a smoother load on the body and can help prevent overwhelming effects.
Hangover symptoms can be worse if you are dehydrated. It does not mean you should stop drinking water three hours before or after consuming cannabis. Herbal teas or electrolyte-rich drinks can also be beneficial. Drinking enough water can both reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Always avoid taking it on an empty stomach. A diet sparing beforehand will assist control absorption and that may be useful in reducing the possibility of aspect effects. Afterwards, snacking stimulates metabolism to level out your blood sugar levels lowering hangover odds even more.
The way you consume cannabis can affect how it affects your body. Stick to smoking or vaping if you're the sufferer of bad hangovers who gets too high off edibles, whose effects are often stronger and last longer.
Mixing cannabis with alcohol or other drugs can amplify some side-effects. If you decide to proceed with consumption of both, consume them in moderation and pay attention to how they begin affecting one another. Combining stuff can have unpredictable results and will often just make your hangover worse.
The following are some of the effective remedies if you ever fall victim to a weed hangover.
Rehydration is crucial. Keep yourself hydrated with water or you can take up coconut water, and some supplementary electrolyte drinks were also good options. This will make sure you are not dehydrated and helps with symptoms like fatigue or headaches.
Vitamins & Minerals One final note, eating a diet high in vitamins and minerals also helps with the healing process. Look at antioxidant heavy fruits like berries, anti-inflammatory foods such as leafy green. Salmon, for example, is another food that provides omega-3 fatty acids and promotes brain health as well as stabilizing moods.
If you have nausea, ginger tea is especially useful. Ginger has anti-nausea effects that may help to reduce stomach upset. For other calming effects, you can also try herbal tea such as peppermint or chamomile.
Taking breaks is extremely important for resting your whole body. You can relax in a quiet comfortable space, close your eyes and start to breathe deeply. One great way to stay relaxed and assist in your recovery is with light yoga or gentle stretches, these will relieve tension helping a quicker recovery.
Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or aspirin can alleviate headaches or body aches. However, always consult with a healthcare provider if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Vitamin B complex or vitamin C may also help in the recovery after cannabis use for some users. Although there is little scientific evidence to back this up, they can boost health and give energy so help you get well and feel better more quickly.
Exercise lightly to encourage mood and energy levels. A light walk or mild stretching will get the blood flowing and allow your body to metabolize more THC leftover in your system. It is true that physical activity releases those endorphins, and you will feel a mood overall improvement.
In most cases, weed hangovers are mild and resolve with rest and self-care. However, if symptoms persist or if you experience severe reactions (such as extreme anxiety, confusion, or prolonged nausea), it’s crucial to seek medical attention. These symptoms may indicate an adverse reaction or other underlying health issues that require professional evaluation.
Education is essential knowing what to expect and how to handle potential aftereffects can lead to a more enjoyable and safer experience. Many states and countries have resources available to educate users on safe cannabis practices, so take advantage of them.
How long does a weed hangover last?
A weed hangover typically lasts a few hours to a day. It depends on factors such as the dosage taken, individual tolerance to weed, the consumed strain of weed and hydration status of the individual.
How is weed hangover different from an alcohol hangover?
A weed hangover is often milder than an alcohol hangover. Weed hangover has symptoms like increased grogginess or brain fog, whereas an alcohol hangover includes nausea, headache and dehydration.
Cannabis refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the cannabis plant. The plant contains a variety of chemical compounds, including tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol. Most of the time Cannabis is used for recreational purposes, but it has medicinal benefits too. Cannabis is used to relieve chronic pain, lower anxiety level, promote better sleep and many others for medical reasons.
There are various effects of cannabis on the body that includes pain relief, cognitive effects, mood alterations and certain physical effects such as eye redness and increased lung irritation from the smoke. Cannabis hangover refers to the aftereffects that some individuals experience after consuming cannabis, especially in higher doses or with potent strains. Symptoms of cannabis hangover includes fatigue, headaches, cognitive difficulties, mood changes and nausea. THC is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis that induces mind-altering effects, while CBD (cannabidiol) is non-psychoactive. Strains of cannabis that are high in THC can lead to more intense symptoms of weed hangover.
Useful tips to prevent or minimise weed hangovers include knowing and consuming the strain that has equal quantities of both THC and CBD, starting from low quantities and going slow, staying hydrated, eating meal before or after its consumption and avoid mixing it other substances. Ways to treat weed hangover includes adequate hydration, consuming nutritious foods, ginger tea, resting and relaxing, seeking pain relief, taking adequate vitamin B and C supplements and staying active in the daily life activities.
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