7 Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts

Tiger nuts, earth almonds or chufa are edible root vegetables (tubers) of the yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) plant. The designation 'nuts' is a reference to their appearance. The outer skin of these nuts has a striped pattern like the tiger’s coat. Tiger nuts are small-sized, similar to chickpeas, and have sweet & nutty coconut-like flavour, chewy texture, and wrinkly appearance.
Tiger nuts have been used since prehistoric times, and archaeologists have discovered these nuts in the tombs of ancient Egyptians, dating back to the 4th millennium B.C. They were placed there so the deceased could enjoy them in the afterlife. They have low calories and are packed with a wealth of nutrients, particularly minerals, vitamins, and fibre, and nutritionists like Marta Selma-Royo (Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, Spain) have labelled them as a 'superfood.
Tiger nuts are the root tubers or bulbous roots of the underground yellow nutsedge plant. Yellow nutsedge is a grass-like plant originally from Spain and Africa but is now found worldwide. So, it resembles more to the yams and potatoes than the nuts. After cultivation and harvesting, these nuts are sold for raw consumption or processed to make different tiger nut-based products.
These nuts are very unique and versatile. They are eaten raw, cooked, or dried. The users particularly like their almond-like flavour. These nuts are ground to make flour, turned into juice or milk, and boiled or roasted to produce snacks. They are used in classic dishes like horchata de chufa, essentially a sweetened nut milk.
Tiger nuts are a ‘superfood’ with several valuable nutrients. Here is a snapshot of their nutritional content;
Tiger nut nutritional data (per 100g) (Source: USDA) |
Nutrient |
Quantity |
DV (100%) |
Energy |
400 Kcal |
18-23% |
Protein |
6.67g |
11% |
Total lipid (fat) |
23.33g |
30-50% |
Total carbohydrates |
63.33g |
20-30% |
Dietary fibre |
33.3g |
110% |
Total sugars |
30g |
- |
Calcium |
100mg |
10% |
Iron |
6mg |
33-75% |
Potassium |
717 mg |
15% |
Vitamin C |
6mg |
6.67% |
Saturated fats |
6.67g |
- |
Magnesium |
93mg |
23-25% |
Zinc |
3.5mg |
32% |
Vitamin B6 |
0.333mg |
20% |
It lacks sodium, trans fats and cholesterol and is thus heart-friendly.
The rich nutritional profile promises enormous health benefits. It is claimed to be a marvellous food in Ayurveda, although scientific backing for many claims is lacking. The research-backed health benefits of tiger nuts are;
Tiger nuts have many gut-friendly ingredients. These are;
Soluble fibre: Tiger nuts are rich in soluble fibre that passes through the digestive system without being digested. This fibre makes up most of the volume of the stools, regulates the movement of materials in the digestive system, and lowers the risk of constipation. The high fibre content, however, comes at a cost as some people experience bloating or gas in the initial days. To avoid this situation, it is suggested that portions be increased gradually.
Prebiotics: Prebiotics are the components that are consumed by the healthy bacteria in the gut. One such ingredient is the resistant starch fibre that improves digestion and regulates the movement of contents into the digestive system.
DIgestive enzymes: It has some digestive enzymes, e.g., amylase, lipase, and catalase, that help digestion by breaking down the food into smaller particles and relieving diarrhoea, constipation, and gas.
Tiger nuts have many heart-friendly ingredients. They boost circulatory health in several ways, e.g.,
Monounsaturated fats: Tiger nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, similar to heart-friendly olive oil. Taking monounsaturated fats reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and improves good cholesterol (HDL) levels. Monounsaturated fats reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, and risk of death due to heart disease.
Improved circulation: Some evidence suggests that it improves blood circulation by increasing the elasticity of the blood vessels and reducing the risk of blood clots, the primary cause of heart attacks.
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Tiger nuts help manage blood glucose levels. The experts have noted the following mechanisms for this, e.g.,
High fibre content: The high fibre content lowers the glucose absorption from the gut, thus reducing its levels in circulation.
Arginine: The tiger nuts have arginine, an amino acid that increases insulin levels and sensitivity, which is integral to glucose management. However, the amount of arginine used in most clinical studies is much higher than expected from a single serving of tiger nuts.
The immune system defends the body by keeping the population of harmful germs in check. The rich natural ingredients in the tiger nuts strengthen the body's immune defences and reduce the growth of many disease-causing germs.
The antibacterial and antiviral properties are promising, yet more clinical studies are needed.
In traditional and ayurvedic medicine, tiger nuts are included in the list of aphrodisiac foods that increase libido and improve sexual performance. People in various African countries use it to boost libido, increase sperm count, and treat conditions like erectile dysfunction. Very few scientific studies have investigated this potential.
The existing studies are based on animal models, and there are no studies on this effect in humans. More research on humans is necessary to make a solid comment.
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The tiger nuts have 18 amino acids and various other musculoskeletal nutrients and are on an equal footing with the eggs as a good source of proteins and essential amino acids. The essential amino acids, particularly glycine and lysine, strengthen the muscles, connective tissues, and bones. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it useful in inflammatory joint conditions like arthritis. Clinical studies on the topic are needed.
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Tiger nut flour has more starch content than other gluten-free flour. So, it is among the best choices for making better-looking and tasty pasta, baked items, crackers, and gluten-free bread. Other tiger nut products like tiger nut oil, tiger nut milk, and tiger nut flour are the best alternatives for dairy dairy-free, gluten-free, and nut-free options to add nutrition and flavour to their diets.
These are some of the best-tasting superfoods to try.
Tiger nuts are delicious and packed with healthy nutrients that are excellent for women's health. They improve digestion and skin health and boost fertility. These small yet effective nuts can be a wonderful addition to the women's diet.
The daily intake recommended by the nutritionists is 20g, which is about 25 nuts. It provides about 80 calories and enough nutrients to boost health and wellness. They are rich in fibre, so excessive use must be avoided.
Severe side effects are rare. However, people allergic to high-fibre foods or having digestive health issues like IBS experience side effects like diarrhoea, bloating, cramping, and gas. The risk is high for early users, particularly those with very high intake.
In addition to other nutrients, tiger nuts contain antioxidants, antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory compounds. So, according to nutritionists, regular consumption of a small serving is highly beneficial for health.
No. Tiger nuts have zero cholesterol. They lower the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and help balance cholesterol levels. They do so by reducing cholesterol absorption due to their high fibre content. This fact boosts the HDL levels.
Both are good sources of nutrients and choosing the 'best' depends on personal preferences. A 100g serving of tiger nuts provides 33.3g of dietary fibre compared to 12.5g of almonds. So, tiger nuts are a better choice for boosting fibre intake, and almonds are a better choice for increasing overall nutrient intake.
These 'superfood' nuts are rich in nutrients needed to produce breast milk. That's why it is recommended that nursing mothers consume nut milk to boost breast milk production. It supports the healthy development of the body by protecting it from various diseases.
Technically speaking, tiger nuts are not the actual nuts but the root tubers of the yellow nutsedge plant. They are rich in various nutrients and have proven health benefits. The rich nutrient profile and proven health benefits have led nutritionists to label them as a 'superfood.' They improve digestion, help fight infections, and help manage chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. They are a rich source of fibre, and the people wishing to add them to their diets must do so gradually to avoid unpleasant complications like gas and bloating.
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