Can you buy Omeprazole over the counter?

Omeprazole capsules are prescribed to treat acid reflux symptoms.
Omeprazole (Losec, Prilosec) is a highly effective treatment for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and acid reflux. It is a member of the proton pump inhibitors class of drugs which blocks acid production in the stomach.
The reduced acid production will help manage the symptoms of acid reflux, e.g., chest irritation, heartburn etc. Various brands and dosages of this drug in tablet, capsules and suspension forms are available in the UK. Can you buy Omeprazole online without the prescription of a doctor?
It is mainly a prescription drug; you need to consult a doctor. However, the MHRA has allowed lower dose versions (10mg & 20mg) over the counter at local pharmacies. The pharmacist will decide if you need it after some questions. However, higher-dose capsules and tablets (40mg and above) are available on prescription only.
The doctor should also prescribe the powder and suspension forms for children and other people who can't swallow tablets and capsules.
Online pharmacies offer this drug, but you need to answer some questions before ordering it. At Welzo, we have Omeprazole capsules (10mg), which are gastro-resistant and can help treat acid reflux. You can order it without a prescription by clicking here. A similar brand Losec is also available at the Welzo store. Click here to order.
You may need a higher dose for more severe symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn, but it is a prescription-only medicine. If you have no access to the GP for any reason, some other OTC drugs are used for the same purpose. These include;
These compounds form a protective layer on the acid and help protect the stomach. Our Gaviscon Infant Sachets are one such product. It has magnesium alginate and sodium alginate and is recommended to treat problems related to stomach acid in children. Click here to order.
These compounds neutralise the stomach acids to handle the symptoms. These include calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate etc. Several products are available, which can be purchased from local pharmacies and superstores. One such product is the Original Andrews Salts.
We have detailed the information about it in another article. Click here to read it.
Some other proton pump inhibitors, e.g., pantoprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole etc., are also available. Similarly, H2 antagonists, e.g., ranitidine (Zantac), work by blocking some receptors in the stomach's acid-producing cells and reducing acid production.
Low-dose versions of ranitidine and esomeprazole are also available over the counter.
Even side effects are common with lower-dose versions of Omeprazole which are available over the counter. The following information will help you to improve the safety of taking Omeprazole.
Avoid taking alcohol while using Omeprazole, as it increases acid production in the stomach. The added acid irritates the lining of the stomach and can cause worsening symptoms. You may not get desired results from the lower-dose OTC versions.
An Omeprazole purchased from a local supermarket, or a pharmacy should not be used regularly for more than 2 weeks without consulting the doctor. The situations requiring prolonged usage should be consulted with the doctor.
Side effects are common but mild. The common side effects are stomach pain, diarrhoea, headaches etc. These effects are mostly mild and reversible, but consult the doctor if these or other effects are gaining intensity.
Take Omeprazole only once a day, preferably in the morning and take it at the same time each day. However, some situations, e.g., Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, may require you to use it twice or thrice daily. Consult the doctor in case of these or any other issues.
Be patient while using Omeprazole tablets as it usually takes 2-3 days to work and even a few weeks. If there is no relief after weeks of regular use, you need to consult the doctor for alternative treatment.
The safety of Omeprazole is poor in case you have liver problems, are expected to have an endoscopy or experience an allergic reaction to the drug or recipients in the tablets and capsules.
It is safer during pregnancy, but you should try non-medicinal alternatives, e.g., avoiding spices and fatty foods, taking smaller meals, sitting upright when eating and keeping your head slightly elevated when sleeping etc. If these practices don't work, you can use Omeprazole after consulting your gynaecologist.
Although little information is available about its safety in breastfeeding, the data suggest that the amount going into the milk is too small to harm the baby.
Similarly, there is also little evidence that it can in any way harm your fertility.
The stomach produces acids to digest food. However, the overproduction of acid can be extremely dangerous. This situation is called stomach acidity. Stomach acidity is an alarming issue. It can't be ignored as chronic acid reflux can lead to more severe health issues, e.g., stomach ulcers.
Omeprazole is a common proton pump inhibitor (PPI) used to control acid reflux symptoms. It works by reducing stomach acid production. However, it is a prescription drug, but lower dose versions are available over the counter. It is safe in normal circumstances, but safe use practices can help manage the side effects. In case of any side effects, you need to consult the doctor.
If low-dose versions are ineffective and you have no access to a doctor, some other proton pump inhibitors and antacids can be good alternatives to consider.
At Welzo, we have a team of health professionals who can help you if you have any gastrointestinal disorders, including acid reflux symptoms. Click here for online consultation. Our Gut Health page has many products related to the health of your digestive system. The page also has much information related to gut health. Click here to visit the page.
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