
Tampons are one important product used widely for maintaining vaginal health on menstruation.

Can You Sleep with a Tampon In?

Among the multiple widely used menstrual hygiene materials are tampons. These are small, portable, and allow you to live an active lifestyle while menstruating. Healthcare professionals advise on changing these...

Can You Sleep with a Tampon In?

Among the multiple widely used menstrual hygiene materials are tampons. These are small, portable, and allow you to live an active lifestyle while menstruating. Healthcare professionals advise on changing these...

A menstrual disc is a flexible, bowl-shaped device designed for use within the vagina during menstruation.

Menstrual Disc: Is It Worth Trying?

As trends in feminine hygiene continually evolve to suit the complexities of modern-day life, one innovative product -the menstrual disc- has caught notable attention. A menstrual disc constitutes a flexible...

Menstrual Disc: Is It Worth Trying?

As trends in feminine hygiene continually evolve to suit the complexities of modern-day life, one innovative product -the menstrual disc- has caught notable attention. A menstrual disc constitutes a flexible...

constipation before period is a common symptom in females and is mainly caused by hormonal fluctuations

Constipation Before Period: Prevention, Causes ...

Menstruation is an essential biological function for a woman's reproductive health. It involves the monthly shedding of the uterus lining and often brings various symptoms such as constipation, bloating, gas...

Constipation Before Period: Prevention, Causes ...

Menstruation is an essential biological function for a woman's reproductive health. It involves the monthly shedding of the uterus lining and often brings various symptoms such as constipation, bloating, gas...

ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle is associated with mood swings

Ovulation Mood Swings: Understanding Your Cycle

Menstruation is a naturally recurrent process in women's lives that usually starts from puberty and continues until menopause. The guiding force behind menstruation is the menstrual cycle, an intricate physiological...

Ovulation Mood Swings: Understanding Your Cycle

Menstruation is a naturally recurrent process in women's lives that usually starts from puberty and continues until menopause. The guiding force behind menstruation is the menstrual cycle, an intricate physiological...

Period cramps can be manage with at home remedies

How to Get Rid of Period Cramps: 7 Effective Re...

Scientifically recognised as dysmenorrhea, menstrual cramps are a distressing monthly occurrence for many women. These discomforting sensations in the lower abdomen frequently interfere with routine tasks and activities. Dr Alyssa...

How to Get Rid of Period Cramps: 7 Effective Re...

Scientifically recognised as dysmenorrhea, menstrual cramps are a distressing monthly occurrence for many women. These discomforting sensations in the lower abdomen frequently interfere with routine tasks and activities. Dr Alyssa...

Period poops are bowel movement changes that occur before or during menses

What to know about Period Poops - And How to Pr...

Period poops is a familiar term among women, representing the change in bowel movements that typically occurs before or during menstruation. These shifts are often noticeable; frequency may increase while...

What to know about Period Poops - And How to Pr...

Period poops is a familiar term among women, representing the change in bowel movements that typically occurs before or during menstruation. These shifts are often noticeable; frequency may increase while...