Eating well for your mental health- 8 ways to improve mental health through your diet

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Eating well for your mental health- 8 ways to improve mental health through your diet

eating well for mental health in 8 steps

Our diet and mental health have a complicated relationship. However, studies suggest a connection between what we eat and how we feel. Habits of healthy eating can improve your physical and mental health.

Young people must avoid a poor diet and take foods that contain all the nutrients which are needed for mental wellness, like starchy foods, vegetables, lean meat, sweet potatoes and herbal teas. Your body requires adequate amounts of healthy food that is good for mental health and also does not cause weight gain.

A balanced diet may enhance your mood. You don't have to make significant dietary changes. However, you may want to try some of the following recommendations.

Make these changes to improve your mental well being

  1. Eat regularly.

Eating regularly can prevent a dip in blood sugar, making you feel lethargic and irritable. Your eating pattern can affect your gut health as well as physical health.

  1. Stay hydrated

Your mood, energy level, and focus can all be negatively impacted by even mild dehydration.

  1. Consume the correct amount of fats.

Eating certain types of fats is an important part of your daily nutrition. The best kinds of fats, known as ‘healthy fats’, can be found in eggs, avocados, oily fish and milk, as well as seeds, rapeseed oil and almonds, to name a few. These fats contribute to a healthy brain function and are recommended for people to eat, compared to trans fats which are known to be harmful to your heart health and often will also affect your mood. You should avoid excessive amounts of processed or packaged foods as they contain high levels of trans fats.

  1. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables and wholegrain bread

Fruits and vegetables supply the vitamins and minerals that your body and brain require to remain healthy and free from mood disorders.

  1. Add a serving of protein to each meal.

It contains amino acids your brain uses to assist with mood regulation.

  1. Take care of your digestive system.

When you’re feeling stressed, your gut may speed up or slow down as a reflection of how you’re feeling. Fruit, starchy vegetables, legumes, and probiotics are all good foods for your digestive system.

  1. Recognize how caffeine can affect your mood

When consumed right before bed, it can create sleep problems, and some people also report feeling agitated and anxious. Coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks, and chocolate all contain caffeine.

What should you eat?

It’s usual practice to concentrate on meals designed to promote weight loss when creating a healthy diet. Knowing how dietary choices affect your brain is equally crucial to overall health as consuming calories wisely. If you want to lose weight, improve brain function, and potentially even fight against cognitive diseases, most of the following food should be a part of your regular diet.

  1. Salmon

Salmon is the healthiest type of fish, while other types are good for you. It is a "fatty" fish and high in high omega-3 fatty acid concentration which lower the risk of mental diseasesOmega-3s have also been demonstrated to improve memory and learning. Vitamin D, which should be routinely added to meals and has been linked to a decline in the prevalence of depression, is abundant in salmon. Tuna, mackerel, and herring are some more kinds of fish that have significant Omega-3 concentrations.

  1. Chicken

Chicken is a great lean protein option that also contains the amino acid tryptophan. Contrary to popular belief, this molecule doesn’t make you fall asleep as is the case with post-Thanksgiving naps. However, it does aid in the production of serotonin, which is essential for your brain’s ability to regulate mood, combat depression, and keep sharp memory.

  1. Whole grains

This includes a wide variety of foods like beans, soy, oats, and brown rice. Although your body and brain use carbohydrates for energy, we consume too many simple carbohydrates, which cause blood sugar levels to jump. Whole grain foods contain complex carbs, which cause the body to create glucose more gradually and as a steadier source of energy.

Furthermore, eating whole grains along with foods like chicken and turkey might further lessen symptoms of depression and anxiety while enhancing brain function. Whole grains help the brain absorb the amino acid tryptophan.

  1. Avocados

Avocados are packed with folate and vitamin K, both of which reduce your risk of stroke. Additionally, they improve your focus and memory. Avocados also contain a lot of lutein, which has been linked in studies to better brain health.

  1. Spinach

The brain receives substantial amounts of folic acid from spinach and other leafy greens, which has been proven to be a powerful antidepressant. Additionally, it aids in the fight against sleeplessness, which is strongly associated with cognitive decline and can lessen dementia in senior citizens.

  1. Nuts and seeds

Nuts, like salmon, are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that aid with depression. One food that helps the brain get oxygen is cashews, which also contain magnesium. Phenylalanine, a substance found in almonds, has been demonstrated to assist in the brain’s production of dopamine and other mood-enhancing neurotransmitters. Additionally, phenylalanine has been associated with a decrease in Parkinson’s disease symptoms.

  1. Olive Oil

Recent years have seen a rise in the popularity of pure, extra virgin oil as a component of wholesome Mediterranean diets. The polyphenols in this kind of oil work to counteract the effects of proteins connected to Alzheimer’s disease.

Additionally, it can enhance memory and learning. But be cautious while purchasing olive oil. Many companies generously blend vegetable or seed oils with their products, greatly diminishing the product’s advantages for brain health. Find tested brands online by conducting brand research to make sure they contain just pure olive oil.

  1. Dark Chocolate

Could this be the most exciting development? Because milk chocolate doesn’t contain any cocoa, dark chocolate is classified as such. The best cocoa content is 85% or above, thus the darker, the better.

An antioxidant called flavonoids is abundant in dark chocolate. It has been demonstrated to improve mood, improve concentration and memory, and aid older persons battle cognitive decline. Just keep in mind that you should still limit your intake of chocolate.

Here at Welzo, we offer testing that can help you to determine if you need additional nutrition support. See our range of nutrition information and tests here.

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