What Is Menopausal Dryness?

What Is Menopausal Dryness? - welzo

vaginal etrogen therapy, vaginal lubrication and vaginal creams can help with menopausal symptoms. Seek treatment to relive symptoms and treat painful intercourse

Menstrual cycles come to a stop during menopause. A formerly menstrual person is said to be in menopause after 12 months without a period. In the United States, this often occurs around the age of 51, though it can also occur in your 40s or 50s.

During menopause, the body experiences considerable hormonal changes. Levels of estrogen and progesterone fail in particular. Vaginal dryness is one of the symptoms that might result from this.

What Exactly Is Vaginal Moisture?

The cervix’s natural glands, which create lubrication naturally, maintain the vagina soft and moist. The wetness keeps the vagina clean by eliminating dead cells as it slowly flows downward through the vagina. Because the vaginal moisture is acidic, it keeps the area healthy and guards against diseases like thrush. The majority of women will often experience a mild white vaginal discharge, which is entirely normal.


The Bartholin’s glands produce more wetness during intense sexual activity to facilitate sex. However, 16% of women aged 50 to 59 report experiencing pain and 25% report having vaginal dryness issues during intercourse.

What Does Menopausal Vaginal Dryness Entail?

Vaginal dryness can influence any woman, but it is more common after menopause, influencing half of the postmenopausal women aged approximately 50 to 60. The vaginal walls generally have a thin layer of wetness on them. This moisture is naturally produced by the vaginal wall cells and assists sperm movement and survival. Additionally, it eases tension during sex.

Vaginal secretions and moisture decrease after menopause when oestrogen production begins to wane, and vaginal dryness may result.

Among the signs of vaginal dryness are:

  • Stinging, burning, or irritation

  • Lowered sex drive

  • Post-sex bleeding

  • Bladder infections that keep coming back


Vaginal dryness can reduce the quality of life and make sexual activity uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Why Does Menopause-Related And Postmenopausal Vaginal Dryness Occur?

Thinner vaginal walls brought on by changes in hormone production are what causes vaginal dryness during and after menopause. This results in fewer cells producing moisture, which causes dryness in the vagina. The most frequent reason for vaginal dryness is decreased oestrogen levels, which is associated with menopause.

Vaginal dryness can occur in some persons even before menopause, and there are several potential causes for this. Other elements that could contribute to or cause vaginal dryness include:

  • Smoking cigarettes

  • Depression

  • High levels of stress

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Certain cancer therapies

Tips For Addressing Vaginal Dryness

It can be intimidating to bring up vaginal dryness with a healthcare provider (HCP), but it is frequently worthwhile because they can assist. Here are some suggestions to keep the conversation as simple as possible:

  • List the topics you want to talk about.

  • Discuss the most significant or challenging issues first.

  • Take notes on what the doctor says.

  • Ask for an explanation if there is anything you don’t understand.

  • Bring some information with you if you feel ashamed. It can be awkward to bring up unpleasant issues in person, but you can utilize that information to explain the situation to your healthcare provider without having to look them in the eye.

  • If you still feel uncomfortable talking about it, put everything in writing and give it to the HCP.

  • Don’t wait to be asked; instead, provide the HCP with any information you deem pertinent, such as medical history, a list of your current medications, a description of your symptoms and how they are affecting you, and a history of the illness.

  • If this is the case, talk to the nurse about your symptoms and request more information and guidance concerning vaginal dryness. Many women find that their smears become more challenging.

What Are The Medicinal Remedies For Menopausal Dryness Of The Vagina?

Menopausal vaginal dryness can be uncomfortable and even painful, but both over-the-counter and prescription therapies are available. You may be given the following prescriptions for medical treatments:

  • Vaginal oestrogen therapy

  • Standards oestrogen treatment dosages

  • Ospemifene

  • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)


If you have any questions about whether these therapies are right for you, consult a gynaecologist or other medical expert. Before taking anything, you might wish to talk to your oncologist if you have a history of particular cancers.

Can Menopausal Vaginal Dryness Be Treated at Home? 

Vaginal dryness may be exacerbated by vaginal atrophy. If this applies to you, you might want to try some natural therapies, such as:

  • Herbs and dietary aids

  • Diet

  • Exercise

You might also try several over-the-counter personal lubricants like Replens or Astroglide. Almond oil and coconut oil are examples of natural oils that could be helpful.

Secretions and vaginal flow are encouraged by regular sexual stimulation. This can be done either by yourself or with a companion.

Consult your doctor or another healthcare provider before using any home treatments for vaginal dryness. Inquire with them regarding the safety of the treatment and any potential side effects. Natural or herbal products may not always be safe to use, especially in the vaginal area.

What About Menopausal-Related Sex And Vaginal Dryness?

During sexual contact, vaginal fluids and wetness diminish friction. If there isn’t enough lubricant, sex could be unpleasant or uncomfortable. Vaginal dryness might alter your sex life during and after menopause because it makes sex uncomfortable.

You can take steps to lubricate the vaginal area and lessen the pain when having sex. Various examples of this include:

  • Vaginal moisturizers. Moisture is added to and around the vagina via vaginal moisturizers. They can be injected to add moisture internally or used topically to the vulva to do the same.

  • Lubricants. In addition to a vaginal moisturizer, lubricants can be used to ease discomfort during intercourse.

  • Vaginal dilators. If the vagina becomes tight, vaginal dilators can assist in stretching and widening it. These ought to be used with a gynaecologist’s, a physical therapist’s, or a sex therapist’s supervision.

  • Pelvic floor exercises. Certain vaginal muscles can be strengthened and relaxed with the aid of these workouts.

Menopausal-related vaginal dryness is a treatable disorder. Treatment for menopausal vaginal dryness includes lifestyle modifications, lubricants and moisturizers, and hormone treatments (both systemic and local).


Vaginal dryness is one of the many physical changes that can result from menopause. Although it might be unsettling and unpleasant, it is very treatable and controllable. Your quality of life will be enhanced, and your symptoms will be reduced if you consult with your doctor or another healthcare professional to determine the best course of action.

If you are looking for supplements, you may visit Welzo.com.

Read about the natural remedies for vaginal dryness or the best lubricant for menopausal dryness.

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