Pomelo: 10 Health Benefits and How to Eat It

Pomelo: 10 Health Benefits and How to Eat It- Welzo

Pomelo is a citrus fruit of Asian origin that is larger and closely related to grapefruit. It has a pale, thick rind, dark yellow or green flesh, and a teardrop shape. It grows up to the size of a cantaloupe or even larger in some cases. It is somewhat sweeter than grapefruit, although the remaining taste profile is similar. 

Pomelo: 10 Health Benefits and How to Eat It- Welzo

It contains numerous antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, making it a good addition to the routine diet. This article discusses pomelo's ten main health benefits and how to add it to the diet. Continue for further insights.

Healthy source of nutrients 

Pomelo is a rich source of minerals and vitamins. It is particularly rich in vitamin C. The nutrient profile of one average-sized pomelo (609g or 21 ounces) fruit is (Source: USDA);

  • Protein: 4.63g
  • Fats: 0.244g
  • Fibre: 6.09g
  • Carbohydrates: 59g
  • Calcium: 24.4mg
  • Calories: 231
  • Magnesium: 36.5mg
  • Potassium: 28% DV
  • Copper: 32% DV
  • Vitamin C: 371mg
  • Thiamine: 17.3% DV 
  • Riboflavin: 12.6% DV 

So, just one fruit packs numerous vitamins and minerals, particularly a substantial portion of the daily value of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful immune-boosting antioxidant that prevents cellular damage associated with free radicals. 

It contains 28% of the daily value of potassium, which regulates fluid balance and blood pressure. However, the ingredient profile is not limited to potassium; it is rich in numerous other minerals and vitamins in smaller amounts. 

Promoting healthy weight loss 

Pomelo is a significant weight loss aid. As mentioned earlier, a medium-sized Pomelo (21 ounces or 610 pounds) contains almost 231 calories, which is a comparatively smaller figure given the enormous volume of the fruit. So, eating a lot of calorie-rich fruits keeps a person filled while on a low-calorie diet. 

Additionally, it has fibre and proteins, which keep a person full for a long time at lower calories. Foods containing both fibre and proteins keep the belly full for a long time, and it becomes easy to reduce caloric intake and lose weight on these foods. So, the need for slimming and weight management supplements is reduced. 

Pomelo: 10 Health Benefits and How to Eat It- Welzo

Weight loss is, however, a complete science and must be thoroughly understood. We have discussed this topic in another article titled, 'Weight Loss: Definition, Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis'. Visit us to read it.

A rich source of dietary fibre 

The recommended amount of dietary fibre for adults is 25g per day for adults aged 19-50. A medium-sized Pomelo has 6g of dietary fibre, thus helping achieve a regular nutritional intake. It is a rich source of dietary fibre that keeps the belly filled, adds bulk to the stools, and helps prevent constipation. 

Dietary fibre is a rich prebiotic that feeds the healthy bacteria in the gut and benefits the body. Consuming a lot of fruit fibre, e.g., those in pomelo, improves brain and gut health, allows long-term weight management, and improves bone density in the long run. It is also associated with a lower risk of numerous cardiovascular diseases. 

In another must-read article, we have summarised the best fibre supplements for your dietary needs. Visit our page to read.

A significant boost to heart health 

It significantly boosts heart health by lowering triglyceride and cholesterol levels, the blood fats linked to heart disease.

  • A study published in the Journal of Toxicology in 2019 on rats supplemented with a concentrated pomelo extract for 21 days noted a 21.44% decrease in triglyceride levels. LDL cholesterol levels fall by 40.74%, and HDL cholesterol levels fall by 5.74%.
  • Another study published in Food Chemistry in 2023 found that pomelo reduces these blood fats by preventing cholesterol absorption.
Pomelo: 10 Health Benefits and How to Eat It- Welzo

However, research on humans linking pomelo to heart health is missing and necessary. It is contraindicated for those who use statins for higher cholesterol levels. Grapefruit contains furanocoumarins, which affect the metabolism of statins. 

Rich source of antioxidants 

Pomelo contains numerous antioxidants that prevent and reverse the cellular damage of free radicals. Free radicals are abundant in the food and environment, and their buildup causes chronic issues and health problems, particularly when they build up to dangerous levels. 

Pomelo is a source of a significant part of the daily value of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. The major antioxidants present in pomelo include naringin and naringenin, which are very common in citrus fruits. 

Pomelos are also a source of lycopene, an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound in tomatoes. Most of the pomelo's health benefits, such as its heart-healthy and anti-ageing properties, are related to its high antioxidant content. 

An easy addition to the diet 

Pomelo is an easy addition to the regular diet. Fresh pomelos, particularly Asian ones, are available easily at the local market, and dried pomelo products are available at various online sources. Dried pomelo is used to prepare candies and desserts in many Asian countries; however, it is richer in calories and sugars than fresh ones. 

Pomelo: 10 Health Benefits and How to Eat It- Welzo

Helps in cancer 

Pomelo helps fight cancer cells and prevents their division and spreading.

  • A mouse model study noted that its peel extract suppresses tumour growth, kills cancer cells, and boosts immunity. The extract prepared from Pomelo seeds effectively killed cancer cells in mice. 

It contains naringenin, one of the major antioxidants that kill the cells of prostatic and pancreatic cancer; test-tube studies have noted that it slows the spread of cancer cells in the lungs. However, as these studies are on animal models, more research on animals is needed to better understand pomelo's effect on human cancer. 

As a natural source, it contains very small amounts of anticancer compounds compared to those employed in these studies. 

Antifungal and antibacterial properties 

Pomelo has numerous antifungal and antibacterial properties, and research investigating these properties has employed essential oils prepared from the peel. For example, a test-tube study that used pomelo oil noted slowed bacterial growth on soft contact lenses. 

Another study by Professor Fabio Buonsenso and colleagues (University of Turin, Italy) in 2023 noted that the essential oil of this fruit killed Penicillium expansum, a fungus that produces a neurotoxin. This function was more effective than lemon, lime, or orange oils. Although the results of its antifungal and antibacterial properties are very promising, more research on humans is necessary. 

It is advised to avoid ingesting essential oils, as they are highly concentrated and need to be properly diluted before being added to the diet. 

Anti-ageing effects 

Due to its richness in various antioxidant ingredients, it is promoted for its anti-ageing properties. Its antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, help prevent the damage associated with dangerous free radicals and allow a person to maintain a youthful appearance without using anti-ageing creams

It decreases the formation of various advanced glycation end products (AGEs) caused by high sugar levels. AGEs are significant contributors to the ageing process as they cause poor circulation, skin discolouration, and other problems with kidneys and vision. It is more important for those with type 2 diabetes. 

Pomelo: 10 Health Benefits and How to Eat It- Welzo

A 2013 study by Professor Natarin Caengprasath and colleagues noted that its extract lowers the amount of AGEs formed after sugar exposure. Moreover, many essential oils in the Pomelo peel have antioxidants that decrease melanin production in the skin and prevent sunspots and discolouration. 

Promote gum health 

Pomelo is a rich source of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, whose deficiency is one of the leading causes of gingivitis. So, it is valuable for those with gum disease or gingivitis and helps prevent dental problems by strengthening the gums.

Check our blog about oral health to access our vast database on this topic and achieve healthy gums. 

How to take pomelo? 

This fruit has a thick rind that makes peeling and eating difficult. Its skin becomes yellow after ripening, and it can be crushed to prepare juice, marmalades, or beverages or eaten fresh. The skinned parts of pomelo are used to make preservatives, salads, and dressings. The dried and fresh pomelo rinds make meat stews and soups. 

Peeling & eating raw

To peel it properly, cut just 2.5cm or an inch from the painted side of the fruit and make various notches nearly a length long into the thick rind around its diameter. Use these notches to peel the rind section by section. 

After peeling, divide the remaining fruit into equal parts. Like other citrus fruits, pomelo is divided into sections by a white and fibrous membrane or pith, making the pulling process easy. It can easily be used as a snack or a substitute for other citrus fruits in various dishes. It is also a good addition to the salad. 

Vietnamese Pomelo Salad 

This salad recipe is a favourite, particularly in East Asian and Oriental countries. The procedure is as follows; 


  • 240g large shrimps (deveined and peeled)
  • 120g chicken breast (skinless and boneless)
  • 1/4 cup chopped mint leaves
  • 2 Tablespoons chopped cilantro (just leafy tops)
  • 1/4 cup chopped macadamia nuts
  • One medium-sized pomelo. Three chopped garlic cloves
  • One chopped green chilli. 1/4 teaspoon of sugar
  • One tablespoon fish sauce
  • One tablespoon of juice
  • One peeled and finely cut carrot
  • One tablespoon of lime juice
  • 1/2 tablespoon salt 
  • Two tablespoons of crazy caramelised shallots. 
Pomelo: 10 Health Benefits and How to Eat It- Welzo


  • Fill a small saucepan up to 2/3 with water and add salt. 
  • Now boil this water on medium heat. Add the shrimp as soon as the water starts boiling. Remove the shrimp as quickly as they start curling using a slotted spoon. 
  • Place them on a side to cool down. Add chicken to the same boiling water and turn off the heat only as bubbles form at the bottom. 
  • Now, cook this pot for an estimated 20 minutes, remove the chicken, and set it aside to cool. 
  • Now, cut the shrimp into large pieces. Set aside the chicken. 
  • Cut off the pith and ends of the pomelo to expose its flesh. 
  • Separate the skin from the flesh using fingers or a knife. Cut the flesh into bite-sized peaches and place them in a bowl. 
  • To make the dressing, mix the green chillies, sugar, fish sauce, lime juice, garlic, and other spices in a small dish. 
  • Dissolve the sugar by stirring it well. Add everything to the bowl of pomelos and mix the ingredients well. 

Now, taste it and enjoy the deliciousness of this evergreen salad.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How many pomelos one needs to use daily? 

It is a large fruit, and eating just half a large pomelo is enough for daily needs. It satisfies vitamin C needs and fulfils most healthy individuals' health needs.

Is it okay to take pomelo on an empty stomach? 

It is a citrus fruit rich in acids. Due to its acidity, taking it on an empty stomach is not advised, as it can cause severe stomach issues. Similarly, taking various supplements and products on an empty stomach is ill-advised.

Is it okay to eat pomelo at night? 

Yes, taking it at night is no issue. The evidence suggests that drinking pomelo juice or eating it raw reduces blood pressure regardless of the time of use. So, it is equally effective for day and night use, provided it is not used on an empty stomach.

Who needs to avoid pomelos? 

Caution is necessary only for those with higher cholesterol levels or who use statin medications. Grapefruit contains furanocoumarins, which interfere with the metabolism of statins. These compounds are also present in grapefruit. 

Is pomelo cold or hot? 

Pomelo doesn't tolerate low temperatures and prefers warm climes. It thrives at a temperature above 20 degrees Celsius, and the leaf colour becomes lighter as the temperature falls below -5. So, it is a fruit of warm climates.

What are the side effects associated with eating pomelo? 

Some people have allergies to citrus fruits and develop signs such as digestive issues, rashes, itching, and hives. In such situations, it is advised to leave the fruit and consult the doctor. However, it is safe for most people, and no side effects have been reported. 

Pomelo: 10 Health Benefits and How to Eat It- Welzo


Pomelo fruit is rich in vital nutrients and has numerous antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and fibre, but it is low in calories. Its fibre, vitamin C and protein richness make you feel fuller for a long time and boost immunity. 

Despite the claims about numerous health benefits, research on humans is lacking, and more research is needed to make more claims about its health benefits. Nevertheless, it is a unique addition to human diets and is backed by traditions and science.

Welzo supplement collections have numerous supplements with the same benefits as pomelo fruit. For example, grapefruit seed extract is used to make numerous supplements and natural products. Visit our collections to buy these products.
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