30 Helpful Tips for Staying Healthy

Staying healthy is not only an excellent goal to strive for but it is a vital part of a person's quality of life and well-being. Staying healthy requires lifestyle changes, dedication and a conscious effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A few of the commonly known tips to implement to stay healthy include avoiding smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, exercising and eating a balanced diet.
However, there are many other steps to apply and follow for people to live healthy lives. While these 30 helpful tips are simple, they have a significant impact on a person's life.
Avoid smoking to stay healthy and improve one’s overall health. Smoking comes with extreme health risks that leave long-lasting effects. When a person quits smoking they see both immediate and long-term health benefits.
Smoking is the cause of over 7 million deaths each year worldwide and the number continues to rise, making it the top preventable cause of death. Smoking reduces a person's lifespan by at least 10 years, sometimes even more, as stated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
A person who smokes not only inhales nicotine but other harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide and tar. The harmful chemicals are linked to causing damage to most organs like the lungs, heart, kidneys, stomach, bladder and pancreas, along with the throat and mouth.
Since the immune system is weakened by the harsh chemicals, the chance of an infection or the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) increases. COPD refers to lung conditions that cause difficulties with breathing and that are most commonly seen in those who smoke.
By avoiding smoking, a person continues to improve their quality of life and avoids the risk of developing life-threatening conditions that come with smoking.
Avoiding using alcohol in a dangerous way is important for staying healthy. Drinking too much alcohol has negative impacts on both physical and mental health, as well as increases the risk of severe adverse health conditions. Severe health risks linked to dangerous alcohol use include liver and pancreas damage, alcohol poisoning, heart failure, high blood pressure, cancer and even death.
Using alcohol in a dangerous way leads to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Alcohol increases the risk of accidents and injuries to occur, including car accidents, alcohol poisoning, heart failure, and high blood pressure. Dangerous alcohol use contributes to about 3 million deaths per year worldwide, as found by the CDC.
Avoiding alcohol use altogether or drinking in moderation reduces the health risks that result in dangerous use. Alcohol guidelines recommend limiting alcohol use to 14 units of alcohol or less per week, which results in six 4% beer pints or six 175ml glasses of wine, as stated by the National Health Service (NHS).
Monitor blood pressure to stay healthy and to be aware of the range the levels are at to react accordingly. Checking blood pressure helps prevent health issues from going untreated. Monitoring blood pressure frequently helps detect high blood pressure or hypertension which is known as a silent killer.
Hypertension causes artery damage and do not result in noticeable symptoms but it increases the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. It is estimated that in the United Kingdom, 1 in 4 adults have hypertension and are not aware of it resulting in it going untreated, as found by NHS.
The risk of high blood pressure increases with outside factors including obesity, excessive alcohol use, drinking too much caffeine, smoking, stress and unhealthy diet as well as with age, race and family history of hypertension.
Monitoring blood pressure frequently helps a person be aware of how their health is doing while giving them control of their health. Depending on the individual’s family history, it is recommended that blood pressure is checked every two years. For those concerned and wanting to test more frequently an at-home blood pressure monitor helps keep an eye out for any changes. When levels are out of range, the person is able to seek out medical advice from a healthcare provider and follow the appropriate steps to treat the issue.
Use safe sexual practices to help a person stay healthy while having control of their own health. Practising safe sexual practices prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy.
Practising safe sexual practices by using barrier protection, like condoms, during sexual activity helps prevent the transmission of STIs such as chlamydia, HIV, gonorrhoea and syphilis. However, for the condom to be effective, it must be used properly and consistently during every sexual encounter. Along with using adequate protection, regular STI testing helps detect any transmission to better treat them early.
Using safe sexual practices includes open and honest communication between sexual partners, especially about STIs. Open communication allows both partners to be comfortable with sharing any concerns and to make informed decisions together that benefit their health.
Maintaining appropriate hand hygiene is important for staying healthy. Practising and maintaining good hand hygiene prevents the spread of germs and illness for all parties involved. Hands come into contact with a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and other germs throughout the day and easily transfer these into a person's body or to others around them.
Practising and maintaining good hand hygiene includes washing hands regularly with soap and water. When the circumstances don’t allow it, using alcohol-based hand sanitiser helps maintain good hand hygiene.
Further, proper hand washing helps reduce the risk and spread of the common cold, flu and Covid. Additionally, the spread of illness is also transmitted by touching the face, especially the eyes, mouth and nose, as they are entry points for germs.
Maintaining appropriate hand hygiene is especially important during times of illness outbreaks, such as during flu season or a pandemic.
Getting checked up frequently with a healthcare provider helps prevent bad health from worsening and helps people keep up to date with their health.
During a check-up, a healthcare provider performs a variety of tests and screenings, depending on a person's age, gender, and health history. The test and screening includes measuring blood pressure, performing a physical exam, checking cholesterol levels and ordering laboratory tests as needed.
Frequent check-ups help detect any issues before they worsen and when they are still treatable. The check-up frequency varies depending on a person's age, gender, and health status. It's recommended that adults have a check-up at least once a year, and more frequently for those with specific health concerns or who have a family history of health issues.
Keep hydrated with water for overall health, especially to allow the body to maintain proper bodily functions such as digestive, urinary, endocrine, reproductive, cardiovascular and circulatory activities.
Keeping hydrated is essential to staying healthy, as water makes up a large portion of our body weight. Water regulates the body’s temperature, and helps transport oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Water helps remove toxins and waste while helping lubricate joints and organs.
Contrary, dehydration causes headaches, dizziness, constipation, fatigue, dry skin and urinary tract infections. When ignored and dehydration becomes severe enough, it results in serious issues like kidney damage and heatstroke.
The exact amount of water needed for each individual varies, however, the general amount is 64 ounces or 8 cups each day. To stay hydrated, remember that most foods also contain water, especially fruits like watermelon and vegetables like celery and cucumber.
Avoid synthetic trans fats to stay healthy. Synthetic trans fats, also known as trans fatty acids and artificial trans fats, begin as a liquid and are turned into solid form during a process that involves mixing hydrogen and vegetable oils. Eating foods that are high in artificial trans fats leads to an increase in strokes, heart attacks and type 2 diabetes.
Synthetic trans fats are commonly found in processed foods, such as baked goods, snacks and fried foods. Eating large quantities of synthetic trans fats has been linked to asthma, arthritis and certain types of cancers like breast and colon cancer.
To avoid the chronic health risks that come with eating synthetic trans fats, it is helpful to read food labels and be aware of the ingredients in foods. It is recommended to eat healthy fats instead, including fatty fish like salmon, avocados, nuts and seeds. Healthy fats help lower LDL cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation in the body.
Using herbs and spices in food not only adds some flavour but also comes with health benefits. The benefits of using a variety of herbs and spices involve reducing and preventing damage to a person’s body cells and helping the body combat inflammation. Spices and herbs have healthy plant chemicals known as phytochemicals that contribute to the benefits of using them in food.
Beneficial herbs and spices include:
Maintaining your interpersonal connections contributes to a healthy life. A person who maintains interpersonal connections benefits from reduced stress as well as a longer and more fulfilling life. Maintaining interpersonal connections is a natural thing as humans are social creatures. Meaningful relationships contribute to positive impacts both physically and mentally.
There’s a link between people who have fewer interpersonal relationships and poor health, as found by psychologist Dr Sheldon Cohen from Carnegie Mellon University. Poor health includes depression, heart-related illnesses, common illnesses and even the risk of early death. Having social support helps improve a person's immune system and reduces inflammation. Social connections provide a sense of purpose and meaning, which is important for mental health.
Maintaining interpersonal connections is sometimes challenging, with school, work and everyday life. With technology, it is easier to stay connected but an effort is required to carry on a meaningful relationship.
Eating only lightly browned meats and cooking meats properly helps a person stay healthy by reducing the health risk of overcooking meat. Lightly browned meats allow for the meat to keep its nutritional benefits including protein and vitamins.
Lightly browned meats reduce the risk of foodborne illness, some carcinogens and cancer. Overcooking meats has a link to severe conditions like cancer because of compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs), it forms. Cooking meats too long and at a high temperature results in chronic diseases and inflammation caused by the release of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
Eating lightly browned meats helps reduce the risks of severe conditions caused by overcooked meats. It allows the person to receive the nutrients that are retained in the properly cooked meat and helps them stay healthy.
A person’s internal 24-hour clock is called the circadian rhythm and it controls many bodily functions. For most of humanity's existence, the only light available was sunlight which naturally disappeared in the evenings. The bright lights late in the evenings that people have access to now, especially in the concentrated blue forms emitted by smartphones, laptops and TVs, are something that our body is not accustomed to and which therefore comes with negative consequences.
Most notably, our sleep quality suffers due to less melatonin production which is negatively impacted by bright lights in the evening. Melatonin is a key natural sleepiness hormone which helps a person fall asleep at the end of a long day. By lowering its production, the body’s circadian rhythm gets out of sync, resulting in difficulties falling asleep and less refreshing sleep as a whole which has been linked to a host of different health issues, ranging from diabetes and obesity to anxiety and depression.
Limiting excess sugar intake is important for a healthy diet. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate and in excess leads to numerous negative health outcomes.
First and foremost, sugar provides easy and highly palatable calories to the body without providing much of a filling effect. Too much sugar therefore results in unwanted weight gain which spirals into obesity if left unchecked. Obesity has a negative impact on numerous important health markers like blood pressure and cholesterol.
High sugar consumption also leads to insulin resistance which puts a person at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Finally, tooth decay is a major risk which comes with excessive sugar intake. It is already a major problem in the world with the World Health Organization estimating that up to 90% of children and more than half of all adults suffer from the condition.
Try to limit sugar consumption to no more than 50 grams per day by replacing sugary snacks and drinks with healthier alternatives to keep the above risks at bay.
In line with the above advice, a person must try to avoid the consumption of too many sugary beverages. While certainly tasty and refreshing at times, sugary drinks are the definition of “empty” calories which are easily overconsumed and don’t provide any nutritional benefits like accompanying fibre, vitamins or minerals.
Sugary drinks include beverages like soda and sports drinks which are the largest source of added sugar consumed in an American diet per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Thus, try to replace these beverages with sugar-free options like water, unsweetened tea or low-fat milk to manage your sugar consumption and avoid health complications from health problems like obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
While “fad” diets are popular in the media and range from no-carb to watermelon-only, following an overly restrictive nutrition plan will impede your progress in the long term and in extreme cases results in eating disorders.
The most important factors contributing to diet success are consistency and sustainability. Dieting patterns which are too restrictive in nature, often excluding entire food groups, are seldomly sustainable over long periods and thus easily result in yo-yo dieting which comes not only with physical stress but also takes a toll on your mental well-being.
Instead, a person must try to build healthy eating habits and avoid too simplistic thinking about “good” and “bad” foods. Tools like mindful eating and reconnecting to one’s internal hunger and fullness cues ensure successful long-term weight management.
Fear of excessive cholesterol alongside conflicting media coverage has resulted in many people avoiding the consumption of whole eggs. However, egg yolks are highly nutritious and still have a place in a healthy diet.
Alongside the protein in the egg white, the yolk contains most of the healthy nutrients of the egg, including vitamins A, B12, D, E and K as well as important minerals like selenium, zinc and iron. Furthermore, whole eggs are a great source of choline which is a critical contributor to brain health.
While they are high in dietary cholesterol, recent studies have shown that consuming whole eggs in moderation doesn’t increase a person’s heart disease risks. Eating whole eggs doesn't have a great impact on heart disease because blood cholesterol, the actual important metric, is tightly regulated by the body and does not increase directly in line with consumed dietary cholesterol.
As mentioned numerous times throughout the article, obesity and related diseases come with a whole host of negative health consequences and must be avoided as much as possible.
The easiest way to keep an eye on one’s current trajectory is regularly weighing yourself. Ideally, fasted and first thing in the morning, weight trends over time provide timely feedback regarding the current lifestyle choices and incentivise further healthy decisions.
Try to supplement your body weight number with some simple body measurements taken with a tape measure, like stomach and thigh circumferences, to get a more complete picture of your body composition trajectory. Taking measurements is especially important for people starting a new exercise program as muscle gain masks fat loss when looking at the scale alone.
Don’t focus too much on a single data point as scale weight naturally fluctuates day-to-day, but rather compare longer-term averages to ensure one is on the right track.
Decreasing screen and sitting helps with staying healthy, as “sitting is the new smoking.” While at currently a somewhat overused platitude, there is a grain of truth in it. Modern society’s reduced activity levels not only have contributed to the global obesity pandemic but also result in worse posture, back pain and an increased risk of cardiovascular complications as prolonged sitting leads to reduced blood flow and higher blood pressure.
Sitting is often accompanied by excessive screen time. Whether the screen is a laptop at work or a smartphone at home, staring at screens for most of the day causes eye strain and headaches due to the intense blue light emitted from the devices.
Prevention is the best remedy. It is therefore recommended to break up long periods of sitting and screen time with regular breaks during which one gives the eyes some rest. Standing desks or even treadmill desks are other helpful tools when trying to move more with a desk job.
Processed carbohydrates include foods such as white bread, pasta and sugar snacks. They tend to be digested quickly, have little nutritional value in terms of vitamins and minerals and are often low in fibre. All of these characteristics mean that it is best to limit your consumption of them.
Overconsumption in isolation results in a rapid spike in blood sugar levels which leads to insulin resistance, increasing a major type 2 diabetes risk factor. The low fibre content also takes a toll on the digestive system by increasing the risk of constipation and other digestive complications.
Most importantly, due to the hyper-palatable nature of processed carbohydrates, they often replace more nutritious foods in the diet like whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Thus, one must try to be mindful of their diet and when possible limit the intake of processed carbohydrates to maximise health outcomes.
Weight lifting, when executed with proper form, provides numerous health benefits that promote healthy living.
Most obviously, working out increases a person’s overall strength which improves performance in other activities and reduces the injury risk during daily activities. Strength training becomes especially important in older people as the loss of strength is one of the key contributors to a reduced quality of life.
However, the increased muscle strength also comes with improved bone health since the weight compressing the body stresses the bones which promotes bone density and thereby reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
The heart also benefits from regular weight lifting as strength training is a form of high-intensity interval training which reduces the risk of heart diseases by improving one’s cardiovascular health.
Finally, endorphins are released during weight training which improves one’s mood and reduces stress levels, making raising hefty objects an excellent tool to manage mental health.
Tracking food regularly is an easy way to ensure a healthy diet and promote good health. There are multiple ways to track food intake but the easiest is to use one of the numerous calorie tracking apps available for smartphones.
While intuitive eating works for many, it is often helpful to periodically have an objective look at one’s calorie intake. Portion control and food choice awareness are two immediate benefits derived from doing so which help weight control and provide valuable insights even when not tracking anymore.
Food tracking allows a person to identify problem areas they might not have noticed otherwise. Problem areas include potential nutrient deficiencies of vitamins and minerals but also excess consumption of sugar, processed carbohydrates or saturated fats. Knowing these issues allows one to make informed food choices when the next meal comes around.
One additional benefit of food tracking that must not be underestimated is the increased accountability which comes with it which promotes health goals and increase motivation to stick with good eating habits.
Excess belly fat is problematic because it is associated with an increased risk of multiple chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.
Particularly visceral fat, which accumulates around the organs, disrupts normal metabolic function and thereby increases insulin resistance which leads to metabolic complications. Reducing belly fat, therefore, improves insulin sensitivity and metabolic health.
Other benefits of reduced belly fat include lower inflammation levels in the body and better cardiovascular health via reduced levels of blood triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels which both reduce the risk of heart disease.
The good news is that no special diet or exercise regime is required to lose visceral fat. Managing one’s total body composition and following healthy habits will naturally also reduce belly fat.
Using multivitamin supplements is an important tip to staying healthy. Multivitamins are dietary supplements that include the essential vitamins and mineral. Ideally, the essential nutrients are covered with a perfect diet and take regular blood tests, for example Vitamin Deficiency Test, ensure an individual is not deficient in any particular components depending on their needs.
However, it is hard to always consume the necessary vitamins and nutrients and often life gets in the way. An easy way to ensure that all your bases are covered is the use of well-formulated multivitamin supplements.
While not meant to be a band-aid for a poor diet, a vitamin supplement helps ensure that there are no major nutritional gaps in one’s diet and thereby helps maintain overall health. It is especially true for people currently on a restrictive diet, eating little food in general or consuming too little fruit and vegetables.
A person must ensure that a healthy and well-rounded diet is the basis for a healthy lifestyle but a multivitamin is a cheap “insurance” policy to ensure that the basics are covered.
Consuming a lot of fruits and veggies is highly beneficial by being densely packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants alongside fibre to support digestion, all while being low in calories and filling. The combination means that plenty of fruits and veggies in one’s diet ensure sufficient micronutrients are being consumed and constipation is avoided.
Diets high in fruit and veggie consumption in studies have also been associated with a lower risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancers.
It is recommended to aim for at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. One must try to consume a wide variety of fruits and veggies, whether it is distinct colours, origins or preparation methods. By being low calorie but still filling, they also lend themselves as a great snack food compared to other, unhealthier, options available.
Protein is an integral part of a diet as it is an essential nutrient directly involved in building and repairing tissue, including muscles, and in the production of antibodies and immune cells which helps promote overall immune function and fights off infection and diseases.
Furthermore, studies have shown that high-protein meals are more filling and thereby support weight management and calorie restriction.
Adequate protein consumption must therefore be included in any diet. It is recommended that adults eat at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, however, the exact amount varies based on factors like age, activity level and overall health status. Good protein sources include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
Strength training is best supplemented by cardio or aerobic exercise to reap the most health benefits. The latter is especially important for developing cardiovascular fitness by strengthening the heart which prevents heart disease, strokes and high blood pressure.
One also benefits from improved endurance and stamina from cardio or aerobic training which helps perform everyday activities more easily and becomes increasingly important with age.
Finally, aerobic exercise also supports better mental health and sleep which are both important for overall health.
It is recommended that adults shoot for at least 150 minutes of moderately intense cardio or 75 minutes of vigorously intense cardio per week. Cardio involves anything from running, cycling or swimming to playing basketball or going for a brisk walk.
Seeds and nuts are a great addition to a healthy diet. They are nutrient-dense, filled with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals as well as fibre, protein, healthy fats and antioxidants, which comes with several health benefits. Most notably, seeds and nuts support heart health, blood sugar control and bone health.
Interestingly, despite being generally high in calories due to the high amounts of healthy fats, nuts and seeds, studies have been shown to help with weight management. Nuts and seeds help manage weight because of the fibre and protein content which makes them a filling component of any diet.
It is recommended that adults eat a small handful of seeds or nuts per day. However, moderation is important due to the high-calorie content and thus the risk of overeating.
Skipping highly processed meals helps a person stay healthy by avoiding the health risks associated with processed foods. Highly processed foods include fast food, frozen dinners and packaged snacks. It is beneficial to skip highly processed meals and instead eat whole foods like whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats and fruits and vegetables.
Highly processed meals contain excessive amounts of unhealthy additives such as sodium, unhealthy fats and refined sugars. Unhealthy additives have been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity. Additionally, processed meals are linked to other health risks such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.
Since highly processed foods are often high in calories, by skipping processed meals, a person lowers their risks for obesity and weight gain. By choosing healthy food instead, a person increases their nutrient and fibre intake, which reduces gut and digestive health issues.
Consumption of fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines and certain types of tuna has been linked to multiple positive health benefits, including decreased risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer. Consuming fatty fish is beneficial because of the high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and minerals that the fish contain. Omega-3 is an important component of any diet as it helps promote heart and brain health.
Furthermore, fish is a good source of protein which supports tissue building, the immune system and satiety.
Adults must consume at least two servings of fatty fish per week to ensure that sufficient omega-3 is consumed and to benefit from the other health benefits associated with fish consumption.
Getting enough rest is crucial for staying healthy and maintaining a person's well-being. Getting enough rest improves immune function, mental health, cognitive function and physical performance and reduced the risk of chronic diseases.
Sleep allows the body time and resources for physical repair and recovery. Sleeping comes with the production of important cytokines during sleep which help the body fight infections, stress and inflammation.
Too little sleep on the other hand has been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It also leads to mood swings and makes coping with everyday challenges harder.
The amount of sleep needed varies by age and individual, but most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. To get enough rest, it is essential to set up a regular sleep schedule, create a comfortable sleep environment and relax before bed. Getting enough sleep results in a positive impact on a person's overall health.
Staying healthy is important for overall health and well-being. Similar to men tips for staying healthy for women include regular exercising, adequate sleep, a balanced diet, regular check-ups, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
Women must prioritise their reproductive health, whether they consider family planning or not, it is important to look at options and plan accordingly. For any concerns or questions, a person must consult with their provider, use an online GP service or take a Well Woman Blood Test.
For children to stay healthy it is essential to teach and implement healthy habits at an early age. Healthy habits allow children to reap the benefits and help them continue to make those steps to live a healthy life.
Tips for children to follow include eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, staying active, sleeping well, a limit on screen time, regular social interactions and encouraging healthy choices. To stay healthy children must visit their doctor regularly to get needed recommendations and vaccination, as well as to stay up to date on their health. Practising proper hygiene, like hand washing contributes to children staying healthy.
Maintaining a healthy body is important in helping a person stay healthy. A healthy body helps lower the risks of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Having a healthy body helps improve physical function and mobility, as well as a person’s mental health by reducing self-esteem issues and stress.
Maintaining a healthy body contributes to a person living a healthy and fulfilling life.
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