Ash Gourd: Benefits and Uses

Ash gourd, also known by the scientific name Benincasa hispida, is a versatile vegetable found to be endowed with robust nutritional profiles. It is rich in vitamins B and C, with essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and fibre. As Dr Rahul Sharma, a nutritionist at the National Institute of Nutrition, puts it, "Ash gourd offers a low-calorie, balanced, and nutrient-rich option in the world of natural health foods." It contains 86% water content by weight—which means 100 grams of ash gourd carry about 86 grams of water—making it very hydrating for maintaining bodily functions.
Ash Gourd or winter melon has numerous health benefits such as digestive health, antioxidant properties, helps regulate blood sugar, and weight management.
Ash gourd also contains high fibre for betterment in good digestive health. Fibre is very essential to keep the movement of the bowels smooth and avert constipation. Research published by the Journal of Gastroenterology showed that the fibre from foodstuffs such as ash gourd would bring up a significant improvement in the digestion transit time. A gastroenterologist, Dr Anita Verma, has been quoted, as saying, "Fibre-rich foods like ash gourd can be very sanguine in preventing common gastrointestinal symptoms and maintaining gut health overall." It also has some additional compounds that partly help with the growth of profitable gut bacteria, hence digestion becomes much more effective.
It has powerful antioxidant properties that help reduce or neutralize free radicals that are harmful to the body. These free radicals are highly unstable molecules, and if unchecked, they can cause cellular damage that accumulates into chronic diseases. The study above from the International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020 suggested that flavonoids and phenolic acids amongst other antioxidants in ash gourd may reduce oxidative stress. Dr Priya Menon also repeats, "Antioxidant-rich foods, when included regularly in the diet, minimize the risk of getting chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer."
Diabetics can find ash gourd beneficial in their diet in order to help keep diabetes under control. It has a low glycaemic index; therefore, it gets digested slowly, releasing glucose into the bloodstream at a slow pace. This way, it avoids any glucose peaks. The Diabetes Research Centre has proven in one of its clinical trials that patients on ash gourd could achieve better glycaemic control. Dr Suresh Patel, Endocrinologist, says, "The low glycaemic load of ash gourd makes it an excellent choice for individuals with diabetes, helping them maintain stable blood sugar levels."
The high water content and low-calorie value of ash gourd make it an ideal food for weight control management, taking out a feel of fullness without contributing much to the calorie levels. "Its inclusion in a balanced diet can support weight management by comprising satiety and reducing overall calorie consumption," said nutritionist Dr Kavita Desai. The huge fibre content in it enhances digestion and maintains healthy metabolism, which are two key points for achieving weight goals. Learn more about the Top 9 Fruits for Weight Loss
In Traditional medicine, ash gourd has had its applications for purported health benefits for ages. In Ayurvedic practice, this plant is rated for its special cooling effects and is frequently prescribed for conditions like fever, urinary problems, and respiratory afflictions. Dr Arvind Mishra, an Ayurvedic practitioner, commented "It is said very well in the old scriptures and manuscripts of Ayurveda that ash gourd is a miraculous vegetable acting like ambrosia in balancing the aggravated body heat, and it is conducive to the promotion of respiratory health. The scientific community owes it to itself to further study such traditional claims and progressively attempt to converge towards the eventual validation of such healing traits and the mechanisms involved.
In the UK, ash gourd is commonly referred to as winter melon or wax gourd.
Ash gourd provides several health benefits to the body: it aids in digestion because of its high fibre content, it helps in regulating blood sugar levels since it is a low GI food, and it hydrates the body due to the high content of water. In addition, its antioxidant properties can help reduce free radicals from possibly causing chronic diseases.
People who are allergic to ash gourd or any related members should not take it. Particular groups are also advised to get a health professional's opinion before including it in their diet if it can supplement their health needs. These individuals are those who are suffering from a specific health condition and are on a prescribed diet.
The English name for it is winter melon or wax gourd.
Ash gourd is considered a healthy food that can cure various diseases right from improving digestion to acting as an antioxidant and helping the person regulate the high levels of sugar, apart from managing weight loss. Its antioxidant nutrients combined with traditional health benefits help make the ash gourd a wonderful vegetable to include in a healthy diet. Supported by various studies and experts' opinions, a wide use of ash gourd can bring overall well-being.
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