
Plants have a green pigment called chlorophyll/chlorophyllin that aids in the absorption of light during photosynthesis.Chlorophyll/Chlorophyllin is a chlorophyll derivative that is frequently used as a food additive or colorant.

Health Benefits

Chlorophyll and chlorophyllin have a number of health advantages, including:

1. Enhancing immunity

2. Decreased inflammation

3. Assisting with detoxification

4. Improving healing of wounds

5. Supporting skin health

Despite these potential health advantages, the majority of these claims are not well supported by science. Chlorophyll and chlorophyllin can also have negative side effects like diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. As a result, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional before taking these supplements.

More studies are required to confirm the potential health benefits of chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, according to ongoing research into their effects. However, these supplements might present a risk-free, all-natural method of enhancing general health.

Dosage and Preparation

There are topical and oral supplements for chlorophyll and chlorophyllin.

The most common forms of oral supplements are capsules and liquids. The product and the purpose for use determine the recommended dosage. For instance, a typical dosage of chlorophyllin is 300–400 milligrams (mg) administered three times per day.

The skin is treated with topical products, such as creams and ointments. There is no evidence-based dosage recommendation because these products have not been thoroughly studied. Nevertheless, heed the directions provided on the package.

Risks and Side Effects

When consumed in the recommended dosages, chlorophyll and chlorophyllin are generally regarded as safe. However, they might result in negative effects like:

1. nauseous

2. throwing up

3. vomiting and diarrhea

4. Dark stools.

5. Abdominal pain

When taking supplements containing chlorophyllin on an empty stomach, some of these side effects might be more likely to occur. Take chlorophyllin with food or milk to help ease nausea.

Additionally, some people may experience skin irritation from topical products. If this happens, stop using the product and consult a healthcare professional if the irritation continues.

Children and pregnant women should abstain from taking supplements containing chlorophyll and chlorophyllin unless specifically instructed to do so by a healthcare professional.

Mechanism of Action

Supplements containing chlorophyll and chlorophyllin are thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are beneficial to health.

Free radicals, which are harmful toxins, are removed from the body by antioxidants. Free radicals can harm cells and play a role in the development of chronic illnesses like cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants may aid in preventing these conditions by lowering the body's level of free radicals.

Supplements containing chlorophyll and chlorophyllin are sometimes promoted as all-natural methods of healing wounds. It has been demonstrated that chlorophyll encourages the development of new tissue and lessens inflammation in wounds. In animal studies, chlorophyllin has also been found to hasten the healing of wounds.

However, there is little human research on how these supplements affect wound healing. To ascertain their suitability for this use, more research is required.

Anti-inflammatory drugs lessen inflammation, which is the immune system's normal reaction to injury or infection. On the other hand, asthma and arthritis are just two conditions that can be brought on by persistent inflammation. Agents that can lessen inflammation may therefore aid in the improvement of these conditions.
Supplements containing chlorophyll and chlorphyllin may aid in detoxification in addition to having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The process of detoxification involves removing dangerous toxins from the body.

According to some research, chlorophyll and chlorophyllin may aid in the removal of toxins from the body by binding to them and encouraging digestion. To verify these effects, more study is required.


Supplemental chlorophyll and chlorophyllin are poorly absorbed by the body. Chlorophyll is quickly metabolized after oral ingestion and eliminated in the feces. Additionally, chlorophyllin is quickly and ineffectively excreted.

After ingestion, only trace amounts of these substances can be found in the blood. They are therefore not believed to build up in the body or have long-term negative effects.

But little is understood about the pharmacokinetics of these substances. To understand how they are metabolized and excreted by the body, more study is required.