How to Stop Watery Eyes at Home?

How to Stop Watery Eyes at Home?

Whether you’re sick or your eyes are just acting out, having watery eyes is one of the most annoying things to deal with. Watery eyes, medically known as epiphora, is a condition that happens when your eyes produce excessive tears. Watery eyes are caused by different factors such as an eye infection, allergies or tear duct blockage. Although watery eyes may not cause pain, the discomfort can definitely cause annoyance and limit your daily activities, so let’s find out how to stop watery eyes at home.

Watery Eyes

What are the Common Causes of Watery Eyes?

Common causes of watery eyes include infections, allergies and block tear ducts. Sometimes eyes get watery for a short period, for example, when a person is yawning, emotional, coughing or even laughing. Here are the main causes for longer-lasting watery eyes:


An eye infection like pink eye, known as conjunctivitis, causes watery eyes when the infection causes inflammation in and around the eyes. A study published in the Journal of Ophthalmology found that up to 80% of conjunctivitis cases cause significant tear production.


Allergies, such as an allergic reaction to pollen, pet dander or dust, is a common cause of watery eyes, as it leads to producing more tears when the body is triggered. "Identifying and avoiding allergens is crucial in managing watery eyes due to allergies," as advised by Dr Michael Turner, an allergist.

Blocked Tear Ducts

Blocked tear ducts cause watery eyes as it does not allow the eyes to drain one’s tears properly which leads to excessive tears in the eyes. 

How to Treat Watery Eyes at Home

Watery eyes cause discomfort and are inconvenient, especially when you have things to get done, however, treating this at home can be simple. The following includes the different ways you can treat watery eyes at home:

Over-the-Counter Eye Drops

Eye drops, like Optrex Refreshing Eye Drops or Hylo-Tear Eye Drops 10ml, help relieve the irritation of watery eyes by providing moisture to the eyes. A survey by the American Optometric Association found that 70% of people with watery eyes experienced relief using artificial tears.

Warm Compress

A warm compress helps relieve the discomfort from watery eyes, as the warmth unblocks the tear ducts which helps properly drain the tears. "Use a clean, warm cloth and apply it gently to the closed eyelids for about 10 minutes several times a day," advised Dr Susan Clarke, an ophthalmologist.

Proper Hygiene

Good eye, and overall, hygiene is a great way to prevent and treat watery eyes. It is recommended to avoid touching one’s eyes and making sure to wash your hands often and properly. 

Avoiding Irritants

By avoiding things that cause irritation, such as harsh chemicals, wind and smoke, it helps to further prevent watery eyes. It may also be helpful to wear sunglasses outside if environmental factors are known to be irritant for the individual. 

People Also Ask

How do you get rid of watery eyes fast?

Apply a warm compress to help relieve watery eyes quickly, and use over-the-counter lubricating eye drops.

What is a natural remedy for watery eyes?

A natural remedy for watery eyes is to use a warm compress, which can help unblock tear ducts and promote better tear drainage.

What causes excessive eye watering?

Excessive eye watering can be caused by allergies, infections like conjunctivitis, and blocked tear ducts.

What is the best medicine for watery eyes?

The best medicine for watery eyes often includes over-the-counter lubricating eye drops, such as artificial tears. For allergy-related watery eyes, antihistamine eye drops can be effective.


Watery ways may be caused by a variety of factors, however, we can agree that it causes annoyance. Watery eyes can be treated at home, however, if home remedies don’t relieve the symptoms or it worsen, it’s important to consult with a doctor for further guidance. The American Academy of Ophthalmology advises consulting a specialist if you experience persistent discomfort, vision changes, or discharge from the eyes.

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