Can You Refreeze Chicken?

Can You Refreeze Chicken?- Welzo

The safety and efficacy of refreezing chicken depends upon several factors, e.g., whether it was raw, cooked, and thawed correctly before freezing. Freezing unused chicken is the best way to reduce food wastage and preserve it for later use. This method also preserves the chicken and prevents the growth of microorganisms, such as moulds, yeast, and bacteria. 

However, as refreezing the chicken is essential, many critical factors must be understood for good refreezing. This article explains everything one must know to refreeze the chicken safely, tips for effective and safe storage, and tips for maintaining its quality during storage. Keep reading to delve into more details. 

Can You Refreeze Chicken?- Welzo

Suppose you need similar details about other foods, particularly cheese and mushrooms. In that case, we have detailed this information in similar articles, 'Can you refreeze chicken?' and 'Can you freeze cheese?' in other must-read articles at Welzo. Visit these pages to read.

How do you refreeze the chicken properly? 

Correctly refreezing the chicken is critical, as improper procedures cause many bacteria, such as Salmonella, to grow inside, causing disease and death in many people. Although freezing the chicken minimises the growth of microbes, it doesn't kill all foodborne pathogens. So, proper refreezing is essential. 

To start with, check if the chicken was thawed adequately before refreezing. The safe thawing methods are published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) UK and are, 


The FSA has proposed it as the ideal method of defrosting. Proper refrigeration is time-consuming and takes some days, but it is safe. Planning and allowing adequate space and time for the meat is necessary. Chicken. It should be frozen and refrigerated at 4.4oC (40oF) or below. 

Cold running water 

This method is a substitute for refrigeration. Use leak-proof packaging or a large container to submerge the chicken in the cold running water and replace the water continuously for 30 minutes. Cold water speeds up the defrosting process and does not allow the outside part of the food to get warm. 

Use of a clean sink

Defrost the meat in an empty sink, clean it, and disinfect it afterwards. I was applying cold water during sinking, speeding up defrosting.

Use of a microwave oven 

Use the microwave oven's safe dish to heat the chicken through the 'forest settings' and rotate it for an even thaw. Rotate the chicken manually if the microwave oven does not have a turntable.

Room temperature defrosting

Although the FSA advises conditional defrosting at room temperature, it urges caution against doing so. An important tip is never to defrost the chicken on the countertop, as it is hazardous. Room temperature favours the growth of many bacteria; thus, this type of chicken should ideally not be used, let alone refreeze. 

Can You Refreeze Chicken?- Welzo

It is essential to know that defrosting the chicken in a microwave oven or cold water is not 100% safe and allows many harmful bacteria to grow. When using these methods, cooking the chicken properly before refreezing it is advised.  

Cooking enhances chicken's storage life. According to the FSA guidelines about food safety and refrigeration, cooked chicken can be stored in a refrigerator for 3-4 days, while raw chicken is safe for just two days. So, cooked and raw chicken are secure in their respective shelf lives, and refreezing only the chicken that has been appropriately thawed inside a refrigerator is necessary. 

Essential tips for proper storage and refreezing 

The freezer is safe for keeping chicken meat and can be kept inside the freezer indefinitely. Nevertheless, refreezing is not 100% secure and affects the texture and taste of the chicken. The best tips to maximise the loss of freshness during storage are, 

Refreeze quickly and at best quality: To ensure the best quality, freeze chicken as soon as possible. Raw chicken thawed for longer than two days, and cooked chicken stored for longer than four days spoils rapidly, so it is not advised to store and freeze it due to safety concerns,

Quick freezing: Slow cooling is not effective as it causes the formation of ice crystals in the chicken. It damages the meat structure, making it dry and tough. Freezing the chicken in a shallow container is advised as an excellent tip to speed up this process. 

Use of airtight packaging: Sealing the chicken meat inside the tight packaging prevents freeze-burn caused by prolonged exposure to the air. The freezing burn negatively affects the chicken's colour, texture, and taste. If properly stored, the frozen raw chicken can maintain its quality for at least 9-12 months, and cooked chicken lasts approximately four months. 

However, if the frozen chicken spoils, Welzo offers many other alternatives. For example, our Laperva Keto Diet Chicken Cream Soup is suitable for busy people. Visit it to see if it matches your lifestyle and order it. 

Can You Refreeze Chicken?- Welzo

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why should the chicken not be refrozen twice? 

It is not advised to refreeze the chicken twice. As it thaws, it becomes home to many dangerous bacteria that are only killed by correct and adequate cooking. Refreezing such a chicken twice allows the multiplication of bacteria, which produces toxins not fully deactivated by cooking. 

How many times is it advised to freeze the chicken? 

According to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), safely refreezing a properly thawed chicken is possible. Frozen chicken is safe for an indefinite period if it is kept frozen adequately and continuously. Unfreezing it and then freezing it again is not advised. 

Are chicken and chicken products safe after three days of defrosting? 

After proper thawing, the fish, poultry, and ground meat can be used for an additional one to two days. As soon as the chicken is thawed and kept in the refrigerator, it must be cooked within 3-4 days for best quality. 

Which foods must not be refrozen after thawing?

As soon as the food is thawed correctly, it is brought to room temperature and kept out of the refrigerator for over 2 hours. For safety concerns, it is advised to be thrown out. This Principle applies equally to shellfish, poultry, meat, cooked foods, and vegetables. It is recommended not to refreeze ice cream and other frozen desserts. 

How do we know if the refrozen chicken is of poor quality and bad for consumption? 

If the frozen chicken has no unpleasant odour, rewrap and thaw it slowly inside the refrigerator. After proper thawing, touch the chicken; if it is tacky or sticky, run it under cold water. Something has gone wrong if its tackiness or stickiness remains as before or it feels slimy. You cannot use it; throw it away. 

For how long the chicken is safe in the refrigerator? 

If the chicken is to be used immediately, there is no need to freeze it. Keeping the raw chicken in the refrigerator for 1-2 days is fine. If it is cooked, it is OK to be stored inside the fridge for 3-4 days.  

Can You Refreeze Chicken?- Welzo


The efficacy of refreezing the poultry products depends upon the safety and effectiveness of the defrosting process, whether it was cooked or raw or the time for which it was thawed. If handled properly, the cooked chicken refreezes within four days, while raw chicken takes approximately two days to refreeze after thawing. 

For best quality, the better the raw chicken is refrozen, the better it becomes. Refreeze the raw chicken that has been thawed inside a refrigerator for best results. We have numerous supplements that are equally suitable for chicken lovers and vegans. Visit Welzo Supplements to choose the best for you and consult our healthcare and nutritional experts through our Private GP Appointments Online

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