Protein Coffee: Benefits, Risks, and a Simple Recipe

Protein Coffee: Benefits, Risks, and a Simple Recipe

What is Protein Coffee?

Protein coffee is a drink made by blending brewed coffee with protein powder. It merges the energising properties of caffeine with the muscle-supporting effects of protein. This beverage is often consumed as a pre- or post-workout drink, or as a meal replacement, providing a practical solution for those needing both caffeine and protein.

The primary ingredients in protein coffee include:

  • Freshly brewed coffee: Provides the caffeine content.
  • Protein powder: Typically whey, plant-based, or casein protein.
  • Optional additives: These may include sweeteners, flavourings, and milk alternatives to enhance taste and nutritional value.

Benefits of Protein Coffee

Protein coffee is a beverage that combines the stimulating effects of coffee with the nutritional benefits of protein powder. This fusion offers several advantages, including increased protein intake, enhanced energy levels, improved muscle recovery and growth, and weight management support. By providing essential amino acids and sustained energy, protein coffee can help meet daily protein requirements, support post-workout recovery, and contribute to overall health and fitness goals.

Nutritional Boost

Increased Protein Intake

Protein coffee offers an effective way to boost protein intake, particularly important for those who struggle to meet their daily protein requirements through food alone. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that protein supplementation can improve muscle mass and strength, particularly in older adults and athletes.

Essential Amino Acids

Protein powders used in protein coffee often contain essential amino acids, which are vital for various bodily functions, including muscle repair and growth. Dr Mark Tarnopolsky, a researcher in muscle metabolism, explains, "Consuming protein with essential amino acids can significantly enhance muscle protein synthesis, especially when ingested post-exercise."

Enhanced Energy Levels

Caffeine Benefits

Caffeine is well-known for its stimulating effects, enhancing alertness and cognitive function. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has recognised caffeine's ability to increase attention and alertness, making protein coffee an excellent option for those needing an energy boost.

Sustained Energy from Protein

The protein in protein coffee provides a sustained energy release, preventing the sudden energy crashes often associated with high-caffeine drinks. This combination can be particularly beneficial for individuals engaging in prolonged physical activities or those requiring sustained mental focus.

Muscle Recovery and Growth

Post-Workout Benefits

Protein coffee is often consumed post-workout to aid muscle recovery. Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that consuming protein immediately after exercise can enhance muscle repair and growth, making protein coffee an efficient post-exercise drink. 

Muscle Protein Synthesis

Protein coffee supports muscle protein synthesis, essential for muscle repair and growth. The inclusion of high-quality protein sources ensures the delivery of necessary amino acids, promoting optimal muscle recovery and hypertrophy.

Weight Management

Satiety and Appetite Control

Protein is known for its satiating effects, helping to control appetite and reduce overall caloric intake. A study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that protein consumption can enhance feelings of fullness, making protein coffee a useful tool for weight management.

Metabolic Boost

The thermogenic effect of protein, combined with caffeine's metabolic boosting properties, can enhance calorie burning. This synergistic effect can support weight management efforts by increasing the body's energy expenditure.

Potential Risks and Considerations

While protein coffee has numerous benefits, it is essential to be aware of potential risks and considerations. Excessive caffeine intake can lead to side effects such as anxiety, insomnia, and digestive issues. Overconsumption of protein may strain the kidneys and cause digestive discomfort. Additionally, the quality of ingredients used in protein coffee, such as protein powders with additives and fillers, can impact health. It is crucial to balance protein coffee with a varied diet and be mindful of individual sensitivities to caffeine and protein.

Caffeine Sensitivity

Side Effects of Excessive Caffeine

Excessive caffeine intake can lead to adverse effects such as anxiety, insomnia, and digestive issues. The EFSA recommends a maximum daily caffeine intake of 400 mg for most adults to avoid such side effects. Dr Jane White, a clinical dietitian, advises, "Individuals should monitor their caffeine consumption from all sources to prevent negative health outcomes."

Recommended Caffeine Limits

To mitigate the risks associated with caffeine, it's essential to adhere to recommended limits. Consuming protein coffee in moderation and being mindful of additional caffeine sources can help maintain safe caffeine levels.

Protein Overconsumption

Kidney Strain

High protein intake can strain the kidneys, particularly in individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions. The National Kidney Foundation advises those with kidney disease to consult with healthcare providers before increasing protein intake.

Digestive Issues

Excessive protein consumption can lead to digestive discomfort, including bloating and constipation. Moderating protein intake and ensuring a balanced diet can help prevent these issues.

Quality of Ingredients

Choosing High-Quality Protein Powders

Selecting high-quality protein powders, such as The 15 Best Protein Powders of 2024, According to Doctors, free from additives and fillers is crucial for health. Dr Michael Greger, a public health expert, highlights, "Opting for reputable brands and scrutinising ingredient labels can ensure the consumption of pure and beneficial protein sources."

Avoiding Additives and Fillers

Many protein powders contain artificial additives and fillers that can cause health concerns. Choosing clean, minimally processed protein powders can reduce the risk of ingesting harmful substances.

Balance in Diet

Importance of a Balanced Diet

While protein coffee can be a valuable addition to the diet, it should not replace whole foods. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is essential for overall health. Nutritionist Dr Laura Anderson emphasises, "Protein coffee should complement a well-rounded diet, not replace nutritious meals."

Not a Replacement for Whole Foods

Relying solely on protein coffee for nutrition can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Ensuring a diverse diet that includes a variety of food groups is crucial for maintaining health and well-being.

How to Make Protein Coffee: A Simple Recipe

Making protein coffee at home is straightforward and requires just a few ingredients: freshly brewed coffee, your preferred protein powder, and optional add-ins like sweeteners or milk alternatives. Start by brewing a fresh cup of coffee, mix in a scoop of protein powder, blend or stir until smooth, and add any additional ingredients to enhance flavour or nutrition. This simple recipe allows you to enjoy the benefits of protein coffee tailored to your taste and dietary needs.

Ingredients Needed

To prepare protein coffee, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Freshly brewed coffee: Choose your preferred brewing method, such as drip, French press, or espresso.
  • Preferred protein powder: Select a protein powder that aligns with your dietary needs and flavour preferences, such as whey, casein, or plant-based options.
  • Optional add-ins: These may include sweeteners (e.g., stevia, honey), flavourings (e.g., vanilla extract, cocoa powder), and milk alternatives (e.g., almond milk, oat milk).

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Brew the Coffee
    • Start by brewing a fresh cup of coffee using your chosen method. The coffee should be hot but not boiling, as extremely high temperatures can denature the protein powder.
  2. Mix in the Protein Powder
    • Add one scoop of your preferred protein powder to the hot coffee. It is recommended to use a shaker bottle or a blender for a smoother consistency, but stirring vigorously with a spoon can also work.
  3. Blend or Stir Until Smooth
    • Blend the coffee and protein powder until smooth. If using a blender, blend for about 15-20 seconds. If stirring, ensure there are no clumps remaining.
  4. Add Optional Ingredients
    • Incorporate any additional ingredients to enhance flavour or nutritional value. This can include a dash of cinnamon, a teaspoon of honey, or a splash of your favourite milk alternative.
  5. Serve and Enjoy
    • Pour the protein coffee into your favourite mug and enjoy immediately. This drink can be consumed hot or chilled, depending on your preference.
Protein coffee

Tips for Customising Your Protein Coffee

Customising your protein coffee can enhance its taste and nutritional profile. Experiment with flavour variations by adding vanilla, chocolate, or mocha protein powders. Adjust the protein content by choosing different types of protein powders, such as whey, plant-based, or casein. For added nutrients, consider incorporating superfoods like chia seeds or flaxseeds and healthy fats such as MCT oil or coconut oil. These customisation tips help you create a protein coffee that aligns with your personal preferences and health goals.

Flavor Variations

Experimenting with different flavours can enhance the enjoyment of protein coffee. Common variations include:

  • Vanilla: Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract or use a vanilla-flavoured protein powder.
  • Chocolate: Incorporate a tablespoon of cocoa powder or use chocolate-flavoured protein powder.
  • Mocha: Combine cocoa powder and a sweetener for a classic mocha taste.

Adjusting Protein Content

The type of protein powder used can significantly influence the nutritional profile of your protein coffee:

  • Whey Protein: Known for its fast absorption and complete amino acid profile, making it ideal for post-workout recovery.
  • Plant-Based Protein: Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, often derived from sources like peas, rice, or hemp.
  • Casein Protein: Provides a slower release of amino acids, which can be beneficial for sustained muscle recovery.

Additional Nutrients

Enhancing the nutritional value of your protein coffee can be achieved by adding superfoods and healthy fats:

  • Superfoods: Chia seeds, flaxseeds, or spirulina can boost the nutrient content with minimal flavour impact.
  • Healthy Fats: Adding a teaspoon of MCT oil or coconut oil can provide additional energy and support cognitive function.

Popular Protein Coffees and Where to Buy Them

Here are some of the best protein coffees you can buy, each offering a unique combination of taste, nutritional benefits, and convenience:

Premier Protein Café Latte

Nutrition: 160 calories, 3g fat, 5g carbs, 30g protein, 95mg caffeine.
Highlights: The Premier Protein Café Latte ready-to-drink protein coffee provides a substantial 30g of protein per serving and has a genuine coffee flavour, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a high-protein beverage that also delivers an energy boost​.

Kitu Super Coffee

Nutrition: Varies by flavour, typically around 80 calories, 5g fat, 0g sugar, 10g protein.
Highlights: Available in a convenient bottled form, Kitu Super Coffee is known for its clean ingredients, including MCT oil and monk fruit sweetener. It is lactose-free, gluten-free, and soy-free, catering to various dietary preferences​.

Chike High Protein Iced Coffee

Nutrition: 120 calories, 2g fat, 9g carbs, 20g protein, 150mg caffeine.
Highlights: Chike's protein coffee combines two shots of espresso with 20g of whey protein. It’s an ideal choice for those who prefer a cold coffee drink with a high protein content​.

Click All-In-One Coffee Protein

Nutrition: 150 calories, 1.5g fat, 12g carbs, 16g protein.
Highlights: Click’s mocha-flavoured protein powder is designed to serve as a meal replacement or a dietary supplement. It includes 23 essential vitamins and minerals, making it a comprehensive nutritional option​.

PEScience Select Café Protein

Nutrition: 100 calories, 1g fat, 3g carbs, 20g protein, 100mg caffeine.
Highlights: PEScience Select Café Protein's protein powder blends whey and casein proteins, offering a thick and creamy texture suitable for smoothies and shakes. It is especially popular for its balanced nutritional profile and ease of blending.

OWYN Cold Brew Coffee Protein Shake

Nutrition: 180 calories, 7g fat, 8g carbs, 20g protein, 150mg caffeine.
Highlights: OWYN’s plant-based protein shake is noted for its smooth flavour and high caffeine content. It’s an excellent option for those who prefer cold brew coffee and need a vegan protein source.

Giant Sports Keto Coffee

Nutrition: Varies by serving size and flavour.
Highlights: Giant Sports Keto Coffee's keto-friendly option is known for its premium Brazilian coffee beans and MCT oil. It is designed to support a ketogenic diet while providing a moderate protein boost.

People Also Ask

Can I put protein in my coffee?

Yes, you can put protein in your coffee. Combining protein powder with coffee is a practical way to increase protein intake while enjoying the benefits of caffeine. Ensure the coffee is not too hot to prevent the protein from denaturing.

What is a good protein to put in coffee?

A good protein to put in coffee depends on your dietary preferences and goals. Whey protein is popular due to its rapid absorption and comprehensive amino acid profile. Plant-based proteins are excellent for those avoiding animal products, while casein protein offers sustained release.

What is coffee with protein called?

Coffee with protein is commonly referred to as "protein coffee." This term describes the beverage resulting from mixing coffee with protein powder, offering both the stimulating effects of caffeine and the nutritional benefits of protein.

Can you put protein powder in hot water?

Yes, you can put protein powder in hot water, but it is essential to ensure the water is not boiling. Extremely high temperatures can cause the protein powder to clump and denature, resulting in a less desirable texture and potentially reducing the protein's effectiveness.


Protein coffee combines the energising effects of coffee with the nutritional benefits of protein powder, making it a convenient option for those seeking to boost their protein intake and enhance their energy levels. While it offers several benefits, such as improved muscle recovery and weight management, it is crucial to be mindful of potential risks, including caffeine sensitivity and protein overconsumption. By selecting high-quality ingredients and balancing protein coffee with a varied diet, individuals can enjoy this functional beverage as part of a healthy lifestyle.

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